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First They Came For The Raw Milk

by Mike Adams

(NaturalNews) The FDA raids on raw milk farmers have outraged the U.S. public, and an increasing number of people are becoming aware of the overreaching regulatory tyranny of this rogue government agency. But not enough members of the public are yet taking action to stand up against government abuses of power.

Many people prefer to be consumed with their own senseless pursuit of materialistic fulfillment: Fashion, jewelry, money, cars and even mind-numbing distractions like sports and mainstream television. They don't speak out against the FDA raids on farmers because they either don't know or they just figure, "It's not my problem."

A similar situation took place during Hitler's rise to power in Nazi Germany, where most members of the German public, even after being made aware of the atrocities being committed by the Nazi regime, decided it wasn't their problem so they didn't speak out. Pastor Martin Niemoller (…) famously spoke out against the Nazi regime with a statement that began, "First they came for the Communists…"

He was arrested by the Nazis in 1937 and imprisoned in the Sachsenhausen and Dachau concentration camps after being charged with the crime of "not being enthusiastic enough about the Nazi movement." (Which is even more ridiculous than the crime of "mislabeling cheese.")

As a variation of this quote, and inspired by another version of this that I first saw on I offer the following "raw milk" version of Neimoller's famous quote:

First they came for the raw milk
and I didn't speak out because I drank no raw milk.

Then they came for the non-GMO farmers
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a farmer.

Next they came for the home gardeners
and I didn't speak out because I grew no gardens.

Then they came for me
and there was no one left to speak for me.

The time to speak out against government terrorism against farmers and raw milk advocates is NOW! For if we do not stand up against the rampant abuses of power that already exist in government right now, we can only be assured the abuses will escalate and become far worse.

America is becoming the new Nazi-like regime, following in the same footsteps of the corporate-controlled fascism that helped put Hitler in power.

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Old Media Refuses To Cover Rawesome Foods Raid

by Mike Adams

(NaturalNews) It is perhaps the biggest story of the year in terms of fundamental food rights, and yet with very few exceptions, old media (traditional newspapers and news outlets) has outright refused to even cover the story. In fact, NaturalNews has learned from an inside source at the NY Times that the newspaper has an editorial prohibition against using the term "raw milk" in print.

Instead, NYT uses the term "unpasteurized milk" which implies that somehow the milk is "incomplete" unless it is pasteurized. In its coverage of the issue, NY Times is almost universally in favor of processed (pasteurized) milk and strong government regulation, refusing the recognize the rights of private individuals to own shares of cows, goats or other farm animals and then enjoy the benefits of that private ownership (…).

Aside from a small number of exceptions, the last real mention of the term "raw milk" by the New York Times appears to be in 2004:

Before 2004, the paper used "raw milk" throughout numerous articles going back to the 1980's. But in the years since 2004, the term has been all but abandoned by the paper in favor of the term "unpasteurized milk." See Google search:…

This is a clear example of editorial mind games that intentionally replaces one common phrase with a politically-motivated phrase in order to send the message that "milk should always be pasteurized" without having to blatantly state it in so many words.

NY Times reprints FDA's blatant lies about raw milk
In its most recent story about the Rawesome Raids, the NYT printed false information spewed by a dishonest FDA spokesperson who claimed that raw milk contains "pathogens" and causes children to "wind up as paraplegics." (

NaturalNews challenges both the FDA and the New York Times to produce even a single documented case in the last twenty years of a child becoming a paraplegic from consuming raw milk. This is blatantly false information that's routinely used by the FDA to spread scare stories about raw milk in much the same way that the agency uses scare stories about colloidal silver, Chinese Medicine herbs or nutritional supplements. NYTimes provides absolutely no evidence to back up this false assertion that raw milk causes children to "wind up as paraplegics." It simply accepts it as true, without question.

That's the role of the corporate-controlled media, of course: To accept government lies as true and then reprint them as fact. This is how vaccine scare stories get propagated by the CDC, as well.

The presstitutes are at it again
With very few exceptions, no other old media sources have bothered to cover this story of the government terrorism raids against Rawesome Foods. Remember: The Rawesome Foods raid is a case of government-sponsored terrorism against farmers. It's hard to imagine a bigger and more important story in a nation that claims to be free, and yet the old media just outright refuses to cover it.

Perhaps that's why the members of the old media are called presstitutes by Gerald Celente, who explains that "they only exist to service the politicians." They also exist, of course, to service the giant food conglomerates which are adamantly opposed to small, local, wholesome food produced on real farms instead of factory farm operations.

So while the old media is happy to bring you stories about the latest dance craze, or some political sex scandal, or even the latest buzz about celebrity chefs, they absolutely refuse to print a story that might cause all the mass slaves in America to wake up and start to question the false authority being wielded to control their lives. The last thing the old media wants is for people to actually be aware of issues that impact their freedom. That would set a dangerous precedent of getting people to talk about freedom in the first place. Because as we all know, in a collapsing empire run by corrupt corporations and criminal bureaucrats, the war being waged is really an "info war" ( — a war for control over your mind.

That war is waged through the pages of the old media where one of the most powerful control mechanisms of all is the censoring of important stories so that they never see the light of day.

Thank God we have NaturalNews, InfoWars, DrudgeReport, RawStory, AlterNet and other independent-thinking news sources (on both the left and the right) where honest people can still publish stories without them having to be approved by the corrupt media establishment (which is totally missing the boat on all this, by the way).

In what is arguably the biggest food-related story of the year, I find myself the sole reporter in the nation covering this 24/7 and putting out articles, interviews and videos at a rapid pace. And it makes me wonder: Who is canning this story at CNN, MSNBC, Washington Post, USA Today and all the other old media organizations that have provided virtually zero coverage of this stunning news?

I'm willing to bet an order has come down from the White House on this one: "Don't cover the Rawesome Foods raid," it probably says. And so the presstitutes obey as commanded and distract the public with bread and circuses even while the government is openly engaged in the food industry equivalent of a government book burning.

There's a philosophical question in all this, I suppose: If the government burned a huge pile of books but the press never mentioned it, did the book burning really happen? The presstitutes in America are trying to rewrite reality and pretend that nothing nefarious is going on with the Rawesome Foods raids.

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Government Raids, Terrorizes Christian Health Ministry

by: Ethan A. Huff

(NaturalNews) Speaking the truth about the curative properties of natural foods and herbs is considered illegal by the U.S. government. The "land of the free" simply does not tolerate freedom of health speech that goes against the group think of mainstream medicine, and millions of tax dollars are spent every year by government agencies to threaten, intimidate, and ultimately shut down companies and ministries that provide natural health products and information to the public. And one such ministry, Daniel Chapter One (DC1), recently bore the brunt of government tyranny when it was raided by a horde of government officials for refusing to kowtow to illegal demands.

Last year, NaturalNews featured an exclusive report on the DC1 case that you can read for yourself at:

It all started back in 2007 when the U.S. Federal Trade Commission (FTC) launched an internet sting called "Operation False Cures". Its aim was to rid the U.S. of any and all competition to the conventional cancer industry, which includes natural supplements that provide anti-cancer benefits. The FTC targeted at least 130 companies that were selling anti-cancer herbal supplements and ordered them to stop making all health claims about their products or else face fines and jail time. The agency also ordered the companies to sign documents saying that they had been engaging in illegal activity, even though none of them were proven guilty of committing anything illegal.

Every company on the target list ended up caving to the pressure and complying with the rogue demands, eventually settling out of FTC court — except for DC1. DC1 refused to comply with the FTC's unlawful demands and instead stood up for its free speech rights. Outraged over the ministry's non-compliance, the FTC then issued a cease and desist order against DC1 to intimidate them further. But the ministry challenged that order with an appeal, and is currently awaiting a proper hearing by a real judge over the matter.

When NaturalNews tried to contact the FTC with questions about the case, the agency did not respond.

A full time line of DC1's case with the FTC can be accessed at:…

Daniel Chapter One has been repeatedly denied lawful due process
To this day, DC1 has been denied a proper hearing by a legitimate judge. The ministry was previously subjected to "FTC Court", which is nothing more than a phony government tribunal of sorts that operates outside the rule of law and without a jury. No real hearing has taken place thus far.

As expected, the FTC court originally ruled against DC1 and declared it guilty of violations. But instead of backing down like the others did, the ministry challenged the ruling by appealing to a real court. And immediately after DC1 filed the appeal, the FTC slapped the ministry with a motion for civil injunction, claiming that it was in violation of its cease and desist orders, even though such orders were never lawfully justified in the first place.

On September 14, 2010, a district court judge in Washington, D.C., was set to hear the FTC's motion, but decided that it was outside his jurisdiction to do anything with it. Because DC1 was in the process of filling its appeal to the original FTC allegations, the judge could not make a proper ruling. This is where the situation took a turn for the worse.

Just a week after the case was put on hold, a dozen government henchmen, including agents from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the U.S. Army Criminal Investigation Command (CID), Rhode Island State Troopers, and local police, paid DC1 a surprise visit. The agents raided the DC1 facility and stole computers, paperwork, files, and other documents, and harassed family members and workers in the process. According to eyewitness testimony, the agents even held Jim Feijo, founder of DC1, at gunpoint.

When asked by NaturalNews about the raid and why it occurred, the FDA did not offer a response.

Jim and his wife Tricia explained to NaturalNews that they have done ministry work around the world for many years, and have never experienced the type of ruthless, tyrannical treatment by a government like they did that terrible morning.

"Worldwide, we've marched with the Chinese students in Tiananmen Square, we were in Poland when communism crashed, we were…living in Eastern European countries when we crossed the wall in Berlin, we were stranded in East Berlin when the East German and West German mark became one…[I] have never, never had a gun pulled on me in any of those communist countries or in any of those situations," explained Jim Feijo in an interview with NaturalNews.

And what was the alleged reasoning for such brutal behavior? The Feijos had received a warning letter from the FDA roughly a year ago that claimed DC1 products were "misbranded drugs", and that the ministry was making false claims about them. Though none of it was true, the FDA came and took some products at that time and never said anything else about it. So DC1 ignored the FDA's false allegations and went on with business as normal. But they believe the raid was connected with that incident.

Interestingly, though, the raid occurred just one week after the FTC was denied its wishes by the district court judge, which seems to point to the fact that various government agencies might be working together behind the scenes to destroy the lives and livelihoods of the Feijos for not bowing to their demands.

"It's suspicious that they came in here the other morning right after the hearing in Washington," said Tricia Feijo, wife of Jim Feijo. "We don't know that it's all related … but they are trying to crush us, there's no doubt about that. They are trying to crush our ministry."

Daniel Chapter One never made any false claims in the first place
During the original FTC sweep, the agency accused DC1 of making false health claims. But in reality, the company was really only making legitimate structure/function claims about their products in accordance with the U.S. Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act (DSHEA) of 1994. DC1 also posted customer testimonies that highlighted the various health benefits of the products, which is also fully legal.

"Truthfully, we have relied on DSHEA…which allows for a dietary supplement to make structure/function claims, and that's all we've ever done," explained Tricia. "They really have nothing on us … but they are trying to tear us down, and if nothing else, just bury us with legal bills."

During the recent raid, armed agents presented the Feijos with a search and seize warrant containing a chilling line item that permitted agents to look for "any and all correspondence, notes, emails, posters, signs, records, books written in electronic, which may be related for the representation in any manner, expressly or by implication, that any DC1 products are articles intended for use in the diagnosis, cure, mitigation, treatment, or prevention of disease in man or other animals."

In other words, agents were granted free reign to search and seize anything they wanted to, as long as they believed it "implied" a use in health. And since the word "implied" is a subjective term, it opens the floodgates to arbitrary search and seizures for no legitimate reason.

"They came in here and went into all of our computers, business and personal, my file cabinets, which this is my homeopathy practice … it has nothing to do with Daniel Chapter One, but they went through everything looking for even an implied representation that any DC1 product can be used for any aspect of healing illness in man or animals," lamented Tricia. "That's about as broad as you can get."

To make matters worse, agents seized a stack of signed affidavits gathered from customers concerning the legitimacy of DC1 products. Such affidavits were requested from a previous judge, and a lot of time had gone into collecting them. Agents also seized a stack of petitions concerning the FTC's unlawful activity in the whole matter. The Feijos have no idea if these important documents will ever be returned to them.

Daniel Chapter One has never had a single complaint
For over 25 years, DC1 has been providing unique, bio-molecular herbs and supplements to customers around the world, and the ministry have never received a single complaint about any of its products — ever. On the contrary, it continues to receive thousands of testimonials from satisfied customers who have cured "terminal" illnesses like cancer.

"(We've had) not one complaint, not one lawsuit, not one person killed in 27 years," emphasized Jim. "And in the same time, the FDA from [its] own articles published in JAMA (the Journal of the American Medical Association), has documented 106,000 people killed by FDA-approved drugs taken exactly like they were prescribed by their doctors. That's 2.8 million people murdered by the FDA in the same time frame we've been doing this."

Jim also explained that he and his wife have given away hundreds of thousands of books, CDs, and other materials at their own expense, just to get the vital information out to people who need it. The couple continually expressed in an interview that the ultimate goal of the ministry is to help people, not to make a profit — hence why it is a ministry and not a business. So the government's crusade to destroy them and others who do similar work is nothing more than warrantless, medical tyranny against free individuals doing good work for the betterment of public health.

Daniel Chapter One is the first entity to challenge the FTC in court in over 100 years
Most companies when challenged by the likes of the FDA and FTC back down out of fear. But not DC1. As small as the ministry is, it continues to stand up against the forces of tyranny because its people know that what they are doing is both right and legal. And according to Jim, DC1's lawsuit against the FTC is the first of its kind to take place in over 100 years.

Jim's background in physiology and chemistry led him to the interesting discoveries he made years ago that eventually spurred him to develop many of DC1's custom formulas. Four of Jim's products in particular — 7-Herb Formula (,shop.product_details/category_id,46/flypage,shop.garden_flypage/product_id,25/option,com_virtuemart/Itemid,44/vmcchk,1/), GDU (,com_virtuemart/page,shop.browse/category_id,116/Itemid,58/), BioShark (,com_virtuemart/page,shop.browse/category_id,72/Itemid,44/), and BioMixx (,com_virtuemart/page,shop.browse/category_id,73/Itemid,44/) — were all specifically targeted by the FTC, even though they have helped thousands of people improve their health. And the Feijos believe that it is precisely because these products work that the FTC is continuing its relentless pursuit to destroy the ministry.

And that is what makes DC1 unique. A Christian ministry with very limited resources is standing up to a tyrannical federal government, even though the odds are stacked against them. But their devotion to the cause, their love for people and natural health, and their strong principles continue to drive their fight for freedom of speech. And if they achieve victory, it will benefit not only their ministry, but every single person that cares about the freedom to make individual health choices and freely share health information with others.

Support Daniel Chapter One and sign the petition
Raising awareness about government tyranny is useful, but taking action is even more important. Here are some practical steps you can take right now to support DC1 and fight government tyranny:

Sign DC1's health freedom petition (…). The petition is a plea to President Barack Obama to defend individual liberty, free speech rights, and free access to truthful health information. The Feijos have requested your support in signing the petition and passing it on to your friends and neighbors.

Support DC1's daily radio program called Free Speech Ministry ( that is aired online and syndicated nationally on the Accent Radio Network. The show contains a myriad of useful health information, and it is a great way to get the word out to the public about subjects like freedom of health speech that are largely ignored by the mainstream media.

Financially support DC1 in its quest for free speech by purchasing its products or contacting the ministry directly to donate needed funds for its ongoing legal battles. Remember, if DC1 wins its fight against the FTC, it will set an important precedent for freedom of health speech that will benefit everyone.

Contact your Congressmen and urge support for Representative Ron Paul's health freedom bills (…). Such bills will put an end to government tyranny against freedom of health speech. Support Citizens for Health ( as well, a health freedom organization truly devoted to the cause.

The products sold by DC1 are truly phenomenal, and they continue to help people everywhere. Despite the FTC and FDA assaults against the ministry, individuals from countries around the world continue to purchase its products and spread the word about them because they really work. Be sure to check them out for yourself at:

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Phytochemicals Shown To Protect Skin From Sun Damage

by: T.M. Hartle

(NaturalNews) One in five Americans will develop skin cancer in their lifetime. According to reports, 65% of new cases of melanoma are related to exposure to UV rays, or the sun. This simple, yet profound fact has led to a mass media campaign advocating liberal use of sunscreen. Unfortunately, critical research on the importance of phytochemical protection against UV rays has largely been ignored. A large body of evidence has shown that phytochemicals found in fruits and vegetables protect the skin from sun damage.

According to the USDA food consumption chart, the average American consumes only 12% of their calories from fruits and vegetables combined. The importance of fruits and vegetables in the diet is well known and yet ignored by the large majority of Americans. One critically important aspect of fruits and vegetables in the diet is the phytochemical's ability to protect against sun damage.

A recent study in the British Journal of Dermatology examined whether tomato paste, rich in lycopene, could protect against UV sun damage. The researchers of this study evaluated biopsies of skin tissue from unexposed and UV exposed skin samples. Upon review of the skin samples researchers concluded, 'Lycopene provides protection against acute and potentially longer-term aspects of photo-damage.' This recent study highlights the protective nature of fruit and vegetable phytochemicals not only in optimal health but also in protection against UV skin damage and potentially skin cancer.
A study published in Molecular Biotechnology concluded that carotenoids and flavonoids are also involved in the prevention of UV damage in humans. Researchers reported that as these antioxidants are ingested in the diet they are distributed into light-exposed tissues of the skin and eye where they provide phyto-protection. The researchers concluded, 'Dietary micronutrients may contribute to life-long protection against harmful UV radiation.' Several studies have now confirmed the significant protective nature of phyto-chemicals in the diet against UV skin damage.

Reports from the University of California Riverside state that nearly 50% of the world's population is at risk for vitamin D deficiency. According to the Vitamin D Council, sun exposure should be the number one method of choice for adequate vitamin D. The combination of adequate vitamin D and dietary phytochemical intake is invaluable in protecting against cancer and skin damage from UV rays.

Unfortunately, the medical community continues to promote the use of sun block as the optimal source of protection against skin cancer. Sun block not only blocks UV rays, but it also prevents the production of vitamin D increasing the risk of deficiency. According to recent research, the best source of protection against UV radiation from the sun is the phytochemicals found in fruits and vegetables as nature intended us to obtain protection from the sun's rays.

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Vitamin K Is The Missing Link To Prevent Arterial Hardening

by: John Phillip

(NaturalNews) Vitamin K is a critical nutrient widely known for its ability to promote normal blood clotting. A wealth of new information demonstrates that this vitamin in its multiple forms can provide a powerful anti-inflammatory shield to protect against many lethal diseases of aging. Writing in the Journal of Nutrition, researchers show that vitamin K works with other fat-soluble nutrients to protect the brain from arterial calcification that leads to a stroke or cognitive decline. Vitamin K works to prevent the deposition of calcium within arterial walls and ushers the mineral toward the normal construction of bone throughout the body. The research provides proof that eating a healthy diet to maintain adequate stores of vitamin K over a lifetime can help prevent arterial hardening, atherosclerosis and cognitive decline.

To determine the effect of vitamin K on cognitive function, researchers studied three groups of mice that were broken into different levels (low, adequate, or high) of vitamin K supplementation in their diet over the course of their lifetime. Vitamin K is a fat soluble nutrient that can easily cross the blood-brain barrier to provide antioxidant support to a critical organ composed primarily of omega-3 fats.

Researchers found that vitamin K plays an important role in "maintaining the white matter region of the brain by supporting the myelin sheathing that protects axons, connecting glial cells together with axons, and facilitating the speed at which your brain functions." Animals with the lowest supplemental vitamin K levels displayed the highest degree of cognitive decline as they grew older, compared with the highest vitamin K group.

Scientists publishing in the journal Atherosclerosis determined the effect of vitamin K on 564 post-menopausal women. The study was designed to contrast dietary intake of both the phylloquinone (vitamin K1) and menaquinone (vitamin K2) with coronary artery calcification (atherosclerosis or hardening of the arteries). Researchers found that the K2 form of vitamin K was associated with a significant decrease in coronary artery calcification, while vitamin K1 did not appear to impact disease progression.

Dark green leafy vegetables provide a healthy dose of vitamin K1 but are not a significant source of vitamin K2, the form shown to yield protection against arterial hardening and dementia. Fermented foods, egg yolks and certain cheeses provide high levels of K2, although many people may choose to avoid these foods. Health-minded individuals will need to supplement with a quality supplement providing the full range of vitamin K isomers (1000 – 2000 mcg per day) to avert atherosclerosis and cognitive function decline.

Laughter, The Best Medicine

From Texas

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Repulsed By Raw: FDA, CDC Lies About Unpasteurized Milk

by: Ethan A. Huff

(NaturalNews) Raw milk is inherently dangerous, and the only way to make it safe for human consumption is to pasteurize it — this popular mantra, in one form or another, is one that you may have heard someone say in response to the idea of drinking unpasteurized milk. And while many people still cling to this belief as absolute truth, it holds no basis whatsoever, scientific or anecdotal, in actual reality. And federal agencies like the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) continue to marginalize this health-promoting "superfood" by publicly repeating such lies against it.

Both the FDA and CDC continue to allege that raw milk is dangerous and that it leads to disease, all while propagating the false notion that the only safe milk is pasteurized milk. They often cite seemingly-scientific numbers and data about outbreaks allegedly related to raw milk in defense of these claims, and many people eat up this misinformation without giving it a second thought. As a result, a general public bias against raw milk has been firmly established and in motion for many decades now, despite the fact that the parents and grandparents of many of those who today decry raw milk actually drank raw milk when they were growing up (and many lived healthy, vibrant lives as a result).

Dispelling the myths and taboos surrounding raw milk is no easy task, as most of the "official" information coming from government sources is biased against raw milk. By continually denouncing the safety of raw milk and scaring the public with (false) statistics, the war against this wholesome food appears to be a success — except for the fact that the truth is finally coming out, and increasing numbers of people are awakening and turning to raw milk for improved nutrition and better health.

FDA, CDC manipulate statistics and lie about raw milk, conceal deadly truth about pasteurized milk
In 2007, the FDA and CDC jointly issued a press release entitled, FDA and CDC Remind Consumers of the Dangers of Drinking Raw Milk. This report contains frightening statistics, which claim that between 1998 and 2005, there were 45 outbreaks, 1007 cases of reported illness, 104 hospitalizations, and two deaths "associated" with the consumption of raw milk.

Sounds scary, right? Well, it might be if the figures were actually true. The report cites an issue of the CDC's Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report from March 2, 2007, as the source of this data. But a quick look at this cited report reveals that the numbers used by the FDA and CDC in their own report do not even exist.

See for yourself at the following CDC link, which contains information about an illness outbreak that the agency blamed on raw milk but that contains none of the figures cited by the FDA and CDC in their joint announcement:…

You might be asking: what about other agency documents; do they contain the data? Try performing a search for yourself. You will be unable to find any trace of data that supports the data found in the joint agency report. And since neither agency has been willing to address requests for clarification about the actual source where the data can be found, there is no other option but to assume that they simply made it all up in order to perpetuate the culture of bias and stigma against raw milk.

"This is an excellent example of government bias against raw milk," stated Sally Fallon, President of the Weston A. Price Foundation (WAPF), in 2007 just after the joint agency anti-raw milk report was released. Her organization, which promotes the consumption of clean, raw milk obtained from healthy, grass-fed cows, has yet to get a response from the government agencies about where their data was obtained.

"FDA and CDC have provided not a single reference to support the claim of widespread illness from raw milk during the seven-year period," she added.

Illnesses 'associated' with raw milk do not mean raw milk is to blame; in most cases, conventional meat, produce, and even pasteurized milk are to blame
While there are documented cases of illness that may have involved raw milk products, many of these are used to automatically blame raw milk, even when it is later determined that something else was the true cause. And even after raw milk is vindicated, the FDA and CDC often use the data to blame raw milk anyway.

In reality, conventional produce, meat, eggs, seafood, and even pasteurized milk are all implicated in far more illness outbreaks and cases than raw milk, and yet this inconvenient truth is routinely buried by the FDA and CDC. Even if the bad data that the agencies use to indict raw milk is used, it is still a far safer food product than most other food products that Americans consume.

Assuming for a moment that the statistics cited in the joint FDA and CDC report are accurate (which, of course, they are not), the number of outbreaks and illness cases associated with raw milk is still a mere fraction of the number of confirmed illnesses and outbreaks caused by other foods.

The Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) put out a report a few years ago on outbreak and illness cases that occurred between 1990 and 2004. During this time, there were 639 reported outbreaks and 31,496 reported illnesses caused by produce, which represents 38 percent of all foodborne illness cases. Poultry was responsible for 541 outbreaks and 16,280 illnesses, representing 20 percent of all foodborne illness cases.

The list goes on to cite beef, eggs, and seafood, all of which are implicated in causing far more foodborne illness cases than even the most inflated and fictitious raw milk illness statistics. And yet the FDA and CDC have never once issued warnings or "reminders" about not eating any of those foods.

Then, there is the issue of pasteurized milk, which according to WAPF is responsible for causing hundreds of thousands of illness cases throughout the past several decades, and several hundred deaths. The single largest Salmonella outbreak, in fact, which sickened over 200,000 people and killed 18 people in just a few months, was caused by pasteurized milk, not raw milk.

Wake up, America! Your government has an agenda against raw milk
Regardless of whether or not you personally drink raw milk, this issue represents a much bigger culture of lies that permeates the US government. By continuing to lie about raw milk — which is far more nutritious than pasteurized milk when derived from clean, grass-fed cows — and to censor the cold, hard truth about the much more severe dangers of the rest of the food supply, the FDA and CDC are ultimately perpetuating a culture of sickness and death.

This pattern of deception — which concerns not only raw milk, but also other raw, whole foods and nutritional supplements — is killing America, and it must stop. A great way to do this is to continue spreading the truth about raw milk, and its many life-giving properties — properties that do not exist in pasteurized milk, by the way –, and exposing the lies of the government in the process.

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Study: Alzheimer’s Drugs Appear To Cause Brain Swelling

by: Ethan A. Huff

(NaturalNews) A trial involving a new Alzheimer's drug currently being developed by pharmaceutical giant Bristol-Myers Squibb has revealed that the drug may be the cause of a severe form of brain swelling known as vasogenic edema.


And the industry-funded study is not the first to identify a link between the condition and Alzheimer's drugs — Eli Lilly and Co.'s "solanezumab" and Pfizer / Johnson & Johnson's "bapineuzumab," two other types of Alzheimer's drug, are also linked to the condition.

Edema is a condition where fluids in the body become improperly balanced, with either too little or too much fluid moving between blood vessels and bodily tissue. It is said to be a symptom other diseases or conditions rather than a disease in and of itself. And based on observation, Alzheimer's drugs appear to at least be connected to, if not one of the causes of, vasogenic edema in the brain.

Announced at the Alzheimer's Association International Conference in Paris, France, the findings were partially presented as supposed evidence that the drugs are successfully removing beta amyloid proteins — which are thought to be responsible for causing Alzheimer's symptoms — from the brain. But what the findings also suggest is that perhaps the drugs are doing nothing beneficial at all, and are instead causing more brain problems on top of Alzheimer's.

None of the patients involved in the Bristol-Myers Squibb trial that evaluated the effects of the gamma-secretase inhibitor drug in question, BMS-708163, had symptoms of vasogenic edema prior to participating in it. They did, however, have mutated APOE4 genes, which is indicative of an elevated risk of Alzheimer's. These factors point to the drug as the culprit responsible for causing vasogenic edema.

"No one had thought this was likely in a trial of gamma-secretase inhibitor," said Dr. Reisa Sperling of Harvard Medical School and Massachusetts General Hospital. Vasogenic edema had, after all, been seen previously in connection with Alzheimer's drugs that operate differently than gamma-secretase inhibitors. But it now appears that various types of Alzheimer's drugs are all linked to the condition.

Worse, trials involving Eli Lilly's gamma-secretase drug "semagacestat" actually caused patients to experience worse dementia symptoms than when they were taking no drugs at all.