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Farmers Speak Out: GMOs Are a Monsanto Ag Takeover Trap that Monsanto

by: Ethan A. Huff, staff writer

(NaturalNews) Most Americans have no idea just how pervasive genetically-modified organisms (GMO) have become throughout the food supply. Predatory marketing practices have lured many farmers into converting over to GMOs, and craftily-designed, proprietary growing systems have kept them there. Meanwhile, multinational biotechnology companies like Monsanto effectively seize the reigns of agriculture and dictate how it will proceed from her.

In the short, but highly informative, documentary Farmer to Farmer: The Truth About GM Crops, family farmer Michael Hart interviews a number of farmers in the US about their experiences growing GM crops. He also asks them whether or not they would recommend GM crop systems to other farmers, particularly those in the UK and Europe that are currently being pushed to adopt them.

You can watch the short documentary here:

Hart discovers, of course, that GM crops are not all that Monsanto toots them to be. Besides failing to improve crop yields, GM crops require increasingly more pesticide and herbicide applications in order to remain viable. And out of control "superweeds;" escalating prices for seeds, pesticides, and herbicides; and the non-reality of coexistence between GM and non-GM crops are among the many additional problems farmers are facing — and unfortunately, viable solutions to these problems are largely non-existent.

Monsanto's goal is to convert everybody to Roundup Ready crops, buy out all the seed companies, and control the agriculture market
We frequently cover the topic of GMOs here at NaturalNews — exposing both the schemes employed to implement them around the world and the political gerrymandering taking place in nations like the US and Canada that keeps them unlabeled and ensures they maintain a strong and ever-increasing foothold in agriculture. And Monsanto's endgame, of course, is to control the entirety of agriculture.

Monsanto's strategy with GMOs is a long-term one, and one that has crept in largely unaware throughout the years. According to the latest figures, Monsanto's GM crops now blanket over 330 million US acres. Ninety-three percent of soybeans grown in the US are GM, and 77 percent of soybeans worldwide are GM. Most US corn, cotton, and canola is also GM (…).

So how did things get this way? In the early 1990s when GMOs were first being introduced in the US, Monsanto and others convinced farmers to adopt them by promising that crop yields would increase, that less pesticides and herbicides would be needed to grow them, and that overall costs to farmers would ultimately decrease. More than a decade later, farmers are now revealing that all of this was a lie.

"The first few years it'll be cheap and economical," said Joe (a farmer who wished to remain anonymous for his own protection) to Hart concerning farmers switching to GM crop systems. "Once everybody is switched to it, you'll lose your choices, you'll no longer have a choice to raise conventional products … and you'll get yourself into a trap where you're paying royalty fees to companies that own traits and chemicals, and they'll continue to raise those fees every year."

And this is precisely the case with every farmer interviewed in Farmer to Farmer. Adopting GMOs seemed to make sense in the beginning. But after a critical mass of farmers made the switch, Monsanto began to raise prices for seed and pesticides, to buy up seed companies, and even to control GM farmers' ability to mix their own chemicals and save their own non-GM seeds — and the end result was a widespread loss of agricultural freedom among American farmers.

Monsanto has made it virtually impossible for GM farmers to switch back to non-GM crops
So why don't farmers who recognize the failure of GM crops simply switch back to non-GM crops? The complex system Monsanto has built makes doing so a near impossibility. Between buying up seed companies and making non-GM seeds difficult to obtain, and cornering the market on pesticides and herbicides and the research that goes into them, most farmers simply have no choice but to continue planting GM crops. And when their non-GM crops become contaminated with GM traits, any non-GM endeavors are ruined.

"The last years that I was growing conventional soybeans … our beans kept becoming more and more contaminated," said Rodney Nelson, a GM sugar beet and soybean grower from North Dakota, concerning his efforts to grow non-GM soybeans. "It was getting down to the point where about 50 percent of our loads were being rejected because of contamination, and we couldn't buy seed that was pure without contamination."

"On top of that, the conventional seed no longer was cheap. The seed companies (many of which are now owned by Monsanto or other Big Ag companies, as NaturalNews recently reported) … simply hiked the price on their conventional seed, and then when they sold you the seed, it came with a clause the even though its conventional, it's not patented, you couldn't save and replant it … we didn't have any choice but to go back and start planting Roundup Ready crops. There was no choice, that was the only choice."

Apart from switching to organic, which would take many years of preparation just to get the fields up to organic standards, most GM farmers today have no choice but to continue growing GM crops. As long as the US government continues to provide patent protection for GM crops, as well as allow monopoly control over the seed market by biotechnology companies, many American farmers will simply have to remain in the clutches of Monsanto to stay afloat.

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How To Get Rid of Chemtrail and Other Toxins

by: Suzanne Meier

(NaturalNews) Chemtrails, pollution, food additives and pharmaceuticals poison us daily with heavy metals, pesticides and other pollutants. Humans are caught in a vacuum of pollutants, attacking from above and below. Defeating, removing these harmful substances, is a daily challenge. Luckily, nature provided us with the tools to aid the process of elimination. Hair analyses, chelation and other therapies can be used to combat substances that we should not be exposed to in a natural world.

No official ever confirmed the existence or intention of chemtrails. Yet, plain evidence lingers in the sky, for everyone to see. These chemical particles leak into the planet and all living beings. Dangerous aluminum levels manifesting in the soil have been reported from around the US and Canada. Both substances wreak havoc in the bodily system as well. What can we do to minimize the toxic effects?

Hair analysis:
Providing a mineral blueprint of one's biochemistry, a hair tissue mineral analysis can offer pertinent information about the metabolic rate, energy levels, sugar and carbohydrate tolerance, heavy metal toxicity, stage of stress, immune system and glandular activity. Knowing and understanding the body imbalances enables adequate, target supplementation. Bringing the body back into balance means the biochemistry is able to flush unwanted substances and to feed required minerals to areas in need. It is a balancing act.

A hair analysis can be done once a year as a "tune up" ritual or several times in sequence for more impact. Cleansing the body is like peeling an onion. With every supplementation program, another layer of toxins gets removed. What took years to accumulate, takes time to heal.

EDTA Chelation therapy:
EDTA (EthyleneDiamineTetraAcetic Acid) is a synthetic amino acid related to vinegar. EDTA is used in a process called chelation. Chelation therapy is the administration of chelating agents to remove heavy metals from the body. EDTA is taken intravenously or sublingually. While intravenous administration is very effective, it can be time-consuming, but the sublingual version, taken a few times a week, can reap similar rewards.

EDTA Oral Chelation has a rejuvenating effect on the body, slowing down the biological clock due to its potent anti-oxidant, free-radical scavenging ability. Not only is EDTA efficient in removing toxins, it has also shown to greatly improve cardiovascular disease, diabetes, bone loss and osteoporosis.

While hair analysis and chelation therapy may require a consultation with a health care professional, other detox agents are freely available and may be used to remove harmful toxins.

Apple pectin:
Add apple pectin to your daily diet. It is known to bind metals and keep them from absorbing into the tissues to do further damage. Apple pectin can be derived directly from a raw apple or found as a supplement in any natural health food store.

Bentonite Clay:
Bentonite clay can adsorb and absorb toxins. This inexpensive remedy has a negative electrical charge. When it absorbs water, it expands and becomes like a sponge. Toxins and impurities have a positive charge; they gravitate to clay and are bound. Clay has been known to improve the digestive process, eliminate toxins and remove pesticides, herbicides and pathogenic viruses.

Chlorella is another powerful detox agent that can help eradicate heavy metals such as mercury, aluminum, cadmium, lead, pesticides and dioxins that build up in our bodies and cause a variety of health issues. Chlorophyll carries oxygen which swiftly improves blood oxygenation and aids the cleansing of the body. Its ability to bind to and remove toxic heavy metals makes it an extremely useful health balancer.

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Stop Obsessive Compulsive Behaviors With Inositol

by: Elizabeth Walling

(NaturalNews) Obsessive compulsions have been linked to specific imbalances in biochemicals in the body, and certain supplements like inositol have been shown to offer great help. Inositol is a viable solution for those who want to overcome their obsessive compulsive behaviors without resorting to conventional prescription drugs.

Cell Forte

Obsessive compulsive behavior describes repetitive habits and compulsions that are carried out regardless of whether they are actually rational, logical or beneficial. This may include behaviors like obsessive counting, arranging, or skin picking. Compulsive behaviors tend to ease anxiety, and when these rituals cannot be performed intense anxiety or even panic attacks are common. If you suffer from obsessive compulsive behavior, then you may realize that your habits and rituals are detracting from your quality of life, but you feel powerless to put an end to the behavior. This is because mere willpower cannot correct an imbalance in the brain.

The conventional therapy for obsessive compulsive disorder includes drugs such as SSRI (Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors) medication. But because of the extensive list of negative side effects that often accompany these drugs, nutritional therapy offers a far more ideal solution.

The nutrient inositol in particular is highly effective at eradicating obsessive compulsive rituals. In one study, patients with obsessive compulsive disorder received either inositol or a placebo for six weeks. The patients, who received inositol, reported a significant drop in symptoms compared to the placebo group. Results from this and other studies with inositol show that it appears to produce similar results like SSRI drugs, but without the negative side effects.

Dosage and Tips for Supplementing

In trials that studied the impact of inositol on obsessive compulsive behaviors, dosage is typically 18 grams per day. The general recommendation is to start inositol supplementation slowly, working up from about 3 grams per day in divided doses until you reach 18 grams per day in divided doses. It should take about 3 to 4 weeks to reach the optimal dose, and at this point benefits should be noticeable.

Because it is needed in such large doses, it`s usually most convenient and cost effective to use inositol in powder form. Most report that inositol`s flavor is very mild and pleasantly sweet. It can be easily mixed into pure water or diluted juice.

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Potassium Helps Prevent Strokes, Heart Attacks, and More

by: Paul Fassa

(NaturalNews) Recent studies have determined that higher potassium levels lower stroke risks. But this isn't all what potassium is about. It's not an often mentioned mineral. But potassium deficiencies can kill you. That's why it's important to ensure adequate potassium intake.

Membrane Complex

Strokes and Blood Pressure

The British medical journal The Lancet reported the findings of a recent Swedish study on potassium's ability to reduce stroke risk. Strokes occur over 750,000 times annually in America. Over half of those occurrences are first time strokes. Many of those who survive their first stroke can expect a second stroke, which is often fatal.

The same journal report also mentioned increasing potassium levels to lower blood pressure. The latter seems to have been known for some time. But when is the last time a doctor told you or anyone else with high blood pressure to increase potassium intake? Usually people with high blood pressure are advised to lessen their salt intake and take pharmaceutical medications.

This has proven to be bogus, especially for those who consume whole, pure sea salt that is not processed. And medications have side effects that demand more medications.

Then there's the aspirin a day recommendation to minimize cardiovascular disasters. Epidemiological studies indicate there's some merit with that approach, if you don't mind the side effect of a bleeding stomach or GI tract. But one a day aspirins increase stroke risk.

More About Potassium

Potassium is a vital electrolyte. It is important for electrical conductivity within our nervous system and for muscle function and formation. The heart is a muscle as well. So potassium's influence of both electrical nerve impulses and muscle strength apply to heart health considerably. It's estimated that people with high potassium blood levels have half the risk for heart attacks than those with normal levels of potassium.

Mostly located within our cells, potassium is the third most prevalent mineral in our bodies, exceeding even sodium. Potassium interacts with sodium for the above functions. It also uses sodium to balance our water levels. More importantly, it assists our body's pH buffering to maintain a healthy slightly alkaline balance. This is critical to immunity and overall health.

Potassium helps dissolve excess calcium, preventing kidney stone formations and calcified tissues. Not to worry about too much potassium. Excess potassium is easily eliminated by the kidneys. Extreme potassium deficiency causes death. Those who use cesium to effectively treat cancer are advised to have someone monitor their potassium levels. Cesium depletes potassium.

Potassium Deficiency Symptoms

Extreme potassium deficiency is known as hypokalemia. It's very rare, usually caused by extreme diarrhea and vomiting, or fatigue from intense exercise without sufficient fluid intake. Bulimics are prone to at least mild hypokalemia.

Moderate hypokalemia manifests as muscle cramping, muscular twitching, irregular heart rhythms, irritability, and constipation due to intestinal paralysis. Supplementation usually handles moderate hypokalemia. As mentioned earlier, potassium supplementation must be taken while undergoing cesium cancer treatments.

Otherwise, there are plenty of potassium rich foods from which to choose to ensure your potassium blood levels are high enough to prevent heart attacks and strokes.

Potassium Sources

"Everyone knows" bananas are a good source of potassium. But a cup of Lima beans or a single serving of cantaloupe offers twice as much potassium as a banana. Fresh orange juice and potatoes contain twice as much potassium as well. Even salmon, almonds, tomatoes, and milk contain more potassium than bananas, though not twice as much.

Of course, all of the above should be organic, and raw milk is much better than pasteurized milk. Potassium doesn't get much press or medical attention, but it should have yours.

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Ron Paul: Force To Be Reckoned With?

by: J. D. Heyes

(NaturalNews) Libertarian-leaning physician Ron Paul, longtime Republican lawmaker from Texas, has struggled mightily for attention and respect over the course of his many years in Congress and his three presidential bids. He's been regular fodder for the self-anointed spinmeisters and talking heads inside the Beltway throughout, none of whom have ever taken him seriously.

The official snubbing continued over this past weekend, despite the fact that Paul finished a close second in the Iowa straw poll. If you were only monitoring the mainstream media's reporting of the event, you might not have even known Paul was a candidate, let alone giving Rep. Michele Bachmann – the overall winner – a run for her money.

When the votes were tallied, just 152 separated the top two candidates; Bachmann received 4,823 votes, and Paul received 4,671, a margin some would consider a statistical dead heat. Yet the major news broadcasts ignored Paul's accomplishment, in essence dismissing the will of thousands of his supporters.

Even Fox News, the so-called iconic news agency of the right, blew off Paul's near-victory. In his "Fox News Sunday" broadcast, host Chris Wallace snubbed him altogether, saying of the results, "There's a top tier now of Bachmann and Perry and Romney, and we haven't mentioned, and we should, Rick Santorum who really did surprisingly well for the amount of money and resources he had." For the record, Santorum, a former U.S. senator from Pennsylvania, received 1,657 votes, putting him in fourth place behind former Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty's 2,293 votes. Pawlenty, by the way, considered his finish to be so poor as to drive him out of the race altogether.

Even comedian Jon Stewart, host of The Comedy Network's "The Daily Show," has noticed the mainstream media's lack of coverage. "How did libertarian Ron Paul become the 13th floor in a hotel?" he asked rhetorically on his program following Paul's strong showing in Iowa.

Worse than receiving no attention is the fact that some of the other candidates – all of whom performed worse than Paul – continue to be considered "top tier." That list would include former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich and even businessman Herman Cain. Really? What gives?

Things may be about to change for Paul, however, in the "R-E-S-P-E-C-T" department. It's possible that 2012 will be the year he finally command the respect he so richly deserves. Because when the vaunted Associated Press starts talking about your viability, you've definitely "arrived" on the political scene.

What's the problem with Paul? He's been a Republican congressman, from Texas no less, for more than a quarter century, and yet he can't even get any love from his own party. Why?

For one thing, Paul's got a real libertarian, small-government, high-on-individual-freedom, anti-expeditionary war streak, and truth be told, his party really doesn't like those values much, despite what they try to sell to supporters.

"I believe in a very limited role for government. But the prime reason that government exists in a free society is to protect liberty, but also to protect life," Paul told an increasingly boisterous crowd in Iowa Saturday.

"The country's bankrupt, and nobody wanted to admit it. And when you're bankrupt, you can't keep spending," he said Thursday, during a televised debate hosted by Fox News.

He wants to abolish the Federal Reserve, not because he's an extremist but because he says it's an unaccountable organization that is secretive with U.S. economic policy and operates without any legitimate oversight from the federal government.

Paul, a former Air Force and Air National Guard flight surgeon, is not against protecting and defending legitimate national security interests but he is against spending limited national blood and treasure fighting endless brushfire wars in faraway lands to no effect and to no end.

As more Americans' pocketbooks are squeezed, Paul is a true advocate for getting government out of the business of solving economic and employment problems by hampering business with too much oversight and red tape.

And that's his downfall. He's too much of a true believer for either major political party.

Take the recent debate over the debt ceiling. As far as the GOP leadership was concerned, it all centered on cutting spending – or so they said. But when the final deal was done – a deal Republican leaders signed off on – real government spending wasn't reduced at all. And the size of government wasn't cut a bit.

Paul knows that and warned against it. But as usual, he was shunned and ignored.

Well, it's getting harder to ignore him now. He's doing well in national polls. He's close to winning straw polls in early caucus states. And now, finally, he's beginning to get the attention and respect his long-held positions on the issues commands.

The establishment wants Ron Paul to sit down and be quiet because neither major party wants him or his positions to be heard. Yet results speak for themselves and the American people won't be denied.

Paul is for real. Paul has always been for real. He doesn't know how to be anything else.

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How Food Is Being Used As A Weapon

by: Anthony Gucciardi

(NaturalNews) When people begin to starve, instinctive primal triggers lead to a desire to do absolutely anything for food. Those with food, whether it is the government or a nearby family, will have complete power over others. Food could essentially be used as a weapon, thousands of times more powerful than money or most any other resource. But even in current times, food is used as a weapon by those in power through the use of government regulations and chemical additives that destroy both your health and your bank account. Artificial inflation and speculation, toxic substances hidden in the food, and government regulations are but a few examples. But where did the idea of using food as a supremely powerful weapon begin?


In 1974, the idea of using food as a weapon was introduced in a 200-page report ( by politician Henry Kissinger. The report, entitled National Security Study Memorandum 200: Implications of Worldwide Population Growth for U.S. Security and Overseas Interests, stated that food aid would be withheld from developing countries in need until they submitted to birth control policies that would effectively sterilize large numbers of the population to curb growth.

The document states:

"There is also some established precedent for taking account of family planning performance in appraisal of assistance requirements by AID [U.S. Agency for International Development] and consultative groups. Since population growth is a major determinant of increases in food demand, allocation of scarce PL 480 resources should take account of what steps a country is taking in population control as well as food production. In these sensitive relations, however, it is important in style as well as substance to avoid the appearance of coercion."

With little economic prowess and a nation in peril, developing countries would be forced to comply or face continued famine and death. Food was the weapon, and it was being held captive as a means of foreign policy and warfare. Holding onto valuable food aid and allowing innocent villagers to starve is not much different than waging open physical warfare upon them, which would be prohibited by international law and frowned upon by the majority of citizens worldwide. Henry Kissinger's report is but one incident of food weaponry, however. There are a number of other ways in which food is used as a daily weapon against the public.

Rapid food inflation

As the cost of living goes up, families worldwide begin to sink into the debt trap that is extremely challenging to escape from. For others, it is causing mass starvation. The U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization's (FAO's) food price index experienced an increase of 3 points (up to 234 points) in June, a 39% increase of the year. Riots are breaking out across the globe as a result of the dramatic spike in basic food products, and citizens are demanding answers from their representatives — or in some cases non-elected dictators.

The reason for the rapid food inflation can be traced back to a devalued commodity-dollar that has lost value due to excessive money printing and Wall Street speculation. Therefore one may label it as money manipulation, as opposed to speculation. Major players in the financial industry are determining the value of the dollar, which is no longer backed by real assets such as gold and silver. Due to the lack of valuable backing, speculation — manipulative or not — can alter the value of the BPA-laced dollar at any moment.

William Engdahl summarized the process: "The ability to manipulate the price of essential foods worldwide at will – almost irrespective of today's physical supply and demand for grains – is quite recent… Up until the grain crisis of the mid-1970s there was no single 'world price' for grain, the benchmark for the price of all foods and food products."

Toxic additives

Hazardous chemicals have gone incognito into the food supply, and the human population is going to be the lab rats when it comes to the long-term effects of these substances. Pesticides, preservatives, and ingredients like high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS) are health destroyers like never before seen in human history. Created in laboratory settings, they are synthetic health killers. The explosion in obesity, cancer, diabetes, and thousands of other conditions have all been linked in some form to at least one food additive. HFCS, for example, has been confirmed to contain mercury, one of the most toxic heavy metals.

"Mercury is toxic in all its forms. Given how much high-fructose corn syrup is consumed by children, it could be a significant additional source of mercury never before considered. We are calling for immediate changes by industry and the [U.S. Food and Drug Administration] to help stop this avoidable mercury contamination of the food supply," the Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy's Dr. David Wallinga said.

In addition to what is inside food products, there are even chemicals that leech into your skin before you even consume the toxin-laden food item.

Perfluorinated carboxylic acids (PFCAs) and bisphenol A (BPA) have been found in everything from food wrappers to currencies around the globe, and the amount of exposure to the average human being is astounding. In a study of Canadians ages 6 to 79, 90% of those tested had detectable levels of BPA in their urine and blood. Once contacted, BPA leeches directly into the bloodstream and cannot be washed off after a certain point. Around the time of this study, Canada banned BPA and labeled it as a toxic ingredient that endangers human health. Currently, the EPA is looking into launching an investigation over the health effects of BPA. Over 1 million pounds of BPA is released into the air each year, threatening the environmental integrity of the planet.

"A number of concerns have been raised about the potential human health and environmental effects of BPA," said Steve Owens, assistant administrator for the EPA's Office of Chemical Safety and Pollution Prevention, according to UPI.

Government regulations

Through restricting food freedom — the freedom of consumers to choose what they want to put into their bodies — the government gains control over the food supply through forcing citizens to depend upon it. One such way of doing this is through draconian regulations that give organizations like the USDA power over basic food building blocks such as corn, wheat, soybeans and rice. Control over these in turn gives the organization control over livestock as well, as they need them for feed.

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is another government agency that uses its powers to control the food and nutritional supplement industry like no other. Following legislation passed in the European Union that outlaws the use of a number of natural supplements, the FDA has introduced outlandish regulations that threaten virtually all dietary supplements in the USA that were formulated after 1994. The FDA has also suppressed the right of Americans to purchase and consume raw milk, despite known benefits to human health. The FDA and other government organizations oftentimes care more about grabbing and maintaining power over the food supply than human health, and it shows through their policies.

The Alliance for Natural Health warned against such legislation:

"We fear that they will use this power to ban any supplement innovation unless the supplement is turned into a drug and brought through the drug approval process. Since nobody can afford to pay for the new drug approval process if the substance is not patented, and supplements generally already exist in nature and cannot therefore be patented, to require full new drug approval is to ensure that there will be no new supplements. This should suit the drug industry very well and, based on past behavior, the FDA as well."


Weather hugely affects both food access and food costs. With the influx of natural disasters across not only the country but the world, an inevitable rise in food prices has been observed. Of course with such tragedies comes another possibility to exploit the issue by both speculators and government. As reported by The Sunday Times, Bill Gates has openly invested in weather modification technology to create "artificial clouds" all in the name of fighting off greenhouse gases. In fact, the creators are so eager to use the technology that they do not intend to wait for international rules allowing for it. The Sunday Times article reports:

"The British and American scientists involved do not intend to wait for international rules on technology that deliberately alters the climate."

In a 1996 document presented to the U.S. Air Force entitled Owning the Weather 2025, weather modification is a major topic of discussion. In fact, the heading on page 10 reads: "Applying Weather-modification to Military Operations." It is not outrageous to believe that since 1996 there has been at least a handful of manipulated weather occurrences that have affected crop production and transportation. With military tensions as high as they are, using weather to cripple the agricultural production of a nation may be one of the most potent weapons known to mankind. The Air Force report discusses military use of weather modification in detail:

"Offensive abilities could provide spoofing options to create virtual weather in the enemy's sensory and information systems, making it more likely for them to make decisions producing results of our choosing rather than theirs. It would also allow for the capability to mask or disguise our weather-modification activities.


"Also key to the feasibility of such a system is the ability to model the extremely complex nonlinear system of global weather in ways that can accurately predict the outcome of changes in the influencing variables.


"Conceivably, with enough lead time and the right conditions, you could get 'made-to-order' weather."

It is easy to see that weather would certainly be the weapon of choice when it comes to non-combat military weaponry that is effective yet does not require full-scale war.

Food as a weapon

Even now, before the collapse of the dollar and subsequently the world economy, food is used as a vital weapon against the individual and nation alike. When the dollar does eventually collapse, assuming nothing is done to stop its lethal trajectory beforehand, food will become the number one resource along with pure water. Gold and silver are precious assets in the accumulation of food, but you cannot eat gold and silver. As the government comes after home gardens, it is essential to secure a spot for your organic produce and to purchase high-quality additive-free storable food for you and your family.

"True individual freedom cannot exist without economic security and independence. People who are hungry and out of a job are the stuff of which dictatorships are made." – Franklin Roosevelt

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How To Have Better Hair and a Healthier Body With Silica

by: Jane Goldberg

(NaturalNews) Recently someone in my community asked how to get rid of pesky critters. A neighbor who own a garden center said that they use Diatomaceous Earth. Well – that seemed to me to be a golden opportunity to reveal my little secret to the world – that I have been eating Diatomaceous Earth for about a year now.


D.E. has many beneficial effects, but it is the anti-aging effect that I have seen most pronounced as a change in myself. Rather remarkably, since I have been eating D.E., I have stopped needing to bleach my hair. It has gone from a mousy mostly grey to a luscious blond/brown (my pre-65 year old hair color). I am really happy about this change – as it is saving me tons of money ($300 a pop for tin-foil bleaching). Even my hairdresser is surprised at the change, and keeps telling me how nice the color of my hair is. However, the good news for my hair dresser is that my hair is now growing wildly faster, and so I am able to keep her happy by needing more frequent haircuts.

Diatomaceous Earth is a fossilized deposit of microscopic shells created by one-celled plants called Diatoms. These plants inhabit all the waters of the earth, and serve as the basic food for aquatic life, just as grass is the basic food for land animals. This mineral-based compound contains silicon, magnesium, calcium, sodium, iron and other trace minerals that the body needs to stay healthy. All Diatomaceous Earth is 84% Silicon Dioxide (Silica).

Here is the science behind my peculiar habit of eating this stuff:

Diatomaceous Earth is the hands-down best source of the mineral silica. In 1939, Nobel Prize Doctor Butenant showed the importance of silica for life itself. It may be true that silica is the most important trace element in human health. Silica plays an important role in many body functions. The human body holds approximately seven grams of silica, a quantity far exceeding the figures for other important minerals. Years ago, the silica found in our foodstuffs was adequate for our needs. But with today's hybrids and depleted soils, only about 1/3 of the silica needed is supplied in our food.?

Diatomaceous Earth looks like a cylinder full of holes–kind of like Rice Chex Cereal. This cylinder has a very strong negative charge while pathogens have a positive charge. As these millions of cylinders move through the stomach and digestive tract, they attract and absorb fungi, protozoa, viruses, endotoxins, pesticides and drug residues, E-Coli, and heavy metals. These are trapped inside the cylinder and passed out of the body. In addition, any larger parasites that happen to be in the stomach or digestive tract are "cut up" and killed by the sharp edges of the diatomaceous earth. All of these activities result in a much healthier body with less sickness.?

Detoxification Benefits:

The spa that I own, La Casa Day Spa ( ) in Manhattan, emphasizes therapies that detox the body. Last month, we wrote our 50,000th receipt. That's 50,000 detox treatments we have done in 18 years, a lion's share of those being colonics. We want all people to continue to have colonics because colonics give a thorough cleansing of the colon. But we also want people to know how to continue colon cleansing at home. D.E. is the perfect home remedy.

Diatomaceous Earth is?very?hard. On the hardness scale where diamonds are a 9, Diatomaceous Earth is a 7. This hardness is important because as those millions of tiny hard and sharp diatomaceous earth cylinders pass through the small and large intestines, they "scrub" the walls. After only a few months of taking Diatomaceous Earth, the intestine wall is no longer coated with mucus and molds but has become clean. The advantages of this are several:

-regularizes bowel movements (this is the most frequently mentioned benefit about D.E.)
-creates a healthier colon environment (a cleaner colon helps to keep away polyps, cancers,
and ulcers)
-gives increased energy and less need for sleep (with a cleaner colon, food and nutrients are
better absorbed into the blood stream)
-reduces inflammation of the intestinal tract (can prevent or clear up diarrhea and, rather
intelligently, also cures the opposite condition of constipation)
-helps to normalize hemorrhoidal tissues
-alleviates lower back pain that is caused by a too-full colon

But the health benefits of D.E. only begin with colon detoxification. Other benefits of Diatomaceous Earth can be organized around three principles: over-all health; anti-aging; weight loss.

Over-All Health Benefits:
-helps repair and maintain vital lung tissues and protects them from pollution
-lowers high blood pressure
-lowers high cholesterol
-addresses osteoporosis?& joint problems
-acts as a cough decreasing agent; tones the upper respiratory tract (nose, pharynx, larynx)
and reduces swelling because of its positive action on the lymphatic system
-helps to prevent many unwanted side-effects of menopause?
-helps to prevent kidney stones
-heals infections of the urinary tract; is a natural diuretic which can increase excretion of
urine by 30 percent, thus flushing the water-excreting system and restoring normal
function to these vital organs
-effective with female discharge, abscesses and ulcers in the genital area and cervix, as well
as mastitis (especially for breast feeding mothers).
-acts as a supportive treatment for inflammation of the middle ear (effective in reducing
swelling of the lymph nodes in the throat)
-has anti-inflammatory disinfecting, absorbing and odor binding effects
-normalizes circulation and regulates high blood pressure (hypertension)
-decreases vertigo, headache, tinnitus (buzzing of the ears) and insomnia
-promotes synthesis of elastase inhibitor by the pancreas, thus helping to normalize diabetes
-strengthens blood vessels
-helps to prevent Tuberculosis.
-improves the elasticity of the joints; helps rheumatism
-stimulates metabolism for higher energy levels

Weight Loss:

One of the benefits of silica is that it helps to destroy bad fats. Taken in the morning, it helps to curb appetite throughout the day.


Hair (90 micrograms per gram) needs almost as much silica as bone (100 micrograms per gram). Eating D.E., with its rich supply of silica, should be part of any ongoing hair revitalization program. Silica helps to prevent baldness, stimulates healthier hair growth and assures beautiful shine, luster and strength.

D.E. serves as nature's internal cosmetic for skin, nails and teeth as well as hair.?Collagen underneath the skin enhances elasticity and beauty. Collagen is largely made up of silica. As we age, tissue degeneration?accelerates because our connective tissue begins to lose the ability to retain moisture. Silica helps to slow down the degenerative/moisture-losing process of aging connective tissue.?
Silica also protects our teeth and gums. By hardening the enamel, silica prevents cavities and preserves teeth. Silica also helps to prevent bleeding gums, gum atrophy, and recession.

Finally, silica can help avoid or alleviate Alzheimer's by preventing the body from absorbing aluminum.

About the author:
Jane G. Goldberg, Ph.D. is a psychoanalyst and author of 7 books, including the acclaimed, The Dark Side of Love. As well, she is the owner of La Casa Day Spa in NYC , now celebrating its 18th year anniversary. In her specialization of working with cancer patients, Dr. Goldberg has integrated her psychoanalytic work with the field of holistic health. She has worked with many cancer patients who, through commitment to sound principles of health as well as an interest in the exploration of their mental, emotional and psychic states, have defied the statistical odds and consider themselves "cured."

Dr. Goldberg is also the Founder and Director of Brainercize, a system of interactive integrative brain exercise classes designed to maximize brain functioning.

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Carnitine and Lipoic Acid Prevent Diabetes and Improve Cognitive Function

by: John Phillip

(NaturalNews) Diabetes is a devastating disease that results from an inability to properly metabolize glucose resulting from poor insulin function. Researchers writing in the Journal of Clinical Biochemistry and Nutrition found that the naturally occurring cellular antioxidant, alpha lipoic acid, has the ability to correct abnormal insulin signaling and resistance that are known to promote disease development. Lipoic acid is shown to rejuvenate energy production in the critical mitochondria and to enhance the metabolism of sugars and carbohydrates thus restoring proper insulin activity. Most health-minded individuals will need to supplement with the biologically active `R` form of this critical antioxidant to effectively thwart metabolic disease and diabetes progression.

Alpha Lipoic Acid

Alpha lipoic acid instructs our body`s trillions of cells to effectively burn glucose to be used as a fuel for metabolism and energy production. The result of this study demonstrates that the cofactor compound provides a critical link between the antioxidant status within a cell and normal insulin function. When insulin becomes resistant or ineffective due to the stress of continually high levels of blood glucose, metabolism suffers and diabetes is the end result.

Researchers found that r-alpha lipoic acid (100 mg daily) influences cellular antioxidant nutrients and enzymes. The compound was shown to have a profound influence on these critical protective structures so a perfectly efficient balance was restored that allowed them to perform optimally. As a result, proper gene signaling was restored and insulin and glucose metabolism improved. The study was the first to show that insulin regulation in a cell is closely controlled by antioxidant status, and antioxidant deterioration through poor diet and lifestyle trigger metabolic syndrome and diabetes. Alpha lipoic acid helps to restore cellular antioxidant synergy and can stave off diabetes.

In addition to the amazing health benefits experienced by people supplementing with alpha lipoic acid, another naturally occurring nutrient is showing the ability to boost mood, improve cognitive function and help retain memory loss as we age. Researchers writing in the Journal Neurochemistry document the precise mechanism that acetyl-l-carnitine (500 mg, twice daily) exhibits to help prevent the formation of brain tangles that are the hallmark of Alzheimer`s disease.

Scientists found that mice supplemented with acetyl-l-carnitine for a period of two weeks protects against the formation of the tau protein tangles that are a hallmark in the development of the memory-robbing form of dementia. While tau proteins are a normal part of nerve cell construction, they are known to accumulate in a hyperactive fashion that can result in cognitive decline and memory loss. Acetyl-l carnitine helps tau proteins behave properly by interceding at the gene and molecular level to prevent dementia and memory decline.

Nature has bestowed us with a multitude of natural compounds that are particularly effective in promoting human health. Alpha lipoic acid and acetyl-l-carnitine are shown to help prevent metabolic dysfunction, diabetes and loss of cognition. Following a natural diet filled with fresh organic vegetables and fruits along with regular physical activity will help to restore youthful levels of these two super-nutrients. Some health-conscious adults may want to supplement to ensure optimal cellular saturation and disease risk reduction.

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Biotech Industry At War Over GMOs; Millions Funneled To Lawmakers

by: PF Louis

(NaturalNews) A meeting among several key executives and CEOs of organic food producers, distributors, and retailers was held in Anaheim, CA in March, 2011. It was part of the Natural Products Expo West. The meeting focused on the USDA and the biotech industry's GMO allowances. Essentially, a war against GMOs was declared with different speakers proposing various strategies, all with a sense of urgency.

Know the Evil Enemy

Natural News readers recently voted Monsanto as the most evil corporation of the year. It's hard to argue that majority opinion. (Source #1 below)

Monsanto's stated agenda of totally monopolizing agricultural seeding started in the late 1980s. That's when the Bush Senior administration granted fast track product approval to the industry, which translates to minimal or no third party oversight and no long term testing.

Monsanto's earlier legacy includes a list of chemical toxins that pollute the environment and food additives that endanger human health. The planetary trail of diseased and dead bodies numbers in the millions. For a complete time line of Monsanto's atrocities see "Monsanto's Dark History: 1901 – 2011." (Source #2 below )

Even with its destructive track record, Monsanto has managed to successfully push its current agricultural agenda with intense lobbying, cleverly manipulating the revolving corporate/government doors of the FDA and USDA, and even attempting to bully key government officials of other nations.

The overseas bullying has become necessary because most other nations are resistive to GMOs and, unlike the USA, require labeling of GMO products. So Monsanto is using a ruthless mercenary security group, Xe, formerly known as Blackwater, to locate and "influence" key GMO resistors throughout the world.

During the Anaheim Expo conference, Gary Hirschberg, president of Stonyfield Farms pointed out how the biotech industry has heavily infiltrated all three branches of American government, with 22.4 million dollars going to some influential members of congress. Therefore, GMO warfare suggestions concerned with directly appealing to the USDA, FDA, Congress, and President Obama seem rather futile. The foxes own the henhouse.

Foxes and Revolving Doors

The model for revolving door mastery is Michael Taylor, who was recently appointed by President Obama as Food Safety Czar for his administration. From Marion Nestle's book Food Politics, we learn that Michael Taylor was a lead attorney for King & Spalding, the law firm representing Monsanto after leaving his position as counsel to the FDA.

From that private law firm, Taylor managed to return to the FDA as Deputy Commissioner for Policy in 1991. Monsanto Mike was able to influence the approval of rBGH (recombinant bovine growth hormone), which forces cows to yield more milk while causing infections that require antibiotics. So many milk and other dairy products became contaminated with the synthetic hormone rBGH, antibiotics, and infected cow blood and puss.

Taylor also managed to enforce this contamination for a few years by prosecuting dairy farmers who dared label their products with "No rBGH." This Mafioso conduct is not new to Monsanto. Farmers whose fields have been contaminated by GMO seeds or pollen from elsewhere have been prosecuted by Monsanto for patent violations.

In 1994, Taylor wound up in the USDA as administrator of its Food Safety and Inspection Service. After returning to King & Spalding, Monsanto's contracted law firm, the talented Mr. Taylor became Vice President for Public Policy with Monsanto. That title translates to chief lobbyist. Now Obama has tapped Michael Taylor to be the Food Safety Czar.

Michael Taylor is not the only Monsanto person to worm into either the FDA or USDA. There are many others in key decision making positions from Monsanto and other biotech companies wielding their influence in both agencies. (Source #3 below)

Grass Roots Guerilla Warfare

Jeffrey Smith of The Institute for Responsible Technology has tirelessly promoted consumer education and boycotting GMO products. Thanks again to Michael Taylor, GMO labeling is excluded from food labeling laws. Taylor and company maintain there is no essential difference between genetically modified foods and their conventional counterparts. This is a total lie. (Sources #4 & #5 below)

So the Institute for Responsible Technology has organized educational tools for those who don't know which foods to avoid. Smith's plan is to create a enough boycotting of GMO products to create a tipping point that discourages food supplier from using them. (Source #6 below)

Meanwhile, the Organic Consumers Association (OCA) with its "Millions Against Monsanto" campaign is recruiting and organizing at local levels to promote GMO labeling requirements. Some states have proposed, but not yet approved, laws that are intended to require GMO labeling. (Source #& below)

It is also wise to get out of the organic food box in this war against GMOs. Conventional farmers who had initially subscribed to Monsanto's Roundup Ready seeds and herbicide contract are fed up with that arrangement. They have been saddled with more problems than solutions. Add them to the conventional farmers who have had their crops contaminated by GMOs, and now we have a sizable army.

Going directly against the feds to ensure our rights for healthy foods is a loser. The war against GMOs can be won through guerilla warfare involving organic food farmers and suppliers, conventional farmers, knowledgeable consumers, and activists who can influence lawmakers at the State level. This all needs to be coordinated for us to have a chance.

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Things The Government Approves More Dangerous Than Raw Milk

by: Christina Luisa

(NaturalNews) Among all the raw milk madness happening right now, NaturalNews recently covered the biased information coming from government sources and how it makes dispelling the myths and regulations surrounding raw milk difficult.

The government's continual condemnation of raw milk's safety and presentation of false statistics meant to frighten the public have begun a fierce campaign against this wholesome and nutritious food. Yet more and more people are being made aware of the truth about raw milk's ability to improve nutrition and enhance health.

Although the FDA and CDC manipulate statistics and lie about raw milk, concealing the frightening truth about pasteurized milk in the process, there are endless REAL statistics available to attest to the health benefits of raw milk.

Read more about the true differences of unpasteurized and raw milk (…).

Some of the following statistics on the health benefits and safety of raw milk are listed below (…).

• Claims that raw milk is unsafe are based on 40-year-old science and century-old experiences from dairy "factory farms" in nineteenth century America.

• Compared to 30-50 years ago, dairy farmers today can take advantage of many advancements that contribute to a dramatically safer product including pasture grazing, herd testing, effective cleaning systems, refrigeration, significantly less expensive, more accessible and more sophisticated milk and herd disease testing techniques.

• Raw milk is the ONLY food that has extensive built-in safety mechanisms and numerous components to create a healthy immune system.

• In early studies involving humans, raw milk was shown to be superior to pasteurized in protecting against infection, diarrhea, rickets, tooth decay and TB; and children receiving had better growth than those receiving pasteurized milk.

• Although raw milk, like any food, can become contaminated and cause illness, the dangers of raw milk are greatly exaggerated. In an analysis of reports on 70 outbreaks attributed to raw milk, many examples were found of reporting bias, errors and poor analysis resulting in most outbreaks having either no valid positive milk sample or no valid statistical association. (ResponsetoMarlerListofStudies.pdf)

• In early animal studies, animals fed raw milk had better growth, denser bones, greater integrity of internal organs, less anemia, fewer signs of anxiety and stress, and fewer signs of nutrient deficiency than animals fed pasteurized milk.

• Three recent studies in Europe found that drinking raw milk protected against asthma and allergies. (Lancet. 2001 Oct 6;358(9288):1129-33; J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2006 Jun;117(6):1374-8; Clinical & Experimental Allergy. 2007 May; 37(5) 627-630).

• In the early 1900s, the Mayo Clinic administered the "Milk Cure," which consisted in drinking 4-5 quarts of raw milk per day, obtaining favorable results for a range of illnesses including cancer, weight loss, kidney disease, allergies, skin problems, urinary tract problems, prostate problems and chronic fatigue; these results are not obtained using pasteurized milk.

• Many studies have linked consumption of pasteurized milk with lactose intolerance, allergies, asthma, frequent ear infections, gastro-Intestinal problems, diabetes, auto-Immune disease, attention deficit disorder and constipation. During a period of rapid population growth, the market for fluid pasteurized milk has declined at 1% per year for the past 20 years because fewer and fewer consumers can tolerate pasteurized (and ultrapasteurized) milk (Don't Drink Your Milk, Frank Oski, MD, 1983).

• In a survey of raw milk drinkers in the state of Michigan, over 80% of those advised by a healthcare professional that they were lactose intolerant were able to consume raw milk without problem. (LactoseIntoleranceSurvey.doc)

• Compared to raw milk there are 515 times more illnesses from L-mono due to deli meats and 29 times more illness from L-mono due to pasteurized milk. On a PER-SERVING BASIS, deli meats were TEN times more likely than raw milk to cause illness. (Based on data in a 2003 USDA/FDA report)

• Due to high-volume distribution and its comparative lack of anti-microbial components, contaminated pasteurized milk has caused numerous widespread and serious outbreaks of illness, including a 1984-5 outbreak afflicting almost 200,000 people. In 2007, three people died in Massachusetts from illness caused by contaminated pasteurized milk.

All kinds of things are far more dangerous than raw milk

Regardless of the endless proof that drinking raw milk from pure sources is extremely safe, the government continues to push its agenda and raw milk bias by portraying raw milk as an incredibly hazardous substance.

Yet the government openly regulates and approves of tons of dangerous products and activities on a regular basis (and most all of them are certainly more dangerous than drinking raw milk!) Here are just a few examples to start with:

• Riding in a grocery shopping cart

• Smoking cigarettes and cigars

• Chewing tobacco

• Signing up for military combat

• Consuming alcohol

• Chemotherapy

• Vaccines

• Mammograms

• CT scans

• Taking FDA-approved pharmaceuticals

• Downhill skiing

• Water sports

• Gymnastics

• Driving in automobiles

• Mercury fillings and mercury in tuna fish

• Skateboarding

• Rock-climbing, mountain climbing, mountain biking

• Using hair dyes

• Peanut and gluten products (potentially lethal or damaging allergens to many)

• Eating fast food and processed foods regularly

• Driving while texting/talking on the phone

• Fireworks

• Cough syrups with hydrocodone

• Working in construction

• Consuming fluoride

And this is just a fairly short list to start. There are plenty more examples where these came from – I'm sure you could even come up with some of your own.

This is another clear example of how present-day events and conditions have increasingly been leading America toward becoming a state in which government leaders control our lives rather than allowing us to decide things for ourselves.

You may not care for drinking raw milk, but this issue is evidence to all of our government's agenda to cultivate a culture of lies. Although they are aware that raw milk (when acquired from clean, grass-fed cows) is endlessly more nutritious than pasteurized milk, they continue to present dishonest information about it and to conceal the hard facts about much more clear and present dangers throughout the rest of the food supply, including the more popular pasteurized milk.

The FDA and CDC are purposely doing their part in the enactment of a society that is riddled with increasing cases of sickness and death. This barbaric deception does not only apply to raw milk, but to any number of healthful, raw whole foods and nutritional supplements, and it is this sort of behavior that is contributing to our country's declining health and freedom.