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Stop FDA From Turning Supplements Into Unapproved ‘Food Additives’

by: Ethan A. Huff

(NaturalNews) We here at NaturalNews cannot stress enough how important it is to take the time to fight back against the US Food and Drug Administration's (FDA) latest assault against vitamins and dietary supplements.

Proposed guidelines put forth by the agency for "New Dietary Ingredients" (NDIs) propose treating vitamins, herbs, and dietary supplements as synthetic food preservatives, which means pulling many of them off the market, and subjecting the rest to extreme regulatory protocols that will drive up costs and severely limit availability.

The Dietary Supplement Health and Information Act of 1994 (DSHEA), as many NaturalNews readers likely already know, was a major victory achieved for health freedom. It is also the foundation upon which the dietary supplement market as well as the health of millions of Americans has thrived.

Part of this legislation, however, outlines that the FDA must establish a final rule for how supplement manufacturers are to notify the agency of NDIs, a mandate that the FDA finally got around to addressing back in July. But what the FDA came up with as a solution is the complete opposite of what DSHEA, and the Congress that passed it, intended for the agency to do.

Instead of creating a simple method of notification as it was supposed to do, the FDA decided instead to manipulate and distort the NDI notification process by turning it into a type of regulatory approval process, similar to what drug companies are required to complete in order to get new drugs approved.

Under the proposed FDA guidelines, vitamin and dietary supplement manufacturers will have to submit applications for approval, rather than notifications of use, for all new ingredients or ingredient blends they use that were not in widespread use prior to 1994 when DSHEA was passed.

Because of tricky language contained in the proposal, practically all supplements currently on the market will be subjected to these new guidelines, as the FDA considers things like changed dosages and altered ingredient formulations with new ingredients.

This means that manufacturers of high-dose vitamin D, for instance, will be required to submit new NDI applications if the doses they sell were not in widespread use prior to DSHEA's passage in 1994. And even if the FDA approves an individual company's application for a specific form and dose of vitamin D, each additional manufacturer of the same vitamin D form and dose would also have to submit individual NDI applications for their products as well.

Be sure to read the shocking, full NaturalNews report on the FDA's proposed guidelines here:…

In accordance with Codex Alimentarius, FDA guidelines will treat nutrients as toxins
What the FDA's entire NDI proposal boils down to is the agency's capitulation to Codex Alimentarius provisions that treat nutrients like toxins. As we have written about on numerous occasions, US harmonization with Codex's Guidelines for Vitamin and Mineral Food Supplements has been the goal of globalist planners for years, and the FDA has cooperated nicely with this agenda via S. 510, the Food Safety Modernization Act (…), and now the NDI application process.

The disastrous implications of the Codex vitamin and mineral guidelines (or planned world genocide) include establishing "upper safe levels" of vitamins and minerals, and subjecting vitamins and minerals to the same toxicologic risk assessment protocols as deadly toxins like lead and mercury.

To read the finalized Codex guidelines for vitamins and minerals that were passed back in 2005, visit: Be sure to pay close attention to Section 3. Composition, which describes, in detail, how vitamins and minerals are to be treated under the new international food code, which in turn will eliminate their availability on the marketplace.

YOU can help stop the FDA's takeover of vitamins and supplements by following these six simple steps
The Life Extension Foundation (LEF), a valued and respected ally of NaturalNews, has constructed a set of measures that every member of the natural health community must complete in order to stop the FDA from stealing our supplements. LEF is asking everyone to complete all of the following steps:

1) Complete LEF's sample petition letter and send it to the FDA's Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition, Office of Nutrition, Labeling and Dietary supplements:…

2) Print out the same petition, customize it into your own voice, and fax it to the FDA at (301) 443-9767.

3) Call the FDA at (888) 723-3366 and read your petition aloud to personnel at the Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition, Office of Nutrition, Labeling and Dietary Supplements.

4) Submit a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request to determine which pharmaceutical interests are behind the FDA's NDI proposal and push to eliminate supplements from the marketplace, which benefit the drug industry by eliminating natural medicine, and causing those supplements that are still available to skyrocket in price:…

5) Submit letters to your two state Senators, as well as to your local Representative, demanding that the FDA immediately withdraw its tyrannical proposal:…

6) Send a letter to the President's Office of Management and Budget notifying it that the FDA's proposal is in direct conflict with Executive Order — Regulation and Independent Regulatory Agencies issued on July 11, 2011 (…). FDA's proposals directly violate this order, which stipulates that burdensome regulations that interfere with job creation, economic growth, and innovation must be repealed:…

Finally, the Alliance for Natural Health – USA (ANH-USA), another NaturalNews ally, has set up a call-in day to Congress on Thursday, September 8, 2011. ANH-USA is asking the entire natural health community to call their Congressmen on this day and demand that FDA's NDI proposals be stopped.

Remember, massive push back from people just like you — and maybe even from many of you back in the early 1990s is what successfully passed DSHEA in the first place. Now is the time, once again, to let our voices be heard, and stop the tyranny that seeks to eliminate our free access to natural vitamins, minerals, and dietary supplements.

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The Importance of Vitamin D and Essential Nutrients to Preventing Disease

by: John Phillip

(NaturalNews) Prominent research studies continue to extol the virtues of maintaining proper levels of critical nutrients such as vitamin D throughout life to prevent most diseases that plaque western cultures. Publishing in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, scientists found that by simply raising the low end of the vitamin D blood saturation range (from 30 ng/mL to 44 ng/mL) all-cause mortality could be reduced by 7.6% to 17.3% for most women. This supports the extensive body of work published by Dr. Bruce Ames that explains how low nutritional status through life results in the development of diseases including heart disease, cancer, diabetes and dementia. A high quality multi-vitamin taken daily can provide a broad range of protection against a host of chronic illnesses.


If you found out that you could lower your risk of dying by as much as 20% simply by increasing vitamin D intake, would you be willing to make the change? For most people this would mean taking an additional 1500 IU of the sunshine vitamin at a daily cost of $.03. While some people can benefit directly from sun exposure, aging adults (over 50), those in Northern climates and dark-skinned individuals will need to take an oil based supplement and monitor blood levels to ensure optimal protection.

You won`t hear about results that show that increasing vitamin D intake or other essential nutrients can significantly lower your risk for developing chronic disease. The scientists performing this study on European women found: "Increasing serum 25(OH)D levels is the most cost-effective way to reduce global mortality rates, as the cost of vitamin D is very low and there are few adverse effects from oral intake and/or frequent moderate UVB irradiance with sufficient body surface area exposed."

Dr. Bruce Ames has been studying the long term effect of poor nutrition on health for more than 30 years and proposed the triage theory in 2006. The theory explains how long-term deficiency in nutrients such as vitamin D and K increase genetic mutations over time and cause diseases associated with aging like cancer, heart disease, and dementia.

Dr. Ames explains that his research demonstrates that nutritional deficiencies over the course of decades (and even short term deficits in the case of vitamin D) cause the body to promote metabolic processes that support short term survival and reproduction. Long term maintenance goals that effect repair and regeneration of genetic material including chromosomes and DNA go unattended when adequate nutrients are lacking in cellular stores.

Very few health-minded individuals would argue against the virtue of a well-balanced and unrefined diet centered on a colorful array of vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds and legumes. Most children and adults will want to ensure optimal intake of vitamins, minerals, fats and amino acids through a sensible approach to diet and by taking a high quality whole food based multi-vitamin each day.

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Nearly Half of Children In Fukushima Have Radioactive Iodine In Thyroid

by: Jonathan Benson

(NaturalNews) An anonymous official from the Japanese government recently came forward with the startling results of radiation tests conducted on children shortly after the disastrous earthquake and tsunami struck the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear facility. According to the official revealed that 45 percent of children tested had radioactive iodine lodged in their thyroid glands.

Radiation Protocol

The Japanese government's nuclear accident task force tested 1,149 children 15 and younger just a few weeks after the events of March 11. 1,080 of these tests were confirmed to be valid, and 482 of them, representing 44.6 percent of children, confirmed the presence of damaging radioactive iodine in their thyroid glands.

The thyroid gland, which is located in the front of the neck just below the larynx, is responsible for regulating the body's metabolism, producing necessary hormones for every tissue in the body, increasing protein synthesis, regulating oxygen consumption by cells, and balancing calcium.

This important gland, which is designed to uptake the nutritious, mineral version of iodine, can also uptake deadly radioactive iodine and other toxic chemicals like fluoride. When this occurs, the thyroid gland is unable to properly function, as hormone production becomes altered or inhibited. The end result is the potential development of a wide variety of diseases.

When questioned by numerous participants as to why it took so long to release the test results, the anonymous agent allegedly responded that radioactive iodine levels were below the government's threshold limit of 0.2 microsieverts (mSv), and thus not a significant health threat.

Radioactive iodine is actually used as a treatment for hyperthyroidism, also known as overactive thyroid, in order to slow functionality of the thyroid gland. Repeated or overexposure to radioactive iodine can lead to thyroid cancer, which in turn can destroy the gland entirely if not cared for.

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Pro-Vaccine Agenda In Shambles After Washington Meeting

by: Ethan A. Huff

(NaturalNews) Efforts to save the sinking pro-vaccination ship are failing, especially after a recent US State Department Listening Meeting during which various non-government organizations (NGOs) presented sound scientific evidence against the continued use of mercury in vaccines. According to a recent article by consumer advocate Tim Bolen in his Bolen Report, the vaccine promotion house of cards is quickly crumbling, and it is becoming increasingly more obvious that special interests, rather than valid science, are driving the pro-vaccine agenda.

Vaccine Protocol


Hosted by Deputy Director John Thompson from the US Department of State's Office of Environmental Policy, the August 18, 2011 meeting included several NGOs that hold seats on the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), which supports countries in dealing with environmental challenges. These NGOs came fully equipped with a well-backed, thoroughly-researched arsenal of facts and information about why mercury has no place in vaccines or dental fillings, while the opposition came with a poorly-crafted, unsigned paper filled with misinformation in defense of maintaining the status quo.

The Coalition for Mercury-free Drugs (GoMeD) and the Coalition for SafeMinds together presented sound science against the use of mercury in vaccines, while the International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology (IAOMT) and Consumers for Dental Choice presented sound science against the use of mercury in amalgam dental fillings.

On the other hand, Bolen reports that representatives for the opposing side, which included the usual suspects like the American Dental Association (ADA) and various vaccine manufacturers, simply rehashed the same rhetorical nonsense, one after another, in defense of basically leaving things alone.

The establishment, of course, has not had to deal with very much scrutiny or oversight of its activities, at least until now. Despite those in power having worked overtime to destroy the reputation of Dr. Andrew Wakefield, for instance, the world's eyes were largely opened to the truth about the dangerous, untested toxins that are added to many vaccines. And with more and more people asking questions and not simply accepting what the authorities tell them, the establishment is starting to squirm.

But it is likely too late to salvage the vaccine industry, at least on the universal scale to which some in the industry had hoped. The State Department meeting effectively exposed the establishment as the fool, as each presenter offered essentially the same indefensible talking points in defense of the use of mercury which, although it has been somewhat phased out in US vaccines, continues to be heavily used in vaccines administered to individuals in developing countries.

And the continued use of mercury as a vaccine preservative, even though there are viable alternatives like 2-phenoxyethanol and phenol, is a significant smoking gun that, as Bolen puts it, shows that "the emperor has no clothes."

Official US position paper presented in defense of mercury lacks citations and signatures, filled with lies
Perhaps the most damning indictment of the US government's flimsy vaccine agenda was its presentation of an official position paper on the use of mercury that contained no author names, no signatures, no bibliography, nothing at all that would signify even an ounce of credibility. And yet this paper was presented as evidence that mercury is safe as a preservative because it has been approved in accordance with regulatory requirements.

Bolen cites 22 "lies and misstatements" in the 13-page paper, many of which involve twisting studies that actually outed mercury as dangerous to make them look like they actually supported the use of mercury.

Bolen has archived an original copy of the US government's position paper (…), as well as a marked-up copy that he used to reference the 22 errors (…).

To view a detailed list of the 22 errors, visit Bolen's original article here:…

Though not a single human being was willing to claim ownership of this embarrassing paper, Bolen believes that an inconspicuous doctor by the name of Bruce Gellin, who also happens to be Deputy Assistant Secretary of Health and Director of the National Vaccine Program Office (NVPO), is responsible for secretly writing it.

When questioned about this after the meeting, Gellin allegedly denied the allegations and defended the safety of Thimerosal, the mercury preservative used in some vaccines. He also deflected questions about the current use of safer alternatives like 2-phenoxyethanol. Ultimately, though, Gellin exposed himself as a vaccine shill, who knows nothing about the safety of mercury but continues to defend its use, earning him the Bolen-created title of "US Vaccine Emperor."

Mercury apologists have no leg on which to stand
Why is all this significant? First, the pro-vaccine lobby and its stronghold in Washington continues to deny the truth about the dangers of mercury in vaccines because doing so would expose the fact that it has been poisoning millions for many years. But at the same time, now that millions of people worldwide are aware of the truth, the establishment is being forced to address the issue.

The only problem is that the pro-vaccine movement has no foundation on which to base its defense of mercury, or its laundry list of bad science, for that matter. And every time it is forced to at least make an attempt, just as it had to do at the recent State Department meeting, it is made to look like an ignorant fool. And so it goes as the truth is finally brought to light, and those pulling the strings are revealed for the world to see.

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Charges Dropped Against Detroit Mom Maryanne Godboldo

by Mike Adams

(NaturalNews) All charges have been dropped against Detroit mom Maryanne Godboldo, the woman who was SWAT team raided when Child Protective Services attempted to kidnap her daughter because Maryanne refused to "treat" her with psychiatric medications. An armed standoff ensued, and Maryanne ultimately walked out of her house and was charged with multiple felony counts.


Listen to my interview with Maryanne about the incident at:…

I also called Maryanne Godboldo, who is African American, a Civil Rights hero for standing up to government thugs who tried to kidnap her daughter. Here my audio commentary on the situation at:…

In court proceedings yesterday, all charges were dropped against Maryanne. After the decision was rendered, she said, "I was very pleased with what happened today and I'm pleased Judge Giles ruled in the way that he did because justice prevailed."

The state of Michigan, however, still has custody of her daughter, so this battle is not yet won. In fact, I say that the battle is not won until the CPS workers and police officers who conducted the raid are, themselves, brought up on felony charges of attempting kidnapping.

Godboldo's court proceedings reveal the details of how the thuggish, criminally-operated state broke the law in its effort to kidnap her daughter.

Low-IQ cops follow orders after looking at scrap of paper
What this case reveals is that low-IQ cops, who will apparently follow any orders without any sense of whether their orders are legal, were presented with a scrap of paper by a CPS caseworker who claimed it was some kind of order authorizing the state to use force to take away Godboldo's daughter.

Except CPS was lying, as usual. In reality, "The police met the CPS worker on the street, she hands them a piece of paper that is not officially filed with the county, it has a rubber stamp, and it's not completely filled out," said Godboldo's attorney. The order simply wasn't valid, in other words. It was just a scrap of paper with no lawful validity behind it. "When you come into someone's house and you’re taking their child, you have to be lawful," she explained.

Ah, but that's the whole point, isn't it? Today's government tyrants operate OUTSIDE the law. Whether they're raiding the Gibson Guitar factory to confiscate "illegal wood" (…), running FDA armed raids on raw dairy food distribution centers (…) or terrorizing innocent moms who grow tomatoes in their home gardens (…), it's always done outside the law, respecting no constitutional rights of the citizens.

What used to be a nation of freedom and law has very quickly devolved into one of government tyrants running around threatening innocents with guns. In every case, civil rights are violated by these tyrants, yet they are never held accountable for their actions. At best, the innocent victims of their threats of violence are let off the hook — but usually only after NaturalNews and the alternative media raise a stink about the injustices being committed. The thuggish tyrants who mastermind these illegal raids are never charged with crimes and never face justice for their own outlandish violations of not just civil rights but human rights.

We demand the arrest of the law-breaking cops who conducted the illegal raid on Godboldo
I believe it is time the People of America began demanding the arrest and imprisonment of government agents, CPS workers and law enforcement personnel who commit these unlawful acts. We need to see FDA heads rolling and cops put in prison for taking part in these illegal raids. Just as the East German soldiers who manned the Berlin Wall and shot escapees were guilty of war crimes, today's cops who are merely "following orders" need to be reminded that they, too, must abide by the law of the land. And if they violate those laws by participating in illegal raids that have no basis in law, they must be brought to justice by the People, to face their own charges of criminal misconduct.

After all, if we are a nation of law and justice, then those laws must apply to all men and women, not just selected ones. If the People are required to follow the law, then law enforcement personnel, government regulators and even the President himself must also follow the law. That's what makes America a Republic (a society based on law, NOT majority rule).

When those who enforce the law become lawless, then what used to be honest government breaks down into tyranny, and chaos ensues. This is where we now find ourselves in America, where laws are routinely violated by the entire executive branch of government, from the President himself (illegal wars) down to the secret FDA spies and infiltration agents who operate more like the KGB than honest Americans (…).

Here at NaturalNews, we fight for justice and the rule of law. We encourage all citizens to abide by the law, and we demand that all those who work in government operate within the bounds of those same laws. And when laws are bad, we serve an activist role in working to get those laws revised (such as current marijuana prohibition laws, which are a complete failure and in desperate need of revision).

NaturalNews played a pivotal role in bringing public pressure to this case involving Maryanne Godboldo. I thank all NaturalNews readers for their phone calls of support, their protests and their sharing of these stories so that people learn the truth about what's really happening to our nation.

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Kill Candida Overgrowth With These Nine Powerful Herbs

by: Elizabeth Walling

(NaturalNews) Whether you are battling full-blown candida overgrowth or simply want to prevent future infections from occurring, herbs are a powerful tool for naturally keeping candida at bay. Here`s a list of nine highly effective herbal remedies for candida:

Yeast Infection Protocol

#1 Oregano Oil

The phenols in oregano oil are highly concentrated and extremely effective in fighting bacterial infections, fungal infections and candida overgrowth. Wild organic oregano oil is known to be especially effective in fighting conditions like candida.

#2 Olive Leaf Extract

The oleuropein in olive leaf extract is used by the body to fight fungal infections caused by candida overgrowth. A high-potency standardized olive leaf extract can obliterate candida quite effectively.

#3 Pau D`Arco

Another popular anti-candida herb, Pau D`Arco is often brewed into a tea. Drinking one cup per day is an easy way to harness its antifungal properties.

#4 Garlic

Garlic is a powerful antibacterial and antifungal agent. Candida cannot survive when garlic is present, so consistency is the key. Garlic can simply be added to your normal meals, but most find it more convenient (and less odorous) to take standardized garlic capsules three times per day.

#5 Neem

Used extensively in Ayurvedic medicine, neem is known for stimulating the immune system and fighting infections and fungal overgrowth. It is also a potent detoxifier. Neem oil can also be applied topically as needed.

#6 Apple Cider Vinegar

Not quite an herb (but too effective to leave off this list), apple cider vinegar balances the pH level of your body and can prevent harmful pathogens like candida from growing out of control. A teaspoon to a tablespoon taken before each meal can aid digestion and prevent undigested food particles from feeding candida in the gut.

#7 Echinacea

Although echinacea is best known for stopping a cold in its tracks, this herb also provides anti-candida benefits. It supports your immune system in the fight against candida as well as other infections.

#8 Black Walnut

Black walnut is a natural herb which contains tannins that not only kill fungal overgrowth like candida, but also kill parasites. It may be especially useful for those who suffer from both candida overgrowth and a parasitical infection.

#9 Coconut Oil

Also not an herb, but coconut oil`s anti-candida properties are too powerful to ignore. The medium chain fatty acids that make coconut oil such a great energy source are also what fuel its ability to fight candida. Fatty acids like caprylic acid and lauric acid are potent antifungal agents. Work up to taking three tablespoons of coconut oil per day to harness its anti-candida power.

Note: Avoid jumping into any anti-candida regimen too quickly. Killing off candida too fast can produce a die-off reaction that includes symptoms like foggy thinking, headaches and chills. For some this can be quite uncomfortable. If you notice these symptoms, cut back on your dose and start again more slowly when symptoms subside.

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Stop Obsessive Compulsive Behaviors With Inositol

by: Elizabeth Walling

(NaturalNews) Obsessive compulsions have been linked to specific imbalances in biochemicals in the body, and certain supplements like inositol have been shown to offer great help. Inositol is a viable solution for those who want to overcome their obsessive compulsive behaviors without resorting to conventional prescription drugs.


Obsessive compulsive behavior describes repetitive habits and compulsions that are carried out regardless of whether they are actually rational, logical or beneficial. This may include behaviors like obsessive counting, arranging, or skin picking. Compulsive behaviors tend to ease anxiety, and when these rituals cannot be performed intense anxiety or even panic attacks are common. If you suffer from obsessive compulsive behavior, then you may realize that your habits and rituals are detracting from your quality of life, but you feel powerless to put an end to the behavior. This is because mere willpower cannot correct an imbalance in the brain.

The conventional therapy for obsessive compulsive disorder includes drugs such as SSRI (Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors) medication. But because of the extensive list of negative side effects that often accompany these drugs, nutritional therapy offers a far more ideal solution.

The nutrient inositol in particular is highly effective at eradicating obsessive compulsive rituals. In one study, patients with obsessive compulsive disorder received either inositol or a placebo for six weeks. The patients, who received inositol, reported a significant drop in symptoms compared to the placebo group. Results from this and other studies with inositol show that it appears to produce similar results like SSRI drugs, but without the negative side effects.

Dosage and Tips for Supplementing

In trials that studied the impact of inositol on obsessive compulsive behaviors, dosage is typically 18 grams per day. The general recommendation is to start inositol supplementation slowly, working up from about 3 grams per day in divided doses until you reach 18 grams per day in divided doses. It should take about 3 to 4 weeks to reach the optimal dose, and at this point benefits should be noticeable.

Because it is needed in such large doses, it`s usually most convenient and cost effective to use inositol in powder form. Most report that inositol`s flavor is very mild and pleasantly sweet. It can be easily mixed into pure water or diluted juice.

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Alpha Lipoic Acid Prevents Mitochondrial Aging and Boosts Energy

by: John Phillip

(NaturalNews) Mitochondria are the small powerhouse organelles that control the energy output for each of the trillions of cells that function synergistically within the human body. Every cell houses dozens to hundreds of mitochondria, depending on the particular function and energy requirement of the component organ. More than 85% of the oxygen contained in every breath is consumed by these tiny energy producers, so it is easy to understand how low mitochondrial function typically seen with aging can lead to low energy levels and ultimately cellular death. Cutting edge research published in the Journal of Nucleic Acids and Metabolism furnishes details to explain that the naturally occurring antioxidant alpha lipoic acid can significantly reduce mitochondrial decay and boost energy levels to improve longevity parameters in aging humans.

Alpha Lipoic Acid

Since the early 1970`s, scientists have proposed and validated the `mitochondrial theory of aging` that demonstrates how a lifetime of accumulated damage to mitochondrial DNA leads to increased free radical stress and to lowered cellular energy production and chronic disease. Researchers examined aging mice that were broken into two groups: one supplemented with alpha lipoic acid in their drinking water and the other served as a control group for a period of 30 days. Both groups were tested for metabolic functions relating to glucose metabolism, energy production and antioxidant status.

Authors of the study found that the alpha lipoic acid supplemented group experienced mitochondrial biogenesis, a process that rejuvenates and replaces damaged and aging mitochondria. Prior bodies of research postulated that mitochondrial regeneration and genesis were not possible and cell death was always the final result of mitochondrial dysfunction. Through a very intricate metabolic process, lipoic acid supplementation was found to improve body composition, glucose tolerance, and energy expenditure in the aged mice.

Researchers noted this was the first time a natural compound was able to effectively revitalize mitochondria in aging cells, and they concluded that alpha lipoic acid supplementation "increases lean mass loss possibly by suppressing protein synthesis in the skeletal muscle by down-regulating the mTOR signaling pathway. Thus, lipoic acid may be a promising supplement for treatment of obesity and/or insulin resistance in older patients."

Subsequently, research conducted by Dr. Bruce Ames found that combining the bioactive `R` isomer of lipoic acid and acetyl-l-carnitine decreases oxidative damage, which leads to mitochondrial decay, and that this may help prevent degenerative diseases of aging including cancer, cognitive decline (dementia) and diabetes while restoring the vital energy needed to live an active lifestyle. Nutrition experts recommend supplementing with `R` alpha-lipoic acid (100 to 300 mg daily) and acetyl-l-carnitine (1000 mg daily) to restore energy levels lost to mitochondrial decline.