Featured Articles

Human West Nile Case in Mississippi and Texas

— Four people have been diagnosed with West Nile virus, said officials from Dallas County Health and Human Services on Tuesday. They live in the zip codes of 75215, 75210, 75219, and 75217. The total number of people infected in the county in 2007 is six.

Further spraying for mosquitoes was scheduled for Tuesday night in the Balch Springs area, north of Seagoville Road, south of Lake June Road, east of Cheyenne and west of Interstate 635; and Wednesday in the Cedar Hill area, north of Westar, south of Armadillo Court, east of Lakeview Drive and west of the 1300 block of Belt Line Road. Residents are encouraged to stay inside.

JACKSON, Miss. — A human case of the West Nile virus has been reported in Forrest County, the third case of the mosquito-borne disease reported by state health officials this year.

The Mississippi State Health Department said earlier cases were reported in Lincoln and Madison counties.

MSDH conducts statewide mosquito testing with its most intensive surveillance during peak mosquito reproduction time — usually July, August and September.

Symptoms may include fever, headache, nausea, vomiting, a rash, muscle weakness or swollen lymph nodes.

Infection can cause encephalitis or meningitis in a small number of people. Those illnesses can lead to paralysis, coma and possibly death.

Featured Articles

Group Claims Allergies are Linked to Wi-Fi

Some people feel there is a strong link between allergy and Wi-Fi. Could Wi-Fi cause or be related to human allergies?
A group in Santa Fe, New Mexico, is seeking a ban on Wi-Fi signals in public buildings because they say they are allergic to wireless Internet signals, according to a report from KOB-TV.

Arthur Firstenberg says he is highly sensitive to certain types of electric fields, including wireless Internet and cell phones.

"I get chest pain and it doesn't go away right away," he said.

Propping themselves up behind the Americans With Disabilities Act, they are calling wireless internet signals in public buildings "discriminatory" and demanding a widespread ban.

The Santa Fe city attorney is checking to see if the Wi-Fi signals could be considered a form of discrimination, KOB reports.

Featured Articles

FEMA Exposes Hurricane Katrina Victims To Contamination

Posted by David Mittleman

Nearly three years ago hurricane Katrina destroyed almost every thing it touched in the Gulf region. No one can forget the scenes of people stranded in the street of New Orleans begging for help. Although there was significant damage, many people survived Katrina. Unfortunately for the survivors their homes were destroyed and they had no place to call home.

Due to the large number of displaced people, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) ordered nearly $3 billion dollars worth of mobile homes and trailers in the days following hurricane Katrina. The request to manufacturers was only 25 lines long, with no safety requirements or other specifications stated in the request. Shortly after Katrina survivors began living in the trailers and mobile homes, they began experiencing breathing difficulty, eye irritation and, in some cases, death.

The cause of these health problems was an exposure to high levels of Formaldehyde, a known by product from manufacturing many materials found in the mobile homes and trailers. According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), exposure to Formaldehyde can cause cancer, eye irritation, and other problems.

According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), Formaldehyde exposure more than fifteen minutes. After that, people exposed can begin experiencing symptoms. To date, approximately 17,000 people have experienced health complications allegedly due to Formaldehyde exposure from living in their FEMA trailer.

Featured Articles

Trucking Regulators Warn Against Chantix

WASHINGTON, May 23 (UPI) — U.S. federal trucking regulators have advised medical examiners not to qualify anyone using Chantix, an anti-smoking drug linked to possible health issues.
The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration is the latest regulator to warn against certifying people using the smoking cessation aid. The Federal Administration banned the drug for pilots and air traffic controllers after a study linked Chantix to seizures, dizziness, heart irregularities and diabetes.

In its warning issued Thursday the FMCSA advised medical examiners "to not qualify anyone currently using this medication for commercial motor vehicle licenses," The Wall Street Journal reported Friday. The FMCSA oversees the interstate trucking and bus industry.

A U.S. Food and Drug Administration spokeswoman said the agency was focusing on likely links between Chantix and neuropsychiatric side effects. This year, the FDA and Pfizer, which manufactures the drug, updated warnings on Chantix's label to include depression and thoughts of suicide.

The Institute for Safe Medication Practices, a non-profit watchdog group in Horsham, Pa., conducted the Chantix study that reported the drug was linked to more than 900 serious episodes in the last quarter of 2007.

Pfizer said the report's findings weren't inconsistent with possible side effects listed on drug's label.

Health & Freedom

The Year The USA Republic Was Assassinated

For those of you who have wondered when our Nation began to loose it's Constitutional foundation and the God-given Rights that were secured by the Organic Laws of The United States of America, this video will be very eye-opening.

We as a free people began to steadily loose our Liberty when this commercial corporate system, a so-called Democracy,  replaced the Constitutional Republic given to us by The Creator of The Universe and brought into existence by the Founding Fathers.

Watch it with an open mind and  the seeds of true understanding will be planted in your mind and heart.

Ben Taylor

Laughter, The Best Medicine


I know we saved money on this 'Chinese' shipment, …but maybe two ships would have been better than one.

Natural Remedies


• Flame burns. If you find someone burning, roll the victim on the ground preferably after wrapping with non-synthetic rugs, blankets or a coat.
• Chemical burns. Wash thoroughly the burned area under running water for at least 30 minutes.
• Cut the clothing away from the burned area, if it adheres to the burned area, do not try to peel it loose.
• Avoid undue contamination of burn wound from dirt.
• Colloidal Silver. Immediately apply colloidal silver to the burned area. Silver will aid in keeping bacterial infection down.
• Aloe Vera. This miracle plant promotes the proper healing of the damaged skin and works especially well in combination with silver.
• Next apply ice pack or cloth soaked in ice water and change them constantly
• Do not use cotton directly on burns as it adheres to it.
• Do not apply Ink, Mercurochrome, greases or baking soda over burned area.
• In the case of any severe burn, seek professional medical care immediately after treating as noted above.

Less severe burn treatments and sunburn
• Colloidal Silver. Again the very best burn treatment for any kind of burn is colloidal silver.
• Aloe Vera. Use aloe vera gel or the juice from a cut aloe vera leaf. Apply frequently to keep burn area from drying out.
• Lavender essential oil (Lavandula angustifolia). Best known for its soothing scent, but you can also use it to take the sting out of a first-degree burn (the kind you might get by touching a hot pan). Not only does this oil speed the healing process and prevent
scarring, but it also fights bacteria on vulnerable new skin. Gently clean the burn with soap and water first. Then combine one part pure lavender essential oil and three parts carrier oil, like almond or olive oil, and apply the mixture liberally to the burn at least three times a day, leaving the wound uncovered.
• Potato. Cut a potato in half and put it on the burn area. The starch neutralizes the burn, pain and future scarring. Also works great on sunburns.

Customer Testimonials

Mike H.

My wife and I have had allergies bad for several years.  My wife has had to take allergy shots all her life.We started taking Utopia (Silver) and she has not had to take an allergy shot and I am not stopped up all the time. We have also gotten several of our friends at church on it also.  They are not having bad headaches or allergies.  I have found this product to be the answer to our allergies.

Thanks for your time
Thanks Mike H.

Healthy Recipes

South Texas Breakfast Bake

Olive Oil
1-1/2 Cups (about 7oz.) Fresh Sweet Pepper Strips OR 2 cups of shredded potatoes. 
7 eggs
½ cup water
1-1/2 teaspoons Cajun or Creole seasoning
1 can (15 oz.) smoked Salmon, or if you’re in a hurry canned drained and chunked
1 cup (4oz.) shredded Colby-Jack or Mexican Cheese Blend, divided (3/4 cup & ¼ cup)

Preheat oven to 400 F.  Coat 9-inch baking dish with Olive Oil.  Pre-bake fresh peppers in oven about 12 minutes.  Drain or pat peppers dry.  Transfer peppers to baking dish.  Beat together eggs, water and seasoning.  Stir in salmon and ¾ cup cheese.  Pour egg mixture over peppers.  Top with remaining ¼ cup cheese.  Bake 18 to 20 minutes, until puffed and golden.  

Option: Substitute 2 cups of shredded potatoes.  Bake for 20-25 minutes.

Ask Utopia Silver


Dear Utopia Silver,
I have dermatitis that may be coming from an infection.  How many days and how many times per day should I try using the silver on it?

Suzanne in New Jersey

Hi Suzanne,

That is a difficult question to answer. Everybody and every situation is different. Dermatitis is the name used for any type of epidermal (skin) inflammation. This inflammation generally produces, scaling, flaking, thickening, weeping, crusting, color changes and often itching. There are a number of causes some of which may be relieved by colloidal silver. It can be caused by Candidiasis (yeast overgrowth), low levels of hydrochloric acid in the stomach, food allergies, as well as genetically based weakness in the enzymes that convert essential fatty7 acids into anti-inflammatory prostaglandins.

I would personally be using colloidal silver both topically and orally, especially in the case of Candidiasis. It even take a couple of ounces per day for a week or so. Remember with any heavy use of silver, one should supplement with a Probiotic and Acidophilus or eat live culture yogurt an hour or so afterwards to replenish the colon bacteria to ensure proper digestion.

Other nutrients that may be of benefit depending on the underlying cause are, Vitamin B Complex and B12 , Essential fatty acids (Flaxseed Oil , Primrose Oil , Borage Oi l , or Black Currant Seed Oil), Vitamin C, Zinc, CoEnzyme Q10, Grapeseed Extract, and Shark Cartilage .

If you regularly have indigestion, this could be a factor which is usually caused by not having enough stomach acid to digest your food. If this is the case, it may be advisable to use, Acidophilus, Pancreatin, and Probiotics. Also a regular Colon Cleanse and Liver Cleanse may help.

There are also some diet considerations. Add brown rice or millet to your diet. Avoid alcohol, processed sugar(s), soda pop, eggs, peanuts, soy, wheat, strawberries, chocolate, white flour, processed foods, and dairy products. A gluten free diet may also aid in getting rid of Dermatitis.

As you can see, there is no simple solution as there are many possible causes. Please let me know if there is any more information you need.

You are appreciated in Utopia.

Ben Taylor
Utopia Silver Supplements
830 966-2315

Notice: We are not doctors and we suggest that you consult a healthcare professional,preferably a qualified naturopathic doctor or one who has been trained in integrative medicine if you have a life or health threatening illness.

All opinions and information presented by me are done as an exercise of my unalienable right of free speech and any solicitation of my opinions or communication with me is only within the exercise of this freedom of speech right that you and I have as free men and women.