Natural Remedies


Colloidal Silver . Research has proven that many ulcers are caused by bacteria and there is nothing more effective in killing bcteria and other one-celled organisms than silver.

Honey . Honey soothes and reduces inflammation of the lining of the stomach.

• Bananas. Eat at least three bananas a day. This will coat your stomach and sooth your ulcer pain.

• Cayenne pepper. Cayenne pepper is a wonderful ulcer healing spice. And it dulls the pain! It's a bit strong and may take getting used to. Start with oneeighth teaspoon of cayenne pepper in a glass of water twice a day. Work your way up to a quarter-teaspoon. If you would rather, you can take cayenne capsules that you can get at the health food store. Take three a day right after meals.

• Raw cabbage. One of the best home remedies for ulcers is raw cabbage. To make it easy, juice your cabbage with a juicer. Try mixing it with carrots in your juicer to make it go down easier! (it's not too bad, honest!) Drink half a cup of the juice before each meal and at bed time (make sure that it is fresh!). Don't be surprised if you ulcer is gone within a few weeks!

• A few other great ulcer remedies are: barley water, Aloe Vera juice, propolis capsules, licorice root or marshmallow root.

• Proper digestion is also helpful in curing or alleviating the symptoms of ulcers. Enzymes , Acidophilus , and Pancreatin will promote healthier digestion. 

Ask Utopia Silver

AC or DC?

Hi there,
Can you please let me know if the DC method is as good as the AC method? I have read on many sites information that seems to suggest the quality of the DC (rods in the glass jar) isn't as effective as the AC?

Thanks for hopefully ending my confusion.
Stephanie in New Zealand

Hi Stephanie,

That is not an especially easy question to answer. There are almost as many methods of production as there are companies. Both AC and DC production methods put silver into water and have positive effects. The real difference is not necessarily AC versus DC, nor does it have anything to do with PPMs, but it has more to do with the size of the silver particles.

You cannot judge colloidal silver products based solely upon parts per million (ppm), but a smaller particle size product is potentially more effective. Silver is only effective to the degree that the surface area of the silver particles are able to come into contact with a micro-organism. I'll exaggerate with size so you can get a clear mental image of this concept. Imagine a silver particle the size of a 55 gal. barrel with the outside of the barrel being the surface area that comes in contact with the surrounding environment; then compare that with the same barrel filled with silver particles the size of marbles or BBs. There are many times more effective surface areas to contact the surrounding environment with the smaller particles than with the larger particles. It also enables them to travel more easily in the body's fluid environment.

High ppm products generally are comprised of much larger particles suspended in a gelatinous base to keep them from falling out, which means that more of it may either collect in the tissue under the skin or be eliminated from the body without being utilized. High ppms are only necessary when the silver particle size is very large and therefore must make up for an inefficient surface area with more parts per million.

The truth is, silver of any size can be effective against micro-organisms, such as the use of silver utensils and cups, putting silver coins in water or milk, or even wearing silver jewelry where it is assimilated through the skin. There is no doubt that silver is only effective to the degree that it is able to come into contact with microbes and is therefore more effective if it has a particle size small enough to get down to the cellular level, but the debate about particle size can become somewhat academic. Smaller size enables the particles to travel more easily in the body's fluid environment, giving the silver easier access to all areas of the body and to microorganisms, but particle size in the 2-10 nanometer range, will be able to travel effectively anywhere in the body it is needed.

You are appreciated in Utopia.

Ben Taylor
Utopia Silver Supplements
830 966-2315

Customer Testimonials


I have taken Colloidal Silver since Oct., 2001, with grand success! As I wrote several times before, I had sinus infections since childhood, and in 2000 and 2001, was almost constantly on antibiotics of some type or another for them.
They got to the point of not working, so the Dr started giving me steroid shots too.  Finally I went online and found UTOPIA SILVER, ordered a case, and the rest is history.  I also got the little generator, which I adore!  Since 2001, I have NOT been to the doctor with another sinus infection!  I have my mom and dad on silver, have treated all kinds of animals and cured them, and even saved a few vacations when I got bad bug bites, by soaking them in silver.

Here is the real reason I am writing again!  After the holidays, I returned to work this morning, in the daycare baby room.  To my surprise, not a single baby showed up this morning, and my helper showed up coughing her head off.  Apparently there is a really bad upper respiratory infection of some sort that was passed through my room last week, and they all got it — EXCEPT ME!   I am the only one taking colloidal silver daily.  Need proof this stuff works????? WELL, here I am!

Over the years people have read this site's testimonials, and emailed me to ask if I was really telling the truth!  I always reply to them and say TAKE THE SILVER!  There is no telling how many viral and bacterial infections I have avoided in the past 6 years by using silver.  I remain thankful and thankful again to all who guided me and sold me the silver and the generator!  May God richly bless each of you who passed into my life and enriched it so much!  Silver WILL remain the first part of my daily routine, always!

Love & Peace,

Sarah in South Carolina
Healthy Recipes

Banana Cookies

For any of you looking for a cookie with no sugar or flour, try these:

Mash 3 ripe bananas in a bowl.
Add 2 cups quick cooking oats
1 cup chopped walnuts ( I substituted with pecans)
1/2 c. raisins
1 t. ground cinnamon
1 t. vanilla extract
1/4 t. salt
Mix until oaks begin to absorb the banana moisture really well.
With a tablespoon, drop the batter onto the cookie sheet, flatten each one slightly.
Bake 10-15 minutes or until centers are firm.
If you choose, you may want to add honey to your taste.
Healthy Recipes

Banana Cookies

For any of you looking for a cookie with no sugar or flour, try these:

Mash 3 ripe bananas in a bowl.
Add 2 cups quick cooking oats
1 cup chopped walnuts ( I substituted with pecans)
1/2 c. raisins
1 t. ground cinnamon
1 t. vanilla extract
1/4 t. salt
Mix until oaks begin to absorb the banana moisture really well.
With a tablespoon, drop the batter onto the cookie sheet, flatten each one slightly.
Bake 10-15 minutes or until centers are firm.
If you choose, you may want to add honey to your taste.
Laughter, The Best Medicine

South Texas Longhorns

Genetic engineering can get scary when breeding Longhorns in South Texas.

Natural Remedies


• Prune juice. Drink a cup of prune juice. Works faster on an empty stomach but should work regardless. If not, just drink more. It's a natural laxative. (Raisins should do the trick also.)• Herbs that will aid proper digestion and bowel movement: Psyllium Seed Husk, Senna Leaf, Cascara Sagrada, Golden Seal, Oat Bran, and Aloe Vera. (contained in Colon Klenz-R )

• Other Supplements that will aid proper digestion and bowel movement: Acidophilus , Pancreatin , Enzymes , and Flax Oil and Primrose Oil .

• Vitamin B Complex aids in the proper digestion of fats, carbohydrates, and protein.

• If you don't like prunes or raisins, you have another option for constipation relief. Dried figs work just as well as prunes. They contain soluble and insoluble fiber, both of which flush out your intestines. In fact, five figs supply at least 20 percent of your daily fiber requirement, more than almost any other fruit. Nibble on four or five at the first sign of constipation and drink at least one glass of water. If you don't get results within three hours, eat a couple more every three hours until you do.

• Bale fruit is the best laxative of all fruits. It cleans and tones up the intestines and gives constipation relief.

• Tomato juice, carrot juice and sauerkraut juice. Mix one cup tomato or vegetable juice, 1/4 cup carrot juice and 1/2 cup sauerkraut juice. Pour this over ice. You may add tabasco sauce for a spicier drink.

• Coffee. Coffee can often hasten a bowel movement.

• Olive oil. One tablespoon of olive oil in the morning or on an empty stomach will stimulate digestion and lubricate mucous membranes.

• Constipation in toddlers, infants and older children may be relieved by giving bran cereal.

• Guava when eaten with seeds provides roughage to the diet and can give relief from constipation.

• Add more fruits to the diet, such as prunes, pears, grapes, orange juice and papaya.

• Another natural remedy for constipation is to add some honey a glass of milk. Drink twice a day.

• It is essential that one drink 6-8 glasses of water or fruit juices daily

• If constipation is at the anal opening, apply mineral oil to a Q-tip, insert gently and work it around a bit to help lubricate and dissolve the hardened matter.

• Remember that high iron supplements can often cause constipation.

Healthy Recipes

Carrot and Apple Soup

1 Tbsp. olive oil
1 medium onion, chopped
1 medium leek, chopped
1 pound peeled carrots, cut in 1/2-inch slices
1 Granny Smith apple, peeled, cored and chopped
3 cups fat-free, reduced sodium chicken broth
Milk or fat-free, reduced-sodium chicken broth, as desired (optional)
Sea Salt and freshly ground black pepper, to taste
3 Tbsp. minced mint, for garnish (optional)

Heat oil in medium Dutch oven or large saucepan over medium-high until hot. Sauté onion and leek until onion is translucent, 4 minutes.

Mix in carrots and apple. Tightly cover pot, reduce heat and cook gently until vegetables give up most of their juices, 8 to 10 minutes. Add broth. Cover and cook until carrots are very soft, about 30 minutes.

Let soup sit, uncovered, about 20 minutes, to cool slightly. Purée soup in a blender or food processor, if necessary in two batches. (Blender makes a smoother soup.) If soup is too thick, add milk or broth, as desired. Season to taste with salt and pepper.

Serve garnished with mint.

Makes 4 servings. Per serving: 132 calories, 4 g. total fat (0 g. saturated fat), 23 g. carbohydrate, 4 g. protein, 5 g. dietary fiber, 496 mg. sodium.

Featured Articles

Synthetic versus Natural Supplements

Taken from a recent Ask Tony Isaacs CureZone forum question

 Hi Tony ,

I see a lot of valuable information in your posts and I thank you for that, but it amazes me how you keep recommending different supplements, vitamins (synthetic) and other stuff that is supposed to be healthy and yet you miss the fact that all supplements are made by the same companies that make drugs, they don't work, they have side effects just like drugs,they are not natural – synthetic Vitamin C is not real Vitamin C, it is a mirror image of the real one and is toxic. For decades now humans try to imitate nature and never succeed. You cannot take a real Vitamin and put it in a pill, you cannot take herbs and make drugs from them and expect miracles. I think it is misleading for a lot of people to push synthetic stuff. I think if nature made it and it's not processed by humans in any way or form then it's good for you. Why bother taking 10grams Vitamin C (synthetic) when you can just have some rosehips and get all the other minerals and vitamins on top of Vitamin C. Colloidal Silver? Are you sure? What for? There are so many natural antibiotics in nature (natural, not man made) that I don't see why would anyone bother with Colloidal Silver and take any chances.

No offense intended, just my opinion. Let me know what you think.


No offense taken and you ask a good question. My answer is that first of all, there is a big difference between a chemically and bio-identical form of a vitamin as opposed to a patented altered version not found in nature.  Take Vitamin C. No one is more respected than two-time Nobel laureate Linus Pauling when it comes to vitamin C.  According to the Linus Pauling Institute:

• Natural vs. synthetic ascorbic acid: Natural and synthetic ascorbic acid are chemically identical. As assessed by at least two studies, there appears to be no clinically significant difference in the bioavailability and bioactivity of natural ascorbic acid and synthetic ascorbic acid.
Jane Higdon, R.N., Ph.D.
LPI Research Associate

In an ideal and idyllic world, we would be able to get from nature all the vitamins and minerals and other nutrition we needed to supply our basic needs and to build and maintain a strong immune system so we could beat and ward off disease.

In order to do that, we would have to have sources for a constant supply of a wide variety of fresh vegetables and fruits which came from uncontaminated nutrient rich soils, as well as meat and fish that was free of contaminants and not subject to feedlot or artificial growth practices.

We would also need a supply of clean air, fresh uncontaminated mineral rich water and a superior herb garden with all the best medicinal plants nature had to offer.

Few of us can come even close to such a world.  And even if we could, contamination of the soil and air and water is world-wide now with chemicals nature did not intend our immune systems to have to overcome.  Believing that you can get everything you want from your diet and a few herbs is a nice thought.  In your grandmother's day it would likely have been true.  Back then, a bowl of fresh spinach had eight times the nutrition as it does today, and many hundreds of times less contamination. The same as was true for other foods, the soil, the air, and the water.

Cancer and other chronic illnesses are in large part man-made diseases, as we have failed miserably in our duties to be good shepherds of the bounty nature has supplied for us.  For the 99.999% of the people who cannot live in such an idyllic world, especially here in the United States and most other developed countries, you simply cannot get the nutrients you need from diet and available fresh herbs alone to maintain an optimum immune system, much less to boost it and help it face the onslaught of modern chemicals man has dumped into our water, foods, air, soil, plants and animals.

Silver and the oleander I write extensively about are both natural.  Both have been used for thousands of years to combat illness and promote health.  Many of the products that I recommend are derived from nature, such as the 75 plant derived colloidal trace minerals.  And the others, contrary to what you may believe are almost entirely NOT made by pharmaceutical companies and have not been changed to a different patentable chemical compound.  Sorry, but your statement, "all supplements are made by the same companies that make drugs" is incorrect.

You say that man has tried to imitate nature and failed. I say that man could do much worse than imitate or mirror nature (as opposed to alter it).  It is when man has tried to change nature that he has failed most.  To say that we should only consume something if nature made it and it's not been processed by humans in any shape or form would rule out all cooked foods and most natural beverages.  I have yet to find a whole wheat muffin and glass of hot tea sitting in the field or woods.  And as far as taking out a part of a plant, it is usually only when that is done in such a way that leaves out synergistic supporting compounds that causes problems.  As an analogy, when I catch fish I usually like to separate the fillets from the skin, bones and entrails.  In the same way, you normally take an orange from the tree and peel it and eat only the flesh.  You do not also eat a branch along with it.

For thousands of years, man has taken the natural medicinals of the earth and made natural remedies from them – either by processing them naturally or combining them.  And the best of them have indeed worked what some might consider miracles.  For a fraction of that time, man and his labs have tried to improve on what you can make from nature with altered and invented compounds and that is where the failures have largely come from – along with the failure to address proper nutrition, lifestyle, prevention and treating the whole body instead of just symptoms.

Whenever you can get vitamins, minerals, medicinal plants and/or herbs from nature, by all means do so.  But do realize that even dried herbs are not the same as those found in nature.  Much depends on the soil and conditions they were grown in and how they were harvested, dried, stored and transported.

So, while pure natural sources are always best, for the huge majority of us who cannot get everything we need from a safe and healthy diet and fresh from the fields to meet the requirements of maintaining a healthy body, much less get the therapeutic amounts we need to treat a serious condition, I think supplements are a good and proven alternative.

Featured Articles

Spread of Killer Bacteria a Threat to Public

by Michelle Lang

Health region fears superbug will hit general population. The number of cases of a superbug sweeping through Calgary prisons and homeless shelters nearly doubled in 2007 and health officials fear the virulent bacteria could spread into the city's general population.

New Calgary Health Region statistics show the number of people who contracted methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus — a form of staph infection resistant to most antibiotics — grew to 1,020 last year. That represents a significant increase from 588 people who contracted the infection in 2006.

Medical officials say the superbug, which causes severe abscesses in the skin and can turn deadly, has struck marginalized populations in the city: homeless people, drug users and prisoners.

And the health region says it's possible cases could begin appearing in other parts of the community, leading its public health department to closely monitor the outbreak.

"It's hard to predict what might happen, but we are seeing increases from one year to the next," said Dr. Judy MacDonald, deputy medical officer of health at CHR.

"So far we haven't seen clusters in other (populations), which is good."

The MRSA superbug began appearing outside local hospitals in 2004, making Calgary the first place in Canada to experience an outbreak in the community. In many other Canadian cities, infections from the bacteria have occurred primarily in hospitals.

The superbug has gained an even stronger foothold in the United States, where the Journal of the American Medical Association estimated last fall that severe infections from the bacteria killed about 19,000 people in 2005, taking more lives than AIDS.

It can often only be treated with expensive, intravenous antibiotics.

The Calgary statistics coincide with news that federal health officials are developing a national strategy for all front line health workers to deal with the bacteria. The Public Health Agency of Canada will work with other organizations to develop training tools for medical workers, focusing on steps such as hand washing to decrease the incidence of MRSA in hospitals.

In Calgary, meanwhile, hospitals are introducing a new patient screening system. On several wards at the Foothills, Peter Lougheed and Rockyview hospitals, staff will soon begin testing all patients for MRSA.

"We have a list of targeted wards," said Dr. Tom Louie, director of infection control at the health region. "On the medical wards and long-term care wards, I think we can make a case for screening everyone."

Screening usually involves taking swabs of a patient's nose and identifies if the person is carrying MRSA, even when he or she shows no sign of infection.

This allows the hospital to take extra precautions, such as isolating the patient so the bacteria don't spread in the facility.

Alberta Health recently recommended that health centres screen high-risk patients — people who had been recently jailed or previously hospitalized — for the superbug when they're admitted to hospital.

But Louie said Calgary hospitals had tried the limited screening system and found it less effective than hoped.

But when they tried so-called "universal screening" in selected wards last year, they found nearly twice as many patients carrying MRSA. The practice now is being adopted.

"As our rates were rising over the past three or four years, we needed to do something else," Louie said.

Outside hospitals, staff at facilities such as the Calgary Remand Centre now check inmates for wounds and skin lesions that could indicate they're infected with the bacteria, said the health region's MacDonald.

In fact, the increased surveillance could explain part of the growth in MRSA cases in Calgary, she said.

The local health authority is talking with jails and homeless shelters about introducing special soaps.

But despite efforts to monitor and control the bacteria, it's clear the number of cases in Calgary is increasing.

"The strain, once it gets established, it tends to keep going," MacDonald said.

That's disturbing news for those who have battled the bug.

David Munson, a 31-year-old Airdrie man who says he contracted MRSA at Foothills Hospital after a 2006 hand surgery after an accident at work, hasn't been able to beat the infection.

In his case, the bacteria formed an abscess in his leg that physicians have repeatedly attempted to remove, without success.

"There's got to be something that can be done," said Munson, referring to news of the increased Calgary cases. "It's not a good sickness."