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Depression (and Negative Thinking) Risk High For Heart Patients

by Elizabeth Fernandez

Patients with heart disease should be screened and treated for depression because it can adversely affect their health outlook and quality of life, according to a new report by the American Heart Association.

The recommendation could potentially affect millions of people – heart disease is the top cause of death in the United States with more than 80 million people suffering some form of it.

"The important message is to identify people and offer them treatment," said Erika Froelicher, a professor at the UCSF School of Nursing and Medicine and a leader in writing the scientific statement.

In the report released Monday, researchers reviewed dozens of studies and found that depression is three times more common among people who have had a heart attack compared with the general population. Moreover, young women appeared to have an even higher risk of depression after a heart attack.

Additionally, the American Heart Association said that people who were hospitalized for such conditions as unstable angina, angioplasty, bypass surgery or valve surgery suffered from depression at rates similar to those who'd had an outright heart attack.

Froelicher said that cardiac patients should be asked two key questions: "Have you recently felt little interest or pleasure in doing things?" and "Are you feeling down, depressed or hopeless?"

If patients answer yes, they should be evaluated further.

The screening should be routinely done in such medical settings as hospitals, rehabilitation centers and doctors' offices. Treatment could range from medication to exercise to cognitive behavioral therapy.

Depression can also lead to heart attacks in the first place, Froelicher noted. "People with depression might not exercise or eat well, or they might smoke," she said.

South Bay heart patient Robert Lacey says he learned in hindsight that he'd experienced a mild form of depression following quadruple bypass surgery nearly 18 years ago. Ordered to take it easy for three months, he said he'd planned to do many projects at his home tool shop.

"But everything I touched turned to garbage," said Lacey, now 70, a retired machinist living in Los Gatos. "I couldn't concentrate. For awhile, until I got through it, my mind just wasn't set right. Some days I didn't want to get out of bed. That's not me – I like getting out of bed and moving."

As coordinator of a Mended Hearts Inc. chapter, which offers support to heart patients, Lacey visits patients weekly at several hospitals. If he senses that they might be experiencing depression, he alerts their doctor or spouse.

"I try my best to take the negativity out of what is going on," he said. "The reality is we get a reprieve every single day."

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Drastically Reducing Calories May Lengthen Your Life

by  Deanna Dean

(NaturalNews) There is a growing body of believers, especially longevity-seeking Baby Boomers, who believe that by drastically limiting the amount of food they consume, they will slow the aging process and extend their life. It’s a radical, controversial premise; the less you eat, the longer you’ll live.

CR, calorie restriction, doesn’t mean deprivation or starvation, but it does require eating fewer calories than the body is accustomed to receiving and it flies in the face of conventional recommended daily calorie intake guidelines.

Typical diets focus on weight loss, but CR is a different kind of diet that reduces long term calorie intake and promotes the consumption of nutrient dense foods. This pursuit holds the elusive promise of lengthening the human life span, and even — as some submit — immortality.

There are many compelling arguments to support the longevity issue, but advocates believe that at the very least, following CR precepts will enhance your health right now by minimizing body fat, inhibiting cell mutation, lowering blood glucose levels, decreasing inflammation, activating brain-alertness, promoting deep restful sleep, increasing energy levels and creating a more youthful biological age.

Recent studies from the National Institute on Aging, Harvard University, and Washington University concur and say that a calorie restricted diet includes many benefits, one of them being extending human life. Lab studies dating back to the thirties show that mice and all sorts of laboratory critters, when placed on a severely restricted diet, lived fifty percent longer than the oldest members of their peer community.

Biosphere 2 seemed like a study out of a science fiction novel; nevertheless it proved an unintended point. In 1991 in the Arizona desert, eight scientists sealed themselves inside an airtight terrarium to prove they could live isolated for two years in a self-sustained ecosystem. Something went terribly wrong and they realized they couldn’t grow enough food for them to survive the two years. Without Roy Walford, a UCLA pathologist and team physician, the entire team would have starved to death, but fortuitously he had been studying calorie restriction for decades and was able to parse their meager food supply thereby drastically cutting their calories for the duration of the experiment. You would think when they emerged from their habitat they would be gaunt, pasty and in need of medical help; quite the opposite. They were healthier in almost every respect than when they had sealed themselves in two years prior. Dr. Walford later wrote a book, Beyond the 120-Year Diet: How to Double Your Vital Years.

While there is no specified meal plan with CR, the recommendation is to eat twenty to thirty percent less than accepted conventional recommendations for healthy calorie intake. Sugar, saturated fats, and most dairy products are shunned. Fruits, vegetables and whole grains are the mainstay foods which make up the bulk of the diet, but savvy people already know that these particular foods are the ones hallowed as the basis of a healthy diet anyway.

Be forewarned though lest you rush to throw everything out in your refrigerator. It has been shown that without an accompanying healthy lifestyle, including exercise in particular, strict calorie restriction can lead to loss of bone density. A one year study of 46 participants at Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, conducted by Dennis T. Villareal M.D. revealed that individuals in the CR group not only lost weight, but also lost an average of 2.2% of their bone density in the lower spine, 2.2% at the hip and 2.1% at the top of the femur, all high risk areas for fracture. An article in the Archives of Internal Medicine – JAMA, states that without exercise, restricting calories may lead to bone density loss.

This would seem to be the green light; if we exercise and restrict calories maybe then we can live forever, but not so. Other studies have shown that if people with very little body fat drastically cut calories they can actually do more harm than good to their health. So, we have to count every calorie, know if our body fat is appropriate, exercise enough to keep our bones strong — then it could be worth it.

The fountain of youth, living forever; the temptation to jump on board is tantalizing. The prudent thing to do is proceed with caution, understand the positives and negatives and keep a discerning mind. It might be wonderful to live a long life, but not if it’s one burdened by osteoporosis and fractured bones.

Your health mate,

Deanna Dean

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Prostate Prospects Prostituted?

by Christopher C. Barr

Big news in the mainstream press noted a popular male baldness drug treatment prevented prostate cancer. A study to that effect was published in the New England Journal of Medicine.

The drug finasteride (marketed as Propecia and Proscar) reportedly reduced the incidence of prostate cancer by 25 per cent. This was at a high level of use five times the dosage normally recommended for the drug.

The results of this drug trial were noted as promising.

"This trial proves that prostate cancer, at least in part, is preventable. It is a huge step forward for cancer research", said Dr. Peter Greenwald, director of the National Cancer Institute's Division of Cancer Prevention and Control.

It was reported that the drug manufacturer plans to seek an expedited decision to allow marketing of this drug as a prostate cancer preventative as soon as possible.

Small step backward

Another report several years before by the mainstream press noted a mineral prevented prostate cancer. A study to that effect was published in the Journal of the American Medical Association.

The essential mineral selenium (called a trace element because its need is so small) reportedly reduced the incidence of prostate cancer by 63 per cent. This was at a moderate level of use though more than consumed in common diets, yet still much less than the amount consumed in other healthful diets.

The results of this nutrient study were noted with considerable caution.

"It's one study with provocative findings that have to be confirmed. We do not recommend supplements", said the same Dr. Greenwald as above, then as now director of the National Cancer Institute's (NCI) Division of Cancer Prevention and Control.

Greenwald called for additional studies (as in more than one) with many more people before going forward with any selenium recommendations.


The drug study excitedly recommended by a prominent NCI Director was much shorter with less than a few hundred men and much less than half the benefit of the nutrient study conducted for more than a decade with more than 1,300 men though somehow decidedly not recommended by the same NCI doctor.

More comparisons

The drug finasteride did exhibit some troubling aspects in the new study. Those tumors that did develop had a greater likelihood of being more aggressive. Impotence was another side effect that presented itself.

The mineral selenium on the other hand exhibited other promising aspects in the previous study completed more than a decade ago. Those who developed cancer while on selenium survived cancer 50 per cent more than those not on selenium. Other studies have noted that higher selenium levels combat impotence.

The cost of the finasteride drug therapy of 5 milligrams is about $5 daily or more.

The cost of the selenium mineral supplement of .2 (that's 'point 2') milligrams (which is 200 micrograms) is about $1 dollar daily or less.

Cadmium again

A Georgetown University study related the mineral cadmium (a toxic, heavy metal) to cancer and to adverse changes in the prostate about the same time as the drug study previously noted.  That again ties directly to selenium.

Selenium combines with cadmium to remove it from the body. The more cadmium you have in your body the more that selenium will be used to dispel it from your body. Reduced selenium levels have been noted for decades to render one more susceptible to cancer.

Cadmium is a common air contaminant due to burning of fossil fuels. It is also abundant in shellfish, liver and kidney. Cigarette smoking is another significant source of cadmium. Also consumption of refined flours and sugars contributes to increased cadmium levels.

How is your addition?

Let's sum things up.

A high dosage level of the optional drug finestrade has been shown to reduce prostate cancer by 25 per cent at a cost of about $5 daily or more. There are also side effects as with any drug and some of them may be quite serious. In some instances cancer may even be worse.

Meanwhile, the essential mineral selenium taken in an amount only a tiny fraction of the drug has been shown to reduce prostate cancer by more than twice that of the drug (63 per cent) at a cost that is just a small fraction of the drug price … or less. There are also side benefits associated with the mineral including better survival rates if one does get cancer.

So … what answer do you come up with for prostate cancer?

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Financial Bailout will Lead to Demise of the Dollar

(NaturalNews) This is an important analysis and update on the financial bailout situation.

* See financial disclaimer at the end of this article…

1. The financial bailout will be approved

Lawmakers are privately being warned that if they do not pass this bill, the entire global financial system will collapse. Publicly, they only say we "might have a recession," but behind closed doors, they realize the whole system is at stake. That's why a bailout bill will ultimately be approved.

2. Temporary euphoria will spike the stock market.

You'll likely see this on Monday: A declaration that "the problem has been solved!" and a huge spike in stock prices. For a day or two, everyone will talk about how great it is that we've all been saved, and what wonderful leadership we have in Washington, and look how the stock market is proving them right!

This is all, of course, a smokescreen. It will, however, be a great opportunity to buy the dips in gold stocks, gold mining stocks and other equities that run counter to stock market euphoria.

3. Foreign central banks will reassess their purchasing of U.S. debt.

With the U.S. taking on another $1 trillion in debt, foreign central banks will realize the game's over, and the U.S. is never going to be able to pay back its IOUs. As a result, many foreign banks will either stop buying U.S. debt, or even start trying to sell off the U.S. debt they already carry.

The result of this is increased costs of borrowing for the U.S. There is a small chance that there could be a panicked sell-off of U.S. debt, but I put this chance at only 10% or so. However, this is an important article worth considering on this point:…

Regardless of what foreign banks do, it will suddenly become MORE expensive for the U.S. to borrow money. Imagine the country paying credit card interest rates just to borrow money that it's using to pay the INTEREST on the debt it already owes to other countries!

4. Following the false euphoria, investors will sober up as they learn about the actions of central banks, and the stock market will begin to teeter, then head downward. Yet more banks will fail (Wachovia now looks dangerously close…).

Yet more money will be created out of thin air to bail them out, and every time another bank is bialed out using new (created) money, foreign central banks get closer and closer to pulling the trigger on a fire sale of U.S. debt.

5. The Christmas shopping season will be sharply down

With consumers increasingly concerned about their finances (and many losing their jobs), the upcoming Christmas shopping season will be quite bad. Expect to see massive discounting across most retailers. Newspapers will report how terrible the Christmas season is, and even retailers like Wal-Mart will report seasonal sales dropping compared to 2007.

6. A wave of bankruptcies will sweep through retailers

Following the poor Christmas performance, a wave of bankruptcies will sweep through mass-market retailers.

This wave of retailer bankruptcies will spell yet more financial chaos for the banks already walking on thin ice. Expect to see yet more financial institution failures announced in January, 2009.

Why? Because as retailers fail, their landlords will be left holding devalued commercial real estate! It's like the housing bubble, but now in the commercial markets, all over again. And guess who holds the mortgages on all the commercial retail space? Banks, of course. The same banks that are already leveraged beyond all reason.

7. The Fed cranks up the printing presses

All this time, between now and January, 2009, the cost for the U.S. federal government to borrow money will steadily rise. As the cost to borrow money becomes too much to bear, the U.S. government (in conspiracy with the Fed) will fire up the printing presses (metaphorically speaking, of course) and start creating hundreds of billions of dollars of fictitious money.

If you or I did this, we'd be arrested for counterfeiting, but when the Fed does it, it's somehow legal. So instead of taking money from foreign central banks (which will increasingly refuse to loan money to the U.S.), the government will start taking the money from YOU.

This could start happening in early 2009, or depending on events, the crooks in Washington might be able to delay this for a few months (or even a couple of years), but this looks like the most likely outcome.

What it's all REALLY about…

In all, this grand financial bailout is not about bailing you out, it's about ripping you off. It's all about stealing the savings of hard-working people like you and me, and transferring that money to the government where it's redirected into the pockets of criminal bankers who fettered away all that cash over the last twenty years (and now want us to pay for it).

Thus will begin the runaway hyperinflation of the U.S. dollar, and the draining of your savings.

The key tipping point here will be when foreign banks stop buying U.S. debt or, just as dangerously, when foreign banks start SELLING OFF U.S. debt.

Either one will trigger a landslide rush to dump U.S. debt, flooding the market with useless paper that no one wants to buy.

Germany, China and many other countries are already calling for an end to the American Empire (see… ).

Sadly, China actually has a way to accomplish that end. All they have to do, right now, is start a fire sale of U.S. debt, and the American empire crumbles within days.

This is what happens when you're a debtor nation. You give up control and power to those who own your debt. As the U.S. claimed to be "fighting for freedom" in Iraq and the Middle East, it was actually imprisoning its own citizens in a matrix of never-ending debt, handing over the keys of control to China, Japan and Middle Eastern nations who now decide the fate of this country.

There is no way out of this financial mess that does not involve depleting the savings of American citizens. Your government is not going to BAIL you out; it's going to SELL you out as it moves to protect itself and its corporate buddies.

Stay informed to protect yourself

Check out my LIVE financial preparedness event:…

You may also wish to subscribe to my Mindful Wealth Email List which discusses strategies for protecting your wealth from the coming financial tsunami:…

Also, now is a good time to find innovative ways to earn more money, but only those ways that don't require large capital investment up front. If you can start bringing in some extra cash as a buffer — and then learn how to protect it from hyperinflation risk — you'll be way ahead of the crowd. I offer lots of business ideas and wealth attraction strategies on my Mindful Wealth Email List (above).

There's good news to report, too…

Want to know the good news in all this? All the unindicted criminals working for the FDA, FTC, USDA, DEA and other organizations are all one paycheck away from complete disloyalty to their employer. Soon, their employer (the government) will be broke.

We may very well witness the rebooting (or at least the radical shrinking) of this system of evil, brought down by its own excesses; its crimes; its greed and its arrogance.

I can't predict exactly when, or exactly how this is all going to happen. I just know it's coming. It's inevitable. The American empire was a fascinating experiment in the history of nations, and it is an experiment that is now approaching its final curtain. The conclusion? Democracies don't work when you allow power to be centralized in the hands of the greedy corporations (and when half the citizens are drugged up on medications).

We can do better. And soon, friends, we will have the chance to create something better.

Let's make this world a better place for future generations

Life will go on after the United States of America falls from its throne. It is important that we all WATCH and learn from these present mistakes on the money supply, fractional reserve banking, executive powers, military imperialism, corporate-sponsored lobbyists, and even disease-based health care policies that encourage people to stay sick. In a NEW society, we must have better solutions, such as:

• Instant Runoff Voting (…)

• Abolishing Congress! There is no need for representative government in the age of the Internet. Direct Democracy works better (…)

• The ending of military imperialism and illegal interventions in foreign nations

• A fair, simple tax that's easy to calculate and easy to pay

• A health care system based on health, not disease profits

• The ending of intellectual property on genes, seeds and medicines

• The decentralization of media power and control

• The separation of Industry and State (separate corporations from the government)

• A new focus on investing in education and health

• A reestablishment of personal liberties and the power of the People (government should serve the people, not enslave them)

• Returning the money supply to the People (abolish the Fed, end fractional-reserve banking)

• Freedom of speech for health supplements, herbs and natural medicine

• The ending of all advertising of junk foods, processed foods and sodas (and a ban on DTC drug advertising)

Soon, we will have our opportunity to stand up and help construct a new society. It is crucial that the People be in charge of this process, not the Corporations. If the Corporations run the Next Society, we will be enslaved by them. That's why YOUR involvement in the creation of the Next Society is so important.

Until then, take care of your health. You'll need to be up to the task!

Featured Articles

Franken-Animals Now- Frankenstein Next?

WASHINGTON (AFP) — US authorities Thursday unveiled new guidelines aiming to regulate the production of genetically-modified animals destined for human consumption.
The guidelines aim to set out clearly how the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) intends to regulate meat, diary products and other foods which originate from genetically-modified animals.

The draft rules, which seek to address concerns about such products dubbed "frankenfoods," will be opened up to public and professional comments for the next 60 days before coming into effect.

"Genetically engineered animals hold great promise for improving human medicine, agriculture, the environment and the production of new materials," said deputy commissioner Randall Lutter.

"The FDA has long been involved in their scientific evaluation," Lutter said. "Our guidance provides a framework for both GE animals and products made from them to reach the market."

But consumer protection organizations condemned the draft rules, noting that the FDA was not imposing a labelling system to say where the products originate from.

"It is incomprehensible to us that FDA does not view these animals differently from their conventional counterparts," said Jean Halloran from the Consumers Union.

"In our view, consumers have a right to know if the ham, bacon or pork they are buying come from pigs that have been engineered with mouse genes."

Michael Hansen, also from the Consumers Union, said animals that have been genetically engineered can contain genes from completely different species.

Mouse genes may be inserted into pigs to help them process phosphorous more efficiently, or spider genes could be put into goats to make them produce silk in their milk, he said.

Some saw the FDA draft guidelines as a first step as the agency navigates its way through this controversial area of biotechnology.

"Although the FDA's announcement is a good first start, it does not address the risks that GE animals might pose to the environment," said Gregory Jaffe from the Center for Science in the Public Interest.

"Would it be the FDA that would determine whether fast-growing genetically engineered salmon would endanger native salmon populations?" he asked.

Genetic engineering can help ensure that fish grow bigger more quickly, or create animals which produce in their blood or milk substances which can be used to make medicines.

Such techniques, under which a plant or animal's existing DNA is mixed with the DNA of another organism, are already common in agriculture to render crops more resistant to insects or drought.

This is different to cloning in which the scientists create the exact double of an animal or organism.

The FDA and its European counterpart in January approved the sale of meat and diary products coming from cloned animals, judging they posed no risks to humans.

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Finally “Lawmakers” Push FDA

by David Gutierrez

(NaturalNews) Congress has promised to raise more money to enable the FDA to inspect foreign drug-making plants more frequently, but has yet to decide upon a method for that fundraising.

A series of recent recalls of products made in China, including pet food and toothpaste, has drawn attention to the risks posed by an increasingly globalized world market. This was highlighted when 81 people died after taking Baxter International Inc.'s blood thinner heparin and the FDA said the cause might have been contamination that occurred in the Chinese factory where the drugs had been made.

"What worries me is that without congressional intervention, this could happen again," said U.S. Representative Frank Pallone of New Jersey.

More than 80 percent of the active ingredients in the U.S. drug supply are manufactured in other countries, but the FDA is not required by law to ever inspect drug plants operating outside of the United States. While the agency does make an effort to do so, lack of funding has hampered these efforts.

Democrats have proposed a law that would require the FDA to inspect foreign drug plants once every two years. According to Janet Woodcock, head of the FDA's Center for Drug Evaluation and Research, it would cost $225 million each year to pay for this rate of inspections.

Under the proposed law, this money would be raised by fees leveled on all drug companies producing drugs for sale in the United States that are not manufactured in that country.

Republicans have opposed this funding model, saying that inspections should be paid for with taxes paid by the public rather than fees imposed on corporations.

Woodcock agreed that the FDA needs congressional measures to ensure the safety of the foreign drug supply, but said that focusing on inspection is the wrong approach. Instead, she said, the law "should be more closely targeted and prioritized according to risk" to avoid wasting resources on unnecessary inspections.

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FTC Launches Operation False Cures to Suppress Natural Cancer Remedies

by Mike Adams

(NaturalNews) The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) today launched "Operation False Cures," a coordinated scheme to censor natural cancer remedies and financially destroy companies offering them for sale. In doing so, the FTC joins the criminals at the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) who currently operate an extortion racket that works by threatening health supplement companies with legal action unless they settle with the FDA by paying them million of dollars. Both the FTC and FDA work to protect the interests of the pharmaceutical companies by discrediting or outlawing competing natural cures that work better, more safely and more affordably than FDA-approved pharmaceuticals.

In order to understand what's really going on with the FTC, the key question to ask yourself is simply this: Are there such things as anti-cancer nutrients?

In other words, do anti-cancer nutrients actually exist in the real world?

Of course they do. Broccoli is loaded with them. So is green tea. Zinc is anti-cancer, selenium is anti-cancer, and rainforest herbs are absolutely loaded with anti-cancer nutrients. Vitamin D is such a strong anti-cancer nutrient that, all by itself, it prevents an astonishing 77% of all cancer, and this is all published in peer-reviewed science journals.

Turmeric is anti-cancer, especially when combined with black pepper. So is resveratrol, seaweed, spirulina, chlorella, brown seaweed extract, raw foods, sprouted foods, cabbage, onions, garlic and a thousand other foods.

Now get this: The FTC doesn't believe anti-cancer nutrients exist!

That's where this whole story enters bizarro land. The FTC, you see, doesn't believe anybody should be able to state on any website that there is such a thing as an anti-cancer nutrient. Period! According to the FTC, anyone even mentioning a "cure for cancer" is automatically a quack, regardless of the science backing their position.

Why won't the FTC question the fraud of Big Pharma?
That's because the real intent of the FTC is, of course, to shut down the health supplements industry, thereby protecting its corporate buddies in Big Pharma. Notice how the FTC never goes after the fraudulent advertising and outrageously false health claims of drug companies?

I mean, if you're going to protect consumers from dangerous substances being sold, then there's no better place to start than with Big Pharma. Its drugs kill 100,000 Americans a year. What does the FTC have to say about that? Nothing.

How about the fraudulent science, the censored negative studies, the criminal price fixing practices and the monopoly racket run by Big Pharma and the FDA… does the FTC spend any effort looking into that? Of course not.

What about the fact that FDA and Big Pharma are running a monopolistic price fixing scheme that allows some drugs to be sold at more than 500,000% markups over their manufacturing prices? Americans pay the highest prices in the world — by far — for their prescription drugs, and the drug control authorities trap Americans into monopoly pricing by banning imports from Canada and other countries. It's blatant monopolistic pricing, and if it were happening to T-shirts, cars or software, the FTC would leap right in and start suing the companies involved. But when it concerns pharmaceuticals, the FTC remains silent, covering its eyes to the interstate commerce crimes being committed right now by the pharmaceutical industry.

Why the FTC is a threat to America
The FTC isn't looking out for you folks, it's just part of the criminal gang that's taking away your Free Speech, suppressing your access to truthful information about natural cancer cures, and harming tens of millions of Americans in the process. It's just another corrupt, government-run group of con artists who delude themselves into thinking they're protecting people by suppressing information about cancer cures.

You see, the official position of the U.S. government, the drug industry and the entire medical system is that cancer cures don't exist! That's astonishing, given that I've personally spoken to hundreds (maybe thousands) of people who CURED cancer using raw foods, nutritional supplements, anti-cancer herbs and alternative therapies.

I've personally spoken with people who have cured pancreatic cancer, liver cancer, breast cancer, prostate cancer, colon cancer, skin cancer, bone cancer, throat cancer, thyroid cancer and all sorts of other cancers. I suppose, according to the FTC, I must have been imagining all these conversations. Maybe I'm hallucinating from eating too much vitamin C, and now I'm dreaming up imaginary conversations with people who claim to have cured cancer. That's apparently what the FTC believes.

You see, the FTC has fallen in line with all the other health system criminals operating in the United States today by declaring there is no cure for cancer. It's like claiming "The Earth is flat!" It's such outmoded, ignorant thinking that I can only laugh in total disgust at the so-called "intelligent" people making that argument.

Of course, it's in the interests of the cancer industry to keep everybody completely misinformed about cancer cures. They can't afford to let you learn the truth about how easy it is to cure cancer. Cancer cures are so commonplace now that you'd have to actually make a conscious effort not to see them.

You can cure cancer with infrared sauna therapies (detox through sweat) combined with the Max Gerson diet (, a raw foods diet, superfood supplements, and even things like insulin potentiation therapy, ultraviolet irradiation of your blood, oxygen therapy, Chinese medicine herbs and a whole host of other natural therapies that really work. You can't find most of these therapies offered in the United States because all the natural cancer doctors have either been arrested or fled the country due to the outright oppression of any medical technology outside the toxic chemotherapy and radiation protocols.

Curing cancer, as one Chinese medicine doctor once told me, is easier than curing the common cold. But you'll probably have to leave the USA to actually participate in a cure, since curing or treating the cause of cancer (or just about any disease) has been outlawed in the U.S.

Eliminating cancer tumors and boosting natural immune function is so incredibly easy that it takes the cancer industry billions of dollars a year in propaganda just to try to hide the truth from people. The FTC and FDA, for their part, use taxpayer money to continue the charade, so they essentially have unlimited funds to pursue their cancer propaganda and disinformation campaigns.

Only the internet allows people to learn the truth about cancer, and of course they're trying to shut that down, too. Only a few organizations like NaturalNews — which sells no supplements whatsoever — remains insulated from the orchestrated attacks on free speech now being waged by the FTC and FDA. Together, these two government monstrosities have become a force of death and destruction, laying waste to the health education of the American People, enforcing ignorance and health illiteracy that keeps the People enslaved in a fraudulent cancer racket offering nothing but bankruptcy and death.

Operation False Information
If anything, the FTC's announcement today should be called Operation False Information, because that's what it's all about: Spreading lies and disinformation about cancer cures, hoping to dissuade people from learning the truth about the very real cancer cures that exist right now.

In taking this position, the FTC has joined the ranks of the criminally-operated FDA, EPA, DEA and USDA, all of which now operate as taxpayer-funded branches of Big Pharma that seek to destroy anything that competes with drug profits and the "culture of death" permeating American society. From a Biblical perspective, these organizations would be considered satanic, as if they were possessed by the devil himself. If this were Lord of the Rings, they would be like the Dark Lord Sauron, raising armies of orcs to spread darkness and death across the land in the quest for power and control.

Make no mistake: The FTC is waging war against the People, much like the FDA, and it will stop at nothing to discredit, destroy and bankrupt the natural products industry in its desperate, evil-minded efforts to enslave Americans in the Big Pharma system of medical control.

Because, let's face it: Any organization that claims there is no cure for cancer is delusional. They also claim there's no cure for diabetes, or heart disease, or osteoporosis. In fact, these delusional government people believe there is no cure for ANY disease! That's right: They don't believe there is any such thing as a cure for anything.

That's a serious sign of complete detachment from reality. These people are more delusional than a bunch of DEA agents smoking up the crack they confiscated from the local crack house. They are high on their power and steeped in ignorance. They know nothing of the real world and operate from a fictional set of delusions they're now trying to imprint upon the American people.

To say there's no such thing as a natural cure for cancer is to instantly label yourself a moron. There are hundreds of natural cures for cancer, and people are curing themselves every day, using no pharmaceuticals, no chemotherapy, no irradiation and no doctors. And it's that reality that scares the bejeezus out of the cancer industry. No doctors? Well how on earth are they supposed to make their money if people can cure cancer themselves?

That's the whole point, actually: While I want to set you free with the knowledge and power to heal yourself (and I have nothing to gain from you curing cancer, by the way), the cancer industry has everything to lose if you are empowered with knowledge and informed about natural cancer cures that really work. If you're cancer free, they'll lose your business, and the cancer industry is far more concerned about its own revenues than your health, believe me.

Is there such a thing as false advertising of natural cures?
Of course there is. Not all cancer cures on the internet are honest. But the FTC doesn't limit its targeted to just false promises. The FTC, by its own admission, believes that ANY mention of a cancer "cure" is, by itself, fraudulent. Thus, it throws the baby out with the bathwater by targeting all products that claim to cure cancer.

Now, if you want to talk about false cures, let's talk about the chemotherapy industry, and the mammography industry, and the whole fraudulent system of oncology. A rigorous review of the scientific literature on chemotherapy reveals that chemotherapy simply doesn't work on 98% of people. It's a fraud all by itself. And even when it "works" to shrink tumors, it doesn't give people quality of life or restored health. It doesn't cure cancer, in other words. It merely poisons the patient.

Mammography is also a fraud. Rigorous scientific studies reveal that mammography harms ten women for every one woman it helps. The devices actually cause cancer by irradiating the breasts! (See )

Modern oncology is a fraud. It's marketed through a system of controlled, fabricated fear. An oncologist makes a false diagnosis, then scares the patient into agreeing to high-profit treatments by telling them, "You only have six months to live." This is not merely unethical, it's a criminal deception that's used every day in America to sign up consumers for conventional cancer treatments that will only harm them.

So where is the FTC on investigating the chemotherapy fraud? The mammography fraud? The fear marketing tactics of modern oncology? The FTC, as you well know, is a no-show on these issues. Apparently, poisons that kill people, and procedures that maim women are perfectly fine with the FTC, even when they are promoted using deceptive marketing tactics!

The FTC, you see, thinks nothing of women being disfigured and having their breasts sliced off by cancer surgeons, even when they don't yet have breast cancer! That's perfectly fine with the FTC. But if you approach that same woman and offer to sell her some broccoli sprouts that can help reverse breast cancer, then suddenly you're the criminal!

So the insane doctors wielding scalpels, poisons and lies are fully protected by the FTC, while the naturopaths selling healing nutrients and safe, effective cancer therapies are considered criminals. Welcome to the USA, friends… the land of medical insanity and government-enforced oppression of natural cures.

The People's Protection Agency
I think we need a new agency called the People's Protection Agency (PPA). The PPA is tasked with making arrests of the top criminals at the FTC, FDA, DEA, USDA and other government racket groups that threaten the health and safety of the American People.

The PPA would have a list of certain people to arrest and prosecute for their crimes against humanity. It should be a completely non-violent organization, of course, but it should bring these unindicted criminals to justice and let all the evidence come out in a public forum where the truth is a matter of public record.

This list should include the top criminals at the FTC and FDA who are orchestrating these campaigns of health destruction and enforced ignorance against the American people.

I would hope that these criminals be brought to justice through proper arrest and prosecution, and I might even recommend that we grant them immunity in exchange for their full accounts of what happened (like many Nazi war criminals, or even the Apartheid criminals in South Africa) so that future generations can learn from the mistakes of our own.

It's time to end government-sponsored medical tyranny
We are past the time of tolerating the ongoing medical abuse of our families and our children. It is time for the American People to stand up against tyranny, ignorance and oppression. It's time to take back our rights to openly and honestly describe the anti-cancer properties of plants, nutrients and therapies. And it's time that we recognized any person, institution or government that interferes with those God-given rights is itself an enemy of the People, and a disservice to all of humanity.

Stay subscribed to NaturalNews to join the (peaceful) revolution that's coming. Together, we can help transform this world from a place of death, destruction and ignorance to one of life, abundance and free knowledge. There are institutions that wish to prevent us from setting our fellow human beings free, but those institutions are already beginning to crumble, and soon, the opportunity will be right to step forward and be part of the creation of The Next Society, where knowledge reigns over ignorance, peace triumphs over war, and the People are set free from the mental prisons in which they've been trapped for generations.

Today's actions by the FTC are the last, desperate attempts to hold together the fragile bars of those prisons and prevent the human race from being set free by the truth about healing cancer.

We can live in a world without cancer. The technology exists right now. It's probably growing in your back yard. And yet the cancer industry is doing everything in its power to isolate people from the truth and prevent cancer cures from becoming so widely known that the entire cancer industry implodes like Bear Stearns Co.

Be part of the revolution. Forward this article to everyone you know. Post it everywhere. Spread the truth, free the People, and stand up against the ignorance, tyranny and oppression of the cancer industry and its police state enforcers: The FTC and FDA.

Featured Articles

American Healthcare: Disease Management, Not Cure

by Gary Tunsky

What is intentionally misnamed health care for political and economic reasons should be adequately called “sick care.” This gigantic, self-feeding, social cancer is bankrupting our nation and the global economy at a whopping 1.3 trillion dollars a year, with over 90 percent of the money spent in the last 30 days of human life.

Mass media propaganda covers the daily arguments of puppet politicians ignorantly presenting their hopelessly pathetic plans of how to manage health care, when in reality their health care programs fund and support expensive treatments for symptom suppression of disease and illness, not cures. Real health care is diametrically opposed in method and process to toxic pharmaceuticals and risky surgical procedures. It’s sick care, which has nothing to do with health.

We need to closely examine the misdirection of this illusionary pseudoscience called health care, that bases their scientific research on false premises of the Germ Theory of Disease. Many doctors from their own ranks are openly admitting that conventional medicine is a colossal failure and a disease epidemic in and of itself, claiming more lives annually than alcohol, abortions, homicides, suicides and tobacco combined.

Millions have suffered and died prematurely and unnecessarily because we are not following the basic principles of health that are taught in the Bible.  “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge…”   (Hosea 4:6)  Out of ‘ignore – ance’ (ignoring the truth), we have sought the medical profession for health care when they’re trained for sick care! We have sick care insurance, not health care insurance. As a serious consequence, we are the sickest nation in the world.  This so-called health care system is the direct cause of over 1.2 million people dying annually of heart disease, over 600,000 dying of cancer and approximately 75,000 dying from diabetes. These deadly statistics mean that eventually 9 out of 10 people in the U.S. will die of some type of disease.  That means only 1 out of 10 Americans will die naturally from old age.  Is there something wrong with this picture?   

According to a Yale/New Haven Hospital study, two million Americans are hospitalized each year with adverse reactions from drug side effects resulting in over 300,000 deaths. This puts doctors and hospitals as the third leading cause of death in America.  These staggering statistics are filed under the guise of iatrogenic deaths, meaning doctor and hospital caused death.  These numbers do not include the 50,000 plus deaths that occur each year from “unnecessary operations,” nor does it include the additional 50,000 plus deaths from “necessary operations,” such as the 8,000 who die from complications during a routine gall bladder surgery.

It seems that more money, more doctors, more surgeries, more research, more drugs = more disease and more death.  The use of poisons and butchery to “make war” on disease is synonymous to a firing squad forming a circle with the prisoners in the center. Thank God the Holy Spirit enlightened me to the dangerous teachings and methods being used for treatment by mainstream medicine.  Unfortunately, it’s a tragedy that God’s people follow their pernicious teachings and allow them to drug, burn, poison and mutilate their bodies, which are temples of God.

How Long Shall The World Be Of Two Opinions?

There are really only two systems at work in this world. One is the world system of drug, cut, burn and poison.  The other is God’s system of re-establishing total health to the patient by proper nutrition and cleansing the temple. When it comes to feeding and taking care of the physical body, over 97% of the people in this world are following the world’s system!  Sadly, this includes most of the Christian Community
as well.

The Bible says: “Know ye not that ye are the temple of God (your physical body), and that the spirit of God dwelleth in you?  If any man defile the temple of God (put anything harmful into it), him shall God destroy; for the temple of God is holy, which temple ye are.”  (I Corinthians 3:16-17)

An intake of daily toxins defiles the body by defiling the blood, which is the life of the flesh.  The word defile is composed of “de” and “file.”  A “file” is anything that is in order.  When “de” is added to “file,” it means to take out of order, or balance.  In fact, Webster’s Dictionary defines “defile” as: to make filthy or to profane.  Whoever defiles (or profanes) the temple of God, him shall God destroy.  God allows the destruction of the physical body when you allow it to become polluted through free moral choice of bad eating habits and destructive lifestyles.

Another great biblical passage that is applicable to dealing with disease comes from the mouth of the prophet Elijah. While Elijah was atop Mount Carmel to confront the prophets of Baal he proclaimed to the nation of Israel:  “How long halt ye between two opinions? If The LORD be God, follow him: but if Baal, then follow him…”  (I Kings 18:21)

When it comes to taking care of God’s temple (your body), as we just read in Corinthians, are you going to trust in the LORD and follow His healing methods, or Baal and his destructive anti-life methods that defile the temple? The choice is up to you!

The Deception Of Modern Medicine
There is no doubt that the script happy physician, the surgeon with his talented hand guiding the scalpel or Argon laser during an appendectomy, the highly trained radiologist burning his targeted organ with beams of cobalt radiation, or the well trained oncologist mixing his chemo cocktail poisons, believes with all their heart they are providing the best treatment medical science has to offer.  To the limited extent of their knowledge and training these practitioners receive, this is true. They can jump-start your heart, Roto Rooter your arteries, sow on a severed finger with microsurgery, cauterize a hemorrhage to keep you from bleeding to death, but they have no clue how to reverse any degenerative or metabolic disease, or even acknowledge the causative factors of disease. They are limited to symptom suppression or removal of the tissue or organ.

During the past 100 years, there has been an explosion of mind boggling technological advancements that have brought us from the horse and buggy, to stealth fighter jets that break the sound barrier at Mach III speeds, to fiber-optic wireless communication systems that link the world at a touch of a button, to enemy of the state GPS satellite surveillance systems that can zoom in on a dime from outer space.  Yet, in the area of disease research, in spite of over 40 billion dollars being funneled into government research facilities within the last 30 years, they have done absolutely nothing when it comes to finding answers for curing cancer, AIDS, auto-immune diseases, degenerative diseases or even the common cold for that matter.

Why is this? When we have accumulated more knowledge in medicine in the 20th century alone than all of history combined. Why? With dozens of non-profit organizations in existence today like the American Heart Association, American Diabetic Society, American Cancer Society, etc. raising billions to find cures. Why? With more doctors and surgeons per capita in America (1 for every 6 citizens), than any other country on earth. Believe it or not, there is a very simple explanation as to why sickness and disease has increased five fold in the last 70 years. Medical science is looking in the wrong direction.

The Deadly Effects Of The Drug Agenda

The medical establishment’s obsession of the kill mode mindset – kill the bacteria, kill the fungus, kill the virus and kill the tumors has brought about the biggest deception that has ever been perpetrated against mankind.  As a research scientist myself, I have to ask – what are they killing?  What they are killing is symptoms and killing you slowly while they’re doing it.  You can’t kill microbes without killing a part of you with it. We live symbiotically with germs, bacteria and viruses.

The big problem in our present medical system is that it is geared toward recognizing disease only when it has reached crisis proportions. This is like saying that a fire is only a fire when the flames have burst through the roof, instead of when the cigarette butt began to smolder in the couch.

If all you’re ever taught in Med school is the knowledge of trauma, crisis and emergency medicine, drug the symptom or cut out the body part, and that toxic side effects are expected to cure the disease, how can you possibly know how to get a patient to a healthy state, which is the only way to reverse disease? It’s as if we spend time and resources hiring skilled specialists to repair a crack in the ceiling with spackle and paint when the root of the problem is a structural weakness in the building’s foundation – the body’s nutritional foundation.

Shattering The Germ Theory Of Disease

Like dogs chasing their own tails, scientists go cross-eyed looking at elephants under a microbe-scope to discover new disease causing germs, when germs and microorganisms do not cause disease all by their microscopic selves. They only take advantage of us when our bodies are in a weakened state burdened by toxins.  Sickness is not caused by bacteria, but bacteria comes with the sickness. Enlightened understanding is that germs are not the cause of disease any more than flies and maggots cause garbage.  Flies, maggots and rats do not cause garbage but rather feed on garbage.  They are there as a result of the garbage. They are scavengers.

That’s why I refer to the Germ Theory of medicine as the “rat theory of garbage.”  That is, if germs cause disease, then rats must cause garbage.  Show me a building that’s full of rats and I’ll show you a building that’s full of garbage and has sanitation problems.  Show me a person who has accumulated waste matter in organs and tissues, low oxygen levels, weakened immune system, nutritional deficiencies and an acidic pH environment and I will show you cancer, bacterial, fungal, viral and parasitic infections. They seek their own habitat or growth medium.  

It has become abundantly clear that Louis Pasteur, the father of the pasteurization process to kill bacteria for extended shelf life, was correct when he declared on his death bed “I was wrong – it is not the germs or bacteria that are the enemy but rather the inner condition of the human body’s cellular terrain that is really the answer.”

Antoine Béchamp, Gunther Enderlein, Victoria Livingston-Wheeler, Gaston Naessens, Rudolph Virchow, Claude Bernard and other pioneers in research fields of cell physiology, microbiology, disease pathology and molecular biology all proved beyond a shadow of a doubt many decades ago that germs and bacteria don’t cause disease, they develop in a disease environment and are pleomorphic in nature, meaning they change forms based on the inner condition of the cellular environment. So why would mainstream science continue to look in the wrong direction of  Pasteur’s Germ Theory of Disease when it has long been proven that germs and bacteria are secondary, not primary causes to disease? Because around it exists a colossal infrastructure of commercial interests that supports a multi-billion dollar industry based upon this theory.

A powerful statement made by Florence Nightingale that was published in the book Bèchamp or Pasteur?  A Lost Chapter in the History of Biology, summed up the disease doctrine in precise detail.  “The specific disease doctrine is the grand refuge of weak, uncultured, unstable minds, such as now rule in the medical profession.  There are no specific diseases; there are specific disease-conditions.”  This statement was made back in the early 1900s, and nothing has changed. It destroys the mind-set of modern medical science. They are looking in a thousand different directions and slapping disease names on disease symptoms when symptoms are just an outward expression of one disease – a disease condition to a patient.

Until medical science comes to grips with this reality they will be chasing their tails around in the dark for another thousand years.  The truth is there is only one underlying condition in all patients, which happens to manifest in a variety of outward signs and symptoms depending on the internal weaknesses of the individual.  For one person it may manifest as heart disease and in another, it may manifest as rheumatoid arthritis. It just depends on where the body’s weak links or dead zones are where the toxins and poisons have settled due primarily from an inverted way of eating and living.  All disease has an internal cellular explanation, and medical science is looking for external, destructive, symptom-suppression solutions.
The entire worldwide medical establishment today has built their house of cards around this false doctrine.  This is analogous to Satan establishing his global kingdom in the end times entirely on deception as the Bible records. Neither will stand in the light of truth, and that’s what this article is about – revealing the true cause of disease.  This global medical cabal that is deceiving the world consists of pharmaceutical companies, the Food & Drug Administration (FDA), the American Medical Association (AMA), the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the Centers For Disease Control & Prevention (CDC), the World Health Organization (WHO), the National Cancer Institute (NCI), top universities and a host of other international organizations and corporations.

Another reason for ignoring the truth and not allowing research on the body’s susceptibility to disease, it’s emotional state, physical state, spiritual state and response to its external environment, is that it would completely nullify the results of countless experiments on which medical theory has built its house of cards.  If the underpinning cards should fall, the whole medical system would come tumbling down.  

Med students are only taught two ways to treat disease.  That is, you either cut it out with risky surgical procedures, or blast it out with drugs, chemo or radiation.  They also learn that if one drug or surgical procedure doesn’t work, then you try another. If that doesn’t work, then you try yet another.  This ridiculous, flip-of-a coin, guinea pig approach is the only treatment modality allowed by organized medicine.   This controlled teaching has led to the mechanical view of the human body’s inner workings being independent and non-related like a bunch of car parts. They’re taught that the heart is separate from the lungs, the stomach is separate from the liver and the mind is separate from the body. It’s a proven fact that the human body works synergistically with all ten systems simultaneously working together like a flowing river.

Medical students are further brainwashed into believing that if they can’t see it in a blood profile or an MRI, hear it in a stethoscope, or feel it in a palpitation, it’s not there – it’s all in the patient’s head.   Most people know that stress causes ulcers and heart attacks and anger can cause cancer.  But stress, anger and depression can’t be measured by any diagnostic tool in mainstream medicine. Therefore, emotions and spirit are not a factor in disease origin according to mainstream medical practitioners.

Worshipping God Or Science?

Today we accept and, in a sense, worship science and everything medical science teaches, never questioning whether their pronouncements are the truth or not.  We don’t question the fact that all that is needed to become an expert in a particular field is to earn a degree at one of these “worldly” universities. To earn that degree, all that is necessary is to take the required courses in the chosen subject and agree with what you are taught without questioning whether the information is valid or not, and then receive passing grades.

But the question we never think to ask is this: what if what they are teaching in these universities is not the full truth? Doctors are taught that the symptoms are the disease, nutrition and what you eat has nothing to do with the disease process, and the body’s organs and systems work separately from one another. What would they have a degree in? They would have a degree in error, or a degree in ignorance! Another prime example of a so-called expert hiding behind a degree is a dietician. They go to school for four years to learn nutrition and look at what they allow our children to eat at public schools and hospitals: hot dogs, pizza, French fries, sodas and sugar-laden beverages, Fritos, Doritos, sugary desserts, etc.

Allopathic physicians are programmed like robots therefore, they practice like robots. They are taught systematically based on patient’s symptoms from their “Bible,” The Physicians Desk Reference, which states that; if there is inflammation, prescribe an anti-inflammatory. If there’s an infection, pump them full of antibiotics or sulfa drugs. If the patient has a migraine or cluster headache, prescribe an analgesic or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory. If there is fluid retention, prescribe a diuretic. If they suffer from depression, write a prescription for Prozac, Zoloft or Paxil. If they suffer from gastric bloating or heartburn, prescribe an antacid.

However, doctors never stop to ask themselves what’s causing these symptoms. That’s analogous to a firefighter continually spraying the smoke coming out of the windows instead of putting out the fire. The smoke is the symptom of a fire, not the cause of a fire. With this type of magic bullet linear mentality, it puts them in the category of a symptom specialist, not a doctor. A true doctor gets to the core of the disease and establishes health to the patient by teaching the patient the right pathway to healing.   In fact, the word doctor literally means to teach. So what are they teaching other than how to take a script to their pharmacist?  How can you establish health and healing with toxic pharmaceuticals, chemo agents or radiation? They are at best molded into legal script writers for the drug companies.  Their wrists are tied by bureaucratic tape with HMO’s and PPO’s controlling what prescriptions they write and what diagnostic tests to use. Symptoms and disease are separate entities, and doctors are taught that they are one and the same.

Exposing The Hypocrisy Behind Pharmaceutical Drugs

I used to get angry at the doctors and their narrow mindedness, but the LORD showed me it is the system and its education, not the doctors.  Physicians are brainwashed and purposely kept in the dark by a multi-billion dollar drug industry. It is repaid for its investments of grant money pooled into medical schools by the student protégés trained to write countless prescriptions for the drug companies whether the patient needs them or not.

This drug-financed educational system continues to educate practicing physicians on the latest drugs and machines by sending suit-and-tie pharmaceutical representatives that know little, if anything, about pharmaceutical chemistry or its side effects, and have no formal training in medicine. The scary thing is these legal drug dealers, who only have a two year college degree, get paid by commission. So they wine and dine the physicians with bribery and coercion tactics like free mobile phone service or all expense paid vacations for two to the Caribbean. Where do you think you’re getting the free drug samples that are administered from behind the counter? The truth is, you’re the guinea pig for the new drug study.

A perfect example of this hypocrisy and fraud deals with the clinical studies the pharmaceutical companies conduct before getting a new drug approved by the FDA.  The only way to conduct a genuine clinical trial is to use participants who all have the same health status and identical stress levels. They also must be in the same controlled environment for the duration of the trial. This means eating the same breakfast, lunch and dinner. If these measures are not taken, then it’s like flipping a coin as to how the new drug will react. Because of the exuberant costs and difficult task in conducting a set variable drug study, it is never done. Instead, pharmaceutical companies use three thousand participants who are all bio-chemically unique with random characteristics.

For example, in one clinical trial a participant may be on Ritalin while being tested with the new drug.  Another, a teenage girl, may be taking the pill.  And a senior citizen may be ingesting six different medications mixed with the new drug chemistry. You cannot do a true valid drug study this way. Clinical trials are a deceptive ploy to give comfort or security to the ignorant masses to pacify them, and make the people believe they did the research and product safety measures. Most people believe the FDA tests new drugs but they don’t. They rely solely on the information that is submitted to them by the pharmaceutical industry. The FDA is nothing more than a rubber stamp agency for the pharmaceutical industry and was established by them to buy credibility among the public for drugs that are known to be toxic and destructive.

Thus we see the medical establishment as sound business practice, not sound scientific research. They keep this charade going by funneling drug company profits into education through the medical schools, by supporting the American Medical Association, by using journal advertising to promote their drugs and by padding the pockets of the FDA to protect their vested interest.  The entire financial circle depends upon the continued flow of high priced drugs, diagnostic equipment, surgery and revolving door office visits.  Why would they want health care or implement cures for disease?   

The result? Non-toxic treatments and nutritional solutions are ignored, discouraged or rejected outright, ultimately leading to a health care system (misnamed for political and economic reasons) that actively promotes sickness and disease. Mainstream physicians are taught that outside intervention is needed with all disease treatments and they stumble around in the dark not realizing that drug therapy is virtually useless. Instead of leaving the patient alone and allowing the disease to run its course, as in the case of the common cold or flu, they create more problems with the toxic side effects of their Band-Aid symptom suppression therapies.

Most people, including doctors, research scientists and corrupt politicians are ignorant to the simple fact that there is only one way to prevent and reverse every degenerative disease that plagues mankind: establish health to the patient by feeding the built-in, self-healing systems. Health and disease cannot coexist any more than fire and water. A healthy cellular environment and healthy immune system drowns out disease. If you have a dark room, you simply turn on the light. Light dissipates darkness. Health dissipates disease. Either health or disease dominates the body. Which one dominates yours?

So the 64,000 dollar question is – what in mainstream medicine’s tool box addresses any of the necessary factors for establishing health to the patients cells and immune system? The disappointing answer is –  nothing!

Name one drug that addresses nutritional deficiencies for repairing cellular damage! Name one antibiotic that does not cause resistant strains in the future! Name one drug that cures degenerative disease! Name one drug, surgery, chemo agent or radiation treatment that cures cancer! Name one drug that boosts and modulates the immune system! Name one drug that has nutrient building materials for the cells! Name one drug that does not have multiple side effects! There is nothing that any pharmaceutical can do but give temporary palliative symptom relief, mimic or counterfeit what the body already produces, or destroy pathogens temporarily. At best, drugs mimic or manipulate existing cell chemistry, to either speed up or slow down organ and system function, while creating a toxic residue by-product and an acidic environment that sets up a perfect growth medium for disease pathogens in the future.

De-mystifying The Disease Myth

Viruses, bacteria, fungal forms and parasites seek their own environment, just like flies, mosquitoes and vultures. Picture a stagnant swamp compared to a flowing vibrant river.  A stagnant swamp has little life, fungus and green algae growing on the top of the water, and brown decaying agriculture in the external environment, which attracts mosquitoes, bugs and insects. A flowing river has life that exudes colorful flowers and green plants and trees that repel bugs and insects.  The same is true for a healthy body that repels unwanted viruses and bacteria.

A diseased body has no blood circulation or lymphatic flow. This leads to stagnation in weak tissues and organs, which sets up shop for disease pathogens to migrate and grow into diseased tissue.  As Dr. Robert Young says in his book, Sick And Tired: Reclaim Your Inner Terrain, “There is only one physiological disease –  the over-acidification of the body, due primarily to an inverted way of eating and living. This over-acidification leads to the one sickness, or primary symptom – the overgrowth in the body of microorganisms, whose poisons produce the symptoms we call ‘diseases’.” Some of these symptoms manifest as diarrhea, runny nose, thick mucous secretions, fever and profuse sweating, which science calls disease.

Most people in today’s world still have a hazy idea as to what constitutes a disease. They believe it to be something mysterious that attacks them, and that there is very little they can do about it. So in their confusion, they run to their doctor for every ache and pain, cold, cough, fever, or rash, expecting some sort of magic “silver bullet” prescription cure before they leave the office. People associate a prescription drug with good doctor care while the Bible clearly warns us of the deception of pharmaceuticals. “By Thy sorceries were all nations deceived…” (Revelation 18:24)  In the Greek concordance sorcery is defined as pharmakeia, or pharmacy.

So before I begin the de-mystification of the 10,001 diseases, which in reality are the same disease originating from the same cause, I need to make one point clear.  The human body strives for health, not sickness.  The path of least resistance for the body is a natural state of health that calls for the least amount of energy and electrical force expended.  The body’s mind, spirit and soul fights to maintain healthy balance and homeostasis 24 hours a day. Health is God’s path of least resistance.

The truth is, the laws of health are never broken.  We can only break ourselves against them.  God’s laws of health and vitality are set in motion just like the law of gravity.  If you attempt to break the law of gravity by jumping out of a 10 story window, you will only break yourself against a slab of concrete and illustrate the law in action. The same is true for anyone who goes against the law of health by continued ingestion of foodless foods, toxic beverages, pharmaceuticals, breathing industrial contaminant and long-term stress conditions. Often times you have to go against the grain for decades to manifest sickness and disease.

This may be hard for some people to swallow, but it is their own lack of knowledge, or failure to use and apply that knowledge that has brought about their ill condition.  All degenerative and metabolic diseases are merely the end point of progressive, accumulated, toxic waste matter suffocating a particular tissue or organ that’s too weak to clean house.  Therefore, there is but one disease.  A disease condition in a weak organ due to insufficient drainage and deficient, intelligent nutrients at the cellular level. This sets up a toxic, low oxygen, acidic, damp cellular environment which breeds disease pathogens.

One Disease – Many Labels

So arthritis, diabetes, cardiovascular disease and cancer are the same disease.  It just so happens through genetic disposition that the target areas — or weak links — of an arthritic patient are the joints. This is where the toxic accumulation of uric acid crystals, purines, lactic acid and other debris suffocate the cells that manufacture synovial fluid and bursae fluid (joint lubricating fluids).  In a diabetic patient, the beta cells in the pancreas that synthesize insulin for glucose regulation are the weak link in the chain. Excess toxins from the bloodstream are dumped into the pancreas coating the insulin receptors, causing insulin resistance, leading to diabetes. A cardiovascular patient’s target organs of toxic accumulation are the heart and lung tissue, which effect the cells that are involved in heart and respiratory function, and so on.

Readers, this is your real wake up call!  Medical science in their ignorance (ignoring the truth), have been on the wrong track all along.  For seventy years, scientists have been studying germs, viruses and bacteria. They should have been studying the inner condition of the body’s cellular terrain that sets the stage as a growth medium for deadly microbes.  The viruses, bacteria, fungus and parasites infiltrate only when there is diseased tissue – a  food source if you will. You will never see bacterial infections, viral infections, systemic candida ablicans problems, or cancer in an alkaline pH, highly oxygenated, nutritive rich, healthy cellular environment with a strong immune system and strong filtration and circulatory systems.

You don’t blame the mosquitoes for the stagnant swamp. Mosquitoes and flies seek the stagnant waters. The vultures are not the culprit, you blame the dead rabbit. The answer has been with us since the beginning of the human race.  Drain the body’s tissues and cells of its accumulated poison – its toxic soup – feed it properly with intelligent living nutrients – and the miracle of healing occurs. Anyone who takes appropriate action need no succumb to cancer or any other disease. So, we find the cause of degenerative disease chiefly to be two-fold. Insufficient nutrition, creating weakened cells from improper drainage, leading to congestive toxicosis.  It certainly follows that correction of ill health would not be toxic pharmaceuticals and risky surgical procedures. It would be assisting the filtration organs to cleanse the waste poisons from the body, and provide intelligent nutrients to the bloodstream for delivery to the cells. This way the various organs can function at optimal levels.   

Every day your body is assailed by billions of germs, many of which can instigate illness or even death.  Yet you stay well.  Countless bacteria, viruses and microbes gain entry into your body through the food you ingest, the air you breathe, or through breaks in your skin.  Yet you stay well.  Why?  Because you can’t live without germs. There is a symbiotic relationship between good and bad bacteria that is necessary for survival, kind of like how nature keeps the overgrowth of rabbits in check with foxes. Some of them establish permanent residence in your mouth, your nose, your throat, or your intestines, where there are several pounds of soil- based microorganisms that multiply exponentially.  Yet you stay well.  If you have four people in a closed elevator with one coughing and sneezing from a recent cold and one out of the three contracts a head cold 24 hours later, while the other two remain healthy, what prevented the other two from getting sick? Diseased germs need appropriate soil to grow in – diseased tissues.

What modern medicine fails to understand is that bacteria, viruses, germs, fungi and parasites are there for a reason. They flourish as scavengers at the site of diseased tissue. They are there to clean up your mess.  They are drawn by dead cells, hardened mucous, dried blood, pus and an acidic dirty kitchen environment.  If you leave dirty dishes in the sink, breadcrumbs on the floor and honey on the counter for a few days, you will witness a variety of creepy crawlers coming out of nowhere.  Rats in your basement are there for a reason; you have garbage and old decaying boxes and debris laying around. The same is true for the human body. Through ingestion of acidic foods, toxic beverages and environmental contaminant, you create a food source for scavengers, like parasites, to breed and feed.

Time For Shifting Directions

The time is right for a paradigm shift to intelligent self-care and learning the intelligent mechanisms behind God’s magnificent, self-healing autogenic system – a process termed autogenics. We need a new level of understanding about the body’s own inherent, innate ability to heal itself.  The process witnessed from a cut in the finger or a broken bone.  It’s not the Band-Aid that heals the cut, nor the cast that heals the broken bone.  It’s the combined nutrients of amino acids, vitamins, minerals, enzymes, oxygen, essential fatty acids and sunlight that are carried via the bloodstream to the diseased or injured area for complete healing.  It’s time for a real wake-up call to the true causes of nearly all diseases and the direct enemies of self-healing. Its technical name is Congestive Toxicosis.  It is the greatest threat to human lives in these end times.

Divine Design Of Symptoms

Disease is nothing more than the outworking of the natural law of autogenics; a natural, self-propelling process of the body’s inherent ability to remove the toxic accumulation in and around the cells.  Its removal methods are the uncomfortable purging mechanisms of diarrhea, vomiting, sweating, coughing, runny nose and fever that usually makes us run to the doctor.

Out of ignorance, doctors look at these symptoms as unnecessary, non-purposeful, insignificant nuisances, and in their limited understanding they stop the fever, stop the runny nose, stop the sweating and stop the cough with their “anti”-medications and, in doing so, shove the toxic waste back down your throat or back into the bloodstream and tissues, prolonging your illness by giving symptomatic relief.

A fever is an intelligent system to destroy viruses and bacteria in order to burn up the waste matter and trigger immune system production of white blood cells and immune regulator. The pores of the skin open for profuse sweating to allow excretion of toxins. A runny nose is an intelligent mechanism to flush out toxic matter out of the sinus membranes trapped by watery mucous.

Every symptom has innate intelligence the human body has been endowed with by God to purge, excrete or flush poisonous waste accumulation through one or more of the elimination channels: via the skin, colon, nose, lungs, ears and urinary tract.  What do you think the flu is?  Every symptom of a cold or flu is a symptom of detoxification.  The symptoms of diarrhea, vomiting, coughing up thick mucous, and chills which generate heat are all healing crisis cleansing reactions to allow you to heal.

All Pharmaceutical Drugs Go Against Life – They Are Antis!

The drug companies tell you straight-out that they are going against your body’s healing mechanisms by the contraindications of their drugs. The mainstream philosophy of drug treatments do not cure, nor can they.  They suppress.  They are counterproductive and antagonistic in their nature, and for this reason they are called antis (meaning against).  Antispasmodics, antihypertensives, antianxiety agents, antidepressants, antacids, antiryhthmics, antihistamines, anti-inflammatories, anti-diuretics, antitusives, receptor antagonists, beta blockers, calcium channel blockers, protease inhibitors and even antibiotics, which mean against bio or against life.

Probiotics are supportive of life, antibiotics destroy life by destroying good aerobic bacteria needed in the intestinal mucousa to combat bad anaerobic microbes like candida, helicobactor pylori, staph and streptococcus and other bacterial strains.  Staph infection’s (from the bacteria staphylococci) resistance to penicillin in 1960 was 13%.  The same Staph infection’s resistance to penicillin in 1988 was 91%. In the year 2004, some laboratories show evidence that it has climbed to 97% resistance. You will soon witness the fulfillment of the scriptures predicting a third of mankind dying of pestilence and plagues.  That’s two billion people.

All “Anti” medication goes against body systems and for this reason have multiple side effects.  You cannot suppress, manipulate or mimic one body system without throwing off three or four more systems.  All pharmaceuticals are counteractive and suppressive in nature, even to the point of suppressing your own body’s self healing – autogenic — process. On a short-term basis, in critical emergency situations, we should be grateful for the suppressive quality of pharmaceuticals that allows you time to deal with the causative issues triggering disease symptoms. For this I have no objection at all. That is, drug therapy for the short-term control of severe conditions such as states of trauma, severe migraine headaches, excruciating pain, hemorrhage, heart attacks, strokes, chronic insomnia, etc. If you can’t get out of bed to go to work because of a severe migraine then yes, take an analgesic pain medication. If you can’t sleep then yes, take something for your insomnia. In the meantime, address the causative factors of the headache or insomnia and wean off the medications. To rely on any drug for long-term maintenance to suppress symptoms without addressing the causes creates two dangerous situations.

First, you are building an accumulative risk because by their nature drug weapons are strong, destructive and toxic. They build bodily residues forming an acidic pH. Your doctor’s desire to fix or give symptomatic relief is often offset by side effects of toxicity, literally poisoning you and driving the disease deeper.

The second and less visible, but potentially more serious danger is the strengthening of the disease process over time instead of getting rid of the problem. For instance, scaly, itchy, cracked skin can go away on the surface (if treated medically as a symptom) with cortisone cream, but can also be driven deeper into vital organs.

The Dangerous Side Effects Of Treating Symptoms And Not Causes Of Disease

A 48-year-old patient of mine had this very problem.  Prednisone and other anticortical, anti-inflammatory drugs prescribed by her mainstream physician relieved some of her problems with a skin rash. However, one year later she developed a pulmonary lung disease where the normal tissues of the lungs became fibrous and her breathing was taxed. Her hands were pink and soft, but her lungs were being crippled and becoming resistant to all the counter-productive powers of the drugs administered to her by conventional medicine. Her condition spiraled so low that she was given up on. She was sent home to get her affairs in order for preparation for her death, and to spend the remainder of her life with her family. Painkillers were being administered to ease the pain of her last days on earth.  This is a perfect example of the magical shell game and illusionary medicine that goes on daily in hospitals and doctors’ offices. They switch you from one disease to the next, until it manifests into a full-blown trauma sickness that needs surgical intervention, or extensive hospital stays creating their own business.
Upon the referral of a friend, I decided to take on this deathbed situation, and I taught her how to work with her illness instead of against it with non-toxic treatment methods. After a full-body cleanse and the rebuilding of her nutrient deficiencies (along with her immune system), her body’s self-healing systems were activated. Six months later she went back to her doctor who happily declared her healthy and in complete remission of her disease.  This ignorance continues to this day with physicians giving placebo scripts for antibiotics to treat viral infections when they should know that antibiotics work solely on bacteria, not viruses.  


So the important question is, what if symptoms are really a part of the built in autogenic healing process? The body’s own innate ability to cure itself just like a runny nose, coughing, diarrhea and fever to cure the flu. What if the symptoms of disease were the drainage process of the toxicosis, the removal of the toxic soup to establish a healthy cell environment? This would mean, if you cured the symptom with an “anti” medication, you have killed the cure! An example of this is the treatment for the common cold.

If science could produce a cold-inhibiting drug, what would the side effect be of stopping the elimination of all the cell waste normally thrown off by cold symptoms? If you stop a cold, you stop what the body is trying to accomplish with the action of a cold. You stop the healing and the cure.

It is ironic and indeed pathetic that human beings, potentially the highest form of intelligence on this planet, have managed to build the vast pharmaceutical industry on the central purpose of poisoning the lowest forms of life on the planet – germs. They substitute artificial therapy over natural, they substitute chemical therapy over nutritional, and substitute poisons over food. Then when we get sick from these poisons, we treat ourselves with another poison (drugs) to try to correct the body’s reactions to the slow poisoning and nutrient starvation and add to the existing toxins while doing it.

Featured Articles

Water and Sea Salt, A Disease Remedy?

Crusador Interviews Bob Butts

CRUSADOR Interviews Water Advocate And Researcher Bob Butts About The Water Cure He Promotes That’s Healing Thousands Of People Of Diseases Doctors Have Sent Patients Home To Suffer And Die With

“For the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God.”  (I Corinthians 3:19)

Is the answer to our current health care crisis as simple as drinking half your bodyweight a day in water with a pinch of pure, unprocessed sea salt? It sounds too easy doesn’t it? However, the passage from Corinthians makes it clear that what man thinks is best or correct is generally foolishness to God. Think about it for a moment. Trillions of dollars are being made annually worldwide when it comes to health care. Pharmaceutical companies have billions of people literally hooked on drugs that do absolutely nothing to cure their health problems. Scientists, doctors and researchers are all in search of the magic bullet cure that they think will be found in some synthetic concoction they come up with. Might they all be looking in the wrong places?

Everyone knows that water is the source of all life on earth. NASA scientists send space probes around the universe in search of water because they know that if they can find water, life on other planets is possible. Why is it that something as simple as consuming more water is not considered when it comes to treating or preventing disease? Every single cell of our body runs on water. Cells are the bricks and mortar of our chemical make up. Our respiratory and circulatory systems require water to function. The simple fact is without adequate hydration we would be dead. Could it be that the manifestation of disease symptoms is really your body’s cry for water and the 75 to 80 minerals needed in the form of pure, unprocessed sea salt?

In this enlightening interview, CRUSADOR interviews water researcher Bob Butts who has spent over $600,000 of his own money trying to tell the world that drinking enough water with a mixture of salt is the solution to over 65% of the diseases afflicting mankind. Bob Butts is selflessly and heroically carrying on the astonishing work of Dr. Fereydoon Batamanghelidj, M.D. (a.k.a. Dr. B), author of the book “Your Bodies Many Cries For Water.” With no agenda other than to help humanity, Bob Butts is literally saving countless lives which otherwise would be swallowed up and extinguished by our nearly Medieval, ignorant medical/pharmaceutical industry.
Crusador:  Bob, tell our readers about Dr. B and how he came to be known worldwide as an expert in the field of water research?

Dr. B. was slated to be shot as a political prisoner of Khomeni’s revolutionaries after the government of the Shaw was overthrown in 1979. Everyone who was well off financially was assumed to have acquired their wealth dishonestly and therefore, slated enemies of the people. His family owned four hospitals, two of which were charity hospitals where people were able to get treated at no cost. While he was in prison, he found that many inmates suffered from ulcers and he used nothing but water to treat them and cured every single one of over 3,000 using nothing but water. He also found that many of these same people that suffered from severe depression were cured in just a few days by drinking lots of water.

When his trial came up a year and a half later, he presented his discovery as his defense from 32 charges, each of which carried the death penalty if he were convicted. The judge recessed the trial and reconvened two weeks later where he acknowledged that their
medical doctors concluded that he had indeed made a tremendous discovery. That is what gained his release. If you view the TV news special on our site, you’ll see and hear Dr. B.’s amazing story and a whole lot more. These same videos are now being aired in India.

After leaving Iran and coming to the USA, Dr. B continued his research at the University of Pennsylvania where he gathered the material for his ground breaking book, “Your Body’s Many Cries for Water.” This book has been peer reviewed by many researchers around the world where Dr. B. gave lectures. On his site there are many testimonials from medical people and institutions. Unfortunately, his discovery met with strong resistance from special interest groups whose incomes depend upon high profit problems not being solved.

Crusador:  What are some of the things Dr. B discovered?

He found out that the root cause of about 65% of most health problems is dehydration (a salt & water deficiency) and when the dehydration is corrected, many so-called incurable illnesses are greatly improved or cured. A few are asthma, allergies, chronic fatigue, depression, arthritis, anxiety, obesity, M.S., cancer, Lupus, etc.  When I am asked by talk show hosts to appear on a show, I advise them that I don’t do interviews unless the interviewer knows for a fact that the Water Cure truly works. When they do this, we set a record for the most calls in the station’s history every time. Probably the most amazing thing is the 100% cure of pet arthritis just by adding unprocessed sea salt to their water and food at ¼ tsp. per quart of water and sprinkling some on its food. Tremendous results are also seen with other pet health problems.

Crusador:  How did you meet Dr. B and what caused you to make such a commitment to this research as I understand you have spent $600,000 promoting his Water Cure, yet you don’t make one cent on it?

On our website is an ABC News story that tells some of the history. I was ripped off by our legal system and it caused me to lose a business and $800,000.  I was filled with great hate and frustration for a number of years. But something happened one night that changed my life. I woke up in the morning with all hate and frustration gone. I called my family together and told them that it is over. Everything is fine. We are going to make something come out of this so great that we’ll be glad we incurred this loss and I didn’t have the slightest doubt. I even said that I’ll never forgive the people that did this to us because there isn’t anything to forgive. God made us perfect, but our software stinks. Their actions are the result of negative values of the culture they grew up in.

It turned out to be the greatest thing that happened in my life because that is what caused me to meet Dr. B. and commit 75% of our advertising budget to promote his discovery. The initial results with the Water Cure were so astonishing that I felt that it would only take six months for it to be accepted nationwide. I never realized that we were so money driven that the powers that be had little interest in this discovery no matter how many people got well. I even ran 12,000 TV spots in 12 months of local people, including four doctors, who got rid of incurable problems and not one researcher would even talk to me or the people that got well.  You can view these same spots on our website

You can bet this greatly upset me because I’m seeing all these people get well and the powers that be had no interest in making this information available to all the other countless people who are suffering and dying needlessly. Today, I am no longer upset or
frustrated because the problem has nothing to do with orthodox medicine or the drug companies. It has to do with how we measure excellence and we measure it in terms of money and power which has predisposed us to all the problems we have. To win at this, the main thing is to excel at kindness, compassion and live our lives in service to our fellow man regardless of who they are or what they have done.

Crusador:  What effect does pharmaceutical drugs and medical treatments such as chemotherapy and radiation have on dehydrating the body?

Using drugs and procedures to silence the alarm signals of underlying problems is like disconnecting the warning lights from your car’s dash. Whether its people or vehicles, the answer is to give the problem no reason to exist. Common sense tells us that the only thing that can get us well and keep us well is a strong immune system. Drugs, chemotherapy and radiation do the opposite.  As Dr. Dean Burk, a friend and co-founder of the National Cancer Institute said, “Drugs are man’s way to try to bludgeon the body into a cure profitably and if there’s enough money to be made on it, research could be designed to prove that daylight doesn’t exist.”

Yes, most drugs dehydrate the body and the #1 protocol in every hospital hydrates the body which incidentally is water and salt. A saline IV has six times as much salt in it as the water cure recipe recommended by Dr. B, which only recommends a ¼ tsp. per quart. A quart of saline IV sells for up to $475 and there is only about one penny’s worth of salt water in it.
Crusador:  I noticed a headline newspaper story in a major northeastern Pennsylvania newspaper where you offered $50,000 if the Water Cure couldn’t cure every child. What prompted you to make such a bold proclamation and how did the campaign work?

I saw so many people get well from asthma that I felt it was no more a risk than betting $50,000 that tomorrow at noon it will be daylight. We have no knowledge of it failing even once. Local talk shows were talking about it and bashing it. I said that if I’m wrong, then I’ll have to pay $50,000. Nobody could prove it wrong and not one person came forward to say it failed.

Crusador:  Can you discuss a few of the chronic diseases that are caused by a lack of water such as high blood pressure, heart disease, high cholesterol, asthma, etc. and how they are linked to dehydration and not some kind of genetic problem you were born with?

High blood pressure, according to Dr. B., is primarily the result of a dehydrated body that has to elevate the pressure in order to see that every cell gets enough blood which is 94% water.  Mineral deficiency can also cause people to be salt sensitive and raise the blood pressure. Dr. B. has much info on this on his site and we have some testimonials also.

Heart disease is similar and a great article is on our site under the headline from Family practice News which reads; “Water Sinks Fatal Heart Disease Risk.” High Cholesterol is the result of a dehydrated body needing more cholesterol to seal the water in the cells to minimize water loss. I’ve never seen a case yet where correcting the dehydration didn’t cure the problem.

Asthma is a very simple problem produced in a dehydrated person when the brain deliberately constricts the bronchials in order to prevent water loss. Drinking two glasses of water for an adult having this problem and then putting a pinch of salt on the tongue will stop an asthma attack in minutes. I’ve seen or heard of it work many times.

Crusador:  Can you tell by the color of your urine or any other visible signs that your body is dehydrated?

The darker the urine, the more dehydrated one is. The skin of a dehydrated person is very dry and often wrinkled. Eczema, psoriasis, scleroderma, and raccoon eyes are also obvious symptoms of dehydration, along with depression and low energy.

Crusador:  How many lives and how much money would be saved if the water cure were endorsed by our medical system?

According to Dr. B., possibly one million Americans every year could be saved from premature death and 1500 billion dollars ($1.5 trillion). Even if Dr. B. were only half right as Paul Harvey put it, the water cure would still be the greatest health discovery in history.

Crusador:  Don’t some people think you’re crazy? You’re in the auto parts business and what makes you think that you know more than doctors?

In the beginning the skepticism was so great that half the people thought I was nuts and the other half knew I was. That is no longer the case as northeastern Pennsylvania abounds with testimonials and the TV news specials covering this story certainly increased our credibility. Cars and people are a lot alike. Neither will run well if they are water deficient. People come into our store and ask for help. They rattle off their health problems with all the scientific labels and ask me what I think. I think you have drought. You are a couple of quarts low I respond, and they are. I explain that doctors are trained to follow protocols or they could be sued if they don’t.

Crusador:  You have said that if cars were as easy to fix as people you’d be out of business. Can you elaborate on that statement?

If cars were as easy to fix as people all we’d have to do is to throw all the raw materials that each part is made of in the trunk and the car would digest them and renew every part. That’s all we have to do to fix our bodies, but the raw materials need to be what our bodies need and not be compromised with processing. We need live food, not micro-waved or devitalized food from cooking.

Crusador:  You say that medical research already knows that the Water Cure is true and researchers would have to be dumb beyond belief if they didn’t know. Explain why?

When a prominent TV personality and attorney with MS contacted me after his MD told him to do so, he told me that he had lost 90% of his vision in one eye and had difficulty walking up and down steps. I told him that as far as I’m concerned, MS stands for monumentally stupid because researchers would have to be dumb beyond belief if they couldn’t figure out its cause and cure. You already know that the nerve tissue of a person with MS hardens and researchers should certainly know that nerve tissue is 85% water. Therefore, what would cause it to get hard? Obviously lack of water! I never knew of one person with MS who wasn’t severely dehydrated. I told him that his vision would be back in four or five days and in a couple of months most symptoms would be gone and that’s exactly what happened.

Crusador:  Why is salt such an important part of the Water Cure?

Without adequate salt, your body will never retain enough water to make the body function properly. That is why the saline IV is so great and uses so much salt. No metabolic process can take place properly without enough salt.

Crusador:  Compare a saline IV with the Water Cure?

First of all, for the hard nosed skeptic with a health problem, ask your MD to give you a saline IV twice a day for four days, drink no caffeine or alcohol and see what happens. You can also go for a swim in the ocean for an hour and note the improvements.
The Water Cure is an oral saline IV with less salt and more minerals. The big difference is the IV costs up to $475 and the salt water only cost one penny.

Crusador:  If the Water Cure is so simple, then why isn’t everyone using it?

Because there’s a rule that if it sounds too good to be true then it probably is. Talk show host Barry Farber turned me down for an interview initially when I told him that I don’t do interviews unless the host knows it’s not too good to be true. He verified the truth and called this the most incredible story in his 44 years of broadcasting. The interview we eventually did resulted in about seven shows with Dr. B. and me. He said that our interviews caused switchboard meltdown.

Crusador:  Medical people say that the success stories you publish are just anecdotal and don’t mean much. How do you answer that?

I tell them that the only reason they are called anecdotal is because research already knows the stories are true. Why else would their #1 protocol and most profitable protocol be salt water in the form of a saline IV? Whoever invented the saline IV knew very well all that it would do. Actually, Hippocrates, the father of medicine and the namesake of the Hippocratic Oath, was the first to use the Water Cure as documented in the 1934 book, “Back to Eden.”

Crusador:  I understand that some prominent people whom you’ve helped have been warned to stop telling people about their success or economic sanctions will be taken against them. Can you elaborate on who these people are and what type of sanctions would be taken?

The president of a well known animal welfare group was telling everyone, including Barry Farber’s coast to coast audience about her 15 year old arthritic dog who was running up and down the stairs within two days after getting sea salt in its food and     water. Her board of director told her she’d be fired if she didn’t stop telling this story. An executive of a prominent accounting firm whose daughter had severe asthma necessitating frequent emergency room trips was quickly cured of asthma and the owner of the company told him that he could not put this story in the paper because this firm does a lot of work for medical people. A radio personality was told he cannot use his name and the station’s name in any way connecting him and it with the Water Cure. The station where he worked previously had no problem with it. Doctors, including the head of one hospital, told me they’d be fired and possibly lose their jobs and licenses if they told that the Water Cure is nothing but common sense.

I must say that one local doctor, Dr. Lang Su of Mid-Valley Hospital, spoke very highly of the Water Cure, including once on TV and he never had any kind of sanctions taken against him or was warned in any way. There are a number of other stories also.

Crusador:  Have you been threatened by anyone in the medical community or the government for telling people that most diseases are linked to a lack of water and salt?

Not even once or even had a hint of any threat other than from a few customers who quit buying from me because they thought I was nuts. By the way, every one of them came back after learning the truth.

Crusador:  Do your colleagues and family support the work you’re doing?

My family does now and all who have worked with me for any length of time do now.

Crusador:  What kind of effect does soft drinks, coffee, and alcohol have on the body?

Caffeine and alcohol are deadly because they are diuretics that remove more water from the body than was in the drink originally. The sugar in soda is certainly bad and caffeine and aspartame make a bad thing even worse.

Crusador:  Have you been on any well known radio or TV shows?

I have been on the Art Bell Show with Dr. B. for four hours. The show made the front cover of Art’s monthly magazine and our interview was aired a second time four weeks later. We weren’t allowed back on because the interview upset some powerful people.

Crusador:  I understand that you have no ill feelings toward any of the powers that be for stonewalling this simple solution. Why not?

Because the job of every CEO is to make more money for the company and its shareholders. He’d be fired if he didn’t do that. The problem is that every business is the same and there are no incentives for any business to eliminate the problems that are their main sources of income. How many of us would blow the whistle on a problem that is our main source of income?

Crusador:  Is your faith in God and your desire to help others the main reason why you are so motivated to share this message with the world?

Absolutely! I consider myself the luckiest person in the world and I wouldn’t trade places with anyone for all the money in the world. The Water Cure is truly a gift from God and passes the litmus test for being this gift. It is free, has no negative side effects, it works and is truly a blessing to the world. I just prayed the following as I completed this questionnaire: “Bless my words with God’s light and love to give them the energy to heal, strengthen and nourish the bodies and spirits of all who read them.”

Read Dr. B.’s dedication in each of his books:  “To our Creator, with Awe, Humility and Love.” I can honestly say that I am infinitely rewarded in the wonderful feeling that I receive in knowing that I am sharing Dr. B.’s tremendous discovery with people around the world. I am deeply honored to be able to do it and I hope these words will inspire many more to pass this wonderful discovery on.

Crusador:  Have you had any support from doctors and the medical community?

From a few who can be seen on the TV special by WYOU TV and Dr. Su who have willingly put their seals of approval on it and many other doctors who have quietly supported the Water Cure and shared it with their patients. Many nurses and people who work in local hospitals are also passing this on.

Crusador:  Thanks for the opportunity to interview you, Bob. Hopefully thousands of people reading this interview will find the healing they have been searching for that won’t leave them penniless, in debt, and confused.

Bob:  Thanks, Greg. I assure you that anyone trying the Water Cure recipe will see astounding results nothing short of miraculous.

The Water Cure Recipe

Drink 1/2 your body weight of water in ounces, daily. Example: 180 lb = 90 oz. of water daily. Divide that into 8 or 10 oz. glasses and that's how many glasses you will need to drink, daily. Use 1/4 tsp. of unprocessed sea salt for every quart of water you drink. Use sea salt liberally with food. As long as you drink the water, you can use the salt. Use only 50 to 80 mineral, no additive, unprocessed sea salt.  Avoid table salt.  It only has three minerals in it. While the best sea salts contain all minerals, you should eat a banana or two a day for potassium and take some magnesium, calcium and zinc to maximize your immune system. Avoid caffeinated or alcoholic drinks. These are diuretics and will dehydrate you. Every 6 oz. of caffeine or alcohol requires an additional 10 to 12 oz. of water to re-hydrate you.

Monitor your pH checking both urine and saliva with test strips. The best pH is 7.36. The lower the reading, the more acid your body is and the more difficult it is for it to repair itself because it is then in a degenerative state. You will find that in most cases, the people with cancer and other terrible health problems are very acid. Water & sea salt are the best for neutralizing acid, but there are foods you need to select for proper pH.

Featured Articles

Class Action Suit

by Lynn Berry

(NaturalNews) Five years ago the TGA (Therapeutic Goods Administration) took drastic action against Pan Pharmaceuticals because of the hospitalisation of 19 people who took Travacalm (a travel sickness drug). TGA stripped the company of its licence and ordered a recall of all their products including natural supplements.

Such action is unheard of with pharmaceutical drugs that cause adverse effects. Even though Pan Pharmaceuticals had withdrawn the product (a standard procedure in the circumstances), TGA continued with the recall, the biggest in history, of 1600 different products, causing chaos amongst retailers and suppliers, as well as concern amongst consumers. Pan Pharmaceuticals collapsed with repercussions across the industry.

Last week the former CEO of Pan Pharmaceuticals was awarded $50 million dollars (AUS) with an extra 5 million for legal costs for what he claims was an abuse of power by the TGA. The case revealed that the TGA had abused their powers.

Now as a result of the settlement, a $200 million dollar class action has been launched which would enable those directly and indirectly affected by the TGA’s action to claim compensation.

The travel sickness product was the trigger for other astounding actions by the TGA. Consider that the TGA rated other products (vitamins and minerals) made by Pan Pharmaceuticals as class 1 meaning that these products would be capable of causing death or injury even though there had been no complaints about them.

This is in contrast to a drug such as VIOXX, made by Merck, which the TGA rated as a class 2 recall meaning that it could cause illness. However, VIOXX caused over 55,000 confirmed deaths to Americans. The class 2 ratings given indicate that the drug could not cause death or injury.

Since the Pan debacle, other organisations that produce natural supplements have been pressured in various ways by the establishment including increased compliance costs (up by 800% for one company) or into signing agreements protecting TGA from loss of business claims that might emanate from increased regulation, see (…) for further details.

Over 100 companies are interested in joining the class action including the high profile Blackmores, a producer of natural supplements. The executive chairman of Blackmores said that in the first week of the TGA action against Pan Pharmaceuticals, Blackmores lost 20% of their customers.

Some are claiming that the case highlights the need for natural supplements need to be regulated. Would that be the same regulation pharmaceutical drugs like VIOXX are subjected to?