Customer Testimonials

Chronic Ear Ache

Dear Utopia Silver,

I am absolutely thrilled to comment about the benefits of colloidal silver and gold. These minerals are definitely a God send.

My mother has been into alternative healing for many years. My brothers and I joked around and called her Dr. Quack.  As I near 50, with no health insurance, I am now forced to look into alternative therapies or pay 300 bucks for a doctor visit and another 100 for meds.  I had an ear ache that worried me to death for months.  It wasn’t a pounding, debilitating pain; it was just annoying and would come and go. I went to the health store and tried candling, but it didn’t work.  I broke down and asked Dr. Quack and she recommended silver.  I was shocked how fast it worked.  I put it directly in my ear, left it and injested it with my juice.  The next day I was feeling much better.  I was still skeptical (bc the pain would come and go) so I didnt use it again.  The pain came back.  I though well this is interesting.  So I decided to do it as an antibiotic regiment.  I used it daily in my ear and continued to to ingest it with my juice.  Today my ear is completely cured and I have had no more pain.  Amazing.  I am now getting the gold minerals and my circulation, energy, and mood has improved tremendously.  It is no wonder ancient people gave silver and gold to the kings and the gods.
Thank you!