Health & Freedom

Colloidal Silver; Silver Bullet or Silver Bust? Part III

(or A Layman’s Guide to Using Colloidal Silver)
By Ben Taylor

Since the subject of tooth care came up, I must also interject a short side story here. In view of the fact that silver soap can be an effective tooth care product and silver is under attack by the EPA as a ‘pesticide’, is the question of the dangers of fluoride. One of the most dangerous products people keep in their homes is toothpaste with fluoride. A recent television episode of CSI had a homicide scenario where an adult female died from the ingestion of two tubes of fluoride toothpaste. For the average adult, one tube can cause death. This should scare the heck out of parents who have small children in their homes. This one example gives us an indication of the disregard for health and safety when it comes to ‘profit’ that dominates many large companies and their partners in crime, the FDA and the EPA. This dangerous poison is not only irresponsibly put into toothpaste, but is injected into the water supplies of all America cities without regard to scientific fact. As usual, when the force of ‘government’ gets behind something even the truth, as well as public safety gets steamrolled.

Now back to silver bullets.

For sinuses two of the most effective tools to use are a mist sprayer/squeeze bottle and better yet, a nebulizer. Most colds start in the nose and as soon as you feel that hot and scratchy sensation, get your mist sprayer and fill it half with silver so that with each squeeze, liquid and air mix to form a fine mist of colloidal silver. If you catch it before it creeps down the throat, you can often stop it in the sinuses with this economical little tool. …But if a cold gets past the sinuses and down into the bronchial tubes or the lungs, the best piece of equipment is a nebulizer, powered by a small but powerful compressor that produces a fine vapor that is inhaled into the mouth and then exhaled thru the nose or vice-versa. For more advanced stages of congestion, 1-3 drops of Lobelia can also be added to the colloidal silver or to a little distilled water. Lobelia is an herb used as a natural respiratory and lung cleanser. Do not use chlorinated or fluorinated water for this purpose; use either pure colloidal silver or distilled water.

The above topical and respiratory uses of silver are relatively easy to figure out, but it is the internal problems, such as Hep-C or Crohn’s that sometimes present a more difficult issue of ‘how much to use’. My only rule of thumb is this, I use whatever it takes to do the job and if that doesn’t work, I use a little more. My personal use of colloidal silver is simple, I brush my teeth with it in my soap and then I use about a ¼ ounce a day on normal days and if I feel that I’m catching a bug, I will hit it hard with ½ to 1 ounce every 3-4 hours until the symptoms are gone. It seldom takes me more than an 8 oz. bottle, but I find that even avid users of silver are way too timid about more aggressive use whether if for a cold or for a more serious issue. We all have simply been intimidated by media disinformation into being scared of using effective silver quantities, at least for short periods of time.

Long-term, heavy use of silver simply for maintenance purposes I do not advocate, but short-term heavy use will usually be the difference in how effective your silver therapy will be. The aggressive use of silver seldom if ever has to be long-term and should not be for very many, although I have heard of some persistent problems that took more time to resolve, such as Herpes or Candida. Even silver can have difficulty tracking down viruses (like Herpes) that tend to go dormant and hide in the base of the spine (Herpes Simplex II) or the joint of the jaw (Herpes Simplex I) and then travel along nerves rather than thru the bloodstream. Colloidal silver (particle silver) gets into the blood stream relatively easy when taken in volume, but seems to have a much more difficult time getting to the tissue of the nerves. Candida, if it has become systemic and gotten into the bloodstream, may also require a much larger ‘volume’ of silver to bring it into contact with all the yeast spread throughout the body.

Some of the easiest problems to handle with silver are of the stomach, the bladder, the kidneys, the liver and the intestinal tract. These are all areas where particle silver is the most effective since it is better able to survive the hydrochloric acid of the stomach and of the chloride environs of the body. Stomach, bladder, and kidney issues generally respond reasonably well to smaller amounts (a few teaspoons or tablespoons) of silver than does the intestines, colon, and liver because of their function in the digestive system. These last three generally require a number of ounces and even multiple bottles depending of course on the severity of the problem. It is simply common sense; when there are systemic problems that are widespread in the body or if there are large numbers of microbes to deal with, it may require more silver to do the job. Therefore, one cannot expect much results if treating these type issues with simply a teaspoon or two of silver.

It is important to remember that with a heavier usage of silver, especially for more than a few days or a week, one should take Acidophilus and/or Pro-biotics an hour or so afterwards to replenish the colon flora that is essential for proper digestion. Silver kills bacteria/flora and as far as I know has no built in programming to distinguish good bacteria from bad. Often times ‘bad bacteria’ is simply an overgrowth of what might otherwise be ‘good bacteria’. Such problems are often caused by the use of patented antibiotics, which by the way are responsible for the deaths of thousands of people every year. Dr. Henry E. Simmons, former director of the FDA’s Bureau of Drugs, in 1972 Senate subcommittee hearings stated that antibiotics were, at that time, responsible for from 30,000 to 150,000 deaths. The numbers may be much higher now. Eating live culture yogurt is also a good option, but costs more than the bottled Probiotic supplements. I personally make a habit of consuming Acidophilus, yogurt and Probiotics every day regardless of how much silver I use.

As I was finishing up this article, I received another question about the shelf life of colloidal silver. Nano-particle colloidal silver lasts longer if stored at warmer temperatures. I have boiled colloidal silver on a stove and in a microwave and there seems to be no amount of heat that affects it. But cold is a different matter. If nano-particle silver is exposed to cold, even refrigerator cold, the particles can agglomerate, causing some color change. At temperatures near or below freezing, the particles can fall out altogether. You know this has happened because the liquid will become clear with a dark silver residue on the bottom. Ionic silver seems unaffected by either heat or cold. Therefore warm is better for your nano-particle colloidal silver storage.

          To sum things up here in regard to silver use, I reiterate that I am not addressing the use of silver produced with chemical processes, silver nitrates, saline silver solutions, or silver in protein, or any high ppm and large particle silver. My recommendation is only for nano-particle colloidal silver produced electrically in distilled water. As referenced in this three part article, I believe the use of ionic silver is very effective topically and in areas where it does not need to get into the bloodstream. Particle silver is by far the best for use inside the body where it must pass through the stomach or requires getting into the bloodstream to be effective.

          I have seen research reference to the body cell’s having silver receptors. If this research is true, then silver must be considered an essential mineral to the good health of the body and regular maintenance use (1-3 teaspoons per day) will help to maintain some beneficial essential trace level of silver. If the intent is for a therapeutic use of silver, then much larger short-term servings may be required for effective results. Just remember, it is only the long-term abusive use of the wrong kind of silver products that may over time produce issues such as Argyria, but an aggressive short-term use of nano-particle silver in distilled water is not a problem. So don’t let the propaganda machines of the Pharma-industrial complex and their ‘government’ agency shills such as the FDA and the EPA scare you away from nature’s safest and most perfect natural anti-biotic.

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