Ask Utopia Silver


Dear Utopia Silver,
My daughter has a meibomium cyst in each eye.  She has had them for a few months now and have got larger – now the size of a small pea.  Surgery is invasive and uncomfortable.  Could your product help?  I'm concerned with putting anything on the eye that might cause a reaction.

Clare in Great Britain


Hi Clare,
First of all, if you suspect anything life-threatening, be sure and consult a healthcare professional. Silver may be of benefit applied directly into the eye if it is microbial related. We also have an eyewash cup that allows the eye to be flushed. Eye Flush Cup

If it is suspected that a ‘cyst’ might be a potential tumor, I would also use IP-6. IP-6 article on our website.

MD Anderson Reference

I use silver in my eyes and my pet’s eyes periodically with absolutely no problems; just don’t use it everyday for more than a few days. There are beneficial bacteria that need a chance to regenerate, so if using for a few weeks take a few days in between using.

Ben in Utopia

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