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Dogs Can Sniff Out Cancer In People

by Mike Adams

(NaturalNews) The mainstream media is suddenly reporting on the idea that dogs can sniff out cancer in human beings. This concept is no surprise to NaturalNews readers, of course, as we've talked about this before, but until now the idea that cancer patients could be detected by smelling them was considered pure quackery by conventional doctors.

Immune Protocol

Of course, conventional doctors are once again wrong: Cancer patients do have a particular smell due to the metabolic off-gassing of cancer cell tumors. But here's the real story the mainstream media isn't telling you: It's not just dogs that can smell cancer — many health practitioners can also smell cancer patients.

I've personally spoken to numerous natural health practitioners who say they can smell cancer in patients. It's not really a difficult thing to do, it turns out. With a bit of training, I believe most doctors could even be trained to do it, much like this dog in Japan which correctly identified cancer from stool samples 37 out of 38 times.

It doesn't mean doctors have to sniff patients' poo, either: You can also smell cancer on someone's breath, so just talking to a patient can give a doctor an opportunity to do that. (Historically, by the way, physicians use to taste patients' urine, from which they could diagnose a number of diseases, especially diabetes.)

This particular research on dogs' ability to sniff out cancer was conducted by researchers at the Kyushu University in Japan. Dr Hideto Sonoda, who conducted the research, told the BBC, "The specific cancer scent indeed exists, but the chemical compounds are not clear. Only the dog knows the true answer."

An important point in all this is that the cancer-sniffing dogs were able to detect early-stage bowel cancer — something that is extremely difficult for modern medical technology to detect. And it only takes a dog a few seconds — at virtually zero cost — to make the assessment.

Now, of course, medical scientists are busy trying to build an electronic device to replace the dog, because conventional medicine can't stand the fact that something built by nature (the dog's nose) might be better than some million-dollar electronic gizmo they come up with that can be billed out at $500 a test. So rather than just using dogs who can already detect cancer right now, they're going to wait around a few years and try to create some high-tech equipment that will probably be a poor replacement for the dog.

That's how modern medicine works: It steals good ideas from nature and replicates them, but the results are almost always a poor imitation of what Mother Nature has provided for free. Here's how the end results would likely stack up:

Accuracy: 98%
Cost: One dog biscuit and a pat on the head

Accuracy: 60%
Cost: $500 billed to Medicare

Gee, which one do you think conventional medicine will end up using?

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