Ask Utopia Silver

Juniper Oil

Do you carry the cedar oil still? Under what catagory? Also i have a jack russel and a chow mix dog who suffers with severe allergys, because of sniffing pollen when she goes outside for bathroom visits. What do you suggest? I have tried every herbal respiratory on market. Thanks Deborah Barnett.



Hi Deborah,
See, Texas Juniper Essential Oil

Avoiding allergies is a tough one, especially if it is the pollen itself she is allergic to. Sometime thought the pollen can hold mold and/or fungi, which can be killed by colloidal silver. Is it possible to get her to breathe from a nebulizer using silver? Silver in her water might diminish the inflammatory and infection effects of allergies. Another great anti-inflammatory is Enzymes—if you could grind them into a powder and put them in water and get her to drink them using a Disposable Syringe This works best on an empty stomach, but may cause a little diarrhea.

The best and easiest solution might be to simply keep her away from pollen by restricting where she goes when she’s outside.

Ben in Utopia