Customer Testimonials

Lynn in California

Just wanted you to know I just read the article on Natural News how you are standing up to the FDA[/TDH] (this is why I placed an order with you). Thank you.

Also, I was impressed with your legal methods and not being suckered into color of law. I would love to learn more about all this admiralty, common law, subject matter jurisdiction, etc. Can you refer me to a web site or other on this type of information? Thanks again for taking on the battle.

Best to you,
Lynn in California

Hi Lynn,
We have some info posted on our website at a Legal Info page,

Our disclaimer pages:

This is a blog of a friend who has assisted me in the TDH/FDA state’s case against me. He has as much insight as anyone concerning the nature of this system of illusion and deception.

I simply cannot express the gratitude that I have for people like you. Natural News has a four part interview with me about the court case mentioned above.

Ben in Utopia

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