Customer Testimonials


Utopia Silver,

My husband suffers from Hep C, rheumatoid arthritis, depression, eczema, disorientation, he is in the end stages of liver disease. In June of 2002 doctors said he had about 6-12 months to live. Since he started on the silver/gold his mental state has improved, he has an appetite and is eating small meals all day long.

He was taking 3-4 short naps throughout the day and now some days he goes all day without napping. He has had eczema real bad on his scalp, neck and behind the ears. It looked so bad and he would scratch til he was bleeding. He is spraying some silver directly on his scalp and it is completely gone. He had the eczema for about 3 years and doctors had prescribed medicated shampoo, ointments etc. and nothing ever worked.

I have several other testimonies but do not have time right now.

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