Ask Utopia Silver

Opana Er


Hey Ben,

I am definitely "sold" on the benefits of Colloidal Silver and am ready to purchase; however, I just have two specific questions that I would like to ask first.

 1) I have Hypo-Pituitary Adrenal Insufficiency and am on Prednisone (corticosteroid) as a cortisol-replacement therapy.  In addition, due to a successful diagnosis taking over two years I suffered extreme nerve damage in my abdomen region and suffer from chronic pain which is managed by taking Opana Er.  I am hoping that the therapeutic benefits of the colloidal silver will help, but my specific question is whether it is safe to take the colloidal silver with the Opana Er.  The Opana Er time-release mechanism is rather sensitive, so I wanted to make sure that I would be ok in proceeding.

2) With so many products and supplements available on your site, is there anything else you recommend in conjunction with the colloidal silver?  Unfortunately, I am not a "rich" man in the material sense of the word….so I have to be rather selective with how I spend my money.  The colloidal silver is #1 on my list, but I am willing to try anything to help remedy my situation and improve my long-term health moving forward.

At this point, if the colloidal silver is safe to take with the Opana Er and the process of making one's own solution is relatively user-friendly I am going to go ahead and order at least the 3-pack of colloidal silver solution and the necessary items to make my own.  I greatly appreciate your willingness to answer my questions.  Thank you again and I look forward to hearing from you!

Aaron in Pennsylvania


Hi Aaron,

Of course, I am not aware of any tests using Colloidal Silver with Opana Er (which is a morphine/opiate type pain reliever) that would note any contra-indications with silver or any other pain medication.  Silver is simply a trace mineral in water. The purpose of silver is to boost the immune system by killing any ‘germ’ (one-celled organism) overgrowth and is reported to enhance tissue regeneration; any other benefit is speculative at best.

You may want to look at Pancreatin (enzymes) ; 3-6 caps taken on an empty stomach fights inflammation and scarring both internally and externally. Whether or not it will aid in regenerating any nerve damage, I can’t say. Another beneficial side effect is that it improves (sometimes dramatically) circulation in the capillaries throughout the body by reducing plaque build up. You may want to start slowly (1-3 on an empty stomach), but do not consume enzymes with it any drug in that it will enhance the absorption and intensify the effects. It is ok to take with supplements to increase their absorption.

Good Luck my friend,

Ben in Utopia

(edited for brevity)

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