Let me say I'm very impressed with your web site and quick service. I am heartened by your dedication to the causes you espoused so well below[in your Notice:], and hopeful I will find more answers as I go along.
Best wishes and hopes for your continued success.
If we would put God and ‘The Supreme Law of The Land’ as envisioned by our American Founders back in its proper place and hold our politicians to it (or
string them up-whichever they prefer), our Nation would be in much better shape rather than being on the precipice of total collapse.
Ben Taylor
Utopia Silver Supplements
830 966-2315
Notice: We are not doctors and we suggest that you consult a healthcare professional, preferably a qualified naturopathic doctor or one who has been trained in integrative medicine if you have a life or health threatening illness. We also encourage you to diligently research all information on our websites to decide if you are in agreement with the opinions offered. All decisions made in the use of supplements is the sole responsibility of each individual.
All information offered here is strictly opinion and is presented as an exercise of our God-given unalienable Right of free speech, as well as the right to help others set forth, in part, by The Herbalist’s Charter, a part of American Common Law which along with the Organic Laws make up The Supreme Law of The Land. http://utopiasilver.com/legal_doc/healthcare-choice.htm
We conduct all business activity only under The Common and Organic Laws within the organic State of Texas, The United States of America. The use of any other ‘law’ in dealing with Ben Taylor or Utopia Silver Supplements must be by our consent with full disclosure.
Without Prejudice UCC 1.308
Ben Taylor
Utopia Silver Supplements