Customer Testimonials

Bladder Infection, Burns, & Candida

Hi Utopia,

I live in the small gold mining town of Norseman in Western Australia.

I have lived here for nearly 10 years now. My husband and I came out from New Zealand to Western Australia in 1986. I am quite excited to find out about such a wonderful product the silver colloidal has proved to be for so many people. I have suffered for 18 years from recurrent bladder infections, and I am so sick of having to rely on antibiotics time and time again. Having found no relief from any other natural remedies, I am so relieved at last to have stumbled across such a wonderful product. And to think it has been there all this time, I wonder why it took so long to come across it. My older sister actually put me onto it, when she posted me a bottle only about 3 weeks ago. Her boyfriend was seriously burned as a child and the Dr’s used the colloidal silver to treat him, and with great success. I have also been using cortisone cream on my hands for quite some time, but after taking colloidal silver 3 times a day for only a week my skin is healing up remarkably. Needless to say it must be killing off the candida albicans.

 Colleen in Australia