Customer Testimonials

Patricia in Michigan

Dear Utopia,
Thank-you for your attention and holiday wishes and thank-you for sharing your dreams; ie Utopia Silver. You've made a difference in my life. I wish you the happiest new year possible. I'll be certain to tell all of my associates about you and your wonderful company.

Patricia in Michigan

Customer Testimonials

Jill, CureZone Contributor

Dear CureZone Readers,
I have a 94 year old lady that I take care of. She is a sweetheart but is definitely fading quite naturally in strength as the months go by. She has a very strong heart and great digestion—a good appetite and no problems in general keeping things "moving along" if you know what I mean. Which is all very important reasons why she has lived so long and is so strong. Also living in a very rural area, I am sure she was probably raised on raw milk and mostly farm fresh products.
She does have either asthma and high blood pressure. Recently, one of the other aides, who basically does almost nothing for my little lady when she is there, dropped her on her head. She lied about it, too. My patient didn't talk for 2 days and seemed to be in pain. After Iwas on for a couple of days, she perked up amazingly and started talking again and eating, etc. The person in charge noticed, this is the last of many red flags—so the other aide is being phased out rather quickly, which she is not happy about. Almost immediately after this, my patient developed an upper respiratory infection which coupled with her asthma, was very scary. And the clinic would not prescribe anitbiotics for her. Next time I was on I sneakily brought a bottle of Utopia Silver and not only did I give her doses through the day, I gave her a couple of breathing treatments with the silver.

WOW! What a difference even by the end of the day! Also, she has had a very nasty (also untreated) eye infection for many weeks. Every morning I have to wash away lots of yellow gunk. I put the silver in her eyes. Next morning, not only was she dramatically improved in her cold symptoms, but her eyes were completely cleared up!

I continued with the same regime the next day. She was great all day! When the doctor called, he was so surprised! He asked, did the clinic prescribe antibiotics? I told him "No". The lady in charge said, "Oh, maybe the Mucinex is breaking it up!" Uh, no. But I have to keep mum because I would probably get in a heap of trouble if it were known, which is a shame, because people should know about this stuff. I am not really worried about telling the lady in charge, but if the doctor knew, well, you know doctors and silver supplements. I would never, ever in any way shape or form ever medicate a patient so surreptitiously with any other type of medication in this way. I just have such complete trust in the safety and efficacy of the Utopia Silver.

She is a DNR patient. She is being cared for in her own home. She pays for her care. I know she is being given basically only palliative care, but I can see no reason why she should have to go drowning in fluids struggling for every breath when there is no need for this. My prayer for her is that she remains strong until Jesus takes her home peacefully in her sleep.

I really am so grateful to have discovered Utopia Silver. As soon as I can afford to, I am going to purchase the machine from Utopia Silver and a gallon of the good stuff, too, before they manage to make it illegal to do so.

Blessings, Jill~
CureZone Contributor

Customer Testimonials

Gary in Texas

Dear Utopia Silver
My son played high school football.  The athletic building was host to MRSA, and several athletes contracted the virus.  My son is one of these unfortunate few.
Since graduating a couple of years ago he has had sporadic outbreaks of the MRSA.  It appears as an area of discoloration, redness around the infection, and a large nasty pus pocket.  

The doctor treats by lancing the site and squeezing out the infection, then packing the cavity left by the infection with a sterile drain wick.  Of course, lots of antibiotics.
….the purpose of this post is to advise that we decided to treat the infection with your Collodial Silver (CS) solution. Before packing the cavity with a cloth wick we fill it with Collodial Silver.  Then we bandage it.  Of course he takes the CS solution orally as well.  

The very first day of CS treatment all the redness disappeared.  The "pus infection" has stopped, and the cavity is shrinking, and the pain of the would is all but gone.

By the way, the Doctor is amazed at how quickly the would is healing, but doubts that CS has anything to do with it.  (typical medical response)

Thank you for your excellent product.  I conclude that it is effective in treating MRSA.
Gary in Texas

Customer Testimonials


I don't know how often you might go to my blog, if ever. But I recently posted about giving a co-worker some Colloidal Silver to use topically on her acne. She had heard me talk about it several times before, and I gave her a small amount to try. She knew I took it orally, but it never entered my mind she would use it orally as well.
She and I left the work area one day together to share a break time. We stopped by the jewelry counter so she could show me some titanium rings she had picked out for her wedding next year. While we were looking at them, she then informed me she was highly allergic to silver jewelry!!!! Had I known that, I probably would never have given the Collidal Silver to her. But since I had, and she had used it topically and internally with no ill effects, I was elated!!!!

This girl has loads of allergies!!!! If anyone would have had a reaction, she would have. And it would have happened the first time she applied it to her acne. She is now a firm believer in the Colloidal Silver.

I thought I would pass this on to you, since it had been one of my original questions. Hope all is well with you and yours!!!!


Customer Testimonials

Mickey in New Jersey

Morning Ben,
You are up early. Is a handshake still an honored thing in Texas? I have reviewed some patents that show the hepatitis virus can be destroyed by colloidal silver. For this to be allowed in a patent, proof must be submitted. One patent utilized stints placed in the body and an electrical charge was introduced making colloidal silver in the body.

Do you know of a doctor who will administer colloidal silver intravenously? Do you know of anyone in the New Jersey area that will do this procedure? My doctor will not cooperate in spite of my willingness to sign a release. I suffer from Hepatitis C and have records dating back two years showing a constant increase in the viral load, but my blood work records now could be used as a testimony for your product. There are many I know who suffer the same inflection, it is an epidemic.

Mickey in New Jersey

Customer Testimonials

Lawrence C

Dear Utopia Silver,
While on vacation a couple weeks ago, I wore new shoes that caused large, (literally) quarter sized blisters on both of my heels.
(not very smart, i know!) They both burst and bled quite a lot. Since i had to wear shoes, I cleaned them daily with CS, and put a dropper full of CS on each bandage. Even WITH the warm, moist environment inside of my shoes, they NEVER GOT INFECTED and healed completely in record time. No redness, no swelling,no pus, no nothing. Perfect healing in record time. every medicine cabinet needs a bottle of utopia CS.

Thank you,
Lawrence C

Customer Testimonials

Mike H

Dear Utopia Silver,
My wife and I have had allergies bad for several years.  My wife has had to take allergy shots all her life.

We started taking Utopia (Silver) and she has not had to take an allergy shot and I am not stopped up all the time. We have also gotten several of our friends at church on it also.  They are not having bad headaches or allergies.  I have found this product to be the answer to our allergies.

Thanks for your time,
Thanks Mike H.

Customer Testimonials

Carl S., OD


Thought you might be interested in what the eye care field is doing regarding therapeutics:

Biomedical engineers at the University of California (UC) Davis have devised materials that they're hoping to develop as a contact lens outfitted with pressure sensors and medication stores. When the sensors detect changes in eye pressure that signal the need for medication, the contact lens will dispense the medication itself. The material is made of polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) onto which precisely patterned powdered silver is placed. The silver, an antimicrobial agent, becomes the conductive wiring that makes these the lens "smart." When shaped and worn as a contact lens, the PDMS-silver disc is expected to dispense medication as the pressure in the eye dictates. The contact lens will also be capable of relaying ocular statistics that can be evaluated to further knowledge of glaucoma, with improved treatment or prevention as the ultimate goal. The UC research team has applied for approval to test the lenses on humans.

Carl S., OD

Customer Testimonials

Iain in Oregon

Utopia Silver,

I read with great interest the article describing Ben Taylor's fight with the corporate machine dba US[A] [UNITED STATES federal corporation defined in 28 United States Code Sec. 3002(15),—-000-.
Where/how did he come by the knowledge that allowed him to stop this giant in its tracks? This is information every citizen should have as a matter of daily course of living their lives. On behalf of the grateful few, thank you, Mr. Taylor.

Iain in Oregon

Customer Testimonials

Bob in North Carolina

Dear Utopia Silver,

I just read the article in "Natural News Insider Alert" about your ordeal with the FDA and the Texas courts. And I must say your success and attitude towards this corrosive and corrupt bunch of people has made my day, week, month, and year. Ben Taylor is the equivalent of a national hero and should be given a multitude of awards for his efforts.

My abundant thanks for hanging tough – I only wish that it could have been me as I too would love to fight these guys to the bitter end.  A job well done.

Bob in North Carolina


Hi Bob,

I can’t begin to tell you how much I appreciate your comments,  …but I’m no hero- I simply did what I believe most people would do when backed into a corner. I fought for survival by learning the truth and have refused to compromise that truth with a corrupt and deceptive system.

Again-many humble thanks,

Ben Taylor