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Federal Gestapo Illegally Raid Gibson Guitar

by: Ethan A. Huff

(NaturalNews) Due process under the law and assumed innocence before being proven guilty are two concepts that are apparently no longer applicable in the United States of America, at least as far as the federal government is concerned.

For the second time in two years, armed federal agents have illegally raided the manufacturing facilities of Gibson Guitars Corp., this time confiscating more than a million dollars worth of imported wood and ebony — and they did so without proper notice or warning, without any valid reason, and without lawful charges of any kind.

Gibson, one of the world's premier guitar manufacturers, and a company that has continually tried to honestly and readily abide by domestic and international laws concerning its material sourcing while continuing to provide quality products to its customers, has for some reason landed in the cross fire of the federal gestapo.

Though Gibson has not violated any laws, and has gone above and beyond mandated requirements for sourcing sustainable wood and other materials for its instruments, the heavy hand of a bloated and out-of-control government has decided to unlawfully target the company for extinction.

According to a recent press statement made by Henry Juszkiewicz, Gibson's Chairman and CEO, armed marshals stormed the company's Nashville, Tenn., and Memphis, Tenn., manufacturing facilities on August 24, and proceeded to evacuate the buildings, shut down production, order all employees to go home, and steal more than a million dollars worth of rosewood and ebony that had been legally imported from India.

"It is extremely troubling," stated a calm and collected, but obviously shaken, Juszkiewicz during a recent press conference. "What is more troubling is that the Justice Department's position is that any guitar that we ship out of this facility is potentially an obstruction of justice, and to be followed with criminal charges."

US officials have actually refused to tell Gibson what it allegedly did wrong, and why the raid was conducted. The company was never notified of any potential violations prior to the raid, and no official charges were ever filed. By all appearances, the government simply decided one day to unlawfully storm the company's manufacturing units with loaded weapons, and is now attempting to destroy one of the last honest American manufacturers in existence.

"It is not illegal, it was exported legally, endorsed by the Indian government, it was Forest Stewardship Council recognized wood," stated Juszkiewicz concerning the stolen wood. "We're not in the wrong. We haven't actually been charged with any wrongdoing. And yet our entire operation has effectively been noticed to be shut down."

US government officials don't feel they even need a reason to perform raids anymore
The fact that the US federal government is refusing to disclose why it raided Gibson, as well as its added failure to press any proper legal charges against the company, suggests that there is truly no legitimate reason at all. Every guitar manufacturer imports rosewood and ebony from India and various other countries — and many do not even have the same high quality standards as Gibson — and yet, for whatever reason, Gibson has become the government's chosen target, despite the fact that it has broken no laws and has never been convicted of any crimes.

In today's America, in other words, government officials do not even need a legitimate reason to target a company, seize its goods, and shut it down. In total desecration of the rule of law, the federal government simply targets whomever it wants to these days, without reason or cause, and sends in its taxpayer-funded minions to perform the execution. In this case, the target is a leading US manufacturer of musical instruments.

While many other US instrument manufacturers have outsourced production to other companies, Gibson has hired 580 American employees in the past two years alone, which build its guitars domestically. It is one of the few major US companies that still produces a tangible, valuable product within the country's borders, and one that is led by a humble and forthcoming CEO who has chosen to stick his own neck out on the line in defense of his company and his employees.

But apparently none of this matters to the corrupt federal government which, ironically, is charged with defending and protecting companies like Gibson, not raiding and terrorizing them.

Be sure to watch Juszkiewicz's roughly 30-minute press conference here:…

If you own a guitar, you too could be targeted by the Feds based on corrupted Lacey Law
Though federal officials have ordered that Gibson stop manufacturing and selling guitars, Juszkiewicz has instructed his employees to continue operations, indicating that he alone will take personal responsibility for any potential repercussions. Ceasing production indefinitely at the arbitrary command of federal officials, especially without a valid reason, would destroy the company.

So for the time being, Gibson is still manufacturing and distributing guitars, and waiting to see how the government responds. It is also trying to seek justice for the stolen wood, which was certified as legal and sustainable, though it has yet to make any considerable progress in this endeavor.

In the meantime, those who own Gibson guitars, and potentially even guitars of other brands, may want to prepare themselves for potential targeting by the federal government as well. The vague wording of the US Department of Agriculture's (USDA) Lacey Act of 2008, which is the law that was somehow used to warrant the Gibson raids, places all guitar owners and resellers in the cross fire of potential federal scrutiny.

"According to [The Lacey Act], if you bought a guitar from us and you resell it, you are criminally liable," stated Juszkiewicz. "Everyone who touches the product, the store owner who sells that guitar, is criminally liable. It doesn't matter whether you knew or not that there was some issue here. It's a pretty dangerous precedent in my opinion."

Coverage in the Calgary Herald adds that guitar owners who do not have proper documentation for their instrument could potentially face its confiscation if the Feds feel as though something about the guitar is in violation of the Lacey Act.

It does not matter if the guitar was produced in full accordance with the law — if the government decides that some aspect of the guitar is in violation of the Lacey Act, it could theoretically seize it or any other wood-containing instrument at airports, country borders, and other areas, and even arrest the instrument owners in the process.

"Most people would say you have to know you did something wrong to do something wrong. This law says no, you don't have to have done anything wrong to be going to jail," added Juszkiewicz concerning the Lacey Act.

So there you have it. The US has literally devolved into an unbridled police state where the federal government freely raids companies, arrests innocent individuals, and performs other acts of domestic terrorism for absolutely no reason at all. The enemies of freedom that now run our government presume guilt rather than innocence, and they deny the constitutional protocols of due process that they are tasked with upholding in the process.

"People assume that if you're gonna be investigated by the federal government that you're guilty," stated Juszkiewicz about the lunacy of what his company now faces. "We can't even say that we're not guilty of this because we're just guilty of something that they can't tell us yet. Think about that, how do you respond to that?"

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Cherries Are An Inexpensive Natural Remedy For Pain

by: Celeste M. Smucker

(NaturalNews) Pain is a huge problem for individuals, families, businesses and our economy. According to the American Pain Society, at any given time, as many as a third of us are in pain and every year pain drives half of us to a doctor`s office seeking relief. Combined costs of medical care and lost productivity due to chronic pain amount to $150 billion annually. While pain medications are expensive and have serious side effects, a number of natural and herbal remedies for pain relief are available which are good alternatives. One of these is cherries, which are loaded with antioxidants called anthocyanins that give them their red color along with significant pain relief.

General Pain Relief

In research published in 2004 at Johns Hopkins University, rats were injected with either a solution containing tart cherries or a prescription non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) and exposed to either a heated surface or an inflammatory agent. The tart cherries significantly reduced pain sensitivity and at the highest dosage were as effective as the drug. The authors conclude that tart cherries may have a beneficial role in inflammatory pain. In a 2001 study at Michigan State University, the anthocyanins in cherries were found to be equivalent to two common over-the-counter painkillers(also NSAIDs) for inhibiting the COX-1 and COX-2 enzymes associated with inflammation.

Sore Muscles in Athletes

Oregon`s Hood to Coast relay is a 197 mile race involving 1,000 relay teams. In 2009, scientists from Oregon`s Health and Science University studied the impact of tart cherry juice on pain in athletes participating in the race. Participants drank 10.5 ounces of tart cherry juice twice daily for a week prior to the race and then every 8 hours during the race. At the end of the race the cherry drinkers had less pain and faster muscle recovery. NSAIDs, though helpful for some kinds of pain, are associated with side effects including hospitalization and death. Tart cherry juice, on the other hand, has few if any side effects and may be a healthier choice for athletes and others who suffer from pain.


Gout is a painful type of arthritis caused by build up of uric acid in joints, often favoring the toes. In a 2003 study designed to test the value of cherries for ameliorating gout pain 10 healthy female volunteers ate 45 Bing cherries for breakfast. Researchers at the USDA`s Agricultural Research Service then evaluated levels of urate, a precursor of uric acid, in blood plasma levels and in urine. Within 5 hours of eating cherries, urate decreased in blood plasma levels and increased in urine. Scientists also evaluated levels of C-reactive protein and nitric oxide, two other markers of inflammation, which decreased after subjects ate cherries.


In a recent study at the Oregon Health and Science Center, women with fibromyalgia were evaluated for muscle pain and weakness after exercise. Of the 14 women, half drank cherry juice and half a placebo for ten days. Results showed a subset of the cherry group enjoyed a significant reduction in overall pain.

The research suggests that cherries can be effective for different kinds of pain conditions. While both tart and sweet cherries have anthocyanins, tart cherries have more of them as well as a lower glycemic index making them a better choice. Tart cherries are also one of the only known food sources of melatonin, helpful for those whose pain interrupts their sleep cycle.

Tart cherries are available dried, frozen, and in juice form.

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Natural Amino Acid Leucine May Help Burn Fat And Keep Muscle Tissue Strong

by: S. L. Baker

(NaturalNews) Researchers studying some of the toughest exercisers around — folks who climb the highest peak on Earth, Mt. Everest — have come up with evidence that the amino acid leucine may help people burn fat during times when they can't eat (such as mountain climbing) while keeping their muscle tissues strong. The new data was just reported at the 242nd National Meeting and Exposition of the American Chemical Society (ACS), currently being held in Denver.

In a pilot study, scientists supplemented the diet of an elite group of men and women mountain climbers with the amino acid leucine, a natural substance found in many foods (including lentils, peanuts, almonds, eggs and flax seeds), dietary supplements, and some energy bars.

In all, the researchers studied 10 climbers for 6 to 8 weeks as they ascended Mt. Everest, which towers 29,000 feet above sea level. They measured the physiological benefits of adding leucine to the climbers diets to see if the amino acid would help the climbers stay healthier and stronger on their trek — and it appeared to do just that.

Wayne Askew, Ph.D., and his co-investigator, Stacie Wing-Gaia, Ph.D., of the University of Utah, who headed the leucine study, explained in a statement to the media that the extreme weather conditions, low oxygen levels, treacherous terrain and strenuous exercise during such mountain climbs place an enormous nutritional challenge on the bodies of climbers.

For example, weight loss at high altitudes is a problem because climbers often cannot or do not eat enough calories as they climb, so they are unable to replenish their bodies with important nutrients. This results in the loss of both fat and muscle — and that can cause mountain climbers to become weak and lose motor coordination. At high altitudes, fat and muscle loss occurs at rest, too, and not just during arduous climbing.

"The significant part about this weight loss is that a disproportionate amount comes from the muscle mass," Dr. Askew said in a statement to the media. "This can be a problem on long expeditions at high altitude because the longer climbers are there and the higher they go, the weaker they get. The body breaks down the muscle for energy, so climbers don't have it available for moving up the mountain."

"We knew that leucine has been shown to help people on very low-calorie, or so-called calorie-restricted diets, stay healthy at sea level," he added. "It's one of the components, the building blocks, of protein. But no one had tested whether leucine would help people stay healthy and strong at high altitudes, so we added leucine to specially prepared food bars that we gave to the climbers."

For their study, members of Dr. Askew's research team, Dr. Wing-Gaia and Dr. Rodway, went to the climbers base camp and used an ultrasound device to measure the expedition members fat and muscle. They are currently studying the data they collected to see whether the climbers who ate leucine containing bars retained more muscle than those who ate energy bars without leucine — so far, it appears they did.

One early finding in the study was that the way leucine was delivered was critically important. The Everest climbers found it hard to eat three food bars per day that contained the additional leucine. While the current research was promising and suggests leucine may keep muscles strong during hard exercise, Dr. Askew added that a more controlled clinical study is needed along with improvements in easier-to-eat leucine food.

To this end, the researchers are consulting with military food product developers at Natick Research Development and Engineering Center and plan to conduct a more controlled study at high altitudes, possibly with the U.S. Army Institute of Environmental Medicine at their laboratory on Pike's Peak.

Dr. Askew pointed out that the findings about leucine's benefits aren't just good news for elite mountain climbers –they could also could help many people at low altitudes who simply want to lose weight while preserving their lean body mass. Leucine may be of particular benefit to the elders who want to maintain stronger muscles, too.

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Don’t Panic, Go Organic

by: Ronnie Cummins

(NaturalNews) So-called "business as usual" is neither sustainable, nor even possible, for much longer. Out-of-control energy corporations, Wall Street, the Pentagon, agribusiness/biotech corporations, and indentured politicians have driven us to the brink. They tell us: don't worry; trust the experts, things will soon return to "normal." But reality and common sense tell a different story. girl watering

Extreme weather, crop failures, commodities speculation, land grabs, escalating prices, soil degradation, depleted aquifers, routine contamination, food-related disease, and mass hunger represent the "new norm" for food and farming. The global agricultural system, with the exception of the rapidly growing organic sector, rests upon a shaky foundation. Patented seeds, genetically engineered crops, expensive and destructive chemical and energy-intensive inputs, factory farms, monoculture production, eroding soils, unsustainable water use, taxpayer subsidies, and long-distance hauling and distribution, including massive imports that amount to 15% of the U.S. food supply amount to a recipe for disaster.

A "perfect storm" or "ultimate recession" as described by Lester Brown in his new book, World on the Edge, could develop at any time, precipitated by extreme weather and crop failures on a massive scale. A growing number of nations, including the oil giants and China, are now scrambling to secure overseas farmland to feed their domestic populations. World grocers and supermarkets, including the U.S., have, on the average, only a four-day supply of food on hand. An oil shock, global disease pandemic, prolonged drought in the American heartland, or nuclear meltdown could set off a global food panic. Supermarket shelves and grain silos would be stripped bare within a short period of time. Have you thought about this? Are you and those in your local community ready for this?

Peak Food, Peak Oil, Peak Water, Peak Soil

World grain reserves amount to less than 75 days of supply. Harvests of strategic food grains and cereals have basically leveled off or even decreased, with enormous amounts of acreage now providing fuel for cars instead of food for people. At the same time, affordable fossil fuel energy supplies have peaked (Peak Oil), with the world increasingly dependent on "extreme" oil and natural gas extraction (deep sea and Arctic drilling, tar sands, and fracking), accelerating the prices of petroleum-based farm inputs, as well as food distribution and processing costs. Billions of people in the Global South are now spending 50-70% of their household income on food (although in the U.S. it is only 11%). Hydrologists and agronomists warn that Peak Water is fast approaching, when the already limited availability of water from underground aquifers for crop irrigation exponentially decreases. Peak Soil is also fast approaching, with soil erosion and desertification already degrading 25% of the earth's land. Peak Soil is directly related to unsustainable farming and forestry practices, including heavy pesticide use, chemical fertilizers, genetically engineered mono-crops, and non-sustainable grazing and clear-cutting. Meanwhile global population numbers (in direct relation to poverty and lack of education for women) and demand for food (especially meat and animal products) are accelerating.

Of course, we could go on and on, citing the ever more disturbing information we read every day in the mainstream media and on the Internet. But the life or death question is: what are we going to do about it?

Crash-Resistant and Climate-Friendly: The Organic Revolution

Fortunately, over the past 40 years, a new generation of organic farmers and ranchers have proliferated, building upon the wisdom and practices of indigenous and traditional farmers over the past 10,000 years. A growing corps of organic farmers and gardeners are producing increasing amounts of healthy, nutritious foods without the use of chemical fertilizers, pesticides, genetically engineered seeds, or animal drugs. At the same time, these 21st Century organic stewards of the land are consuming far less (50% or more) fossil fuels and water. Study after study has demonstrated that organic small farms in the developing world out-produce chemical and genetically engineered farms by a factor of two to one; while in the industrialized nations, sustainable organic yields are comparable in "normal" weather to industrial farms; but far superior (up to 50-70% higher) in times of drought or torrential rain, the types of extreme weather that have become the "new norm." In other words, not only can organic farming feed the world, but it is in fact the only way that we are going to be able to feed the world in this 21st Century era of energy, water, and climate crisis.

The burning question then becomes how do we build up a stronger Movement that can promote and scale up organic, local and regional-based systems of food and farming (while complimentary green Movements do the same in the energy, housing, and transportation sectors)? How can we, as quickly as possible, build up a critical mass of organic farms, gardens, seed banks, farm schools, and distribution networks in all the local regions of North America and world? We don't have room in this essay to go into all the details, but here are a few things that millions of us are already starting to do, that are moving us forward and preparing us for survival in the likely eventuality of economic collapse.

(1) Step-up public education and consciousness-raising. We have now crossed a major threshold of raising public awareness: the majority of Americans say they prefer organic food, for a variety of health, environmental, and ethical reasons. After forty years of public education and campaigning, organic foods and products are the fastest growing items in America's grocery carts. Thirty million households, comprising 75 million people, are now buying organic foods and other products on a regular basis. Fifty-six percent of U.S. consumers say they prefer organic foods, citing a wide variety of reasons that we and the Organic Movement have taught them. Millions of young people and urban residents are starting to learn organic farming and gardening techniques.

(2) Step-up the campaign against industrial agriculture and genetic engineering. The more we educate people about the hazards of chemical and energy-intensive food and farming and genetically modified organisms (GMOs), the greater the demand for organic foods and products, and the greater the number of new organic farmers, young organic farm apprentices, and urban organic gardeners (now 12 million-strong). The Achilles heel or weakest link of industrial agriculture is truthful labeling: consumers right to know. If toxic pesticides, chemicals and genetically engineered ingredients are labeled, consumers will not buy them, retailers will not sell them, and farmers will not grow them. Even though Washington has fallen under the control of Monsanto and corporate agribusiness, we can still change public policies at the state and local level, with grassroots-powered ballot initiatives and state legislation. Even though we live in Monsanto Nation, we can still bring down Goliath.

(3) Link up with other Movements, local to global. Reducing global poverty, eliminating war and stabilizing the climate go hand-in-hand. The best way to reduce global rural poverty and conflict and eliminate war is through land reform and sustainable organic farming practices. With land reform and technical assistance, millions of organic farms in the Global South can develop and prosper, helping the world's poorest people, especially women, to produce far more food with less or no fossil fuel or chemical inputs. This organic revolution will enable several billion peasants and rural villagers to rise up from poverty and reduce the unsustainable population growth that accompanies abject poverty. At the same time, one of the best ways to reduce fossil fuel use and naturally sequester climate-destabilizing greenhouse gases is to change our current land use practices, to go organic. For 10,000 years indigenous people and traditional farmers fed the world with organic farming and animal husbandry practices. By converting the world's 12 billion acres of farmland and pasture land back to organic soil management we will be creating, instead of destroying, soil fertility, as well as restoring the soil food web's amazing ability to permanently sequester enormous amounts of climate destabilizing CO2 through increased plant photosynthesis. With organic soil management spreading across the world's 12 billion acres of farmland and pastureland, and a global mobilization to replant the 10 billion acres of forest that industry and agribusiness have destroyed, we can literally reverse global warming, bringing atmospheric concentrations of CO2 back down to a safe level of 350 parts per million from the current dangerous level of 390 ppm.

The hour is late, but there is still time to prepare ourselves and our communities before the economy collapses. Educate yourself and get active. Start to make preparations for an end to "business as usual." Step up your efforts. Help link the issues and different constituencies in the body politic. Don't panic. Go organic.

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CCHR Exposes List Of Psycho-pharma Front Groups

by: PF Louis

(NaturalNews) A highly effective public relations technique is the "third party technique" of creating front groups to endorse or promote the need of any service or product. The first party is the original group or client that would benefit more from increased public trust or affinity. The second group is the public or consumers. A third group is created with a contrived name to appear publicly as a disinterested party endorsing the industry of the first party.


Often, the third party, or front group, uses a name that implies authority or concern for the public's welfare or concerns. You can be sure these bogus front groups are usually only concerned about their clients welfare and themselves.

Edward Bernays Pioneered Front Groups

Edward Bernays, a notorious spin doctor throughout the 20th Century, is considered USA's original front group creator as well as the father of public relations. The public relations industry is concerned with creating a favorable image more than direct sales advertising, although they can be closely associated at times.

The womens rights movement peaked in 1919 with the passage of the 19th amendment, granting women the right to vote. A very few years later, Edward Bernays created an image to help promote the tobacco industry. He had photographs published in newspapers and magazines of several women marching in a New York City Easter parade brazenly smoking cigarettes, which until then was considered unladylike. The idea was to link a womans struggle for more rights with openly smoking anywhere, just like the guys.

Besides making tobacco appear healthy over several years using fake doctors to promote various cigarette brands, Bernays also used front groups to glorify fluoridating water supplies. He was a very important contributor to our mass poisoning.

Psychiatry, Big Pharma, and Front Groups

The Citizen's Committee on Human Rights International (CCHRI) focuses on psychiatry's irrational and barbaric treatment of mental illness with its propensity for categorizing behavior in order to dispense harmful drugs. It's a cozy arrangement with the American Psychiatric Association (APA) and Big Pharma.

Ever since the APA was accepted as a regular medical organization a few decades ago, Big Pharma's sales for psychotropic drugs have gone through the roof. What was once pen and pad for taking notes by a psychiatrist during talk therapy became the pen and prescription pad.

For children, psychiatry's categorizing behavioral problems enables educational and child care institutional personnel virtual prescription power as well. Children are kidnapped "legally" by social services agencies if parents refuse to medicate them according to psychiatric decree. Big Pharma's reach into TV advertising enables depressed adults to demand prescriptions for drugs that lead to bad health, actual insanity, and death.

Front groups exposed by CCHRI include the following: The National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI), Children and Adults with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (CHAAD) and several bipolar, depression or ADHD "support groups" that flourish on the internet.

CCHRI has several more front groups listed on one of their site pages with links to explanations of who they really are and how they function for psychiatry and Big Pharma. (see CCHRI source below)

CCHRI's depth of investigative reporting offers the premier site for understanding the true nature of psychiatry and its relationship with Big Pharma's destructive psychotropic drug racket.

Front Groups Everywhere

Front groups can also lobby directly to government officials, elected or appointed. And they are created for almost any controversial issue that needs to be white or green washed.

A former health insurance insider, Wendell Potter, became a whistle blower with his book Deadly Spin. He explained that a front group "Health Care America" was used to attack Michael Moore's "Sicko" documentary.

APCO Worldwide created Health Care America with Big Pharma money. The insurance industry used APCO in 2007. APCO recruits think tanks and other agencies as allies for their campaigns. The public is unaware of who is really supplying the media's information.

Earlier in 2011, New York Republican Congresswoman Nan Hayworth submitted a press release photo of her receiving a plaque from a representative of a purported senior citizen support group called 60 Plus Association. The sign above those two declared in large letters "Senor Citizens Thank You for Protecting Medicare and Social Security."

There are two lies here. Nan Hayworth had voted against Medicare, and 60 Plus has hardly any senior citizen members at all. They remain afloat financially from Big Pharma's funding, according to AARP.

All this crassly corrupt activity backed by government and corporations continues to escalate through the mainstream media. A lyric from a 1980s jazz tune rings true "We are Caught in a Blizzard of Lies." The upside is we are forced to distinguish between truth and fiction and become our own informed authority.

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Lack Of Vitamin D Can Lead To Diabetes

by: Jonathan Benson

(NaturalNews) The array of undiscovered health benefits afforded by high vitamin D intake is vast thanks to several new studies linking deficiency in this important hormone to diabetes.



One study published in the journal Diabetes Care explains that a simple 25 nanomole per liter (nmol/L), or 10 nanograms per milliliter (ng/mL), increase in blood levels of vitamin D results in a roughly 24 percent reduction in diabetes risk, while another study similarly reveals a correlation between high blood levels of vitamin D and reduced risk of diabetes.

Dr. Ken Sikaris and his colleague Zhong Lu, both of which are pathologists at Melbourne Pathology in Australia, tested the blood levels of 5,200 participants as part of their research. After accounting for more than ten outside risk factors that may affect outcomes, the duo found that participants with the highest blood levels of vitamin D had a significantly reduced risk of developing type-2 diabetes compared to those with the lowest levels.

"It's hard to underestimate how important this could be," said Dr. Sikaris concerning the findings, inferring that vitamin D is an essential weapon in the fight against diabetes.

In a related study, physician Anastassios Pittas from Tufts University evaluated 2,039 people with high blood sugar levels as part of her three year study, and found that every 12.5 nmol/L (5 ng/mL) increase in vitamin D levels resulted in an eight percent decreased risk of developing diabetes.

Participants with the highest third of vitamin D levels, above 75 nmol/L (30 ng/mL), were also 38 percent less likely to develop diabetes than those in the lowest third, which averaged 32 nmol/L (13 ng/mL).

"There are indications that vitamin D is of importance in glucose metabolism, and that supplementation with vitamin D may increase both insulin secretion and insulin sensitivity," writes a report at in response to this and other vitamin D research.

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97 Percent Of Hospital Superbugs Killed With Copper

by: PF Louis

 (NaturalNews) Dependence on antibiotics has spawned a plethora of antibiotic resistant pathogens, such as MRSA bacteria, which are becoming epidemic. Most, not all, of those antibiotic resistant microbes were generated in hospitals. Some doctors and hospital administrators are forced into looking at copper and silver to effectively minimize antibiotic resistant strains of pathogens.

Advanced Colloidal Silver
Colloidal Copper

Antibiotic Reliance Allows Sloppy Hygiene

During a period in time when there was a high birth mortality rate for infants and mothers in the nineteenth century, Austrian-Hungarian obstetrician Ignaz Semmelweis told his fellow doctors that they should wash their hands thoroughly between delivering babies. He was labeled insane and professionally ostracized. This lead to Semmelweis's death in an insane asylum.(1)

Of course he was proven right after being victimized by medical scientific arrogance. This arrogance is a factor in today's suppression of safe and efficacious healing protocols. Of course, Big Pharma is an even bigger factor. But the obstetrician who was victimized for recommending hand washing between deliveries died before Big Pharma came into its current power.

The mainstream medicine's arrogant reliance on antibiotics in hospitals and clinics has caused some carelessness with standard hygiene precautions to reappear. Even antibacterial soaps add to the surge of antibacterial resistant microbes. The more pathogenic bacteria are confronted by antibiotic substances, the better they get at adapting into strains that are resistant.

The MRSA microbe is the most publicized because it can be lethal. A November 2009 Henry Ford hospital report claims dangerous Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus (MRSA) bacteria are approaching epidemic status. Hospitals were the primary source of this bad bug and others. After spreading into communities and infecting locals, infectious microbes proliferated.(2)

Antibiotics were losing their effectiveness. Widespread antibiotic use contributed to the bad bugs learning to survive antibiotics.

Antibiotics destroy beneficial bacteria as well. We are all full of bacteria. There are more bacteria in our bodies than cells. The vast majority, an estimated 85%, aid with digestion and trigger appropriate immune responses to invading pathogens. So losing any portion of that 85% good (probiotic) bacteria lowers immunity while impeding proper digestion of nutrients from foods.

Consequently, constant antibiotic use without taking in probiotic substances to balance out the losses of friendly flora and bacteria results in long term poor health. Very few doctors warn you of this when they write your antibiotic prescriptions.

Natural Antibiotic Solutions

Silver and copper have been known to have antimicrobial properties for centuries. Silver especially has a reputation for going after the pathogenic microbes exclusively, leaving the beneficial bacteria alone to thrive. Colloidal silver is ionized silver particles suspended in distilled water. Nano particle suspension is ideal. Despite these known facts, colloidal silver was recently banned in the EU.(2)

In 1999, when MRSAs super bugs first began to threaten hospital and community health, the American FDA declared it illegal to promote antibacterial properties on colloidal silver labels or product advertising. Big Pharma can't patent or possess silver, so there's no money to be made from exploiting illness with patented high priced pharmaceuticals, especially when ordinary folks can make their own.

Big Pharma makes more money from constantly creating newer antibiotics attempting to compensate from drugs failing to kill pathogens because of antibiotic resistance. Nevertheless, four international clinical trials have proven colloidal silver's efficacy without destroying beneficial bacteria.(3)

Some hospitals use silver coated catheters and colloidal silver bandages, especially among burn victims, to reduce potential infections.(4)But hospitals are currently more interested in another metal to reduce infections from hospitals. That metal is copper. This copper is not in colloidal suspensions. It's hardware used for railings, door knobs, and table tops in hospitals, anywhere people touch.

Copper is meant to eliminate germs spread by physical contact, grabbing or touching, before they enter into one's body. And trials have proven that copper used where doctors, health workers, patients, and visitors commonly touch reduces bacteria up to 97%.(5)

Many hospital doctors and administrators are seeing the light with copper. Though this is a reassuring trend, stemming the tide of antibiotic resistant microbes will not be immediate. What's involved is redesigning and manufacturing bedside railings, door panels and door knobs, electrical switches as well as table tops. A whole industry is emerging to fill the upcoming demands for installing copper in hospitals.(6)

In other words, this is currently a logistical problem involving finances, design, manufacture, and installation. The sooner copper is implemented as part of hospital infrastructure, the faster progress will be made at minimizing antibiotic resistant microbes and hopefully reducing public consumption of destructive antibiotics.

Thankfully, this is one area of natural health that is outside the jurisdiction of Big Pharma's protector, the FDA.

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Rick Perry – Big Pharma President?

by: Christina Luisa

Rick Perry has officially announced he is running for president, and we now face the possibility having a tyrant in control of our country. Not only does Perry have a bad track record – including having the death and harm of young women on his hands — he "has shown himself to be the most duplicitous, deceptive politician that I have ever studied in the history of the United States." – Alex Jones

There are many reasons that you don't want this man holding office of any kind, least of all president. If you don't remember the forced vaccinations of young girls with Gardasil back in 2006 and 2007, let's get you up to speed.

Perry's undeniably shady history
In February of 2007, the governor of Texas issued an executive order that bypassed the will of the Texas people and the entire legislature, mandating the vaccination of young girls — in Grade 6 in Texas — with the HPV vaccine Gardasil.

Merck, the pharmaceutical company in charge of the villainous venture and the chief distributor of the vaccine, was the same drug company that was reported to have given thousands of dollars to Perry's campaign efforts (…).

The vaccine was given FDA approval in June 2006 then rushed to the market without proper testing through clinical trials, as more of an experiment than a vaccine that was proven effective. Only 8 months later Gov. Perry signed the executive order mandating this vaccine to all young girls (and later young boys were also made to be vaccinated).

These fraudulent vaccines were billed to be paid for by honest taxpayers. Although there are over 25 million people in the state of Texas, as a justification for his actions, Perry reported that there were only 391 deaths of women by cervical cancer — which have not been proven to be caused by the HPV virus to begin with.

Perry caused countless young women to needlessly suffer
Gov. Rick Perry knowingly lied and told Texas families that he had the power to force their young girls to be vaccinated with Gardasil, the same vaccine that he knew was killing people in the few test trials that were run on it.

Not only was this fraud of a vaccine completely worthless as a medical method meant to protect girls from cervical cancer, it was obviously lethal – a fact that was proved after there were countless cases of adverse reactions and multiple deaths reported after the vaccine was administered.

In fact, only four months after Perry signed his order for mandated Gardasil vaccines, there were 13 cases of adverse vaccine reactions reported to the VAERS system, a database of Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting system. There were thousands more negative reactions reported that were never touched by the mainstream media. By this alone, Rick Perry should have dismantled his executive order – but did he? Certainly not.

Alex Jones has put out an excellent video that exposes Rick Perry's links to vaccines. Watch it now at:…

An advocacy group called Judicial Watch reported through documents they received under the Freedom of Information Act that thousands of girls reported adverse reactions to the vaccine shortly after receiving the shot (…).

By June 2008 there were multiple reports surfacing of girls having convulsions, going into comas and dying after being given the vaccine. Still, Perry did not remove his mandated vaccine law in Texas until he was finally forced to do so by lawmakers and parents that had given up their right to make their own decisions about the tremendous risk of the Gardasil vaccine and been wrongfully informed it was proven to prevent cervical cancer.

In one reported case, a 19-year-old girl was given the vaccine and was found dead in her bed the next morning. Over 10 young mothers reported spontaneous abortions occurred after the vaccine was administered to them, and countless more were seriously damaged or made significantly physically ill as a the result of the Gardasil vaccine.

It is on record that Gardasil caused many deaths in school-aged girls around the world — from India and Indonesia to Australia, all of which have all halted the administration of Gardasil vaccines completely due to the deaths.

Many of these young women developed the same reactions as those caused by the swine flu vaccine, which was proved to be neurologically damaging. While all of this was happening, Merck was lobbying the federal government to make the HPV Gardasil vaccine mandatory throughout the entire country.

Read about the nearly 3,500 complaints about Gardasil that were filed with FDA's Vaccine Adverse Event Report System after its approval here:…

The dirty money connection: Is Perry a Big Pharma lackey?
One of the main Merck lobbyists, Mike Toomey, served as Perry's chief of staff; in other words, a former man of top power for the governor now works for Merck, the same Big Pharma company that funded the campaign for Perry.

Perry used dictatorial power to mandate – with a lack of any public debate or approval — the mass vaccination of young girls with a dangerous drug that earned millions of dollars in profit money for Merck.

Parents were never given sufficient information on the nature, safety and effectiveness of Gardasil, yet Perry still bypassed legislature to sign an order that allowed for the thousands of girls to be injected with lethal chemicals made by one of his sufficient campaign contributors. Perry acted as Merck's ace in the hole, and now he will be their man in the White House if the corrupt company has their way.

This article is not merely about revealing the medical madness that occurred under Perry's reign as governor – it's about exposing the truth about Perry's deceitful actions. Share this information with everyone you know.

We cannot allow this man to become president by any means. Speak up now, or expect to soon be surrendering more health freedoms to a medical system that is owned and controlled by Big Pharma, all under the dictatorship of this deceptive tyrant of a man.

Click here ( to view a CounterThink cartoon NaturalNews published a few years ago in response to the financial connection between Merck and Gov. Perry and to illustrate the pure insanity of having young girls line up to get vaccinations for a disease that can be prevented a hundred other ways that are EFFECTIVE and SAFE.

Read more about the HPV vaccine extortion and the connection between having a Big Pharma lackey in office and the corruption of a medical system that uses patients as profit centers here:

More reason Perry should be kept out of office
Not only has Gov. Perry tried to force young women all over Texas to be injected with the dangerous Gardasil vaccine, he is a big-time globalist, has raised taxes and fees in Texas numerous times throughout his stint as governor and has massively increased the size of government spending and government debt in Texas. He has also been trying to force the Trans-Texas Corridor down the throats of the Texas people for highly questionable reasons.

Perry is also what is referred to as a "big government" politician. When Rick Perry became the governor of Texas in 2000, the total spending by the Texas state government was approximately $49 billion. Ten years later it was around 90 billion. Does this seem like a reduction in the size of government?

The debt of the state of Texas is spinning completely out of control. The total debt of the Texas government has more than doubled since Rick Perry became governor. What would the US national debt look like after four or eight years of Rick Perry?

According to, the debt to GDP ratio in Texas is 22.9% and the debt per citizen is $10,645. In California – a state that is totally financially wrecked — the debt to GDP ratio is just 18.7% and the debt per citizen is only $9932. As Alex Jones mentions on, as a presidential candidate, these are numbers Perry will want to attempt to keep under wraps.

Rick Perry has also been leading the effort to lease roads in Texas to foreign companies and to turn roads that are already free to travel into toll roads. If you research the subterfuge surrounding his plans to further develop the Trans-Texas Corridor — which would be part of the planned NAFTA superhighway system — you will quickly understand why Rick Perry has no right to be anywhere close to The White House.

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What They Won’t Admit About Measles Outbreaks

by: PF Louis

(NaturalNews) Big Pharma, the CDC and other public health organizations tell the mainstream media (MSM) what to report about outbreaks and epidemics. So you may have the impression that recent measles outbreaks are occurring because of MMR (measles, mumps, rubella) vaccination refusals.


According to official public health documents kept from public attention, the opposite is true. Many stricken with measles have had the full array of three MMR vaccinations.

Measles and MMR Vaccinations

If you're old enough, you may remember that measles and mumps were common childhood diseases that came and went. The incidence of death or permanent damage was very small. Once you recovered from measles, you were immunized for life.

The rate of measles outbreaks began declining during the 1970s. This may be attributed to increased immunity by those who had measles and recovered, or a decline in the virulence of measles.

But of course, the medical establishment wants you to believe all infectious disease declines are from vaccines. The opposite is usually factual. It has been documented and graphed that measles had diminished greatly before vaccinations were administered. (7)

The three in one MMR shot was developed during that decade for convenience. Prior to that, there was one vaccination for every disease. But the three in one MMR is inoculated on three separate occasions within a few months, usually before 15 months of age. Preteens and teenagers are often subjected to this risky business as well if they missed the early schedule.

Measles Breakouts Among the Vaccinated

There have been many, and the various public health organizations, including the CDC, are well aware of them. Yet, pediatricians convince and school boards coerce parents into making sure their children get three MMR vaccinations in short succession. Obviously, not enough know of measles breakouts among the vaccinated.

Medical authorities eager to vaccinate maintain it takes a population vaccination rate of 90% to ensure an "immunized" disease will not break out within that community. This high percentage was contrived as necessary for "herd immunity," which would prevent any outbreak from occurring.

That has been proven false. Basic logic begs the question: Why do so many have to be vaccinated if those who are vaccinated are immune? Could it be that the vaccinated are not really immune. One thing is for certain, vaccinating 90% of all populations creates more revenue.

In 1984, the Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMRW) of the CDC reported a late 1983 early 1984 Illinois high school/junior high measles outbreak. The total student population was around 400, and ALL of them (100%) had complied with Illinois State Law requiring the complete MMR schedule. (1)

In 1987, Pub Med Central reported another public school measles outbreak among a 98% MMR vaccinated population. This happened in another high school, this one in Massachusetts early in 1984. Another population with over 90% vaccinated again. (2)

University of Helsinki Department of Public Health reported an "explosive outbreak" of measles in a rural community during 1989. Most of the infected had been vaccinated with the MMR vaccine. Those vaccinated who became infected anyway also managed to spread the measles to their siblings. So much for herd protection. (4)

The WHO (World Health Organization) reported an outbreak of measles with thousands of EU citizens of all ages throughout 2010. Most of them occurred in France. Here's what Copenhagen WHO official Rebecca Martin said, "There's been a buildup of children who have not been immunized over the years. It's almost like a threshold. When you have enough people who have not been immunized (sic), then outbreaks can occur." (5)

Apparently Rebecca is not aware of those earlier reports of outbreaks among populations with over 90% vaccinated. Nor is she aware of any graphs that show the enormous decline in measles episodes occurred before measles vaccinations appeared on the scene. But she did invoke the 90% rule. (7)

Those who have been scared away from using dangerous vaccinations with horrendous side effects just to prevent a short term mild disease, from which recovery confers real immunity, are blamed.

What Is Scaring Away Vaccination Prospects

Could it have something to do with over six times as many MMR vaccine adverse events reported than cases of measles so far in 2011? Keep in mind that all adverse events are not reported. Most are so indoctrinated with the sanctity of vaccines they don't make the connection to their child's turning blue and becoming paralyzed or dead after a series of vaccinations. Even former FDA commissioner David Kessler wrote "only one percent of serious adverse events are reported to the FDA." (6)

More and more parents are witnessing tragic consequences of MMRs and other vaccines, which include neurological damage, autism, paralysis, chronic illness, extreme colitis, and death occurring shortly after or during a scheduled series of inoculations. And they are reporting their tragic stories to vaccine safety group sites, blogs, or chat rooms. (7)

Some even start their own vaccination warning sites. Yeah, that might have something to do with more parents holding their children back from being jabbed with toxic vaccines. Especially with a vaccine that doesn't work on a diminished childhood disease that is usually minor. And especially after being lied to about Thimerosal (mercury) being removed from childhood vaccinations. (8)

By the way, there was a very large mumps outbreak among teens and preteens, during early 2010 in the New York/New Jersey area. Almost 80% of them had their MMRs too. (9)

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Boost The IQ Of Your Child With Natural Diet

by: Dr. David Jockers

(NaturalNews) The United States has an epidemic of childhood neurodevelopmental disease such as autism, ADHD, Asperger`s and mental retardation. Much of this is due to the influence of industrial chemicals, processed foods, birth and childhood spinal trauma, & sedentary behavior. A natural diet and innate lifestyle can dramatically benefit children`s brain development, boost IQ, and improve learning processes.

Children should eat a whole food based diet that is rich in color and variety. This includes fruits, vegetables, nuts & seeds of different colors, shapes, & sizes. Every color boasts its own unique variety of phytonutrient anti-oxidants. The novelty of the different produce will excite the child`s developing cerebellum and boost neural growth patterns in this important area of the brain.
Super shakes using coconut, hemp, or almond milk with frozen berries and other frozen fruit is an amazingly refreshing and satisfying treat that could be made in a unique fashion more than once a day. Try different fruits such as raspberries, blueberries, strawberries, banana, etc. Berries are typically higher in pesticides so be sure to get the organic frozen or fresh variety.

Non-denatured, grass-fed whey protein is one of the best fuels for a growing child. This protein provides a mega dose of L-glutamine, which is a very important amino acid for tissue healing and a strong gastro-intestinal system. Due to inflammatory diets and the overuse of anti-biotics and other medications many children have a very weak gastrointestinal lining. When this lining is damaged, proteins are able to cross into the bloodstream. The body then goes into self-defense against these alien proteins and triggers an inflammatory attack creating food allergies and intolerances.

High quality whey protein also boosts glutathione, which is the body's master anti-oxidant. Glutathione protects cells by neutralizing oxygen molecules before they damage cells. It also boosts natural liver detoxification and protects the arteries, brain, heart, and immune cells among others. Children who are deficient in glutathione are much more likely to develop neurodevelopmental disorders such as autism, ADHD and Asperger`s.

High quality whey protein also provides highly bioavailable amino acids that help produce healthy muscle tissue. This is especially important for active kids and athletes engaging in long practices and physically demanding sports. These amino acids also help produce enzymes that carry out extremely important functions in the body. Active enzymes help metabolize inflammatory wastes and positively influence tissue healing processes.

Children should be getting a minimum of 1 gram of high-quality long chain omega 3 fatty acids EPA & DHA each day. The best natural source of EPA & DHA is wild, Alaskan sockeye salmon. Salmon also contains astaxanthin, which is another powerful anti-oxidant that is particularly good for eye health. Having wild salmon (never farmed) once or twice a week is particularly good for children. Grass-fed beef is also high in EPA and DHA as are free range eggs and wild game such as venison. These should all be rotated into the diet and eaten on a regular basis. Additional supplementation with a high quality, purified fish oil containing ample amounts of EPA & DHA is also highly recommended.

Municipal water is extraordinarily toxic to healthy brain development. Clean, filtered water that has removed chlorine, DBP`s, heavy metals and fluoride is essential. High quality reverse osmosis systems are one of the very few water systems that is able to effectively remove fluoride. Add back a pinch of pink salt (1/4 teaspoon per gallon) to replace any lost minerals from the reverse osmosis process. Teach your children not to use municipal water fountains but instead to carry bottled water in either glass or stainless steel bottles.