Ask Utopia Silver

Fredericka in Texas

Dear Utopia,
My health practioner has recommended your Colodial Silver (which I used to take, don’t know why I quit). She indicated that the ionic was best for ear infections,etc. and the regular Advance for daily use? I notice that in your description of the ionic indicates that this is so. I plan to order one of each and would like to place my order tomorrow so I can get started right away. I , of course, will not consider this medical advice (had to put that in for your protection).Please reply at your earliest convenience and I will place my order.

Thank you,
Fredericka in Texas


Hi Fredericka,
The way you suggested is generally how I would use it. Here is more info on silver usage,

Ben in Utopia

Natural Remedies

Naturally Relieve the Causes and Symptoms of Diarrhea

by: Tony Isaacs (TBYIL) If you’re an average American, you’ll probably have one or two unpleasant episodes of diarrhea this year. Fortunately, most diarrhea will normally pass within a couple of days, and if it doesn’t there are natural remedies which will usually help.

The most common, and milder, form of diarrhea, known as “acute diarrhea” or “non-inflammatory diarrhea”, is usually caused by a bacterial or viral culprit, such as those found in contaminated food or water. Symptoms may include watery bowel movements, stomach cramps, abdominal pain, gas, nausea and vomiting.Acute diarrhea can also be caused by:*Extreme fatigue
*Stress and anxiety
*Antibiotics and other medications
*Excessive consumption of alcohol or caffeinated drinks
*Large quantities of vitamin C and/or magnesium
*Nutritional deficiencies, including deficiencies in niacin and folic acid
*Improper food chewing
*Putrefied food in the stomach
*Lack of stomach acid and digestive enzymes
*Pesticide residues on fruits and vegetables
*Sugar substitutes
*Laxative overuse
*Dishwashing detergentIn some instances, diarrhea can linger and become “chronic diarrhea”, which can result in serious health complications, especially among the young, elderly or chronically ill. Chronic diarrhea is usually an indication of a more serious underlying condition, such as irritable bowel syndrome, hyperactive thyroid, celiac disease (gluten intolerance) or other food allergy. If the cause of prolonged diarrhea is not known, get a professional diagnosis in order to identify and address the underlying condition.

Less severe diarrhea can usually be treated successfully by:

*Eliminating causes such as those listed above

*Letting the diarrhea run its course for 6-12 hours to rid the body of toxins

*Drinking plenty of fluids, especially those that replenish your electrolytes (minerals)

After the diarrhea has passed, begin replenishing lost nutrients with easy to digest foods. When stools begin forming, reintroduce solid foods and a bland diet which contains little or no fat, such as the BRAT diet (Bananas, Rice, Apples and Toast).Potatoes are also good. Potato soup is often used as a diarrhea remedy. Other good dietary items include applesauce, cottage cheese and other Organic Raw Certified mild cheeses, rolled oats, and brown rice. Be sure to chew everything thoroughly to get the digestive enzymes going. Also, begin rebuilding intestinal flora by introducing beneficial probiotics such as acidophilus.

If diarrhea persists or symptoms become too unpleasant, natural remedies such as the following may help::

*Grate an apple and let it stand at room temperature for several hours until well darkened; this will let out the pectin that is the main ingredient in most common diarrhea medications.

*Try one teaspoon of apple cider vinegar (organic) in a glass of water with each meal and at mid-morning, mid-afternoon, and at bedtime.

*Take activated charcoal or white clay to absorb toxins in the system. Actually, activated charcoal is a powerful adsorbent that attracts toxins to its surface, as opposed to absorbing them.

*Put cornmeal into a hot skillet and stir till it is completely parched (medium brown). After it cools, eat about two tablespoons (drinking as little water as you can). It is sand-like and not very pleasant tasting, but this old traditional remedy can help stop diarrhea in only 2-3 hours.

*In a food blender mix a handful of chopped red radishes, 1 cup of cold Organic Raw Certified milk, and 1/2 teaspoon of cornstarch. Drink slowly. This remedy can stop diarrhea in less than an hour. Repeat in 4 hours if needed.

Among the many other items which have been used for diarrhea are: raw organic honey, lemon juice, carrots and carrot juice, MSM, black pepper, cayenne, carob flour, blueberries, blackberries, garlic, cinnamon, and herbal teas.

Natural Remedies

Natural Remedies For Gas And Bloating

by: Tony Isaacs (TBYIL) Intestinal gas and bloating are annoying and sometimes embarrassing conditions which plague much of the western world. Poor dietary habits and improper digestion prevalent in western society are major contributors, and some estimates report that people with poor diets expel gas 14 or more times daily. Fortunately, some sensible dietary changes and natural remedies can prevent future bouts of gas and bloating as well as relieve current episodes.
A good way to avoid gas and bloating is to avoid foods that are known to cause gas and indigestion, such as fried foods, spicy foods, processed foods and refined sugar. Other foods which may lead to gas and bloating include most beans, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, broccoli, onions, apples, corn, oats, potatoes, most dairy products, pears, prunes, and peaches.Here are 13 top remedies for gas and bloating:1. Fennel. You can chew on fennel seeds or else make a tea by crushing the seeds and pouring boiling water over them. The compounds in these seeds, as well as those in anise and dill seeds, relax muscles in your digestive tract and allow trapped gas to pass. As a bonus, you should also have fresher breath, similar to consuming parsley.2. Ginger. Drinking ginger tea and eating fresh ginger root are two superior remedies for gas. Add small amounts of ginger (both dried and fresh) to your food, as desired. You can also take a teaspoon of fresh grated ginger before meals for gas relief.

3. Caraway Seeds. Try adding caraway seed spice to more of your meals, especially if the foods are known to cause gas. Caraway seeds ease gas, indigestion and cramping, as well as stimulate proper digestion.

4. Parsley. Adding more parsley to your diet is also a very good remedy for gas. Add parsley, either freshly minced or dried as a spice, to foods that may contribute to intestinal gas to help prevent them from causing gas and bloating problems.

5. Activated Charcoal. Charcoal absorbs excess air in the digestive track as well as adsorbs (attracts) toxins which may be contributing to gas problems. Try taking a charcoal supplement before eating to help relieve gas and bloating before they start.

6. Colon Cleansing. Performing a colon cleanse will help improve overall colon health as well as provide gas relief.

7. Probiotics. Taking a probiotic supplement or eating foods with probiotics, such as pineapples, help get rid of the most common symptoms of gas. Probiotics replenish beneficial intestinal bacteria and help keep your colon in optimal working order.

8. Garlic. The hot garlic bulb is another good home remedy for gas. Garlic helps stimulate digestion. For best results, use fresh garlic. You may also want to follow up with parsley or fennel seeds to freshen your breath.

9. Dandelion Tea. The common weed dandelion has numerous health benefits, one of which is relieving gas. Drink as a tea or add it to meals as a dried spice.

10. Hot Water. Sip water as hot as you can take it! According to an 86 year old grandma who submitted this remedy, half a cup usually works.

11. Dill Pickles. Eat one dill pickle or else take a teaspoonful of pickle juice. Pickle juice has the same effect that gripe water has on a baby.

12. Peppermint Oil. Mix two drops peppermint oil in 1/2 cup cool water and drink once or twice per day.

13. Exercise. When you are alone help eliminate trapped gas by lying on your back, putting your legs in the air, and moving them in a bicycle motion.

Ask Utopia Silver

Colloidal Gold in Freezing Temps

Utopia Silver,
I am very familiar with the silver products and how important it is to keep them from getting contaminated. My question is , I am thinking of ordering the 5 gallons of colloidal gold and was wandering if the gold is sensitive as well? and what would be the easiest and safest approach to filling my gallon and 8 oz bottles from the 5 gallons. Your gold product is amazing it has changed my life and I definitely want to get my entire circle of family and friends taking it. I live in South Carolina and also wanted to know if shipping to here would be ok right now, since freezing weather seems to be an issue.
Best regards,
Howard in S. Carolina
Hello Howard,
Although the larger volumes are less susceptible to cold, any of the nano-colloids should be kept out of the cold. The best way to dispense from the 5 gallons is with one of our ‘faucets’. As for shipping, it is about 3 days to South Carolina. Just to be safe, we would wait until next week to ship so that it doesn’t sit in a UPS warehouse over Christmas. We do ship with heat packs.BTW: Our family came to Texas from S. Carolina in the 1800s.Ben in Utopia.
Customer Testimonials

Food Poisoning

Utopia Silver,

My niece (9 yrs old) got food poisoning eating at a local festival on Friday night. I gave her a teaspoon of colloidal silver 2x and that was it. By Saturday afternoon, she was eating and felt 100% better. “m new to the colloidal silver “thing”.

I never really believed it would work and now I can’t be without it. I advise everyone to get this product. I am 100% satisfied !!!!!!!!!
– Maria

Customer Testimonials Healing Protocols

Vitamin D & Autism

Silver Bulletin Health News Readers,

For you parents with autistic children, we wanted to share this email to the Vitamin D Council from the mother of an autistic boy being treated with high doses of vitamin D (actually physiological doses).

Hi Dr. Cannell/Vitamin D Council,

I had lab work performed on Colin – October 9, 2008 – his 25(OH)D level was 62 ng/ml (range 30-100) and his calcium was normal (9.8).  This was with him on 3000 IUs per day for the last three months.  You had said for him to take 4000 but I just wanted to see what would happen if we continued to do 3000 IUs.

Colin started school this year, we had previously home schooled him.  He got into a really good school that requires a lot from the students.  Colin is doing very well there.  He mastered the first five sounds they taught him in less than 2 weeks (they do an intense reading/writing/language method called The Association Method).   They said some kids can take 3 months to master 1 sound.  He also had another IQ test performed recently.  In July, he had a very difficult time attending to the testing and scored a 63 which put him in the MR category.  However, he just did another IQ test on 9/26/08 and he scored an 83 on one and a 79 on another.  This takes him out of the MR range and puts him into the low average intelligence range.  It’s great news and I believe he will continue to score higher and higher each year.

Please let me know your thoughts.
Thank you.
Juliette P.

As previously reported:

Colin is a 7-year old boy living in the northeastern US with a long standing diagnosis of autism. Symptoms include temper tantrums, repetitive self-stimulatory behavior, impaired language, mood swings, fear of being alone, toileting problems, and impaired muscle strength. He spends a lot of time outdoors starting in the spring and his mother noticed a distinct seasonal variation in his symptoms in that he improved in the summer and regressed in the winter. A 25-hydroxy-vitamin D in April of 2008 was 25 ng/ml and obtained after he had begun to play outside.

Due to the seasonality of his symptoms the mother consulted me and I advised the mother to stop all products containing vitamin A including cod liver oil and begin Colin on 5,000 IU of vitamin D3 per day for two weeks followed by 2,000 IU per day in the form of powdered vitamin D dissolved in juice. Within a week of starting the vitamin D language began to return and he was no longer as fearful of being alone.

At the end of two weeks his language showed further improvement, he began to toilet himself, counted to 10 and knew the spelling of his name. After three weeks language continued to improve and some improvements were noted in his dysbiosis. After four weeks of vitamin D treatment, the mother noted improvements in muscle strength as well as continued improvements in language.  The above email is a six month report.

John Cannell, MD

Vitamin D Council

Ask Utopia Silver

Sale Inquiry

Hi Utopia,
I absolutely have fallen in love with Gold & Silver!!  Thank you!  I noticed that you have sales occasionally.  Do you advertise your sales in advance?  Perhaps when your next sale may be?Thanks!!


Hi Jeanne,
We have sales of 25-50% Off regularly every month. We usually announce them via our Silver Bulletin Health News email or you may check at

You are appreciated in Utopia.

Ask Utopia Silver

Knee Surgery

Hi Ben,
I had a complete replacement of my left knee last month at Audie Murphy VA Hospital in San Antonio. Have a lot of rehab physical therapy to do. I was afraid of getting an infection while in the hospital so I took the therapeutic doses of Advanced Colloidal Silver for several weeks prior to surgery. So far no infection what-so-ever.Robert in Texas


Hi Robert,
I would never have surgery without doing a therapeutic colloidal silver and Enzyme protocol for several days prior to the procedure. I had surgery a couple of years ago to repair a lower abdominal muscle tear from weigh lifting which had resulted in a hernia. I was more afraid of a possible bacterial staph infection than I was of the surgery. So three days before surgery I started doing therapeutic amounts of colloidal silver- about 1 ounce every 2-3 hours (4-6 ounces each day). The three days, not only increased the silver content in my blood, but also gave my body time to adjust to the intense silver therapy.Additionally, I was also doing mega doses (4-5 capsules) of Enzymes morning and night 3 days prior to the surgery also. The day of surgery, I did 2 more ounces of colloidal silver when I awoke that morning and another 4 ounces after arriving at the hospital.

My after surgery protocol was 2-4 ounces of colloidal silver per day for 3 days as well as continuing the mega Enzyme therapy as before surgery for another month. After 3 days, I averaged about 1 ounce of colloidal silver per day for the next month.

Needless to say there was absolutely no infection and the healing was rapid. I only took a two pain pills the first night after surgery and none after that.

Thanks for the testimonial and the heads up on protecting yourself from the dangers of surgery.

Ben in Utopia

Customer Testimonials

Canine Skin Infection

Hi Utopia,
My 13 yr old dog has always had issues with bacterial skin infections and bad breath. Numerous vet visits for antibiotics and money spent had healed but the infection always comes back on her skin with large scabby, smelly, sores.
She had a permanent loss of hair on her tail and hair loss at her backend. The last alternative (after 12 yrs) was to go to a doggie dermatologist for a biopsy, spend hundreds to find the right medicine. So my Mom tells me about Utopia Silver and gives me a spray bottle to try. I was skeptic but Mom does not lie so everyday I would spray her mouth 2 shots and then spray her infected eyes and skin. Over the course of 2 months her hair grew back on her tail, her backend, she started to play like a puppy, eyes bright and clear, and skin infection cleared up. I was/am amazed! Thank you Utopia Silver Co!! I can’t thank you enough for what your product has done for my dog and my wallet. I shared my story today with friends who have similar stories and dogs with ear infections and they are ordering also. I am a new customer so I will call you tomorrow to place my order!  A must to have on hand.Donna in California

Featured Articles Silver Archives

Silver Clinical Case Studies

Following are a number of clinical studies concerning the use of silver in various forms, from silver anti-microbial wound dressings to anti-microbial silver polymer for the treatment of venous leg ulcers to the use of ionic silver to promote healing.

1. Gibbins, Bruce Ph.D., AcryMed, Inc., Portland, OR April 2000
Pre-clinical and Clinical Evaluation of a New Silver Anti-Microbial Chronic Wound Dressing ”

2. Nametka, Mary, RN, MSN, CS CWS, WCN, Associates in Wound Care, Kenosha, WI Oct. 2000
A Hydrophilic Silver Antimicrobial Wound Dressing for Site Preparation and Maintenance of Human Skin Equivalent Grafts to Venus Leg Ulcers: Technical and Clinical Considerations

3. Nametka, Mary, RN, MSN, CS CWS, WCN , Associates in Wound Care, Kenosha, WI May 2001
Antimicrobial Silver Polymer Contact Layer for Treatment of Venous Leg Ulcers

4. Nametka, Mary, RN, MSN, CS CWS, WCN , Associates in Wound Care, Kenosha, WI June 2001
Clinical Protocol for use of Absorbent Silver Antimicrobial Polymer Dressings

5. Nametka, Mary, RN, MSN, CS CWS, WCN , Associates in Wound Care, Kenosha, WI April 2002
Silver Antimicrobial Hydrophilic Dressing Benefits Management of Recurrent Non-healing Wounds

6. Nametka, Mary, RN, MSN, CS CWS, WCN , Associates in Wound Care, Kenosha, WI Sept. 2002
Silver Antimicrobial Absorbent Wound Dressing Can Contribute to Cost Control in Home Care

7. Smith, Latisha M.D ., Ostomy Wound Management, Feb. 2003
Clinical Experience using Silver Antimicrobial Dressings on Venous Stasis Ulcers

8. Gibbins, Bruce Ph.D., Ostomy Wound Management, Feb. 2003
The Antimicrobial Benefits of Silver and the relevance of Microlattice Technology

9. Rose, Susan RN, BSN, CWOCN , Gentiva Health Services, Tuscon, AZ. April 2003
Importance of Assessment and Wound Bed Preparation in the Treatment of Chronic Wounds

10. Paz-Altschul, Oscar M.D., FACS , Desert Regional Medical Center, Palm Springs, CA April 2003
Silver Microlattice Uses in Chronic Wound Care

11. Tamulonis, Ruth RN, MS, CWOCN , Marshalltown Medical & Surgical Center, Marshalltown, IA April 2003 The Use of a Unique Delivery Method of Ionic Silver: A Case Series

12. Brandy, J. Christopher, MD, FACS, Caromont Wound Center Gastonia, NC April 2003
Understanding the Role of Ionic Silver in Wound Bed Preparation

13. Tamulonis, Ruth RN, MS, CWOCN , Marshalltown Medical & Surgical Center, Marshalltown, IA June 2003 A Paradigm Shift in Wound Management

14. Trowsdale, Helen RN, BSN and Olveda, Mary RN, BSN A-Plus Family Care, SanAntonio, TX
Meeting the Challenges for Wounds in Home Care with a Silver Amorphous Hydrogel and Collagen

15. Agbim, Salome ND CNS APRN BC and Miner, Kimberly ND CNS CWCN Wound Care Associates, Englewood, CO Bioburden Control through the use of Silve Anti-moicrobial Gel on Contaminated Stage IV Pressure Ulcer

16. McCord, Shannon MS, RN, CPNP, CNS, CCRN, WOCN, and Bookout, Kimberly BSN, RN, CWOCN, and McLane, Kathleen MSN,RN, CPNP, CWCN, COCN, and Helmrath, Michael MD Texas Children’s Hospital, Houston, TX June 2004 “Use of Silver Dressing with Neonatal Abdominal Evisceration”

17. Marjorie Groom, RN, CWOCN, MSHCA, DAPWCA, Memorial Hosptial Belleville, IL April 2005 “Enhancing Venous Leg Ulcer Health with an Ionic Silver Hydrogel”

18. Barbara Conway Salerno, RN, BSN, CWOCN, Eddy Visiting Nurses, Troy, NY April 2005 “The Use of Controlled-Release Ionic Silver Hydrogel in the Management of Chronic Wounds”

19. Vickie Shuffitt, PT, Scott Hoskinson, MD and Carol Matsumoto, RN, CWOCN Wound Care Program, Maui Memorial Medical Center, Wailuku, HI “Silver Antimicrobial Hydrogel Eradicates Bioburden and Hastens Discharge for Acute Care Facility”

20. Gibbins, Bruce PhD and Karandikar, Bhalchandra PhD AcryMed, Inc., Portland, OR July 2005 “Novel Silver Antimicrobial Treatment”

21. Susan Girolami, BSN, RN, CWOCN Therapy Support, Inc., Cincinnati, OH April 2006 “Combining Ionic Silver Wound Hydrogel and Negative Pressure for Limb Salvage”

22. Cameron Field, DPM and Kenneth Morgan, DPM HealthOne Alliance Presbyterian/St. Lukes, Denver, CO April 2006 “External Fixation Pin Care Protocol Utilizing Ionic Silver Site Dressings”

23. Mary Webb, RN, BSN, MA, CIC San Mateo Medical Center, San Mateo, CA April 2006 “Use of Ionic Silver and Collagen to Reduce Bioburden and Promote Healing for Improved Quality of Life in a Complex Patient”

Man’s knowledge of and use of silver is as old as mankind’s history and there has been volumes of research on silver for many decades. Alfred B. Searle, the founder of Searle Pharmaceuticals, which later became Monsanto Chemical Co., did scientific studies on silver and wrote a book about his research in the 1920s. Anyone claiming that credible research has not been done concerning silver is either intentionally lying or is simply ignorant of the truth and should not be in anything resembling a position of authority.