Healing Protocols

Vaccine and Detoxification Healing Protocol

by Dr. Ken O’Neal, ND, MD

Vaccine Exemption Forms Across America
Physicians Warranty of Vaccine Safety (.pdf)
Notice of Vaccine & Drug Exemption (.pdf)

The principal difference in this Forced Vaccination Protocol from the Immune System Booster Protocol is the intensity and amounts of supplements taken for a shorter period, …say one week. If a vaccination were forced upon me or a family member, I would follow the suggested protocol below.

This 7 day protocol for adults would depend on how many days notice one has; for example:

1.    If I had two or three days of warning of a “forced vaccination” , I would immediately do a Therapeutic Liver Flush (see item 8) and also start taking Colloidal Silver in 1/4 ounce servings every 4 hours for the first day. The second day, I would increase to 1/2 ounce servings every 4 hours. The third day, I would be consuming 1 ounce servings every 4 hours up until the time of vaccination. Immediately prior to the vaccination, I would consume 2- 8 ounces of silver, depending on body size. If the days of notice are reduced, I would simply eliminate the smaller quantities for the first days. (It is generally a good practice to consume Probiotics an hour or so after consuming larger quantities of silver to replenish the colon flora. Remember large quantities of silver may cause short-term flu-like symptoms (Herxheimer effect) or diarrhea. This generally lasts only a couple of days until the body is able to flush the bacterial or viral die-off caused by the silver. [Read “A Layman” s Guide to Using Colloidal Silver”.]

2.    Have a cold pack or an ice pack with you (in an ice chest in your car) for everyone being forced to take a vaccination and apply it to the injection site immediately to stop or slow immune response. (Get to your ice packs immediately after vaccination, do not linger to talk or anything else. If a vaccination is being forced on you, do not agree to pay for it and do not sign any kind of release or consent form. If they are claiming the right to force a vaccination on you, then they do not need you to agree to it by your signature, do they?)

3.    Take four ounces of Colloidal Silver orally immediately after the vaccination and continue 3 times daily 8 hours apart e.g. 8am, 2pm and 8pm for at least 7 days. If you have any lung symptoms also nebulize 5ml of silver with 1-3 drops of Lobelia 3 times a day for 7 days.

4.    Take full doses of IP6/Inositol ultra strength powder or Max 3 capsules twice daily in the morning and at bedtime on an empty stomach for 14-30 days.(Any therapeutic or extended use of IP-6 should be preceeded by 1-2 weeks of Membrane Complex supplementation as IP-6 generally acclerates the depletion of calcium and magnesium, then continue the Membrane Complex as long as you are using the IP-6.)

5.    Take ten tablets/capsules of Oral Systemic Enzymes on an empty stomach 3 times daily, first thing in the morning, mid afternoon and just before bedtime for at least 7 days.

6.    Take 300mcg (micrograms) of a quality Selenium three times daily for at least 7 days. (See Chris Barr” s interview on selenium .)

7.    If you are unable to get at least 30 minutes of sunshine daily (without a shirt or in tee shirt and shorts) you may want to supplement with up to 5000 I.U. daily of  Vitamin D .

8. Vitamin C acts as a potent detoxifier also, especially of mercury. Adults can take 5000-10000 mg divided throughout the day. Infants under 10 pounds can take 500 mg daily in some fruit juice, while babies between 10 and 20 pounds could take anywhere from 500 mg to 1,000 mg total per day, in divided doses. Older children can take 1,000 mg daily per year of life (5,000 mg for a 5 year-old child, for example, in divided doses). Giving vitamin C in divided doses, all through the day, improves absorption and improves tolerance. For optimal antibody stimulation and toxin protection, it would be best to dose for three to five days before the shot(s) and to continue for at least two to three days following the shot. Vitamin C Prevents Vaccination Side Effects, Increases Effectiveness

9.    Again, a Therapeutic Liver Flush using the 2 day protocol of Epsom Salts, olive oil and grapefruit juice should also be used early in this 7 day protocol. If that protocol is too much or not convenient for you (you must stay inactive and near a toilet for 1-1/2 days), a 14 Day Liver Cleanse condensed into 7 days is better than nothing. Even a normal healthy liver may be overtaxed after a vaccination and especially after using intensive body cleanses as suggested in this protocol.

10.    Eat nothing but fresh cantaloupe (organic if possible) for the first 24 hours after the vaccination; it is one of the better natural cellular cleansing foods.

11. Take 1 tablespoons of Zeolite in 8 oz. of non-flourinated and chlorinated water 3 times daily to flush radioactive toxins from the body during the time of exposure.

12.    Get as much rest and sleep as your body needs.

13.    Drink fresh squeezed lemonade diluted with a distilled or carbon filtered water morning and evening for the duration which stimulates more bile production and detoxification.

14.    As a further suggestion if you have a juicer or access to a health food store selling the ready made products, drink ½ cup (about 4 oz.) of parsley juice, ½ cup (about 4 oz.) of cilantro juice and 1 cup (about 8 oz.) of celery juice (all organic if possible). Do this each day of the protocol if possible.

Healing Protocols

Cardiovascular Healing and Rebuilding Protocol

by Ben Taylor

This protocol was assembled with input from Dr. Ken O’Neal ND, MD and corroborating information from “Prescription For Natural Healing” by James Balch, MD and Phyllis Balch, CNC. This protocol is intended to facilitate the healing of the heart and the rebuilding of the cardiovascular system as well as healing some of the neurological related issues that can commonly be a part of the problem. Symptoms can range from angina pectoris to heart arrhythmias. Angina (chest pain) is commonly accepted to be caused by a lack of blood/oxygen flow to the heart, but what is usually overlooked is the fact that mineral deficiencies, especially magnesium, calcium, and potassium can also result in similar symptoms.

Notice: Although, we usually don’t agree with using mainstream medicine’s drug management model for most non-emergency health issues, they are generally very good at diagnosis. Anytime you are experiencing any heart pain, get to a medical professional immediately; to delay could exponentially increase the chance of permanent heart damage.

Following is a general heart healing protocol for adults using supplements that are safe and can be very effective in cardiovascular rebuilding. The suggested supplements will generally give positive results, but they will be enhanced and usually hastened by also following steps 1-5. The supplements listed below are somewhat in the order of importance as considered by the writer.

(1) Put aside stressful situations in your life and past traumas behind you, as stress alone can accelerate health decline. Focus on a positive outlook with healing your body, mind, and spirit as a priority. Research has shown that prayer, which puts the mind, body, and spirit into agreement with God and with the healthy actions you are taking is very helpful for optimum healing. God created a Universe of logic and order and has built into it “cause and effect”. We cannot expect regeneration of our physical mind and body if we continue to abuse them with unhealthy thoughts and unnecessary worries.

(2) Stop all alcohol and tobacco use as well as food abuse (overeating of foods, especially processed foods) as they will lower your immunity even further and may well be a part of the root cause of your health problems. It is impractical to expect regeneration of the physical mind and body if we continue to abuse them with unhealthy practices.

(3) Drink non-chlorinated and non-fluorinated water (6 – 8 glasses per day). Be careful above 64 oz. per day (depending on your body weight) as too much water can result in electrolyte dilution which itself can cause neurological problems. Generally people do not get enough water rather than too much.

(4) If you are having heart or circulation issues and are taking calcium in the citrate form, stop immediately. Calcium citrate is very difficult for the body to absorb and is often stored in the joints causing Arthritis and in the arteries as plaque causing blockages. Also, if you are taking aspirin regularly, there are supplements contained in this protocol which may also act as blood thinners, so do not take both.

(5) Remove the consumption of sugars (except for fruit) and most animal proteins whether in food or drink. If you are worried that you won’t get enough protein, then take un-denatured whey protein. Eat only starches, vegetables (excluding potatoes) and fruit. Raw organic carrots and apples and/or their juices are very good. Take Bromelain (a pineapple digestive enzyme) with your supplements to enhance nutrient absorption.

(6) EnzymesMega doses of enzymes (used systemically rather than as digestive aids, 4-6 capsules 3 times daily) on an empty stomach will enhance circulation by acting as a potent chelating agent to reduce plaque buildup and inflammation in the arteries. Most people who have the before and after LDL and HDL testing done have also noted a dramatic drop in bad cholesterol levels.

Notice: Do not take Bromelain or other Enzymes with any drugs you may be taking, as it will intensify the effects because of enhanced digestion and could be dangerous.

(7) Magnesium may be the important mineral in the body and is considered by many as “The Miracle Mineral”. There are three different forms that our Naturopathic Doctor consultant believes are the most beneficial of all forms.

Membrane Complex
. This is a Magnesium, Calcium, and Potassium complex in an Amino Ethanol Phosphate form which provides the most absorbable source for these essential minerals. This form is the best at crossing the cell wall membranes between intracellular and extracellular enhancing optimal hydration and absorption of these essential minerals. Deficiencies of Magnesium and Calcium are often the root cause of heart angina and arrhythmias. Calcium is required for muscles (including the heart) to contract and Magnesium is essential for muscles to relax. An imbalance or deficiency of any three of these can severely interfere with normal heart function. For example, it is well known that muscle cramps elsewhere in the body are often caused by such deficiencies …and after all the heart is a muscle too. If you are having muscle cramps in the legs, this is a signal that you may be depleted in these minerals and under stress conditions your heart could be the next muscle to cramp causing angina or heart attack. Membrane Complex

Magnesium Orotate. Although not as efficient at crossing the cell walls as the AEP form, it has been found to aid in the retention of Magnesium within the cells throughout the body reducing excessive depletion.

Magnesium Taurate
. This third form of Magnesium is attached to an Amino Acid and enhances absorption in the Brain and in muscles that are being regularly ‘stressed’ with exercise. Anyone working to build muscle will especially benefit from this form of Magnesium.

(8) Iodine is another of the most basic minerals which can affect heart rhythm and acute iodine deficiency is very prevalent in modern cultures. 2-10 drops per day may be used for ‘loading’ purposes in the case of iodine depletion. (See the Iodine Replacement Therapy video for more information.) Iodine is not only essential for proper heart rhythm, but is also critical for normal thyroid function.

(9) Colloidal Silver Research in recent years has show that the origins of some heart health issues is infectious bacteria, such as H. pylori, which are associated with stomach ulcers. Chlamydia pneumonia found in cases of pneumonia may also be another bacterial source of heart damage. For maintenance purposes colloidal silver consumption can be from 1-4 teaspoons daily and for therapeutic use from 1-3 oz. daily for 2-4 weeks. There is no rule of thumb that fits everyone and it may be helpful to read A Layman’s Guide to Using Colloidal Silver.

(10) Zinc Balance contains both zinc and copper and are essential immune system stimulant. Take between 30mg (2 capsules) up to 60 mg (4 capsules) per day for 2-4 weeks and then reduce to 15-30 mg every 2 days for maintenance, but never exceed 100 mg per day for any length of time.

(11) Selenium is one of the most vital and potent antioxidants for protecting and healing the heart. Its deficiency has been specifically linked to heart disease. Take at least 200 mcg daily and up to 600 mcg per day for a limited period (2-4 weeks) and then reduce to 200 mcg per day for continuing maintenance.

Other supplement suggestions well worth consideration:

(12) Hawthorn Berry Heart Syrup is the best heart supplement complex to increase blood flow and lower blood pressure, both as a maintenance supplement taken daily (1/2 teaspoon 3 times) as well as an emergency supplement (1-3 ounces at one time until one can get to emergency facilities).

(13) Vitamin C can be an extremely important vitamin in the regulation of blood pressure.

(14) Omega Oils and essential fatty acids are also necessary for the proper functioning of the heart by aiding in the prevention of hardening of the arteries. Take up to 3 tablespoons per day for 2-4 weeks and reduce to 1-2 tbsp for maintenance afterwards.

(15) CoQ10 increases oxygenation of heart muscle tissue and may help prevent second heart attacks. (50-100mg daily)

(16) Alpha Lipoic Acid is an anti-oxidant that lowers LDL cholesterol levels in the blood.

(17) Grape Seed Extract is a powerful antioxidant that reduces the clotting tendencies of the blood. Notice: If you are taking anti-clotting drugs, it may be best not to take this supplement.

(18) IP-6 and Inositol is also known to protect the heart by preventing clots and reducing cholesterol and triglyceride levels. Notice: If you are taking anti-clotting drugs, it may be best not to take this supplement.

(19) Chromium GTF is very beneficial in that it has been shown to raise the HDL cholesterol levels in the blood.

Notice: This writer has no formal training in any field of healthcare, but I have been interested from childhood in natural healing because of my grandmother’s knowledge. She was trained by pioneer experience, as well as the passing down from both her pioneer and ‘original native’ American families of certain naturopathic healing practices. I am simply following in her footsteps in this interest. I consult regularly on many topics of natural healing and healthcare with close friends who are Doctors of Naturopathy as well as Medical Doctors as well as others who are well practiced natural healing researchers. All information and suggestions on natural healing, whether personal or in the conducting of my livelihood, are passed on to you as an exercise of my God-given Right of speech and opinion.

Healing Protocols

Insomnia and Sleeplessness Protocol

by Ben Taylor

There can be many causes of insomnia and sleeplessness, but here are some suggestions that in most cases will heal this health, both mind and body, destroying issue. Sleep issues can very often be caused by deficiencies in any of the nutrients listed below. We have listed some supplements below that are essential for restful and effective sleep:

1. Membrane Complex– contains the AEP form of magnesium, calcium, and potassium, which are closest to plant produced and 100% absorbable. One of the primary causes of insomnia is severe magnesium deficiency. 3-5 capsules taken 1/2 hour before bedtime can induce a whole body relaxation and sleep that is unmatched by any drug. It is important to know that the citrate and carbonate forms of calcium are difficult for the body to absorb and end up being stored in the joints, causing Arthritis; in the arteries, causing plaque build up and blockage; and in the muscle tissue, causing stiff and sore muscles.

2. Drenamin– aids in the rebuilding of the adrenal glands which are essential to the regulation of the body’s metabolism. Reduced adrenal function can be indicated by any one or more of the following: weakness, fatigue, sleeplessness, headaches, memory issues, dizziness, food cravings, allergies, and blood sugar disorders. One of the great side effects of using Drenamin to rebuild the adrenal glands is that if taken just before bedtime, it enhances sleep and can trigger better REM sleep and dreaming. My experience and of others is that I started dreaming ‘in color’ again after being on Drenamin for less than a week.

3. L-Tryptophan– is an essential amino acid, especially found in turkey meat that helps to trigger sleep enzymes and relaxation. If taken with Drenamin just before bedtime, it can produce a deep and restful sleep.

4. Taurine– is a building block of all other amino acids and is a key component of bile. It is essential for the proper absorption of magnesium, sodium, calcium, and potassium. Low levels of magnesium and potassium especially, are often key in the inability of muscles to relax as a prerequisite to sleep.

5. Enzymes (Systemic)- taken in mega servings reduces inflammation of tissue and capillaries enhancing the body cells oxygen absorption, which increases relaxation. Am enzyme tablet taken with food or supplements greatly enhances the absorption. (Note: Do not take enzymes with drugs as it will also enhance the absorption causes problems with the dosage level.

6. IP-6/Inositol– is a vitamin that has a calming effect on the body as well as reducing cholesterol levels. Research has also shown that inositol in high quantities can also alleviate depression, obsessive-compulsive disorders and anxiety disorders. It is also claimed to enhances REM sleep and dreams.

7. Vitamin C– aids in the production of anti-stress hormones and lowering the blood pressure and reducing cholesterol.

8) Alcohol consumption- If you have followed this protocol and you are still experiencing issues of insomnia, you may need to limit your alcohol consumption and in some cases eliminate it altogether. If you are a drinker of alcohol and you awake at night after 2-4 hours of sleep and then are wide awake, you may be experiencing alcohol induced insomnia. Alcohol is actually fermented sugar which can trigger sugar highs at night resulting in restlessness and even insomnia.

9) Liver Cleanse– If you are an alcohol drinker whether experiencing insomnia or not, you should be doing a regular liver cleanse of some kind as alcohol severely damages the ability of the liver to function properly as the body’s toxin filter. This will also exacerbate health problems and may compound sleep issues.

It is always important to get plenty of exercise and to eat a healthy diet when attempting to heal any health issue, so do not neglect these aspects of good health when dealing with insomnia and sleeplessness.

Healing Protocols

Eye Infections and Eye Strain

• Eye infections (caused by bacteria or other microbes)- 1-3 drops of colloidal silver every couple of hours for mild irritations usually works within a day. For more serious infections, use an eye cupand flush with colloidal silver.

• Sties- An old folk remedy is using a 10-14K gold ring. Place a newly cleaned ring on the sty and it is often gone in a only a few hours. As part of the cleaning, rinse with distilled water. A drop of colloidal gold is the modern day version of this.

• Red eye from chlorine – milk. This is great for people who have sensitive eyes to chlorine while swimming. Just put some milk in an eye dropper (if you can’t locate one, just dip a paper towel in milk and wring it out to make drops) and put a drop or two in each eye. This will normally take away the redness and eliminate the stinging.

• Foreign objects in the eyes– warm milk. Same as the above remedy, be sure to use warm milk, Soothes the sandpaper feeling in the eyes and also draws out foreign objects that are in the eye. Follow this with a flush with colloidal silver to prevent infection.

• Burning eyes from welding– green tea bags, water. Take the tea bags, soak in cold water for about 10 minutes. Lie down and cover your eyes with tea bags. After they start feeling better take off eyes.

• To revitalize tired eyes, treat yourself to a soothing chamomile (Matricaria recutita) compress twice a day. The chamomile soaks through your eyelids, soothing eye tissue and reducing swelling in the capillaries. Make the compress by steeping one teaspoon dried chamomile flowers or one chamomile tea bag in one cup boiling hot distilled  or carbon filtered water for 20 minutes. Strain. Allow the tea to cool, soak a washcloth in it, wring it out, lie down, and place it over your closed eyes for 15 to 20 minutes.

• Boil some green tea in a little distilled or carbon filtered water and let it cool. Dip two gauze pads in this brew and place the gauzes on each eye for 15 minutes. Make sure you keep dipping the cotton wads into the liquid, as soon as gauzes dry up.

• Another effective treatment for tired eyes, wash them with cold distilled or carbon filtered water, several times a day. This treatment reduces inflammation, moisturizers the skin /tissues, relaxes the eyes & provides relief from eyestrain & fatigue.

• Lavender oil offers gentle relief for tired and strained eyes. Add a drop of lender oil to 500 ml (two½ cups) of water and shake the solution well. Dip two cotton wool pads in the liquid, squeeze out the excess water and place one pad over each eye.

• To improve eye health and capillary circulation, take 3-5 enzymes on an empty stomach first thing in the morning and just before bed.

• Supplements essential for eye health are beta-carotene (Vitamin A ), Zinc , Vitamin E, Vitamin B Complex, Selenium, and Plant Minerals . (See also Vision Aid and Rx Eye )

• Eliminate processed sugars and white (bleached) flour from your diet.

• Foods recommended for eye health- fresh organic carrot juice, raw cabbage, cauliflower, squash, green vegetables, broccoli, sunflower seeds and watercress.

• If much time is spent reading, at the computer or watching television, eye damage will result if the eye isn’t properly exercised. As with any muscle in the body held in the same position for extended periods, muscle fatigue and even atrophy will result. This occurs when the eyes are focused at the same distance and on a narrow area for long periods. This can be alleviated by very simple eye exercises that step through a series of focus on objects at different distances. A good time to do these exercises is when driving. Start by focusing for a few seconds on the steering wheel or the odometer, then focus the eyes to the dash or windshield wipers, then to the front of the hood of your car, then to another car or object a few car lengths ahead, then to an object a block or two ahead. Keep refocusing until your eyes reach the horizon and then start the same progression in reverse back to your dash or steering wheel. Many people drive as if in a trance, focused on only one point directly in front of their car, oblivious to everything else. This exercise will not be a distraction, but will break that fixation ‘habit’ and will help train you to pay better attention to a broader range of what is happening around your vehicle.

Healing Protocols

Anti-Inflammatory and Chelation Protocol

by Ben Taylor (Silver Bulletin) An Enzyme Protocol is a one of the most beneficial and economical healing therapies and can be used, and generally should be used, in tandem with all of our other protocols. There are generally three uses of enzymes as listed below.

Digestive Enzyme Protocol is when 1-3 enzyme tablets are taken with meals or other supplements.

1. Aids in proper food digestion, maximizing your nutrient intake.

2. Enhances the absorption of other supplements, reducing supplement waste and saving money.

Systemic Enzyme Maintenance Protocol is when 5-10 enzyme tablets are taken in the morning and at night on an empty stomach. Take at least 1/2 hour before and/or 1/2 hour after meals to maximize effectiveness.

1. Acts as a potent chelator by reducing the plaque buildup in the arteries.

2. Reduces inflammation in the tissue and arteries and improves circulation.

3. Promotes healing of healthy tissue by reducing the formation of fibrin/scar tissue.

Systemic Enzyme Therapeutic Protocol is when 5 enzymes tablets are taken each 1/2 hour for 8-10 hours. Take at least 1/2 hour before and/or 1/2 hour after meals to maximize effectiveness.

1. This greatly accelerates the actions listed above, especially when you are either catching or experiencing an illness of almost any kind.

2. Can be used once a month as a therapeutic protocol replacing the Maintenance Protocol. Always test and evaluate your body’s reaction for an hour or two before continuing.

Note: The servings noted above are based on the use of the Enzyme Complex that we sell on our website.

Warning: Do not take enzymes with any drugs as they will enhance absorption and intensify the effects.

Healing Protocols

Yeast Infection/Candida Albicans Protocol

Yeast Infection/Candida Albicans Protocol

If these guidelines are followed, you can reduce or prevent the occurrence of yeast infections. If you already have an infection, then these guidelines may be essential to healing yourself from this troublesome issue. Although women experience generally worse yeast infections than men, this protocol is good for both men and women and it should be obvious to which each item applies.

A. Clothing:

1. Avoid underwear whenever possible. If you are susceptible to infection, avoid wearing underwear whenever possible, especially during the healing process.

2. Cotton underwear only. Wearing cotton rather than synthetic underwear allows the body to breathe better and keeps moisture levels to a minimum. Yeast thrives on moisture and warmth and wearing cotton garments will enhance healing and reduce your chances of an infection.

3. Sterilize underwear before wearing them. Normal washing in a washing machine does not necessarily sterilize underwear thoroughly and can allow you to be re-infected by your own clothes. This also goes for new underwear that may have been tried on in the store by someone else. Here are some suggestions for sterilization:
1. Soak in a mild bleach solution, but be sure all bleach is washed out afterwards;
2. Rinse in boiling water;
3. Hang dry in sunshine;
4. Steam iron.

4. Avoid pantyhose. Pantyhose, especially synthetic, can be a breeding ground for yeast. They can trap moisture and allow yeast to multiply quickly. An alternative to pantyhose are thigh stockings.

5. Wear skirts and avoid tight pants. Wearing skirts is essential when trying to heal a yeast infection and whenever possible is the best way to avoid new infections. Tight pants, especially of a synthetic material, can create an environment that is conducive for yeast growth. Limit your tight pants or jean wearing to short periods of time or special occasions until fully rid of an infection.

B. Hygiene:

1. Avoid sex. It is best to refrain from any sexual contact until both partners are treated and the yeast infection cured completely, otherwise it will be passed back and forth. This is most often the reason for repetitive yeast infections.

2. Toilet. The intestinal tract is a perfect environment where yeast thrives. Be sure to clean from front to back (away from the genitals) to avoid infecting yourself. Whenever possible, wash or shower after having bowel movements, especially when trying to clear up an infection.

3. Bathe instead of showering. Bathing without soap may also help to eradicate some of the yeast in the vaginal area. Avoid using soap in this area, because it may sometimes make a yeast infection worse by killing off beneficial bacteria that balance out the amounts of yeast around the vagina. Sprinkle a cup of sea salt (do not use table salt) in a tub of warm water, stir the water around until the salt dissolves, and then soak for up to an hour. You can do this every day, as long as it helps relieve itching and pain. The saltwater soak also speeds up healing.

4. Dry thoroughly after bathing and swimming. Make sure to dry the genital area very well after bathing or swimming as the moisture left in the pubic hair can encourage the growth of yeast.

5. Condoms may reduce yeast infections. Condoms are no guarantee from infection, but may reduce the spread back and forth between partners. If using a cervical birth control device, it needs to be sterilized. After washing, spray the device with colloidal silver.

6. Birth control pills linked to yeast infections. The long term use of birth control pills has been shown to be a possible cause of yeast infections. You might consider speaking to your health care professional about using a natural method or changing brands of birth control. Always use a product that has been on the market at least 7 years. New products simply do not have enough history to determine if they are safe or not.

7. Avoid using any chemicals or artificial fragrances. Allergic reactions can sometimes trigger a yeast infection. Avoid the use of any products that contain chemicals or artificial scents/fragrances. Douches, bubble baths, scented tampons, artificially perfumed soaps and feminine deodorant sprays can cause a flare up of yeast infections. A good rule of thumb, if it smells good and is not an essential oil (natural oil), it is most likely treated with scents or chemicals that can irritate, thus potentially causing infections.

8. Do not use sanitary napkins. Using tampons instead of sanitary napkins during your menstrual cycle will help to maintain better air flow to allow the vaginal area to breathe.

9. Douching. If you experience reoccurring yeast infections and have difficulty getting rid of them, douching may help. For three days in a row, once or twice (morning and night) a day, mix one or more of the following in one quart of distilled water for a douche. Use one on the first day and if it doesn’t seem to give some relief, try a different one on the second day to determine which works best for you. On the third day, always use a yogurt douche to replenish the beneficial bacteria.

• 1 ounce of Colloidal Silver in distilled water only. (Do not use tap water.) Silver kills yeast on contact and is soothing and conducive to tissue healing. Silver crèmes and bandage products are used in burn wards, where they not only protect from infection, but aid in the regeneration of tissue.

• 2-4 tablespoons of Sea Salt in slightly warm distilled water for easier dissolving. Yeast does not like a salty environment and salt, especially with natural mineral content promotes healing.

• 2 tablespoons of organic apple cider vinegar. This slightly acidic solution creates an environment that’s unwelcome to the yeast.

• I part 3% hydrogen peroxide in 3 parts distilled water. Also creates an unwelcome environment for yeast growth, but be cautious as it may be more painful than silver or sea salt.

• 1/4 teaspoon of Texas juniper or tea tree oil in slightly warm water to better disperse the oil. Both of these are good anti-fungal oils, but be caution in mixing too strong, as they can feel irritating on inflamed tissue.

Regardless of which of the mixtures above you used on previous days, on the third day mix 3-4 tablespoons of live culture yogurt in one quart of distilled water and douche twice (morning and night).

You should restrict a douching protocol to 3 days and use it only when you have a yeast infection. Regular douching when you are not infected is not recommended as there are natural body fluids and even bacteria which are essential to healthy vaginal tissue. If you have doing the whole protocol as best as possible, especially the Hygiene and Diet/Nutritional Supplementation, you may want to try the douche protocol again in 14 days.

C. Diet/Nutritional Supplementation.

1. Live culture yogurt and Probiotics. To maintain the delicate balance of beneficial bacteria/flora to yeast in the body, consume live culture yogurt containing L. Acidophilus (non-pasteurized) daily to help prevent yeast infections. L. Acidophilus is also available in broad spectrum Probiotics.

2. Avoid sugars, processed flour, and alcohol. Yeast infections can often be reduced by 90% by eliminating or reducing your sugar intake. Alcohol can also cause an increase in yeast since it is composed of fermented sugar.

3. Garlic. Eat a clove or two of garlic each day. Garlic has been used for millennia to combat everything from colds to intestinal infections. Its antifungal action makes it useful against yeast infections. It’s most effective if crushed and eaten raw, but if you don’t relish the idea of eating raw garlic, chop it up and sprinkle it on salads, or stir it into pasta sauce.

4. Colloidal Silver. Colloidal Silver may be the most effective product when used both as a douche and orally in larger quantities for a short period of time. Do not use orally with Probiotics at the same time as it will kill the probiotics. Separate the use by a couple of hours. More Info on using colloidal silver. This is an oral medication that can be taken to combat Systematic Candida, which is a condition of having yeast widespread throughout the entire body. It can be internal or external and is not limited to only the vaginal area. Colloidal Silver has been used very effectively along with Probiotics to heal from this issue.
5. Boosting the immune system. A healthy immune system is less likely to allow a yeast infection since yeast infections are caused from an imbalance in the body. A good multi-vitamin & mineral formula with plant minerals, exercise, proper diet, avoiding sugars and alcohol, and stopping smoking can boost the immune system and help reduce yeast infections.

6. Body and liver cleanses. It is always advisable to do a body, colon, and liver cleanse anytime one is experiencing health problems and infections. Infections cause a build up of toxins in the body’s cells, colon, and especially the liver which is the filter for the blood.

7. Avoid pharmaceutical anti-biotics and steroids. Probably the number one cause of yeast infections is the use of pharmaceutical anti-biotics which often kill off the bacteria that keeps yeast in check, allowing the yeast population to explode. It is better to use a natural anti-biotic alternative such as colloidal silver rather than pharmaceutical anti-biotics. Because antibiotics and steroids can alter the body’s internal balance, they should be avoided except in emergencies.

8. Health test for underlying problems. Recurring yeast infections can be the sign of other health problems and conditions. If you are experiencing a lot of yeast infections and you know you aren’t passing it to and from your partner, speak to your health care professional about a health test. A hair analysis is one of the more economical health tests that will not only pinpoint various conditions, but also allow you to target problem areas with the proper minerals.

The bottom line for both men and women is to pay special attention to your body and its overall health, which is greatly determined by a proper diet and nutrition. For women, it is important to notice what happens right before your menstrual cycle and in times of stress. You will be most susceptible to a yeast infection the week before your menstrual cycle and also during pregnancy as these are the times when your body becomes unbalanced by hormonal changes. Following the steps in this protocol will encourage a healthy body and help to maintain a good balance between too much and not enough yeast. It should also give you some tools to not only heal from current yeast infections, but to prevent future infections.

Healing Protocols

Dr. Ken’s Vaccination Protocol

This 7 day protocol for adults would depend on how many days notice one has; for example:1.    If I had two or three days of warning of a ‘forced vaccination’, I would immediately do a Therapeutic Liver Flush (see item 8) and also start taking Colloidal Silver in ¼ ounce servings every 4 hours for the first day. The second day, I would increase to ½ ounce servings every 4 hours. The third day, I would be consuming 1 ounce servings every 4 hours up until the time of vaccination. Immediately prior to the vaccination, I would consume 2- 8 ounces of silver, depending on body size. If the days of notice are reduced, I would simply eliminate the smaller quantities for the first days. (It is generally a good practice to consume Probiotics an hour or so after consuming larger quantities of silver to replenish the colon flora. Remember large quantities of silver may cause short-term flu-like symptoms (Herxheimer effect) or diarrhea. This generally lasts only a couple of days until the body is able to flush the bacterial or viral die-off caused by the silver. [Read “A Layman’s Guide to Using Colloidal Silver ”.]

2.    Have a cold pack or an ice pack with you (in an ice chest in your car) for everyone being forced to take a vaccination and apply it to the injection site immediately to stop or slow immune response. (Get to your ice packs immediately after vaccination, do not linger to talk or anything else. If a vaccination is being forced on you, do not agree to pay for it and do not sign any kind of release or consent form. If they are claiming the right to force a vaccination on you, then they do not need you to agree to it by your signature, do they?)3.    Take four ounces of Colloidal Silver orally immediately after the vaccination and continue 3 times daily 8 hours apart e.g. 8am, 2pm and 8pm for at least 7 days. If you have any lung symptoms also nebulize 5ml of silver with 1-3 drops of Lobelia 3 times a day for 7 days.

4.    Take full doses of IP6/Inositol ultra strength powder or Max 3 capsules twice daily in the morning and at bedtime on an empty stomach for 14-30 days.

5.    Take ten tablets/capsules of Oral Systemic Enzymes on an empty stomach 3 times daily, first thing in the morning, mid afternoon and just before bedtime for at least 7 days.

6.    Take 300mcg (micrograms) of a quality Selenium three times daily for at least 7 days. (See Chris Barr’s interview on selenium .)

7.    If you are unable to get at least 30 minutes of sunshine daily (without a shirt or in tee shirt and shorts) you may want to supplement with up to 5000 I.U. daily of  Vitamin D .

8.    Again, a Therapeutic Liver Flush using the 2 day protocol of Epsom Salts, olive oil and grapefruit juice should also be used early in this 7 day protocol. If that protocol is too much or not convenient for you (you must stay inactive and near a toilet for 1-1/2 days), a 14 Day Liver Cleanse condensed into 7 days is better than nothing. Even a normal healthy liver may be overtaxed after a vaccination and especially after using intensive body cleanses as suggested in this protocol.

9.    Eat nothing but fresh cantaloupe (organic if possible) for the first 24 hours after the vaccination; it is one of the better natural cellular cleansing foods.

10.    Get as much rest and sleep as your body needs.

11.    Drink fresh squeezed lemonade diluted with a distilled or carbon filtered water morning and evening for the duration which stimulates more bile production and detoxification.

12.    As a further suggestion if you have a juicer or access to a health food store selling the ready made products, drink ½ cup (about 4 oz.) of parsley juice, ½ cup (about 4 oz.) of cilantro juice and 1 cup (about 8 oz.) of celery juice (all organic if possible). Do this each day of the protocol if possible.

Notice: If you have a life or health threatening illness we suggest that you consult a healthcare professional who can become familiar with your health situation, preferably a qualified naturopathic doctor or one who has been trained in integrative medicine. We also encourage you to diligently research any information on our websites or in our newsletters to decide if you are in agreement with the opinions offered. All decisions made in the use of supplements is the sole responsibility of each individual.

All information offered herein is strictly opinion and is presented as an exercise of the God-given unalienable Right of free speech, as well as the right to help others, set forth in part by The Herbalist’s Charter.