Customer Testimonials

Pet Shampoo, Food Wash,Colds & Viruses

Hi Utopia,
We use colloidal silver for EVERYTHING, have sent so many testimonials over the years. Have been using it to spray on our tabletops and computer table every day too and our sinks.

It goes into every dog shampoo we use and we have been thrilled for years at the results. Thinking the water pipes are over 100 years OLD and we do use a ten stage water filter, but we still put a dropper of colloidal silver in our water and always wash our fruits and veggies in filtered water WITH COLLOIDAL SILVER in it. The uses are ENDLESS……….and we KNOW what we have here after all these years of use.

Plus, we are ‘allergic’ people who haven’t caught a bug or virus in so many years……and are so, so grateful!!!! AND no colds. And yes, I spray my nose a couple of times a day with it. For YEARS, I never spent a healthy month at a time.

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