Healthy Recipes

Raw Pecan Pie and All-Natural Fudge

by: Tony Isaacs (TBYIL) For many of us, traditional holiday feasts include a wealth of scrumptious desserts. However, many of the traditional holiday desserts contain far too much refined sugar and other ingredients that are less than healthy. This year, try these two healthier dessert recipes that are sure to please any dessert lover:

Raw Pecan Pie with Almonds and Dates
If pecan pie is on your mind and you are a raw food fan, you and your guests will love this healthy version. While this recipe uses only healthy ingredients, it produces a super-rich pecan pie that is best served in small portions. Rather than serve this pie in traditional slices, you may want to use a good knife to divide the pie into 2-inch squares.Ingredients:2 cups almonds (raw, if available), soaked for one hour, drained, dried
3 dozen pitted dates, soaked for one hour, drained (save water)
1 tablespoon fresh lemon or lime juice
1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1/4 teaspoon sea salt
1/2 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
2 cups raw pecans, soaked for one hour, drained, dried
Coconut oil


Put almonds and 10 dates in a food processor and blend until they have a crust-like consistency. Add a small amount of water (saved from soaking the dates) if necessary to aid in bringing almonds and dates together.

Grease a pie plate or 9-inch square baking pan with a light coat of coconut oil to prevent the pie from sticking.

Use a spatula or the underside of a spoon to press the almond-date crust into the bottom and sides of the plate or pan. Put the finished crust in the freezer until time to fill it.

Combine the remaining dates, fresh lemon or lime juice, cinnamon, sea salt, and vanilla in a food processor and blend until smooth. Use a small amount of water (left over from soaking dates) if necessary.

Spread the date filling evenly over the almond-date crust and arrange the raw pecans on top of the filling, pressing down lightly to keep the pecans in place.

Note: the pie can also be baked in the oven at 350 degrees for 10 minutes, or else cooked on low broil for about five minutes for crispier pecans. Hint: Put a bit of raw honey on top of the pecans for a tasty glaze.

Adapted from:

Easy All Natural Fudge Recipe

This easy and delicious fudge recipe calls for protein-rich almond butter and antioxidant-rich raw chocolate powder, making it a decadent treat that is much healthier than conventional store-bought fudge. Although this fudge is made with all-natural ingredients, it is best to eat only one or two small pieces at a time, as eating honey-rich foods can stress one’s blood sugar.


2 cups almond butter
1/4 cup raw organic cocoa powder, sifted to remove any lumps
1/2 cup plus 2 tablespoons raw organic honey
1 heaping tablespoon coconut oil, melted (optional)
2 teaspoons pure vanilla extract
1 teaspoon coarse sea salt


Combine all ingredients in a large bowl. Mix well.

Spoon mixture into a pan and flatten with the back of a spoon. Place in the freezer for about an hour; then, take out and cut into bite-size squares. Keep these covered and stored in the freezer.

These must be kept in the freezer until just prior to serving – otherwise they will become the consistency they were before freezing.

Varieties: You can substitute dark cocoa for part or all of the cocoa. Also, try adding favorite nuts such as whole or chopped pecans or walnuts.

Healing Protocols

Adrenal Healing Protocol

by Ben Taylor (Silver Bulletin) This protocol is intended to facilitate the rebuilding of the adrenal glands, generally in the case of underactive adrenal function. The most common symptoms are fatigue, weakness, lethargy, dizziness, headaches, memory problems, depression, food cravings, allergies, and blood sugar disorders. But it can also include any one or a combination of the following if Addison’s disease has developed; loss of appetite, lower than normal heart rate, painful menstrual periods, muscle cramps and weakness.

Following is a general adrenal gland healing and rebuilding protocol for adults using supplements that are save and can be very effective in a very short time 3-6 months. The recommended supplements will generally give positive results, but they will be enhanced and usually hastened by also following steps 1-5.

(1) Put aside stressful situations in your life and past traumas behind you, as stress alone can accelerate adrenal gland fatigue. Focus on a positive outlook with healing your body, mind, and spirit as a priority. Research has shown that prayer, which puts the mind, body, and spirit into agreement with God and with the healthy actions you are taking is very helpful for optimum healing. God created a Universe of logic and order and has built into it “cause and effect”. We cannot expect regeneration of our physical mind and body if we continue to abuse them with unhealthy thoughts and unnecessary worries.

(2) Stop all alcohol and tobacco use as well as food abuse (overeating of foods, especially processed foods) as they will lower your immunity even further and may well be a part of the root cause of your health problems. It is impractical to expect regeneration of the physical mind and body if we continue to abuse them with unhealthy practices.

(3) Remove the consumption of most animal proteins (meat, milk, cheese, eggs, yogurt, and fish) and sugars (except for fruit) whether in food or drink. If you are worried that you won’t get enough protein, then take un-denatured whey protein. Eat only starches, vegetables (excluding potatoes, but especially green leafy ones) and fruit. Raw organic carrots and apples and/or their juices are very good. Mega doses of Enzymes (4-6 capsules morning and night) with 8 oz. of water on an otherwise empty stomach will enhance circulation and boost your overall immunity to pathogens. Bromelain (a pineapple enzyme) taken with your food and with your supplements will enhance nutrient absorption. Notice: Drink adequate water when taking Bromelain or Enzymes and do not take them with any drugs, as it will intensify the effects and could be dangerous.

(4) Drink non-chlorinated and non-fluorinated water (6 – 8 glasses per day). Be careful above 64 oz. per day (depending on your body weight) as too much water can result in electrolyte dilution which can cause neurological. Generally people do not get enough water rather than too much and water is essential for the carrying of nutrients to the cells and toxins out of the cells.

(5) Get to bed by 10:30 pm even if you don’t go to sleep immediately. You can pray and relax or read until sleeps comes. If restful sleep is an issue and you require a sleep aid, L-Tryptophan and Membrane Complex (Magnesium, Calcium, and Potassium complex) is often a good alternative to prescription drugs. Drenamin as suggested below taken at bedtime with Membrane Complex is one of the best sleep aids that I have found. 3-4 capsules may be taken at bedtime along with 2-3 Drenamin tablets. Many find that this combination creates a renewed REM sleep in which dreams again become a part of your sleep pattern. Many describe “dreaming in color” again.

(6) Liver Cleanse and/or Whole Body Cleanse. Anytime one is trying to heal the body, cleansing the liver and colon is extremely beneficial. The liver is akin to the oil filter on a car and tends to retain toxic material over time, especially when the body is in an unhealthy state. Having a clean liver “filter” enables the body to efficiently eliminate more toxins.

(7) Take 1-3 grams 2-3 times per day of Vitamin C during the healing period. Vitamin C is essential for proper functioning of the adrenal gland.

(8) Take the recommended dose of Adrenal Stress End tablets per meal for 1-2 weeks to test the body reaction and to allow it to adjust. If you do not experience any obvious side effects, you may want to increase to double the dose tablets per meal for a month or two. After that, you may reduce back to the recommended dose per meal for maintenance purposes. If sleep issues are present, see item (9) below.

(9) Take 1-3 Membrane Complex capsules morning and night for the proper levels of calcium, magnesium and potassium, which enables a proper level of electrolytic function. Adrenal fatigue tends to accelerate depletion of these minerals especially Potassium. Magnesium and Calcium are also critical for the proper muscle function including the relaxation of tense muscles which can intensify the effects of Adrenal fatigue.

10) Super Therapeutic Vitamin, Mineral, & Herbal Formula– Although those listed above probably rank in importance, there are many essential trace minerals and vitamins, especially B Vitamins, associated with a healthy adrenal gland. IntraMax is a therapeutic high potency liquid formula.

11) Zinc Balance is also an essential immune system stimulant. Take between 30mg (2 capsules) up to 60 mg (4 capsules) per day for 2-4 weeks and then reduce to 15-30 mg every 2 days for maintenance, but never exceed 100 mg per day for any length of time.

11) CoQ10 (60 mg plus per day) is a potent antioxidant that enhances the carrying of oxygen to all glands.

Healing Protocols

Thyroid Healing & Rebuilding Protocol

by Ben Taylor (Silver Bulletin) This protocol is intended to facilitate the rebuilding of the thyroid gland, generally in the case of Hypothyroidism, which is an under active thyroid function. The most common symptoms are fatigue, depression, weight gain, hair loss (generally in women), and intolerance to cold. But it can also include any one or a combination of the following; loss of appetite, lower than normal heart rate, painful menstrual periods, muscle cramps and weakness, dry and scaly skin, yellow-orange coloration in the palms, yellow bumps on the eyelids, migraines, constipation, goiter (a swelling of the thyroid gland), drooping and/or swollen eyes, hoarseness, and recurrent infections (especially respiratory). A simple blood test to measure your levels of thyroid hormone or thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) can be done by your doctor (if you trust them not to pressure you onto a lifetime of drugs) to determine if you actually have an under-functioning thyroid.

Following is a general thyroid rebuilding and immune booster protocol for adults using supplements that are safe and can be very effective in healing thyroid issues. The recommended supplements will generally give positive results, but they will be enhanced and usually hastened by also following steps 1-5.

(1) Put aside stressful situations in your life and past traumas behind you, as stress alone can accelerate thyroid fatigue. Focus on a positive outlook with healing your body, mind, and spirit as a priority. Research has shown that prayer, which puts the mind, body, and spirit into agreement with God and with the healthy actions you are taking is very helpful for optimum healing. God created a Universe of logic and order and has built into it “cause and effect”. We cannot expect regeneration of our physical mind and body if we continue to abuse them with unhealthy thoughts and unnecessary worries.

(2) Stop all alcohol and tobacco use as well as food abuse (overeating of foods, especially processed foods) as they will lower your immunity even further and may well be a part of the root cause of your health problems. It is impractical to expect regeneration of the physical mind and body if we continue to abuse them with unhealthy practices.

(3) Remove the consumption of most animal proteins (meat, milk, cheese, eggs, yogurt, and fish) and sugars (except for fruit) whether in food or drink. If you are worried that you won’t get enough protein, then take un-denatured whey protein. Eat only starches, vegetables (excluding potatoes) and fruit. Raw organic carrots and apples and/or their juices are very good. Mega doses of Enzymes (4-6 capsules morning and night) on an empty stomach will enhance circulation and boost your overall immunity to pathogens. Take Bromelain (a pineapple enzyme) with your food and with your supplements to enhance nutrient absorption. Notice: Do not take Bromelain or Enzymes with any drugs you may be taking, as it will intensify the effects and could be dangerous.

(4) Drink non-chlorinated and non-fluorinated water (6 – 8 glasses per day). Be careful above 64 oz. per day (depending on your body weight) as too much water can result in electrolyte dilution which can cause neurological problems. Generally people do not get enough water rather than too much.

(5) Get to bed by 10:30 pm even if you don’t go to sleep immediately. You can pray and relax or read until sleeps comes. If you require a sleep aid, L-Tryptophan and Membrane Complex (Magnesium, Calcium, and Potassium complex) is often a good alternative to prescription drugs.

(6) Take a thyroid rebuilding supplement (such as Thyroid Response by Innate Response), one recommended dose per meal for 1-2 weeks to test the body reaction and to allow it to adjust. If you do not experience an increase in nervousness or irritability during this period, you may want to increase to two doses per meal for a month or two. After that, you may reduce to one tablet per meal for maintenance purposes.

(7) Iodine is the basic substance of thyroid hormone and acute iodine deficiency is very prevalent in modern cultures. 2-10 drops per day may be used for ‘loading’ purposes in the case of iodine depletion. (See the Iodine Replacement Therapy video for more information.) Iodine is not only essential for proper thyroid function, but is also critical for normal heart rhythm.

(8) Selenium is one of the most vital and potent antioxidants for protecting and healing the immune system. Take at least 200 mcg (1 capsule) up to 600 mcg (3 capsules) per day for a limited period (2-4 weeks) and then reduce to 200 mcg per day for continuing maintenance.

(9) Cataplex B is a food sourced Vitamin B Complex that has been found to greatly enhance the absorption of iodine.

(10) Zinc Balance is also an essential immune system stimulant. Take between 30mg (2 capsules) up to 60 mg (4 capsules) per day for 2-4 weeks and then reduce to 15-30 mg every 2 days for maintenance, but never exceed 100 mg per day for any length of time.

(11) Omega Oils and essential fatty acids are also necessary for the proper functioning of the thyroid gland. Take up to 3 tablespoons per day for 2-4 weeks and reduce to 1-2 tbsp for maintenance afterwards.

Natural Remedies The Best Years In Life

Heal and Soothe Burns and Prevent Scarring with Natural Home Remedies

by: Tony Isaacs (SilverBulletin) When most people think of burns, fire and heat usually come to mind. While it is true that heat is the leading cause of tissue damage known as “burns”, such damage can also be caused by sunburn and other radiation, friction, electricity, or chemicals. Most burns other than the most severe ones can be treated safely and effectively with natural home remedies.

Advanced Colloidal Silver

Utopia Naturals Soaps

Burns are characterized by degree, based on the severity of the tissue damage. First-degree burns cause redness and swelling in the epidermis (the outermost layers of skin). Second-degree burns also involve redness and swelling as well as blistering and the damage may extend beneath the epidermis to the deeper layers of skin (the dermis). Third-degree burns destroy the entire depth of skin and usually result in scarring, and the damage may extend to underlying fat, muscle, or bone.

The wonderful Aloe Vera plant is a top choice for healing and soothing burns. Since the active ingredient (acemannen) breaks down quickly, fresh inner leaf fillets are much preferred. Fresh Aloe Vera quickly soothes painful burns and often heals even serious burns with little or no scarring.

Lavender essential oil is a very effective antiseptic that also reduces pain and promotes rapid healing. In addition, lavender reduces scarring. When lavender oil is applied to a burn very quickly, the burn may heal with no scarring at all. For larger burns, pour lavender oil onto a gauze or cloth and apply to the burn every few hours.

A wonderful and widely available household first aid item for healing and soothing burns is diluted vinegar. Cover the burn area with a cloth soaked in diluted vinegar. Refresh the vinegar compress as often as needed, especially if the pain becomes stronger again.

Another good household item is honey, especially raw honey, which has wonderful antiseptic and healing properties. Researchers in India found that burns dressed with honey healed faster and with less pain and scarring.

The India Yunani Cotton-Ash Paste burn remedy has been used for centuries to treat even severe burns. Take a large piece of cotton wool (or any kind of pure, white cotton fabric) and burn it (perhaps in a metal pot). Use the ash of the burned cotton and mix with olive oil to get a thick paste. Spread this black paste on the burned skin and cover with a cling film. Reportedly, the pain disappears in seconds and even the accompanied shock ameliorates. If the pain comes back again, refresh the poultice and use fresh paste on the wound. Use the paste for a week or so, depending on the severity of the burns.

Another age old remedy is potato peels. Potato peels provide moisture and they also have anti-bacterial properties that help in healing. Doctors have found that potato peel bandages work better for minor burns than conventional dressings.

An effective home remedy for burns can be made by combining equal portions of barley, turmeric and yogurt. Apply the resulting paste over the affected areas for pain relief and healing.

Calendula infused oil or calendula ointment is also a good burn remedy.

Vitamins A, C, and E aid in the healing process for burns and other wounds. Zinc can help with healthier skin after the burn as well as quicker recovery time.

Last, but far from least, is colloidal silver. Colloidal silver has wonderful antiseptic and healing properties and helps damaged tissue regenerate. Major hospital burn units use colloidal silver bandages and ointments. Severe burns often heal with little or no scarring.

Note: In the case of any very severe burn, seek professional medical care immediately.

Healthy Recipes

Natural Oatmeal Raisin or Cranberry Cookies


1/2 cup organic butter, softened

1/2 cup honey

1 brown yard egg

1 teaspoon organic pure vanilla extract3/4 cup stone ground whole wheat flour1/2 teaspoon baking soda1 pinch pink Himalayan salt

3/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon

1 1/2 cups quick-cooking oats

1 apple, cored a chopped

1/2 cup baking raisins or cranberries


Preheat the oven to 375 degrees F (190 degrees C). In a large bowl, cream together the margarine, honey, egg and vanilla until smooth. Combine the whole wheat flour, baking soda, salt, and cinnamon; stir into the creamed mixture. Mix in oats, apple and raisins or cranberries. Drop by teaspoonfuls onto non-stick cookie sheets.

Bake for 8 to 10 minutes in the preheated oven. Allow cookies to cool on baking sheet for 5 minutes before removing to a wire rack to cool completely.

Natural Remedies

Getting Rid of Splinters

by: Tony Isaacs (Silver Bulletin) Few of us have avoided the pain and aggravation of getting a splinter.  Whether the splinter is a sliver of wood, metal or glass it can be difficult to remove and sometimes painful as well.  If the splinter is not removed and removed cleanly, infection can result and sometimes the infection can become a serious one.  The next time you get a splinter, try these tips to get it out as painlessly and safely as possible:
* Hydrogen Peroxide.  Cover the area where the splinter is with hydrogen peroxide.  Often the splinter will come out within minutes.

* Take a whole egg and crack it (emptying the contents) so that only the shell remains.  Place the inside (wet side) of the shell onto the splinter for a few minutes and the splinter should work its way far enough out till you can pick it right out.

* Place a piece of duct tape over the splinter and leave on for a half hour. Then slowly peel away. The splinter should come off with the tape.

* Apply some white glue such as is used in grade school on top of the splinter and surrounding skin area and let it dry.  When you peel it off, the splinter should come out.

* Put a piece of bread over the splinter and wrap a band-aid around it, the let it set overnight and the splinter may be drawn out and attached to the band-aid by morning.  Another version of this remedy is to put a bit of milk on the bread.

* Before going to bed at night, place a very small piece of bacon fat on top of the splinter and cover with a band-aid. In the morning the splinter will usually have risen to the top where it can easily be removed.

* Make a paste with powdered laundry soap and water and rub where the splinter is (be careful not to rub too hard and drive the splinter in further) and then wait a few minutes.  Often this will draw the splinter to the surface.

* For thorns, use a piece of pantyhose to snag and pull them out. Works great for small thorns like those of cactus [needles].

* Onion or tomato.  Apply a slice of fresh onion or tomato to draw the splinter to the surface of the skin.

* Honey is also effective to help the splinter be drawn to the surface.  Apply honey to the area where the splinter is and see if it helps draw the splinter to the surface.

* When none of the above tips work to completely remove the splinter, you may need to resort to ice and tweezers.  Apply ice to the area to numb the nerves and use a sterilized (by flame and/or rubbing alcohol) tweezers.

Once the splinter has been removed, be sure to disinfect the area with hydrogen peroxide and then apply something with good antiseptic properties to prevent infection.  A combination of colloidal silver and aloe works very well, as does tea tree oil.  You can also cover the area with raw organic honey, which has superior antiseptic and healing properties.  The best of all honeys is Manuka honey, which is a good thing to keep around the house for scrapes and wounds. It is widely available in many different brands online.

Healthy Recipes

Savory Sweet Potato and Leek Gratin

A New Twist on a French Favorite: A sinfully delicious dish that is usually loaded with cheese, cream and butter, this classic French casserole was due for a makeover. By substituting reduced-fat cheese and nonfat milk for the traditional full-fat dairy ingredients, this recipe cuts out most of the saturated fat. Our gratin also calls for sweet potatoes, which not only add a burst of color, but also provide vitamins C and A and a hearty dose of phyto-chemicals.

2 cloves garlic, minced
2 leeks (white part only), well rinsed and coarsely chopped
1 cup fat free, reduced-sodium chicken broth (you’ll add your own mineral salt)
3 large sweet potatoes, cooked and mashed (about 4 1/2 to 5 cups
1 egg (fresh yard egg or organic egg)
1 cup organic goat’s milk
1 cup shredded reduced-fat Swiss cheese, divided
1/2 tsp. pink Himalayan salt, Dead sea salt or other non-processed salt
1/2 tsp. coarsely ground black pepper
1/4 tsp. cayenne pepper


1)     Preheat the oven to 375 degrees.

2)     Coat a large nonstick skillet with olive oil. Sauté the garlic and leeks over medium-high heat for 5 minutes.

3)     Add the broth and simmer over medium heat until the leeks are tender and most of the liquid evaporates, about 10 minutes.

4)     Remove the skillet from the heat and cool slightly.

5)     In a large bowl, combine the leek mixture, mashed sweet potatoes, egg, milk, 1/2 cup of cheese, salt and pepper.

6)     Spoon the mixture into a medium, shallow casserole or gratin dish and smooth the top and sprinkle it with the remaining cheese and cayenne pepper.

7)     Bake until the top is golden brown and the mixture bubbles, about 30 minutes.

Makes 10 servings.

Per serving: 170 calories, 1.5 g total fat (<1 g saturated fat), 34 g carbohydrate, 7 g protein, 4 g dietary fiber, 260 mg sodium

(From AICR)


Healthy Recipes

Eat Yogurt, Avoid Bladder Cancer

If you love yogurt, you’re in luck. You probably already know it’s good for you, but I found a recent Swedish study that gives us more evidence. Researchers at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm studied the diets of 80,000 patients in a nine-year span and published their findings in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.
If you love yogurt, you’re in luck. You probably already know it’s good for you, but I found a recent Swedish study that gives us more evidence. Researchers at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm studied the diets of 80,000 patients in a nine-year span and published their findings in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.They concluded that women who consumed two servings of yogurt every day were 45% less likely to develop bladder cancer than those who only eat it occasionally or not at all (36% for men). What’s interesting is that the researchers found no protective benefit in other dairy products. It was only the yogurt or cultured milk products with lactic acid bacteria.Lead study author Alicja Wolk, Ph.D., says the probiotic called lactobacillus in cultured dairy products could be responsible for providing these protective benefits. (Ref: Women’s Health, March 2009, p. 28)Of course, it’s safe to say that most people who eat yogurt probably lead healthier lifestyles, but the findings are still significant.



Natural Remedies


• Cornstarch. Works good on humans or animals for shallow cuts. Sprinkle the wound with cornstarch, it should coagulate almost instantly.

• Cayenne Pepper. Place cayenne pepper on the wound to help it stop bleeding (it May burn) and place a band aid over it.

Himalayan Salt and water. Mix water with Himalayan salt then put on effected area.

• Ground Coffee. Pour ground coffee directly on the wound. Apply pressure to form a paste. It forms a “bandage”. If it continues to bleed, apply more coffee and get medical attention.

• Eat orange peel – it should stop some pretty bad bleeding within about 30 minutes.

• For severe bleeding in the arms and legs such as being cut in one of the major arteries, place cloth on wound and apply pressure. Apply pressure above the wound pressing the artery to the bone with your hand below your wrist where your strength is, do not use your fingers. Elevate arm or leg 8-10 inches above the wound so that blood will flow away from the wound and prevent more bleeding.

You should always call for help if someone has a major wound such as a cut artery.

A person can bleed to death within one minute if an artery is severed.

Ask Utopia Silver

13 Month Old

Dear Utopia Silver friends,
My name is Craig and i have been taking your colloidal silver with excellent results for over 5 years. I have not had bronchitis since i started. Also i was spared the Dengue fever when i was in the Philippines.
Now my wife and i have a 13 month old baby boy who is very active and strong. He somehow got a cold, with runny nose, little cough, sneeze, and the typical symptoms of cold/flu. How much colloidal silver can i give him?  Like two to three drops from a dropper in juice or water? Or directly in his mouth? I am very careful not to give too much, so this is why i am asking. Thanks so much for your great product and service to people.Sincerely,
Craig in California


Hi Craig,
Except in an emergency, I would refrain from giving a infant very much silver orally and certainly not in juice where it could be carried to the colon. Maybe a few drops sublingually under the tongue (so that he wouldn’t swallow much) would not be an issue and eyes, ears, nose—no problem. You can absorb quite a bit via the nose and eyes, so that might be the best option. Their digestive system is simply a little too immature and silver will kill off (at least temporarily) essential colon flora.

Ben in Utopia