Ask Utopia Silver

13 Month Old

Dear Utopia Silver friends,
My name is Craig and i have been taking your colloidal silver with excellent results for over 5 years. I have not had bronchitis since i started. Also i was spared the Dengue fever when i was in the Philippines.
Now my wife and i have a 13 month old baby boy who is very active and strong. He somehow got a cold, with runny nose, little cough, sneeze, and the typical symptoms of cold/flu. How much colloidal silver can i give him?  Like two to three drops from a dropper in juice or water? Or directly in his mouth? I am very careful not to give too much, so this is why i am asking. Thanks so much for your great product and service to people.Sincerely,
Craig in California


Hi Craig,
Except in an emergency, I would refrain from giving a infant very much silver orally and certainly not in juice where it could be carried to the colon. Maybe a few drops sublingually under the tongue (so that he wouldn’t swallow much) would not be an issue and eyes, ears, nose—no problem. You can absorb quite a bit via the nose and eyes, so that might be the best option. Their digestive system is simply a little too immature and silver will kill off (at least temporarily) essential colon flora.

Ben in Utopia

Ask Utopia Silver

Silver Wire

Dear friends,
…I have used your products before and am grateful you are out there! Last month I bought some silver wire with the expectation of doing some soldering.

However, it has proven harder than it was a few years ago. That’s why I now want to buy the electrodes with the silver wire already attached. Then I just plug that into my batteries and am good to go. I made one mistake buying the silver; I don’t want to make another. I’m just checking up before I do. Thank you for taking the time to read my message.

Lora in Pennsylvania


Hello Lora,
Thanks for the nice comment. The silver you have sounds like sterling silver, which is used to make jewelry. It is not pure, but contains either copper or nickel, added to the silver to make it more durable. Do not use Nickel for making colloidal silver.

Ben Taylor in Utopia

Natural Remedies

The Medicine Cabinet In Your Kitchen

by: Tony Isaacs (TMI) Many of us have a cabinet full of herbs and spices we use to help improve the flavor of our meals. What many may not realize is how much common kitchen herbs and spices can also help improve our health. Here are ten top examples:

CAYENNE – Cayenne pepper has wonderful cardiovascular benefits, including lowering blood pressure. Famed herbalist Doctor John Christopher noted that a couple of teaspoons of cayenne pepper never failed to stop a heart attack in only minutes. When added to food, cayenne increases appetite, improves digestion and relieves gas, nausea and indigestion. It also thins phlegm and eases its passage from the lungs.

GARLIC – Garlic is a natural antiseptic and powerful cancer fighter with numerous other health benefits. It helps lower cholesterol, reduces plaque, lowers blood pressure, and lowers the risk of atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries). Garlic is also effective against digestive ailments and diarrhea.

TURMERIC – The curcumin contained in turmeric provides powerful anti-cancer properties, especially for past smokers. Curcumin has clinically proven anti-inflammatory effects, including significant beneficial effects in relieving rheumatoid arthritis and carpal tunnel syndrome. Turmeric is also packed with antioxidants, including vitamins A, C, and E, and may help prevent cataracts.

CINNAMON – Cinnamon contains a compound that kills a variety of illness causing bacteria, including the E.coli, Salmonella, and Staphylococcus aureus. Research shows that cinnamon can also stop the growth of the Asian flu virus. Cinnamon helps lower blood pressure and helps regulate menstrual cycles. In addition, cinnamon has a tranquilizing effect that helps reduce anxiety and stress

OREGANO – Oregano is a powerful natural antiseptic. It contains 19 chemical compounds with antibacterial actions as well as four compounds that soothe coughs. In addition, oregano helps soothe stomach muscles, making it a good digestive aid, and it helps lower blood pressure.

GINGER – Ginger is a wonderful digestive aid which stimulates saliva flow and digestive activity, settles the stomach, relieves vomiting, and eases pain from gas and diarrhea. Ginger is also effective as an anti-nausea remedy. Researchers have found that ginger is more effective against motion sickness than the most commonly used over the counter medication. Ginger is also used as a pain reliever and it helps lower bad cholesterol.

FENUGREEK – Fenugreek seeds help treat diabetes, lower blood sugar and lower bad cholesterol. Fenugreek also helps maintain good metabolism, prevents constipation, purifies the blood and helps flush out harmful toxins. Fenugreek seeds and leaves are good for increasing breast milk in lactating women.

BASIL – Basil is an herbal carminative which can relieve gas and soothe stomach upsets. Research has also indicated that basil helps prevent aging.

CLOVE – Oil of clove is 60 to 90 percent eugenol, which is a potent pain deadening anti-microbial. Clove has earned the official endorsement of the FDA as an effective stopgap measure for tooth pain. Clove also helps lower blood sugar by helping the body use insulin more effectively. Clove was also found in one study to speed healing of dreaded cold sores.

BLACK PEPPER – Black pepper is one of the oldest and most commonly used spices. It has a stimulating effect on the digestive organs and produces an increased flow of saliva and digestive juices. Black pepper can help relieve indigestion as well as flatulence. It also helps improve absorption and utilization of curcumin, which the body normally does not absorb very well.

Healing Protocols

Arthritis and Carpel Tunnel Healing Protocol

by Ben Taylor

This protocol for the healing of Arthritis and Carpel Tunnel Syndrome. One may be dealing with either or both, but this protocol will generally work on both. Of all our protocols, this one probably has the highest success rate.

The following serving suggestions are for therapeutic use and accelerated healing. When the symptoms are gone, which is usually accomplished in 2-8 weeks depending on the severity of the problem, one can then go to the suggested maintenance serving on the bottle.

Joint Care – Take 1 oz. 2-3 times per day (morning, noon, and night)

Enzyme Complex – Take 1 tablet with each serving of Joint Care to enhance the digestion and absorption.

Hyaluronic Acid– Take 1-2 capsules 3 times per day. This provides the fluid matrix for joint lubrication, skin hydration, and skin repair.

MSM– Take 1000 mg (1 capsule) three times per day with 3-5 Enzyme tablets on an empty stomach. High amounts of enzymes will reduce the inflammation and break down the fibrin build up in the joints and around the tendons. It will also improve circulation which accelerates healing.

Membrane Complex (Magnesium, Calcium, & Potassium)- Take 2 capsules morning and mid-day and 3-5 capsules at bedtime. Doing a larger amount at bedtime will enhance your relaxation and sleep and promote the healing process.

Colloidal Silver– Take 1-3 teaspoons daily on an empty stomach. Silver kills bacterial, viral, and funga l infections in the joints which is another possible cause of joint problems. Fungal is the most common , especially if you have ever had a Candida/yeast infection,

This is optional, but may be suggested for those conditions that affect the whole body rather than localized (hands, wrist, ankles, etc.). IntraMax Super Therapeutic Vitamin, Mineral, & Herbal Formula– Take 1/4 oz daily for 7 days, then 1/2 oz daily for 7 days, after that you may want to finish the bottle at 1 oz daily. This is one of the very best vitamin, mineral, and herbal formulas on the market and will provide your body with most of the essential trace minerals and vitamins to enhance the healing process. We generally recommend mixing this 50/50 with 75 Plant Derived Colloidal Minerals and then taking 1-2 oz. per day during the healing period.

(Note: Generally the dosages indicated on the bottles are for maintenance purposes and are not therapeutic amounts One may need therapeutic amounts for 2-8 weeks, but after your symptoms are gone, you will probably only need the minimum daily maintenance amounts.

Healing our bodies is no accident. If this protocol is diligently followed, most people have noticeable relief in 1-3 weeks.

Healing Protocols

Migraine and Headache Protocol

by Ben Taylor

This protocol is for the healing of headaches in general and migraines especially. One may be dealing with either or both, but this protocol will generally work on both. Migraines have usually been described as vascular in nature involving excessive dilation or contraction of the brain’s blood vessels. More recent research has indicated that they may be caused by inflammation in the meninges causing abnormal neurological activity. Non-migraine headaches tend to be cause by muscular tension or even inflammation that can lead to the interruptions in the blood circulation to the head.

The underlying causes of headaches and migraines can also be a bad diet and a toxic environment.

The following suggestions are for therapeutic use and accelerated healing of the underlying cause of headaches, whether migraine or general. When the symptoms are gone, which is usually accomplished within hours depending on the severity of the problem, one can then go to the suggested maintenance serving on the bottle. Each individual may or may not require all of these supplements and not everyone may need to use all of these, except in severe or migraine cases. If one has what might be considered a chronic problem with headaches, it may well be necessary to utilize a broader healing protocol approach using most or all of the following supplement suggestions. If the problem is more acute in nature, appearing once in a while rather than ongoing, the use of Membrane Complex with Enzymes and Magnesium Oil may be enough to provide healing relief. It is usually necessary to determine for yourself what works and then use those elements for your personal and individualized protocol.

For a periodic acute general headache (listed in order of probable importance):

Membrane Complex (Magnesium, Calcium, & Potassium)- Take 3-5 capsules immediately and repeat again within 1-2 hours. Repeat every 2 hours until the headache is healed. This product enables the muscles to function more efficiently in their contraction (Calcium) and relaxation (Magnesium). Muscles deficient in Magnesium are probably the number one cause of headaches and is the first thing you should try.

Bromelain – Take 1 capsule with each serving of Membrane Complex and any other supplement (except other enzymes) to enhance the digestion and absorption.

Enzyme Complex– Immediately take 3-5 tablets of this broad spectrum enzyme on an empty stomach to regulate and diminish the inflammatory response, which may be the second biggest cause of headaches. Be sure and drink 32-64 ounces of water daily and increase this amount when using any enzyme therapeutically.

Magnesium Oil & DMSO – Massage 1/4-1/2 teaspoon of magnesium oil into the sole of each foot and around the temples and base of the neck and shoulders. Follow that by a small amount of DMSO which will aid in carrying the oil deeper into the tissues. Always be sure that the skin and feet are well cleaned before using DMSO as it can also carry unwanted material and contaminates into the tissue.

For Migraines or chronic headaches you may want to use the following therapeutic suggestions. After the migraine has been relieved drop to the maintenance amounts as suggested on the bottles for continued healing (listed in order of probable importance):

Membrane Complex– Take 3-5 tablets immediately and repeat again within 1-2 hours. Repeat every 2 hours until the headache is healed. Then take 3-5 capsules at bedtime if the migraine persists. Doing a therapeutic amount at bedtime will enhance relaxation and sleep.

Enzyme Complex– Immediately take 3-5 tablets of this broad spectrum enzyme on an empty stomach to regulate and diminish the inflammatory response. Then take 1-3 tablets every hour on an empty stomach for 5-8 hours if necessary. Be sure and drink 32-64 ounces of water daily and increase this amount when using any enzyme therapeutically as it can increase water elimination.

Magnesium Oil & DMSO – Massage 1/4-1/2 teaspoon of magnesium oil into the sole of each foot and around the temples and base of the neck and shoulders. Follow that by a small amount of DMSO which will aid in carrying the oil deeper into the tissues. Always be sure that the skin and feet are well cleaned before using DMSO as it can also carry unwanted material and contaminates into the tissue.

CoQ10– Take 1-3 capsules 3 times daily to increase blood flow to the brain and tissue oxygenation.

Flax Seed Oil – Take 1-3 tablespoon daily to enhance brain cell and fat metabolism and to aid in keeping blood vessels from abnormally constricting.

Vitamin C – Take 3-6 capsules (3,000-6,000 mg) daily to aid in the production of anti-stress hormones.

Taurine – Take 1-3 capsules (1,000-3,000 mg) daily as an important antioxidant and immune regulator, needed for white blood cell activation and neurological function.

MSM– Take 1000 mg (1 capsule) three times per day with 3-5 Enzyme tablets on an empty stomach. High amounts of enzymes will also reduce the inflammation and break down the fibrin build up in the joints and around the tendons. It will also improve circulation which accelerates healing.

This is optional, but overall mineral deficiencies may be a part of the underlying cause of chronic headaches and migraines. IntraMax Super Therapeutic Vitamin, Mineral, & Herbal Formula– Take 1/4 oz daily for 7 days, then 1/2 oz daily for 7 days, after that you may want to finish the bottle at 1 oz daily. This is one of the very best vitamin, mineral, and herbal formulas on the market and will provide your body with most of the essential trace minerals and vitamins to enhance the healing process. We generally recommend mixing this 50/50 with 75 Plant Derived Colloidal Minerals and then taking 1-2 oz. per day during the continued healing period. After that 1/2 oz per day may be adequate.

(Note: Generally the dosages indicated on the bottles are for maintenance purposes and are not therapeutic amounts One may need therapeutic amounts for 1-3 weeks, but after your symptoms are gone, you will probably only need the minimum daily maintenance amounts.

Healing our bodies is no accident. If this protocol is diligently followed, most people should see noticeable relief within hours.

Healing Protocols

Herpes, Shingles, and Cold Sore Protocol

This information is gathered from various natural healing sources by Ben Taylor

• For any Herpes, Shingles, or Cold Sore outbreak, take ¼-1/2 oz. of Colloidal Silver per day on an empty stomach for 14-30 days while following the procedures below. Hold the colloidal silver in your mouth for as long as you can to absorb as much sublingually under the tongue as possible.

• For genital Herpes, apply 99% DMSO mixed 50/50 with colloidal silver(when DMSO is mixed with another liquid it temporarily generates a small amount of heat) to the breakout area, to the soles of the feet, and the small of the back at the base of the spine. For oral Herpes/cold sores, apply to the joint area of the jaw as well as the lips and the soles of the feet. These areas, the jaw and the base of the spine, are where the Herpes virus hibernates between outbreaks. Do this 3 times per day if possible, for 30 days. (Be sure that any area where DMSO is applied is clean as it is a super penetrating solution and can carry contaminants into the tissue.)

• Take 5-10 drops of Lugol’s Iodine daily in 4-8 ounces of water 1-3 times per week and apply a small dab of iodine directly to the herpes sores once or twice a day at different times than the DMSO and silver.

• Soak in a bath of water 3 times per week mixed with 2 quarts of 35% FOOD GRADE hydrogen peroxide. Do this during the same 30 days as you are doing the other steps. (Be very careful with this concentration of H2O2 as it is very caustic and can burn you. There are also small ‘sitting tubs’ that can be used, but you must adjust the amount of the peroxide according to the size of the tub.) If you will do this step after a shower and then keep it covered, the mixture may be reused for 2 weeks or so.

• Once per day drink 8 oz of pure filtered water (not tap water containing chlorine or fluoride) mixed with 8 drops of FOOD GRADE 35% hydrogen peroxide. Do this for the same 30 days as you are doing step 1 and 2.

• Take Selenium (an anti-viral) every day (2-3 morning & night) for this same 30 day period.

• Take Enzymes every day (3-5 morning & night) for this same 30 day period. This breaks down the virus’ outer wall enabling it to be more readily killed by the silver and oxygen.

Here are two additional supplements that can be used if available.

• Take Lysine Orotate every day (2-3 morning & night) for this same 30 day period if available.

• Take Red Marine Algae as directed on the bottle during this same 30 day period if it is available.

Ask Utopia Silver

Pleased With Silver

We have been pleased with the colloidal silver for a few months. Considering buying a gallon, to save money, but I’m wondering what the shelf life is. Also, does it ever go on sale?

Steve in Pennsylvania


Hi Steve,
The shelf life can be indefinite if kept out of cold environments. Larger volumes tend to last longer. I have 5 gallon batch samples in storage that are virtually unchanged after 6-7 years. Nano particle silver does tend to fall out if it gets too cold, but is not affected by heat. Ionic silver is unaffected by either heat or cold.

We have a sale about twice each month. Watch for it in our Silver Bulletin Health News.

Ben in Utopia

Customer Testimonials

Sinus Infection

Dear Utopia Silver,

Thank you a million times over- I was at the end of my rope when yet another doctor diagnosed me with sinus infection…

I suffered with sinus infection for a year and a half and, finally, when the allergist I consulted said that, instead, I had “atypical facial pain” and wanted to send me to a neurologist, I decided to try and cure myself. I found my salvation at your site and I am so happy to say that I have been free of sinus infection for months, now! I use Colloidal Silver as a nasal spray, and if I feel illness coming on, I’ll take a capful, day and night. I am so pleased, you will always have my order.

God Bless you all-
Donna R.

Customer Testimonials

Colloidal Silver

I’ve used Colloidal Silver for about a year, when I rescued my dog from death row …he had developed an eye infection…

SO, I put eye drops of colloidal silver in them for about a week. Darned if it didn’t cure the problem. I had a hard time convincing the Vet, …he looked at me like I was crazy!


Ask Utopia Silver

Iodine & Thyroid

Hey Ben,

I just wanted to let you know a couple of things about the Iodine I ordered. One, I put the iodine on my skin at 11 PM, and by 6 AM it was all but gone. Two, I have been taking about 10 drops a day religiously, and though I don’t know how to perfectly articulate why I feel better, I do.  I feel like I have more energy, or that I am stronger.  I’ve also noticed I crave coffee far less, and alcohol too.

Does this have something to do with its effect on the thyroid gland?

Anyway, thank you so much for sending them. I may order some more to give to others.

Keep in touch,
Charles in Austin, Texas


Hi Charles,
Dr. Ken our ND, MD consultant says that what you are ‘feeling’ makes sense. Your body may perceive coffee and alcohol as nutrients and if there is a deficiency in some area, it can crave them in its search for that missing or deficient nutrient. But when you start taking a nutrient that your body really is demanding, the craving for other things may diminish.

He also says that very often iodine is one of the minerals that those working out regular and strenuously are most deficient in and the effect can be very noticeable. Iodine is required by every cell for the proper and optimal functioning of the cells.

Your observations are very astute and valid. If your body has optimal Iodine saturation, the test spot should be visible for 18-24 hours. The faster it disappears, the more Iodine deficient you are. If your thyroid gland is in a state of fatigue or diminished capacity, it is unlikely that your body will retain the Iodine for that length of time and you may also need to do some adrenal gland rebuilding. (Adrenal Stress End is a good product.)

Ben in Utopia