Ask Utopia Silver

Silver Wire

Dear friends,
…I have used your products before and am grateful you are out there! Last month I bought some silver wire with the expectation of doing some soldering.

However, it has proven harder than it was a few years ago. That’s why I now want to buy the electrodes with the silver wire already attached. Then I just plug that into my batteries and am good to go. I made one mistake buying the silver; I don’t want to make another. I’m just checking up before I do. Thank you for taking the time to read my message.

Lora in Pennsylvania


Hello Lora,
Thanks for the nice comment. The silver you have sounds like sterling silver, which is used to make jewelry. It is not pure, but contains either copper or nickel, added to the silver to make it more durable. Do not use Nickel for making colloidal silver.

Ben Taylor in Utopia

Natural Remedies

The Medicine Cabinet In Your Kitchen

by: Tony Isaacs (TMI) Many of us have a cabinet full of herbs and spices we use to help improve the flavor of our meals. What many may not realize is how much common kitchen herbs and spices can also help improve our health. Here are ten top examples:

CAYENNE – Cayenne pepper has wonderful cardiovascular benefits, including lowering blood pressure. Famed herbalist Doctor John Christopher noted that a couple of teaspoons of cayenne pepper never failed to stop a heart attack in only minutes. When added to food, cayenne increases appetite, improves digestion and relieves gas, nausea and indigestion. It also thins phlegm and eases its passage from the lungs.

GARLIC – Garlic is a natural antiseptic and powerful cancer fighter with numerous other health benefits. It helps lower cholesterol, reduces plaque, lowers blood pressure, and lowers the risk of atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries). Garlic is also effective against digestive ailments and diarrhea.

TURMERIC – The curcumin contained in turmeric provides powerful anti-cancer properties, especially for past smokers. Curcumin has clinically proven anti-inflammatory effects, including significant beneficial effects in relieving rheumatoid arthritis and carpal tunnel syndrome. Turmeric is also packed with antioxidants, including vitamins A, C, and E, and may help prevent cataracts.

CINNAMON – Cinnamon contains a compound that kills a variety of illness causing bacteria, including the E.coli, Salmonella, and Staphylococcus aureus. Research shows that cinnamon can also stop the growth of the Asian flu virus. Cinnamon helps lower blood pressure and helps regulate menstrual cycles. In addition, cinnamon has a tranquilizing effect that helps reduce anxiety and stress

OREGANO – Oregano is a powerful natural antiseptic. It contains 19 chemical compounds with antibacterial actions as well as four compounds that soothe coughs. In addition, oregano helps soothe stomach muscles, making it a good digestive aid, and it helps lower blood pressure.

GINGER – Ginger is a wonderful digestive aid which stimulates saliva flow and digestive activity, settles the stomach, relieves vomiting, and eases pain from gas and diarrhea. Ginger is also effective as an anti-nausea remedy. Researchers have found that ginger is more effective against motion sickness than the most commonly used over the counter medication. Ginger is also used as a pain reliever and it helps lower bad cholesterol.

FENUGREEK – Fenugreek seeds help treat diabetes, lower blood sugar and lower bad cholesterol. Fenugreek also helps maintain good metabolism, prevents constipation, purifies the blood and helps flush out harmful toxins. Fenugreek seeds and leaves are good for increasing breast milk in lactating women.

BASIL – Basil is an herbal carminative which can relieve gas and soothe stomach upsets. Research has also indicated that basil helps prevent aging.

CLOVE – Oil of clove is 60 to 90 percent eugenol, which is a potent pain deadening anti-microbial. Clove has earned the official endorsement of the FDA as an effective stopgap measure for tooth pain. Clove also helps lower blood sugar by helping the body use insulin more effectively. Clove was also found in one study to speed healing of dreaded cold sores.

BLACK PEPPER – Black pepper is one of the oldest and most commonly used spices. It has a stimulating effect on the digestive organs and produces an increased flow of saliva and digestive juices. Black pepper can help relieve indigestion as well as flatulence. It also helps improve absorption and utilization of curcumin, which the body normally does not absorb very well.

Ask Utopia Silver

Pleased With Silver

We have been pleased with the colloidal silver for a few months. Considering buying a gallon, to save money, but I’m wondering what the shelf life is. Also, does it ever go on sale?

Steve in Pennsylvania


Hi Steve,
The shelf life can be indefinite if kept out of cold environments. Larger volumes tend to last longer. I have 5 gallon batch samples in storage that are virtually unchanged after 6-7 years. Nano particle silver does tend to fall out if it gets too cold, but is not affected by heat. Ionic silver is unaffected by either heat or cold.

We have a sale about twice each month. Watch for it in our Silver Bulletin Health News.

Ben in Utopia

Customer Testimonials

Sinus Infection

Dear Utopia Silver,

Thank you a million times over- I was at the end of my rope when yet another doctor diagnosed me with sinus infection…

I suffered with sinus infection for a year and a half and, finally, when the allergist I consulted said that, instead, I had “atypical facial pain” and wanted to send me to a neurologist, I decided to try and cure myself. I found my salvation at your site and I am so happy to say that I have been free of sinus infection for months, now! I use Colloidal Silver as a nasal spray, and if I feel illness coming on, I’ll take a capful, day and night. I am so pleased, you will always have my order.

God Bless you all-
Donna R.

Customer Testimonials

Colloidal Silver

I’ve used Colloidal Silver for about a year, when I rescued my dog from death row …he had developed an eye infection…

SO, I put eye drops of colloidal silver in them for about a week. Darned if it didn’t cure the problem. I had a hard time convincing the Vet, …he looked at me like I was crazy!


Ask Utopia Silver

Iodine & Thyroid

Hey Ben,

I just wanted to let you know a couple of things about the Iodine I ordered. One, I put the iodine on my skin at 11 PM, and by 6 AM it was all but gone. Two, I have been taking about 10 drops a day religiously, and though I don’t know how to perfectly articulate why I feel better, I do.  I feel like I have more energy, or that I am stronger.  I’ve also noticed I crave coffee far less, and alcohol too.

Does this have something to do with its effect on the thyroid gland?

Anyway, thank you so much for sending them. I may order some more to give to others.

Keep in touch,
Charles in Austin, Texas


Hi Charles,
Dr. Ken our ND, MD consultant says that what you are ‘feeling’ makes sense. Your body may perceive coffee and alcohol as nutrients and if there is a deficiency in some area, it can crave them in its search for that missing or deficient nutrient. But when you start taking a nutrient that your body really is demanding, the craving for other things may diminish.

He also says that very often iodine is one of the minerals that those working out regular and strenuously are most deficient in and the effect can be very noticeable. Iodine is required by every cell for the proper and optimal functioning of the cells.

Your observations are very astute and valid. If your body has optimal Iodine saturation, the test spot should be visible for 18-24 hours. The faster it disappears, the more Iodine deficient you are. If your thyroid gland is in a state of fatigue or diminished capacity, it is unlikely that your body will retain the Iodine for that length of time and you may also need to do some adrenal gland rebuilding. (Adrenal Stress End is a good product.)

Ben in Utopia

Customer Testimonials

Common Cold


I was still affected by allergens and after having a cold or flu I usually came away with a sinus infection that was increasingly resistant to antibiotics….

Most recently I had tried a course of treatment with a Chinese herbalist and acupuncturist–which helped some until getting a slight cold which sent me back to square one. Then, while searching the web, I happened upon your site, and now feel I have found the means to be and stay well from now on! When I received my first bottle of your colloidal silver, I was suffering from severe headaches from the infection, combined with the unusually high pollen this spring. I drank two teaspoons and dripped two droppers-full into my nose before sleeping, and woke up for the first time in weeks with no headache or face pain!!! I continued to feel better over the next days, and resolved to try it for the six to eight weeks suggested for a chronic condition–both orally and in my nostrils morning and night. It works and I am now free from these ailments.Marion F

Ask Utopia Silver

Prescription Drugs

I am taking several doctor prescribed meds. One for depression, one for sleep, one for reflex disease, 3 for pain that I have in my leg from a full leg DVT after a car accident 10 years ago. The DVT took almost a year to resolve itself and left behind some permanent damage in my leg.

I am sick and tired of feeling sick and tired. I take almost 20 pills, most of which don’t work and make me tired and constipated. I vomit at least twice a week and I feel like crap. I am only 56 years old and don’t want to feel like this for the rest of my life.

My cousin swears by these products. So, I need to know if these 3 products: Colloidal silver, probiotics and zeolite will cause negative side affects / interfere with my meds? I am taking a couple pills that I will need to be weened off. I can send you the names of the pills if you need them.

Thank you,
Penny in Virginia

Hi Penny,
You are too young to feel anything but good. But doing so may require a lot of diligence and hard work. If you’re overweight, you can never be as healthy as you should be without reducing the weight. One must get some exercise outside in the sunshine; modest walking is good.

Just remember, disease is not a deficiency of drugs as mainstream medicine would have us believe! Another thing to remember, clinical studies are not only often fabricated by drug companies, there are almost never studies done on the effects of combinations and multiples of combinations of drugs. It is very likely that some of the drugs you’re taking to counter the side effects of other drugs. This is chemical insanity and almost never ends well for those caught up in that hamster wheel. Therefore the symptoms and side effects from taking these chemical concoctions can be almost anything one can imagine, from physical maladies to psychosis.

Sleep: The issue of insomnia is one of the most critical of issues involving both mental and physical health. You may want to read this from our Home Page, Insomnia and Sleeplessness Protocol

Constipation: Colon Klenz can often diminish the effects of constipation.

Reflux: Mainstream medicine usually treats this with ‘anti-acid’ drugs, but very often it is caused by a lack of stomach acid rather than too much stomach acid. If you don’t have enough acid, your food will not digest properly causing ‘indigestion’. A simple test is, next time you get acid reflux, take 1-2 teaspoons of Organic Apple Cider Vinegar in 4-8 ounces of water. Generally if this improves your indigestion, then that indicates you are low in stomach acid. You may also want to look at this Enzyme Healing Protocol for digestion.

Healing: Silver has been found to enhance tissue healing, taken orally and used topically to damaged tissue. Enzymes can also reduce fibrin buildup and scar tissue which might improve your leg damage. One of the secret weapons (in surgery and medicine, as well as for athletes in the Olympics) of the old Soviet Union and the Eastern block countries was the use of “Systemic Enzymes” to enhance the healing of physical damage.

DVT: Enzymes can also reduce clots, but that may then alter your anti-clotting medication needs. The best thing you could do is to find a Naturopathic Doctor (ND) who is also an MD, who can see you personally. You should not simply go “cold turkey” off of multiple drugs without close and expert supervision.

Never take Enzymes with drugs, as they will enhance your body’s absorption, causing the dosages to be too high. Enzymes taken with other supplements is usually good as they will reduce the wasting of the supplements- also aiding the body’s absorption.  Colloidal silver, Zeolite, and Probiotics should not interfere with any drugs, but to be on the cautious side, simply take them your supplements at different times from your drugs.

Ben in Utopia

Customer Testimonials

Nebulizer and Colloidal Silver & Shingles

Hi, Ben!

…I’m receiving good results from the silver and nebulizer!
I had been up in the wee hours the morning that M. met with you and I had discovered during my online research that the neb/silver was “the ticket”!  Great testimonies and I was already a fan of CS.  IVs of CS and B12 had cured my shingles a few years ago.  Thanks for including the other items—using faithfully!

Mary in SA, Texas

Ask Utopia Silver

MRSA Treatment

Dear Utopia,
I am not asking for medical advice just an opinion. Would taking silver be recommended for a person with a mrsa infection? Please respond as soon as possible! THANK YOU, BYE.

Joe C.


Hi Joe,
We have a God-given right to express our opinions about anything, including but not limited to health issues and anyone or any government agency trying to stop such speech is committing a crime under the American and Texas Constitutions. Therefore the answer is unequivocally YES! In fact colloidal silver may be the most effective product against MRSA. I would use it topically as well as orally. You may want to read this article, A Layman’s Guide to Using Colloidal Silver You may also want to read, Natural Cellular Immune Booster Protocol and Flu and Cold Protocol . There is a lot of overlap in these protocols as it is usually essential to deal with your overall immune system health as well as the specific bacteria or virus.
You are appreciated in Utopia.Ben Taylor
Utopia Silver Supplements
830 966-2315