Customer Testimonials

Sinus Infection

Dear Utopia Silver,

Thank you a million times over- I was at the end of my rope when yet another doctor diagnosed me with sinus infection…

I suffered with sinus infection for a year and a half and, finally, when the allergist I consulted said that, instead, I had “atypical facial pain” and wanted to send me to a neurologist, I decided to try and cure myself. I found my salvation at your site and I am so happy to say that I have been free of sinus infection for months, now! I use Colloidal Silver as a nasal spray, and if I feel illness coming on, I’ll take a capful, day and night. I am so pleased, you will always have my order.

God Bless you all-
Donna R.

Customer Testimonials

Colloidal Silver

I’ve used Colloidal Silver for about a year, when I rescued my dog from death row …he had developed an eye infection…

SO, I put eye drops of colloidal silver in them for about a week. Darned if it didn’t cure the problem. I had a hard time convincing the Vet, …he looked at me like I was crazy!


Customer Testimonials

Common Cold


I was still affected by allergens and after having a cold or flu I usually came away with a sinus infection that was increasingly resistant to antibiotics….

Most recently I had tried a course of treatment with a Chinese herbalist and acupuncturist–which helped some until getting a slight cold which sent me back to square one. Then, while searching the web, I happened upon your site, and now feel I have found the means to be and stay well from now on! When I received my first bottle of your colloidal silver, I was suffering from severe headaches from the infection, combined with the unusually high pollen this spring. I drank two teaspoons and dripped two droppers-full into my nose before sleeping, and woke up for the first time in weeks with no headache or face pain!!! I continued to feel better over the next days, and resolved to try it for the six to eight weeks suggested for a chronic condition–both orally and in my nostrils morning and night. It works and I am now free from these ailments.Marion F

Customer Testimonials

Nebulizer and Colloidal Silver & Shingles

Hi, Ben!

…I’m receiving good results from the silver and nebulizer!
I had been up in the wee hours the morning that M. met with you and I had discovered during my online research that the neb/silver was “the ticket”!  Great testimonies and I was already a fan of CS.  IVs of CS and B12 had cured my shingles a few years ago.  Thanks for including the other items—using faithfully!

Mary in SA, Texas

Customer Testimonials

Food Poisoning

Utopia Silver,

My niece (9 yrs old) got food poisoning eating at a local festival on Friday night. I gave her a teaspoon of colloidal silver 2x and that was it. By Saturday afternoon, she was eating and felt 100% better. “m new to the colloidal silver “thing”.

I never really believed it would work and now I can’t be without it. I advise everyone to get this product. I am 100% satisfied !!!!!!!!!
– Maria

Customer Testimonials Healing Protocols

Vitamin D & Autism

Silver Bulletin Health News Readers,

For you parents with autistic children, we wanted to share this email to the Vitamin D Council from the mother of an autistic boy being treated with high doses of vitamin D (actually physiological doses).

Hi Dr. Cannell/Vitamin D Council,

I had lab work performed on Colin – October 9, 2008 – his 25(OH)D level was 62 ng/ml (range 30-100) and his calcium was normal (9.8).  This was with him on 3000 IUs per day for the last three months.  You had said for him to take 4000 but I just wanted to see what would happen if we continued to do 3000 IUs.

Colin started school this year, we had previously home schooled him.  He got into a really good school that requires a lot from the students.  Colin is doing very well there.  He mastered the first five sounds they taught him in less than 2 weeks (they do an intense reading/writing/language method called The Association Method).   They said some kids can take 3 months to master 1 sound.  He also had another IQ test performed recently.  In July, he had a very difficult time attending to the testing and scored a 63 which put him in the MR category.  However, he just did another IQ test on 9/26/08 and he scored an 83 on one and a 79 on another.  This takes him out of the MR range and puts him into the low average intelligence range.  It’s great news and I believe he will continue to score higher and higher each year.

Please let me know your thoughts.
Thank you.
Juliette P.

As previously reported:

Colin is a 7-year old boy living in the northeastern US with a long standing diagnosis of autism. Symptoms include temper tantrums, repetitive self-stimulatory behavior, impaired language, mood swings, fear of being alone, toileting problems, and impaired muscle strength. He spends a lot of time outdoors starting in the spring and his mother noticed a distinct seasonal variation in his symptoms in that he improved in the summer and regressed in the winter. A 25-hydroxy-vitamin D in April of 2008 was 25 ng/ml and obtained after he had begun to play outside.

Due to the seasonality of his symptoms the mother consulted me and I advised the mother to stop all products containing vitamin A including cod liver oil and begin Colin on 5,000 IU of vitamin D3 per day for two weeks followed by 2,000 IU per day in the form of powdered vitamin D dissolved in juice. Within a week of starting the vitamin D language began to return and he was no longer as fearful of being alone.

At the end of two weeks his language showed further improvement, he began to toilet himself, counted to 10 and knew the spelling of his name. After three weeks language continued to improve and some improvements were noted in his dysbiosis. After four weeks of vitamin D treatment, the mother noted improvements in muscle strength as well as continued improvements in language.  The above email is a six month report.

John Cannell, MD

Vitamin D Council

Customer Testimonials

Canine Skin Infection

Hi Utopia,
My 13 yr old dog has always had issues with bacterial skin infections and bad breath. Numerous vet visits for antibiotics and money spent had healed but the infection always comes back on her skin with large scabby, smelly, sores.
She had a permanent loss of hair on her tail and hair loss at her backend. The last alternative (after 12 yrs) was to go to a doggie dermatologist for a biopsy, spend hundreds to find the right medicine. So my Mom tells me about Utopia Silver and gives me a spray bottle to try. I was skeptic but Mom does not lie so everyday I would spray her mouth 2 shots and then spray her infected eyes and skin. Over the course of 2 months her hair grew back on her tail, her backend, she started to play like a puppy, eyes bright and clear, and skin infection cleared up. I was/am amazed! Thank you Utopia Silver Co!! I can’t thank you enough for what your product has done for my dog and my wallet. I shared my story today with friends who have similar stories and dogs with ear infections and they are ordering also. I am a new customer so I will call you tomorrow to place my order!  A must to have on hand.Donna in California

Customer Testimonials

Crohn’s Disease & Sweat Gland Infection

Hi Utopia,
I became aware of your site & product through a friend that is a toxicologist with a biotoxicity testing firm. He had had a severe bacterial infection of the sweat glands under his armpits.
He had been to a number of doctors & nothing they did was working for him. He decided to go online & search for alternative treatment that would bring him some relief. He quit taking the other medicines the doctors had him on & started taking the advanced colloidal silver. His problem went away & he has not had any additional flare-ups for the past several months. He told me about the ACS & mentioned some of the other things that the testimonials had said it helped them with. One of the things he mentioned was Crohn’s Disease & since a close friend of mine has that disease I went to your site to investigate. I have since referred them & number of others to the site & several have gone to the site & ordered the product. It has helped several of them with some of the things that they took it for as well as some things they didn’t expect it to withheld

Customer Testimonials

Tooth Abscess

Utopia Silver,

I have never written a testimonial in my life until now. I recently ordered a bottle of your advanced colloidal silver to have on hand. This is my first experience with colloidal silver. I woke up this morning with a very painful tooth abscess. My neck glands were swollen and very painful. I took a teaspoon of your product and then swished it in my mouth for a few minutes every hour from about 4:30 am until 9:30 am when i went to work. At around noon the abscess opened. I rinsed again with cs. It is now 6:00pm and the pain in my gum and glands is almost completely gone. I will keep using CS for another few days to ensure all infection is gone. This was like a miracle to me because I hate getting conventional medical treatment. I am telling everyone I know a out your product. Thank you.

L. Bach

Customer Testimonials

Skin Growths

Utopia Silver,

We made our own silver and have for years with your generator and silver sticks. We use silver for everything including our animals and even in our cleaning products. Another event happened that was a wonderful experience. I had about 6 growths on the inside of my left knee and had them for some years. I began to spray colloidal silver from my glass spray bottle on my leg at least 3 or 4 times a day. In a couple of months time, those growths are completely GONE. Take anything out of my house, but do NOT take our colloidal silver away from us. Bless you all for your wonderful products and your efficient service over the years.

C. Morris