Customer Testimonials

Robert in Australia

Hi Ben,
Thank you for your response. I have suffered serious candida for over 3 years I managed it pretty well with intake of Myrh Tincture. However, as you know candida is something we all have the problem and I have too much of it in my body after taking too many antibiotics for my staph in my nose. I tried my silver for a few days and it made miracles. My nose got clean like never before and my candida burning sensation also went gone. I stopped using it after 3 days trial of taking 15ml/3 times a day due to lack of knowledge and dosage information. I read the cruezone messages, read many many more websites info and other research. I know I will not turn blue if stick to the basic rules of consumption as suggested on many websites but I am still a bit scared. Currently, I treat my facial "eczema problem" with silver and so far I can say that it is working very well.

Robert in Australia

Customer Testimonials

Hope In Fighting Autism Using Vitamin D

Note from the publisher: Although this testimonial was directed to The Vitamin D Council, we are posting it to give some ray of hope to parents of children with Autism.
Hi Vitamin D Council,
I had lab work performed on Colin – October 9, 2008 – his 25(OH)D level was 62 ng/ml (range 30-100) and his calcium was normal (9.8).  This was with him on 3000 IUs per day for the last three months.  You had said for him to take 4000 but I just wanted to see what would happen if we continued to do 3000 IUs.


Colin started school this year, we had previously home schooled him.  He got into a really good school that requires a lot from the students.  Colin is doing very well there.  He mastered the first five sounds they taught him in less than 2 weeks (they do an intense reading/writing/language method called The Association Method).   They said some kids can take 3 months to master 1 sound.  He also had another IQ test performed recently.  In July, he had a very difficult time attending to the testing and scored a 63 which put him in the MR category.  However, he just did another IQ test on 9/26/08 and he scored an 83 on one and a 79 on another.  This takes him out of the MR range and puts him into the low average intelligence range. It's great news and I believe he will continue to score higher and higher each year.  
Please let me know your thoughts.
Thank you.
Juliette P.

As previously reported:  
Colin is a 7-year old boy living in the northeastern US with a long standing diagnosis of autism. Symptoms include temper tantrums, repetitive self-stimulatory behavior, impaired language, mood swings, fear of being alone, toileting problems, and impaired muscle strength. He spends a lot of time outdoors starting in the spring and his mother noticed a distinct seasonal variation in his symptoms in that he improved in the summer and regressed in the winter. A 25-hydroxy-vitamin D in April of 2008 was 25 ng/ml and obtained after he had begun to play outside.

Due to the seasonality of his symptoms the mother consulted me and I advised the mother to stop all products containing vitamin A including cod liver oil and begin Colin on 5,000 IU of vitamin D3 per day for two weeks followed by 2,000 IU per day in the form of powdered vitamin D dissolved in juice. Within a week of starting the vitamin D language began to return and he was no longer as fearful of being alone.

At the end of two weeks his language showed further improvement, he began to toilet himself, counted to 10 and knew the spelling of his name. After three weeks language continued to improve and some improvements were noted in his dysbiosis. After four weeks of vitamin D treatment, the mother noted improvements in muscle strength as well as continued improvements in language.  The above email is a six month report.

Vitamin D Council

Customer Testimonials

Bernie in Wisconsin

Hi Utopia Silver,
order, received, safe and sound, …and fast.

I also wanted to thank you for your website. When I first heard about colloidal silver and starting searching the internet for information it seemed that every site I went to hyped a particular type of silver which coincided real nicely with exactly what they sold.

I so appreciated your "Layman's Guide". I learned more from that than any other. I had already learned from other sites that there were 3 different levels, so to speak, of silver  – but your site defined how each was to be used. Thanks again.

Bernie in Wisconsin

Customer Testimonials

Rachel in Tennessee

Hi Utopia Silver,
It took me a while, but I finally ordered the silver and gold soap after my Burt's Bees soap ran out. I am so glad I did! I love the soap!!!!!

It cleans very well and without a lot of lather that you spend extra time and water washing off. It absolutely will not dry out your skin, and after years of not using any soap products on my face, I can now use it freely and have a great clean feeling without any harsh chemicals or that tight feeling from using traditional soap.

It does "lather" to some degree, but it is a long lasting soap too. That really impressed me, since it does cost a little more than what you buy in the store. But the value is great! It doesn't melt away like other soaps.(Even the Burt's Bees soaps used up quickly). You are left feeling clean and refreshed without harmful chemicals.

We live in the country and have well water. The high mineral content can be problematic. I am also careful what I put down my drains due to the septic system. The silver and gold soaps are a wonderful addition to overcoming the high mineral content that can leave you feeling less than clean after a shower, and I don't have to worry that I could be adding contaminants to the soil or water table.

Now I just need to convince my son and husband to use it. You won't go wrong with these soaps.

I wish this had been available when my children came along. If you have young children, or are expecting a new bundle of joy, you should consider using these soaps on your baby. No harmful chemicals! And so very good for the skin and overall health.(Have you read the labels on the baby soaps we have in abundance in the stores? You should!)Less is more. That's certainly true with these soaps.

Rachel in Tennessee — 

Customer Testimonials


Dear Utopia Silver,
I just want to say thank you so much for your site. I wrote to you about my Hep C not too long ago and am replying with my results. I went to the doc. on July 10 and my blood count was at 1 million and went down to 38 thousand. I am so grateful. I go back in Nov. and before I do they want me to take another blood test because, quote unquote, this disease the Hep C can hide and then show up again. They just want to do a liver biopsy. I refuse to take the meds too. My friend works in the clinic and said all my work came out excellent.

So I will write back in Nov. and let you all know. I sure feel back to normal again and I give this stuff to everyone. The cats, birds and even my plants. Were all great here.

Name Withheld

Customer Testimonials

Lois in Utah

Hi Utopia Silver,
I just learned about your site on Colloidal Silver from a friend who knows I love it. I was so glad to see it and to read the many testimonies on its healing values. I have been using Colloidal Silver for nearly 10 years. But it was hard to find and sometimes so very expensive. Then to my delight, I found a place that sold the generators and bought my own. I used to hoard it and use it very sparingly. But now I can use it for everything and have found how it works so well for so many things.

The experience that I would like to add to your testimonies is this:

My mother is 84, and last year she got shingles on her face and in her hair. I had just read that Colloidal Silver was good for shingles, and as I live some 70 miles from her, I took a quart of Colloidal Silver and headed for her home. When I got there I started by giving her a fourth of a cup internally (which we did twice a day ) and started spraying the effected area with a spritz bottle. It started feeling much better almost immediately, as it took the itching and soreness away. She sprayed it as many times a day as she wanted or felt it needed it. Two days later she went back to the Dr. and he was amazed. He told her she was doing so well she would not have to come back. It took a week or so for all the scabs to heal. Sense then several people I know have used the Colloidal Silver for shingles with the same results. Saying it was the only thing that really helped. I also know two people who are now using it for chronic sinus infections which they have had for years and have had none since starting to use the silver . I am so grateful it is being made available to everyone. I believe every home should have its own generator, to provide for there own families.

Lois in Utah

Customer Testimonials


Hi Ben,
Again … another success story for your silver!!! I burned my forearm , and have been working my butt off with 14hr. days, screening people at Dell… well I put bandages on it trying to keep it away from nasty staph etc…. well yesterday it hurt real bad, looked circular red, and swollen. All the nurses I work with and the Doc/pathologist screamed at me saying "you better be carefull…. You might get staph or cellulitis or whatever….."   I came home and promptly soaked cotton balls in your wonderful magical silver and wrapped it for the night…. Next morning as I got ready for work @ 4 …. No more swelling or redness!!!! Go figure?? Super Yeah to you my dear. THANKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!    It is my CUREALL

Gail in Texas

Customer Testimonials

L. May in California

Hi Utopia Silver,
Well, after spending a week in the hospital with what would be considered the best of care, the best antibiotics, breathing treatments, inhalers, and so on, I have found that the best that "medicine" has to offer cannot compare to what nature provides.
I was released, not because I was well, but because I was "out of the woods."  They were happy with my breathing and lung capacity, which really was not that much to speak of.  Upon returning to my daughter's, I was in a weakened state, still had trouble breathing, and felt as though two elephants were pressing upon me…….  One on my chest and the other on my back.  Hoping to God that I would not have a relapse and have to return.

After one full day of taking breathing treatments with colloidal silver and Lobelia, while taking Clear Lungs, my breathing is much improved.  Actually, right now, it is taking almost no effort.  Last night was the first night that I have slept soundly and comfortably in well over a week.  And this is after only four breathing treatments throughout the day yesterday.  I can tell you that I felt a difference after my very first breathing treatment.  The pressure was relieved and I could actually feel air filling my lungs, almost with ease.  I was nothing short of amazed.  Was it too good to be true?  At the end of the day, after my last breathing treatment, I was breathing comfortably, and still am.  I cannot tell you the joy I feel.  Breathing is a big deal.  This in combination with taking Clear Lungs has helped me immensely.  After one week of the hospital doing the best they could to remove the congestion, after one day of colloidal silver, Lobelia, and Clear Lungs, I am bringing up all sorts of gunk.  In fact, I started expelling the congestion immediately after my first breathing treatment.

Okay…….  I should have known better all along.  Granted.  However, I have not had a problem  with asthma for many, many years and never with this severity.  At its onset I was in a bit of disbelief, kind of thinking it would go away but as it progressed it suddenly became so severe that I seriously needed medical intervention.  The good news is that I was given all sorts of tests, they went through me with a fine tooth comb and there is nothing seriously wrong.  My gosh, I'm not even going to repeat what they were thinking.

So………  I have learned many lessons these past few weeks, the first of which is never to neglect my health.  Should any health concerns arise, turn to nature……  turn to God.  How effective would hospitals be if they were in the business of truly healing?

And as my friend Tony always says………..  Since when did God become a quack?

I am walking on air…………

Love to all,

L. May in California

Customer Testimonials


Hi Again Ben,
Just wanted you to know I have been called for jury duty AND just read the Jury’s Handbook on your sight!  You are making a difference as now I am looking forward to jury duty.

I am devouring all the “legal” info that you have posted!

[ ]

Thanks for doing this and best to you,
Lynn in California


Hi Lynn,
If those of us who care about the truth, no matter how uncomfortable it may be, stand up and exercise the Rights that God gave us as free men and women, we will make a difference in this battle to save our American Republic. Remember, no person, no ‘officer of law’, no government agency, no one period, has the authority to steal our Rights or to turn them into things to be licensed as privileges. Remember Rights given by God cannot be taken by men, but privileges granted by men can be arbitrarily taken at any time. Claim your Rights, stand on your Rights and let no man take them away.

Ben in Utopia

Customer Testimonials

Lynn in California

Just wanted you to know I just read the article on Natural News how you are standing up to the FDA[/TDH] (this is why I placed an order with you). Thank you.

Also, I was impressed with your legal methods and not being suckered into color of law. I would love to learn more about all this admiralty, common law, subject matter jurisdiction, etc. Can you refer me to a web site or other on this type of information? Thanks again for taking on the battle.

Best to you,
Lynn in California

Hi Lynn,
We have some info posted on our website at a Legal Info page,

Our disclaimer pages:

This is a blog of a friend who has assisted me in the TDH/FDA state’s case against me. He has as much insight as anyone concerning the nature of this system of illusion and deception.

I simply cannot express the gratitude that I have for people like you. Natural News has a four part interview with me about the court case mentioned above.

Ben in Utopia