Ask Utopia Silver

High Blood Pressure

Dear Utopia Silver,
Do you have any suggestions about supplements I can take that would help high blood pressure and over acidity. I would appreciate any suggestions you have.

Patty in North Carolina

Hi Patty,

That can be a very complex topic and if you have a life threatening condition, get a check up by a healthcare professional, …but there are some places to start for overall better health.

1)      A better diet is a given as you probably know; limit junk foods and drinks and eat as natural and organic as possible with lots of fresh vegetables and fruits.

2)      Exercise is also crucial; you should be doing a ½ hour daily walk at a minimum, but if you’re not already condition, don’t push it; work your way up slowly.

Without these first two, success will be limited, so you have to become committed to a lifestyle change if you haven’t already.

3)      I always start with plant derived minerals. Please read this,

4)      A few other products that may help in correcting your kinds of issue are:

a.       Calcium and magnesium-

b.      Cardio EZ-

c.      Co Q10-

e.      Organic Flaxseed Oil-

5)      Here are also two supplements that can help your body to lower cholesterol levels and even act to dissolve plaque from your arteries and flush toxins from your cells. For this purpose, you must take them just prior to bedtime on an empty stomach.

a. 5-6 tablets at bedtime on an empty stomach.

b. first thing in the morning and at night on an empty stomach.

Sometimes what is thought to be over acidity is really ‘under acidity’. If the stomach doesn’t have enough acid, it can cause indigestion, which can be mis-diagnosed as ‘too much acid’. A simple test to determine this is to take 1-3 teaspoons of  apple cider vinegar in 4-6 ounces of water ½ hour before eating; if your ‘indigestion’ is relieved, then you may have too little stomach acid.

If you mean an overly acidic pH, some things that might help would be Kelp, Phosphorus, Potassium, Vitamin B Complex- , Oxy-Gen-

It would help to eat more raw foods, such as, apples, avocados, bananas, berries, grapefruit, grapes, lemons, pineapples, strawberries, and most vegetables.

It is also helpful to take the Enzymes as noted below with your meals and Probiotics can also help digestion.

Ben in Utopia

Ask Utopia Silver

Ion Foot Detox

Dear Utopia Silver,
I love this site and will be ordering soon. I would like to ask a question on ion foot detoxing. I have seen many models extremely over priced and wondered if one could be made similar to the silver maker? Thanks for your products and site. I plan on buying the soap as stocking stuffers.



Hi Janet,

I’ve seen these ‘machines’ operate and although I could be wrong, I do not ‘trust’ the concept. I’m simply not convinced that they ‘extract’ toxins from the body. Much like the colloidal silver machines, it appears to me that these machines actually discolor the water with their electrodes by a process similar to the colloidal producing machines. If you have better info, I am open to learning something new.

Ben in Utopia

Ask Utopia Silver


Hi utopia Silver,
Can any of your products be used effectively against sinusitis?

Arch in New Zealand

Hi Arch,
Yes, we have products that can be very effective against sinusitis, especially that caused by virus, bacteria, molds, or fungi. Our Advanced Colloidal Silver is a particulate silver better for use in dealing with issues from the stomach and beyond, such as liver, colon, kidneys, bladder, etc. The Advanced Ionic Silver is somewhat better for topical use, such as, sinuses, ears, eyes, throat and skin.

Thanks for your question,
Ben in Utopia

Ask Utopia Silver

Silver Generator Inquiry

Hi Utopia Silver,
Are there any special precautions when creating the silver, ie does the solution need to be stirred at intervals?  How long will those three batteries last?  How do I know when to change the silver probes? I am also curious about your colloidal gold, I have been reading about the health benefits and I am intrigued. Do you sell a colloidal gold generator by chance?

Warm regards,
Gregory in Florida


Hi Gregory,
It need not be stirred. The batteries should make several gallons of silver depending on the strength of your production. The positive electrode will erode and get thinner and thinner as you make silver. After a point, it will need to be changed. The thinner the electrode the less efficient the producttion.

We have just released for sale a 120 VAC x 48 VDC unit that never needs batteries.

This 120VAC silver generator also makes a very good colloidal copper, but gold is very difficult to make and to tell you the truth we have not had time to test it with gold. We use a ‘commercial’ unit to make our gold that is cost prohibitive for home use, but I am working on a variation of the 120VAC unit that I hope will make a reasonable quality of gold. Keep checking back. I may have an answer in 1-3 weeks.

You are appreciated in Utopia.

Ben Taylor
Utopia Silver Supplements
830 966-2315

Notice: We are not doctors and we suggest that you consult a healthcare professional, preferably a qualified naturopathic doctor or one who has been trained in integrative medicine if you have a life or health threatening illness. All opinions and information presented by me are done as an exercise of our God-given unalienable right of free speech.

Ask Utopia Silver

Colloidal Silver Color

Hi Utopia Silver,
In the past I have ordered your Colloidal Silver and had no problems with it. I have just received my order for Advanced Colloidal Silver and noticed it is not clear like the Colloidal Silver was. Is this normal?
Robert in Arkansas

Hi Robert,
Yes that is the normal color of Advanced Colloidal Silver. The color is from light reflecting off the silver particles and it should be a dark brown with a greenish undertone. It is about 80-85% particle and 15-20% ionic silver.

We do have an Advanced Ionic Silver that is almost clear. It is about 80-85% ionic and 15-20% particle silver.

For more info on Ionic silver and particle silver, go to,

Ben in Utopia

Ask Utopia Silver


Hello Utopia Silver,
I bought half a dozen Colloidal Silver and Colloidal Gold bottles from you. These were glass bottles. I am having a hard time pouring this in a spoon or tiny cups to drink them. They spill invariably. I am not sure if it is the design of the bottle. Please suggest the mode of dispensing so that I don’t waste the product through spills.

Looking forward to a response,
Shanthi in California

Hi Shanti,
This is the most unusual question I’ve ever received and I’m not really sure how to respond. These are standard bottles used commercially everywhere for many liquid products. The only thing I can suggest is to be careful and be steady. Beyond that you may want to order a Dropper Bottle or a serving flask from this page,

Ben in Utopia

Ask Utopia Silver

6 Month Old Baby

Is it safe to give a baby (she's 6 months old) colloidal silver?
Samantha in Colorado

Hi Samantha,
Unless there is some therapeutic purpose for a short time, such as a virus or infection, I would limit any regular silver use until a child is at least 1-1/2 or 2 years. It’s not that it is harmful; in fact it is probably the least toxic of all metals, but silver kills all one-celled organisms, including colon flora. Without proper amounts of colon bacteria, food will not digest and absorb properly and a baby’s digestive system simply is not as developed or resilient as an adult. If a child or adult is using silver therapeutically, always take Probiotics and Acidophilus or eat live culture yogurt an hour or two after silver consumption.

Thanks for the question,

Notice: We are not doctors and we suggest that you consult a healthcare professional,
preferably a qualified naturopathic doctor or one who has been trained in integrative
medicine if you have a life or health threatening illness.

All opinions and information in the Silver Bulletin are presented as an exercise of our God-given unalienable right of free speech.

Ask Utopia Silver


Dear Utopia Silver,
I am writing because of my Mother Lois. She has Psoriasis all over her body now and under her arms and even on the bottom of her feet. It is the worst case I have ever seen. The doctors are trying different creams, but she has had it about 7 or 8 months and is getting worse, not better. Can you help me? I feel so sorry for her and the creams do not help. She gets rid of one and 3 more pop up.
Please can you help her? She needs help and prayers.

Thank You,
Deborah in Georgia


Hi Deborah,
Psoriasis is one of the most difficult things to treat. I know because I too have had to deal with small patches of it for 7-8 years. Thus far nothing I’ve used has worked, not even silver, but since it is not believed to be a micro-organism I wouldn’t expect silver to do any more than reduce infections from the scratching. For such a topical application ionic silver would be better than particle silver.

I‘ve done a little research to see what ‘natural’ suggestions might be available. There are a few things that are reputed to help in some cases, but the only ones I’ve tried are Flax Oil and colloidal silver. Neither has cured my problem.

In my research for your mom, I found some references in “Prescription For Nutritional Healing”  that cited five other possibilities that I didn’t know about, but will now try myself.

1)       Primrose Oil-

(I am applying topically and taking internally.)

2)       Selenium-

3)       Vitamin D3-

4)       Zinc plus copper (We also have colloidal copper.) and (we have them all in stock)


If your mom tries any of these, please let me know what her results are.

You are appreciated in Utopia.

Ben Taylor
Utopia Silver Supplements
830 966-2315

Notice: We are not doctors and we suggest that you consult a healthcare professional, preferably a qualified naturopathic doctor or one who has been trained in integrative medicine if you have a life or health threatening illness. All opinions and information presented by me are done as an exercise of our God-given unalienable right of free speech. (Belligerently assert and use your Rights or loose them!)

Ask Utopia Silver

Colloidal Silver

Utopia Silver,
Can you over dose on Colloidal Silver by taking a daily dose for life?

Hi Nancy,
If by overdose you mean become very ill or ‘die’, absolutely not, unless you drown in it. J Occasionally, heavy servings initially if you have a high viral or bacterial count can cause a Herxheimer effect that is short-lived. The massive die-off of micro-organisms can cause mild flu-like symptoms and/or mild diarrhea.

The worst that “the wrong kind of silver”, (such as high ppm silver nitrate, saline silver, and gelatinous silver/silver protein) can do is cause a graying of the skin if taken in very large quantities for a long period of time. The very few examples of Argyria often cited by the mainstream news propaganda machine are cases where people took these kinds of colloidal silver in very high amounts for extended periods.

Our silver, both Advanced Colloidal Silver and Advanced Ionic Silver are produced only in distilled water, without using nitrates, animal proteins, gelatins, or salts. I have personally averaged using an ounce or more a day for the past 7-10 years. You can see my recent picture below; the only blue is in my ball cap, Wranglers and belt buckle.

You are appreciated in Utopia.

Ben Taylor
Utopia Silver Supplements
830 966-2315

Notice: We are not doctors and we suggest that you consult a healthcare professional, preferably a qualified naturopathic doctor or one who has been trained in integrative medicine if you have a life or health threatening illness. All opinions and information presented by me are done as an exercise of our God-given unalienable right of free speech.

Ask Utopia Silver

Hep C

Utopia Silver,
How much colloidal silver should be taken for Hep C?



Hi Fatimah,
Every person and every situation is different so you must determine that for yourself. Our silver (low ppm and small particle) cannot be ‘over used’ in the short-term. Many use 1-2 ounces a day for weeks or a month or so. A longer time for larger servings is seldom required, but if using more than a tablespoon per day, one should take Probiotics and Acidophilus to replenish the flora in the colon to ensure proper digestion. If you get relief with your issue, it is suggested that you reduce your consumption to a maintenance level of 1-3 teaspoons per day.

Also remember, you may experience a Herxheimer effect caused by the die-off of virus and bacteria where using larger quantities.

You are appreciated in Utopia.

Ben Taylor
Utopia Silver Supplements
830 966-2315

Notice: We are not doctors and we suggest that you consult a healthcare professional, preferably a qualified naturopathic doctor or one who has been trained in integrative medicine if you have a life or health threatening illness. All opinions and information presented by me are done as an exercise of our God-given unalienable right of free speech.