Healing Protocols

Eye Infections and Eye Strain

• Eye infections (caused by bacteria or other microbes)- 1-3 drops of colloidal silver every couple of hours for mild irritations usually works within a day. For more serious infections, use an eye cupand flush with colloidal silver.

• Sties- An old folk remedy is using a 10-14K gold ring. Place a newly cleaned ring on the sty and it is often gone in a only a few hours. As part of the cleaning, rinse with distilled water. A drop of colloidal gold is the modern day version of this.

• Red eye from chlorine – milk. This is great for people who have sensitive eyes to chlorine while swimming. Just put some milk in an eye dropper (if you can’t locate one, just dip a paper towel in milk and wring it out to make drops) and put a drop or two in each eye. This will normally take away the redness and eliminate the stinging.

• Foreign objects in the eyes– warm milk. Same as the above remedy, be sure to use warm milk, Soothes the sandpaper feeling in the eyes and also draws out foreign objects that are in the eye. Follow this with a flush with colloidal silver to prevent infection.

• Burning eyes from welding– green tea bags, water. Take the tea bags, soak in cold water for about 10 minutes. Lie down and cover your eyes with tea bags. After they start feeling better take off eyes.

• To revitalize tired eyes, treat yourself to a soothing chamomile (Matricaria recutita) compress twice a day. The chamomile soaks through your eyelids, soothing eye tissue and reducing swelling in the capillaries. Make the compress by steeping one teaspoon dried chamomile flowers or one chamomile tea bag in one cup boiling hot distilled  or carbon filtered water for 20 minutes. Strain. Allow the tea to cool, soak a washcloth in it, wring it out, lie down, and place it over your closed eyes for 15 to 20 minutes.

• Boil some green tea in a little distilled or carbon filtered water and let it cool. Dip two gauze pads in this brew and place the gauzes on each eye for 15 minutes. Make sure you keep dipping the cotton wads into the liquid, as soon as gauzes dry up.

• Another effective treatment for tired eyes, wash them with cold distilled or carbon filtered water, several times a day. This treatment reduces inflammation, moisturizers the skin /tissues, relaxes the eyes & provides relief from eyestrain & fatigue.

• Lavender oil offers gentle relief for tired and strained eyes. Add a drop of lender oil to 500 ml (two½ cups) of water and shake the solution well. Dip two cotton wool pads in the liquid, squeeze out the excess water and place one pad over each eye.

• To improve eye health and capillary circulation, take 3-5 enzymes on an empty stomach first thing in the morning and just before bed.

• Supplements essential for eye health are beta-carotene (Vitamin A ), Zinc , Vitamin E, Vitamin B Complex, Selenium, and Plant Minerals . (See also Vision Aid and Rx Eye )

• Eliminate processed sugars and white (bleached) flour from your diet.

• Foods recommended for eye health- fresh organic carrot juice, raw cabbage, cauliflower, squash, green vegetables, broccoli, sunflower seeds and watercress.

• If much time is spent reading, at the computer or watching television, eye damage will result if the eye isn’t properly exercised. As with any muscle in the body held in the same position for extended periods, muscle fatigue and even atrophy will result. This occurs when the eyes are focused at the same distance and on a narrow area for long periods. This can be alleviated by very simple eye exercises that step through a series of focus on objects at different distances. A good time to do these exercises is when driving. Start by focusing for a few seconds on the steering wheel or the odometer, then focus the eyes to the dash or windshield wipers, then to the front of the hood of your car, then to another car or object a few car lengths ahead, then to an object a block or two ahead. Keep refocusing until your eyes reach the horizon and then start the same progression in reverse back to your dash or steering wheel. Many people drive as if in a trance, focused on only one point directly in front of their car, oblivious to everything else. This exercise will not be a distraction, but will break that fixation ‘habit’ and will help train you to pay better attention to a broader range of what is happening around your vehicle.

Ask Utopia Silver

Colloidal or Ionic Silver

Hello there
I am looking for ionic colloidal silver but i can only find advanced colloidal silver and ionic silver. What is the difference between these two and is there such thing as ionic colloidal silver??

Yours sincerely,
Yvonne R.

Hi Yvonne,

Yes, we have an ionic silver. Actually a colloid is a suspension of particles in a liquid medium and ions are not particles, so technically ionic silver is not truly colloidal silver,  …but both ionic and particle silver are usually generically called “colloidal silver”. Our Ionic Silver is, Read, There are those who claim that particle silver is less effective and there are those who claim that ionic silver is not effective, but the truth is both can be very effective. Ionic silver does have some limitations that particle silver doesn’t, but we sell both and have no axe to grind either way.

Ben in Utopia

Ask Utopia Silver

Leg Neuropathy

Dear Sir,
My sister in law who is 71 years old has a problem with her right side of the body it started a few months ago and  now she can only drag her leg she had all kinds of test done and they can’t find the cause. I thought maybe silver could help! Which silver should she take? She is in good health and can’t understand where this is coming from. Hope you can help.Thank you,
Lorraine in Missouri*****

Hi Lorraine,

Generally mainstream medicine is very good at diagnoses, so it’s surprising they don’t have some idea about the cause. It’s the cures and causes they usually get lost with.Silver may help if the issue is caused by a virus or bacteria. It can also help with inflammation and tissue regeneration. The Advanced Colloidal Silver is the best one to take orally. The ionic is good topically and when used in the eyes, ears, nose, throat. Which colloidal silver is most effective, ionic or non-ionic? One of the best anti-inflammatory healing methods is systemic enzymes (heavy doses on an empty stomach). See our Enzyme Healing Protocol I would ask if there is a mylin sheath problem, which occurs when the body’s immune system attacks the mylin sheath covering your nerves. The mylin sheath is similar to the insulation on wiring isolating the electrons from shorting out before reaching their designated target areas. Environmental/chemical poisoning, such as from herbicides and defoliants (like Agent Orange), can trigger the formation of proteins which attack and dissolve this protective insulation resulting in increasing numbness starting usually in the extremities.

Other supplements on our shelf besides enzymes that may be of benefit are: MSM, CoQ10, Vitamin D, & Omega 3s, IP-6, Acidophilis, and Membrane Complex.

You are appreciated in Utopia.

Ask Utopia Silver

Silver Soap

I have been using the Colloidal bar of soap successfully. I was just wondering if there is a time limit one would use this to avoid strange side affects? I know its topical so I wasn’t sure if the same guidelines apply for that as does to the internal colloidal silver.

Thank you.



Hi Veronique,
Although silver will kill bacteria, I have never heard of a problem associated with regular use of the soap. Should this occur, there will be clear signs evidenced by drying and scaly skin. If this happens, simply discontinue use until the skin returns to normal. Epidermal bacteria is kind of like colon flora in that if destroyed it comes back very quickly. Personally, I alternate between a bar of silver and a bar of gold. The gold has all the other skin therapy ingredients (aloe vera concentrate, essential oils and plant minerals), but does not have silver.You are appreciated in Utopia.
Ask Utopia Silver

Can Silver Help?

Utopia Silver,
My sister in law who is 71 years old has a problem with her right side of the body it started a few months ago and  now she can only drag her leg she had all kinds of tests done and they can’t find the cause. i thought maybe silver could help! which silver should she take? she is in good health and can’t understand where this is coming from. hope you can help. thank you,

Lorraine in Missouri

Hi Lorraine,
I would presume that she has been checked for a stroke. Beyond that, it sounds like a pinched and inflamed nerve or some sort of neuropathy. This can be caused by any number of things, especially degeneration of the mylin sheath which insulates the nerves as does ‘insulation’ on an electrical wire. Even mineral deficiencies can be a root cause with such issues.

Silver may help if the issue is caused by a virus or bacteria. It will also help with inflammation and tissue regeneration. The Advanced Colloidal Silver is the best one to take orally. The ionic is good topically and when used in the eyes, ears, nose, and throat. Which colloidal silver is most effective, ionic or non-ionic?

Another effective method of reducing inflammation is to do systemic enzymes (heavy doses on an empty stomach and never with medication). Enzyme Complex Take a look at the Enzyme Protocol on our Home Page.

I would also suggest that she go to a Naturopathic Doctor for a consultation if this persists.

You are appreciated in Utopia.
Ben Taylor in Utopia

Ask Utopia Silver

Candida-Yeast Infection

I came across your website while looking for Candida cures. I have systemic Candida overgrowth, and I would like to try your colloidal silver. Do you have a protocol I can use?

P.S. Is it safe to take during pregnancy? I’m not pregnant yet, just curious.

Inna in New Jersey


Hi Inna,
Yes, Colloidal Silver can be very effective against Candida. Go to Yeast Infection/Candida Albicans Protocol. I would also add Selenium Synergy and Enzyme Complex to this protocol. Selenium is a potent immune system booster and systemic Enzymes (taken in larger servings on an empty stomach) will help to break down the cell walls of one-celled organisms.

I would limit therapeutic use during pregnancy and always use Probiotics an hour or so after taking silver to replenish the colon flora.

Let me know if you need any further input.
Ben in Utopia

Customer Testimonials

Tooth Abscess

Utopia Silver,

I have never written a testimonial in my life until now. I recently ordered a bottle of your advanced colloidal silver to have on hand. This is my first experience with colloidal silver. I woke up this morning with a very painful tooth abscess. My neck glands were swollen and very painful. I took a teaspoon of your product and then swished it in my mouth for a few minutes every hour from about 4:30 am until 9:30 am when i went to work. At around noon the abscess opened. I rinsed again with cs. It is now 6:00pm and the pain in my gum and glands is almost completely gone. I will keep using CS for another few days to ensure all infection is gone. This was like a miracle to me because I hate getting conventional medical treatment. I am telling everyone I know a out your product. Thank you.

L. Bach

Customer Testimonials

Skin Growths

Utopia Silver,

We made our own silver and have for years with your generator and silver sticks. We use silver for everything including our animals and even in our cleaning products. Another event happened that was a wonderful experience. I had about 6 growths on the inside of my left knee and had them for some years. I began to spray colloidal silver from my glass spray bottle on my leg at least 3 or 4 times a day. In a couple of months time, those growths are completely GONE. Take anything out of my house, but do NOT take our colloidal silver away from us. Bless you all for your wonderful products and your efficient service over the years.

C. Morris

Customer Testimonials

Great Customer Service

Utopia Silver,

I am so glad for all the time and effort your company has put forth to give us products that are superior. Your website and the girls that answer the phone are very helpful too.

Elva in Texas

Customer Testimonials

Pet Shampoo, Food Wash,Colds & Viruses

Hi Utopia,
We use colloidal silver for EVERYTHING, have sent so many testimonials over the years. Have been using it to spray on our tabletops and computer table every day too and our sinks.

It goes into every dog shampoo we use and we have been thrilled for years at the results. Thinking the water pipes are over 100 years OLD and we do use a ten stage water filter, but we still put a dropper of colloidal silver in our water and always wash our fruits and veggies in filtered water WITH COLLOIDAL SILVER in it. The uses are ENDLESS……….and we KNOW what we have here after all these years of use.

Plus, we are ‘allergic’ people who haven’t caught a bug or virus in so many years……and are so, so grateful!!!! AND no colds. And yes, I spray my nose a couple of times a day with it. For YEARS, I never spent a healthy month at a time.

Best Pet Grooming